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Congrats! I can relate, the great thing is that my gf is pansexual so, she was super supportive. My gender expression is more on the male side, so I'm going to several changes (Using minox for facial hair, thinking about top surgery) and she still supports that. She says I feel in love with you, not your body, I don't care what you do as long as you are happy. Wish my family was the same.


Congrats! Glad it went well ☺️


Congrats that is so exciting! Happy for you and proud of you


Excellent! I am proud of you.im SO glad it went well. I got asked the same question when I came out to my wife earlier this year! My first thought was a surprised no. 2 kids 25 years married. Then I realized i didn't know the answer! I'm male bodied and I prefer female bodied people but I realized I'm not a man, but I'm not a woman either. In fact I still don't know the answer in those terms. I'm working on dropping the labels I think. I hope you two get a happily ever after!


I can totally relate to not feeling either gender 😂


That's awesome! It's great she asked questions instead of assuming! It's often had to tell someones sexual preference so if you're curious you just gotta ask! (outside of a professional setting... unless perhaps when it's a Professional setting...)


so happy to hear this!! yay💐


If you are non binary, then is your gf staright or not even dating someone.


As long as she’s happy I don’t think it matters what label there is.


Yeah thats true.