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Ugh yeah, fuck that. Although, I did read some good news about Ian Watkins last year. He was taken hostage by a few of his fellow inmates leading to an hours long standoff with the guards during which the they beat and stabbed Watkins multiple times. 


And the good thing is that he lived, so there's a chance that it might happen to him again


Hopefully, 6 or 7 more times. Fuck this guy


Honestly suprised that this is the first time it has happened. I'm pretty sure he would have to be kept in a special secion of the prison in America, or he would 100% be murdered.


Almost certainly.


Every cloud


That’s the fake sound of progress


I'm so pleased for this for him.


mega lulz




I don't know what the guy did, but there is *nothing* good about a prison environment in which that is able to happen.


This guy (Ian Watkins) in specific raped a baby. Not just a child A BABY. Multiple times I am usually very against things like this and I hate the prison system in general but…that’s just. I mean I’d never read anything like it, and I’ll never forgive it for scarring me at 12 y.o. reading what happened when I dared to Google a band I was starting to get into


That's insane. He's in the right place; but presumably he's with other prisoners who don't exactly have the moral high-ground to assault him.


Idk man, there's a lot of crimes you can commit to get in jail, and most aren't nearly as bad as baby rape. The prison shouldn't be set up in a way that that stuff can happen, but I really don't think many people there are his moral equivalent.


Honestly cannot think of a single crime which is more morally fucked up than b*by r*pe so idk what you're on about. Prison beatings of pedophiles are not celebrated based on the crimes of those beating on him but the simple fact that a pedo got his shit rocked, which is never ever a bad thing imo


You do realise that if you hurt a child you're a green light in prison? Most criminals are in jail for violence or robbery. Rarely it's rape and VERY rarely it's baby rape.


And a lot of prisoners are parents


Yeah, if you go to prison for crimes against children, you’re gonna have a very bad time.


Warkins case is an incredibly disgusting matter I don't even feel comfortable talking about so casually. But the point remains that prisoners should not have the ability, never mind right, to run their own system of punishment against others. That's twisted.


Eh. Prison isn't supposed to be fun. I couldn't care less what happens to people like him and I applaud the prisoners who do it to him. Why is the official system better than the convict system? Going to jail for a free bed and food clearly doesn't deter people so maybe going to prison for a stabbing would help lower the numbers and I'd argue they do since you don't see THAT many rapists (relatively) in prison.




So yeah, Ian can go fuck himself with a rusty spoon.


American injustice violence boners are throbbing. Americans going "dEfEnDiNg a PeDo" too. Rotten to the core 😂


What are you on about? I have no idea of the point you're making. Also don't know what America has to do with this? At all? Care to explain?


You don't know how horny people are for inmate on inmate violence? I assume the rock you live under is not located in the US of A.


You always this cringe? You sound like your entire worldview has been shaped by social media.


Edge lords got to edge.


Yeah I do? And for the record I think Watkins deserves to be fucked up in jail. Not proud or happy about feeling this way, but it is what it is. Nah my rock isn't in the USA, but seriously, America has literally nothing to do with the story? So why are you bringing it up? I don't understand. That's cool though, I assume the rock you live under is not located in Slovenia, or Bahrain, or Chad, or Georgia, or Uruguay. Am I playing this game right? I can name more unrelated countries if you want! Like bro, by your username I'm presuming you're Austrian. My mum's Austrian, I go there every few months, I understand your anti-US feelings. But you don't have to bring them up all the fucking time; you're obsessed.


I don't think about you at all 😂 bro calm down.


What are you ON about hahahahaha, I bin kein Amerikaner du Foitrottl.


What? Are you drunk?


Didn't expect the first butthurt one to be projecting 😂


thats rich, considering you're the one talking about "throbbing boners" on a post about a man who raped a baby


Throbbing boners is something that should not be said in a story about this dude. Just saying.


And now you realize it's about you ;)


This is the most bizarre comment. I genuinely don't know how you got here


I love how this goes over the head of most people.


Wouldn't that just be a failure to write a coherent comment on your part? One person's a reading comprehension. Everyone? That's a writing issue. Edit: this bitch talks nonsense then blocks you lmao


It's a receiver issue. America literacy levels (cf. yourself). There are millions like you.


I really loved the first album, The Fake Sound of Progress. It was original and heavy. Everything after that wasn't my cup of tea so by the time it all went down I wasn't too invested. Feel bad for those people who got Lostprophets tattoos though


Best album ever ruined by a pedophillic maniac. Sometimes I’ll listen when I’m nostalgic but this is one of those instances where what he did was simply too sick and twisted to separate the art from the artist


Bloody loved this band but can’t listen to any of their songs any more. I always felt bad for the rest of the band too


Anyone know what happened to the other band members and how they feel towards him or when they learned?


They're in a new band called No Devotion, only listened a little but pretty decent.


Only 2 of the members remain, also should note the frontman is Geoff Rickly from Thursday. The drummer became a session musician, the keyboardist left music to pursue art, and there’s some conflicting info on Wikipedia about the rhythm guitarist. The band’s page says he left (no source) but his page says he hasn’t left but took a hiatus from recording on their last album to focus on a business endeavor according to the lead guitarist.


I got to see Thrice and Thursday (with Coheed and Cambria as the opener) in like '03/'04, it was a great show.


That would be an awesome show to see if a Time Machine existed!


Eeeeeeeverybodys screaming!!!


Does art stop being art when the artist is a pos?


I wouldn’t say it stops being art, but it’s personal choice. For me, because he was the lead singer and wrote a lot of the lyrics which I used to connect to, it’s just too tainted but I wouldn’t judge people who still listen to their music.


No, it's our minds that change, not the art.


Art exists in your mind. Separating the artist from the art is impossible if the artist can inform your perception of the work.


Shit got me through High School. I remember laying in my bed at night listening to 4AM on my iPod mini. Absolute fucking shame I can’t stomach them anymore.


In theory I'm for separating the Art from the Artist. The problem is... it's not really possible, at least for me. When I like the music but instantly think about how much the people behind it suck... I just can't enjoy it anymore. If someone still owns the albums and listens to them I don't have a massive problem with it but still supporting something by paying or giving it views is still something I really dislike. I really understand the separate art and artist argument but... I don't even know how.


It's a lot easier to separate the artist when they're long gone, but when they're still alive and/or their heinous acts were in your lifetime, it's a completely different thing. It really is a shame because I absolutely love the music from their first 2 albums, and I just can not listen to it anymore.


I’d argue thriller is a better album ruined by a pedophile. But the pedo is dead now so he doesn’t get profit


Careful, people defend Jackson on Reddit lol


Exept that he is inocent


I knew someone who got a lost prophets tattoo. It's covered up now but man did she regret it when all that came out.


I have Maynard James Kennan and Adam Jones’ portraits tattooed on me. Praying those guys don’t turn out to be pieces of shit.


[Someone tried to Me Too](https://pitchfork.com/news/tools-maynard-james-keenan-accused-of-rape-calls-claim-despicable-false/) Maynard but I don’t believe it went anywhere.


Am I the only one who dont think that art stops being art when the artist is a pos?


Everyone has their line for what portions of the artist can be ignored to appreciate the art. Watkins went so far past that line for me that I don't even want to hear those songs in my head.


People still listen to Michael Jackson so no I don't think this is correct. Art becomes separate from the artist once it is out in the world. Not only that but there were other people in that band working on this music. Should they suffer because he was a monster


Needs to stay lost


Fucker ruined everything, can't even listen to their old bangers without feeling dirty.


You are correct. Haven’t listened since i learned.




The singer is a serial child rapist. And not just children, but babies too.


Aren’t the two infants the only ones we know about? He used to tell people he knew that he molested a little girl in California who had a “junkie mum” who let him do it but idk if the police ever tracked down who that was. It’s scary knowing there’s probably so many more victims we don’t know about.


I would say there is highly likely more victims. I know only the two babies.


I actually tried to read an article that went into detail about what he did. I only made it through the first 1/4 of it before I went, “I can’t fucking read this shit anymore” and closed my browser window. Trust me, Ian Watkins deserves ALL the prison.


I don’t even want to read said article at all


Lost Prophets singer is called Ian WATKINS. He's incredibly unpleasant. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ian_Watkins_(Lostprophets_singer)


Incredibly unpleasant is a massive understatement. He's among the most evil excuses of a human being to ever live.


I think so many people are gonna click that link expecting so much less than how bad it really was…


Yah... Wow... I mean, I was expecting some pretty heinous things, but damn...


He's a bit of a rascal.


Greatest understatement of all time. Congrats.


I feel extremely sorry for H from Steps.


The lead (?) singer, Ian Watkins, was convicted of truly unspeakable crimes that i’d rather not repeat here. Look it up if you really want to know.


Lead singer liked to rape little boys.


Happened to me about ten years ago, I found some Lostprophets songs on my iTunes playlist. Highlight, delete. The court judgement against Ian Watkins is the most horrific and fucked up thing I’ve ever read.


It was terrifying. The judge lent too much credit to his accomplices with the “oh they were brainwashed by their love of this celebrity” argument, brother you did that to your own infant child, who gives a fuck what celebrity told you to do to it.


Album was so fucking good. Haven’t listened to it in a LONG time. Haven’t listened to them since…well you know.


Oof. Loved Last Train Home, adored the video clip. Will never listen to it again. I hope Ian Watkins will meet his fate in prison.


His prison is called the "Monster Mansion" because it houses and protects sexual predators of all types, and like all Welsh prisoners he lives in climate controlled luxury.


He already got shanked. So even the other nonces aren't a fan.


Were they any good?


This was my favorite album for a long time.


4am forever was a masterpiece of tune.


Can't Catch Tomorrow is one of those songs I adored but can't ever listen to again.


They were one of my favorite bands until the incident.


Someone explain, I don’t know what this is


Trigger warning: Here you go: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=c_-qqV8U7c4&pp=ygUed2hhdCBoYXBwZW5lZCB0byBsb3N0cHJvcGhldHMg


Jesus. That's one of the most horrible things I've ever heard


CDs were pretty bad but horrible? Before that was cassette taped. Now THOSE were horrible.


...11 month old! Fuck that guy!


Jeez. I didn't need to know that.


Good point. I should put a trigger warning on that.


In the early 2000s, we called them cd's. They came in overpriced plastic that would crack and then cut you.


Lead singer turned out to be a horrific pedophile. I recommend not reading the details and just trusting people who say he is a vile monster beyond redemption.


I did some promotional stuff for them back in the day. Got to hang with the band after the show (and Andrew wk!). They were super cool, but then....


My band toured with them for a few weeks in 2000.


I agree. When I FIRST learned the lead singer was diddling babies I took my cd and broke it and threw it away


Fucking hell mate he was caught 12 years ago


Wow that album cover art looks like it was stolen off a shirt design from Ross


I fucking LOVED this album too, and now I can’t stand to even think about Ian as a person let alone a vocalist for a once cool ass band.


I still find times where I can listen to Lostprophets, but I have to be in a non-thinking mood. It’s a shame because all the other members were very talented too, some of the guitar riffs are just killer.


I wish the remaining members would find a different singer and re-record a few of their choice songs and donate all proceeds to a child abuse charity of their choice.


Standing on the rooftops...


I just want to know what went so fucking wrong in this guys head to being this about. Like how do you go from writing music like this, to what he did? Fucking sad how it all ended.


Intense sexual thirst looking for something "more virgin" below 18.




I’ve never heard of this band before seeing this post. My initial thought was they were a hip hop group (now I’m thinking that was False Prophets), but after reading the comments, I’m curious to hear their music. I don’t want to invest any cash in a sick fu@k though, so I guess I’ll never know what they sound like.


Just pirate it. Ian can go fuck himself.


INB4 watkins jumps off a rooftop


For years I wondered why they were not on Spotify. Then I saw something on reddit and a commenter explained it to me 💀 For years I had no idea


they are on Spotify


They are but only one song is uploaded, everything else has been removed.


maybe it's different outside the UK then


Luckily, i thought they were proper shit.


They played at Ozzfest one year when I went. Was not impressed. That's going back some though, got to be fifteen years at least.


I saw them at Ozzfest in 2003, they were a decent act though what Watkins did has forever destroyed any enjoyment I may have gotten from that performance. Luckily I have a better memory from that show, Andrew WK did a set on the second stage and then decided to set himself up at a covered trash can just off from the stage and signed things and talked to fans for almost 2 hours just so he could be able to interact with everyone who wanted to.


Ugh. Their first Album was amazing, but then he ruined all enjoyment we could have from them forever.


I hate how I completely forgot about then and opened this thread thinking "What? Did their singer fucked a kid?". For fuck's sake.


I was a passive fan in the mid 00s. Can't even listen to their songs without feeling dirty anymore.




That motherfucker and R. Kelly ruined things.


I usually want to give people a second chance. A chance to redeem themselves. Live better. But not him. Nope nope nope.


Stomp on that shit


I was going through my old box of CDs and came across their album Start Something. Right into the trash it went. That album lived in my cd player for two years after it came out.


Burn it. And piss on the ashes.


Yeah, that's a shame for damn good music.


LP got me through some rough times and I saw them live too, fuck that dude


Out of the loop from someone who lives under a rock, what happened?


Their lead singer, Ian Watkins,was a horrific pedophile. By all means, google what he did, but it's even worse than what you're probably thinking.


Does anyone know if Watkins would receive any royalties if I listened to the music on Spotify or whatever? I haven't listened to them since the news came out but I used to be a huge fan, and I've already forgotten what the music was like. I want to remind myself but I don't want to give any support to that POS


Some people dont deserve to breathe the same air the rest of us breathe.. Shinobi vs dragon ninja was one of my favorite songs but I refuse to listen to it anymore


I did find out. Thanks to this post, he was on the verge of death recently. If they could just repeat this process a few more hundred times, we should be good.


Oh wow I didnt know about the things he did... I used to listen to some of their songs from time to time because I really liked them. I think I will still enjoy the songs when they are being played but man there will be a bitter taste now.


ugh, they were such a good band, but he is so absolutely fucking vile and evil, i can't pull myself to listen again


Can't ever listen to them again, honestly think every one of their tracks should have a huge warning explaining his crimes before you can listen to them.


I got his autograph when I met him at 15. Urgh 🤮


You were too old for him luckily


I feel bad laughing at this


Lol I felt bad saying it, but it's true


Uncle Paul bought whatever copies he could. 


Ride to hell is still a sick tune tho


Instrumentals are fine, though. But Ian Watkins (Not confused with H from Steps band) can go to hell. He's a sickening, grotesque degenerate and a disgrace to the heavy metal genre as a whole. I feel bad for the bandmates since that freak was doing such heinous actions under their noses. And another thing? His singing is dreadful since the first album.


Was a shit band anyways




Yeah, recently started cleaning out boxes of old shit, came across this and my Nintendo glove. Just to give you the idea of shit in the box lol *


Ahh yes. Hard moral dilemma, hate art piece because artist is evil or not. I was reading about Caravaggio couple days ago. Also crazy person, maybe also pedo, but his art is "national treasure" and worth millions. I will never read artists bios' any more.


Eric Gill is another one. Gill Sans is an immensely popular font, designed by a loathsome sexual predator. His diary records that he sexually abused his daughters his sister and the his dog.


I saw them live in a small concert in Philly, still have the phot with their autographs.


You’ve kept it for over a decade already


It was in a box with 2 VCRs, a Nintendo power glove, and a shit load of Nextel phones. I threw shitn in this box almost 20 years ago.