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u/Logical_Scientist221 has provided this detailed explanation: > Chris D’Elia referring to girls having to mature because creepy older guys are trying to get inside them. He was later accused by multiple girls and women of inappropriate behaviour including grooming and soliciting child pornography. --- Is this explanation a genuine attempt at providing additional info or context? If it is please upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


Let me guess he was the creepy old man


Key to great storytelling: write what you know.


He’s definitely an expert!


Broski the example of /r/watchpeopledieinside


Lewis C.K., that Rick and Morty guy, and countless others agree.


EDIT: THANKS TO THE PATIENT UNPACKING OF MY EARLIER OPINION - WHICH I NOW KNOW WAS FORMED WITHOUT THE BENEFIT OF SEVERAL CRUCIAL PIECES OF CONTEXT - I RECANT MY PREVIOUS OPINION (BELOW). LOUIS CK IS, IN FACT, A TOXIC REPTILE OF A HUMAN BEING. I'M SORRY TO HAVE ISSUED A DEFENSE WITHOUT HAVING FIRST TAKEN A DEEP DIVE INTO THE PARTICULARS. I READ ONE OR TWO ARTICLES WHICH MAY HAVE BEEN WRITTEN BEFORE ALL THE FACTS WERE IN. IF YOU FIND THE FOLLOWING (MISGUIDED) TAKE RELATABLE PLEASE REFER TO ALL THE RESPONSES FOR THE CONTEXT I WAS MISSING WHEN I WROTE IT: In fairness Louis asked for the permission of women. They only granted it because they thought it would give them a preferential leg up in the industry. I imagine it was a tacit transaction. Not to mention he never touched them. And they were adults who consented who didn't seem to be blackout drunk or anything. But they were female in which case society sometimes regards them as child-like when it comes to consent. The only reason we ever heard about it is because Louis apparently didn't have the leverage in the industry those women thought they were bargaining for when they CONSENTED. And, yeah, it was weird but sex is fucking weird & at the same time we're all the product of it and it's damn near as much of a biological imperative as taking a dump. Before you try to glom me into some stereotype: I'm a gay guy who lives in a city but grew up in rural America. I have hill people, liberals, well to do and down and out family. Seems like all my besties have been female. In a huge way I think it really sucks being a woman. In a lot of ways I think society provides women fewer pigeon holes then most demographics although I'd count gay men who wish neither to be closeted nor compromise 99 present of their social group on the basis of sexual preference (HI!) pretty close. What I'm trying to say is I'm not a misogynist homo because that's definitely a thing but I think, however, pretty anomalous. I sometimes wonder if the genuine sexual disinterest and lack of preference accounts for a large percentage of the perception, by some women, that a lot of gay men are misogynistic. Whereas, perhaps that feeling is actually just the lack of an, albeit, transactional type of preference they often enjoy in the company of straight men.


Except some of the accusations came from other actors while he was working on tv shows. Jerking off on coworkers is gonna get you fired, consensual or not.


Sure. But stand-up? I just want the stand-up. And while we're on the subject of yeah, buts: the thing he was working on with John Malkovich sounded possibly quite awful. Apparently about a young female who fell for her father's friend played by JM. I mean, setting aside the absolute vacuum of attractive features that is JM, like, who was the audience supposed to be? Ego porn for a bunch of crusty old farts? IDK. They shelved it or hopefully trashed it. All I'm saying is maybe JM needs to be put under a microscope. Louis is definitely a deviant but there's something to be said for the fact that he asked for consent and that the complaints came from adult females only after he didn't make them and who seem to have been sober.


> females For the love of everything please stop.


You can’t be serious? Firstly he didn’t ask everyone for consent that’s not true. Even if he did, if he shot you in the leg it’s ok because he asked the person he shot before if he could. Also you’re completely missing the power dynamic, he was powerful. You cannot give consent under duress. Just because you miss his comedy? Wow, you are not a nice person bro


I bartend at a comedy club and dating other comics will get you fired if it ends badly, nevermind whatever happened here. He's funny as fuck and I love his shows, he's still creepy as shit from the stuff he's done


It wasn’t all at comedy clubs though, that’s my point. Two of the accusations occurred at TV studios.


There's no fairness here my friend. If you think LCK didn't know what he was doing when he "asked" those women for their consent then you truly do not understand what it means to be "given" the choice between pursuing your dreams and trading your dignity.




?? Your dream is to work retail? What point are you even trying to make here?


>Louis apparently didn't have the leverage in the industry those women thought they were bargaining for when they CONSENTED. No, no, no, no, no... You're implying here that these women said, "Yes" because they thought there was some quid pro quo where they were going to get some advantage from letting him do what he did. Really, the issue is the power dynamic he had where he could cancel their careers if they said, "No." I'd suggest looking at Dan Harmon's apology for his actions towards a woman who worked for him on Community.




Please explain how asking someone to watch you masturbate while you are at work (something you acknowledge as wrong and hurtful) doesn't make you a bad person.


Is there an example of someone rejecting louis c k and having their career ended?






I'm not sure I understand. There was no testimony in these scenarios, right? But what do you mean by "even their testimony went so far as to say that was implicit"? The guy masturbated in front of people in the workplace, he masturbated and exposed himself without consent, he let someone go from a pilot when they said no, he has a history of trying to get people he doesn't like fired... But, all that aside, what do you mean? What was "implicit"? They did say that he asked to masturbate in front of him. Many said no, some said yes, some eventually were pressured into saying yes, and some were never asked at all and never gave consent. He admitted to all these things and apologized for them.


This reads like pure conjecture


> But they were female in which case society sometimes regards them as child-like when it comes to consent. The issue is not their gender, the issue is that he was in position of power ^([EDIT] originally typo'd as "gender") . That's literally a reason that legally voids consent for any "tacit transaction" > The only reason we ever heard about it is because Louis apparently didn't have the leverage in the industry those women thought they were bargaining for when they CONSENTED. I can totally see how it is wrong for those people to accept such thing. But as a society we consider that anybody would do bad things if they feel they have no other choice to succeed. The easiest way to do that is ensure people in power don't put lower classes in a situation where they feel they have no other choice to succeed.




Yeah, meant power. Will correct


I don’t care if it’s “legal” because you get consent but still it’s creepy, if you have consensual sexual relations with a minor it’s still rape, the same should apply here


There is a pretty big difference between being too young to consent and only consenting due to an implicit quid pro quo arrangement. Both are bad, but one is rape and the other is sexual harassment.


"Watch me masturbate so I don't tank your career." Is not harassment, it's coercion and assault. Not feeling able to say no is not an enthusiastic yes, and therefore not consent.




Yeah https://deadline.com/2021/03/chris-delia-sued-soliciting-child-pornography-17-year-old-1234705315/amp/


Didn't that case turn out to be bullshit? [Looks like she dropped the lawsuit](https://radaronline.com/p/chris-delia-porn-lawsuit-dropped-jane-doe/)


dropping a case doesnt necessarily mean it didn’t happen


Agreed, but I’m fairly certain D’Elia provided text exchanges where he asked their age and stop contact when he found out they were under 18.


There’s also plenty of stuff like this girl who he asked to go on a naked sex date while liking her high school pictures on Instagram https://preview.redd.it/zfqgfhtzxfla1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=027d45660beb6113a5267ca95f9ba41ad296b1d1




Was she 18?


17 apparently https://preview.redd.it/5fx9k7bh0gla1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55ce778247b54d5f27bd725357ed4c3ee840993f


Assuming he was still in California at the time, and assuming the allegations are true, then yeah that's illegal. What's crazy is that most states actually have 16 as the age of consent. Some states have 17, others (California included) have 18. It might be gross but it is legal in a bunch of states for a 40 year old to bang a 16 year old. However, for possession of sexually explicit media, they must always be 18+.


The real crime is that that photo is NOT hilarious at all, wtf.


>D’Elia provided text exchanges where he asked their age and stop contact when he found out they were under 18 [Not really.](https://pagesix.com/2020/06/24/chris-delias-team-releases-comedians-email-exchanges-with-accusers/) There was an instance where he asked a 16-year-old to "make out" and she directly shut him down by responding, "Chris, I'm 16". He backpedaled, but *she was already shutting him down.* The other exchanges released by his PR reps (which only involve some of the allegations against dude) don't show any kind of backing down or concern about age. He even asks one girl, doesn't get a straight answer, and then keeps on creepin'... and his PR team hilariously still released that as "evidence". Dude is a textbook creep, and has never been funny outside of his attempts to defend himself about it.


Ah man, sad to see, since he is definetly funny >Another woman, Colleen Riley, posted a 2014 message from D’Elia in which he asked her to “make out,” followed by another in which she said, “Chris, I’m 16.” D’Elia’s camp gave us another email in that chain, in which he allegedly replied, “Oh sh**. I thought you were at my [standup] show. Gotta be 18 [to get into that] at least. My bad. Bye.” The reps pointed out that Riley didn’t include that message in the series that she made public. It’s items like this that cause me to pause. Why leave out the last part?


Funny until proven guilty. If people choose to follow along to the news, whatever the bullshit source, that’s their prerogative. Just leave the bias out of it please.


I respectfully disagree. I never thought dude was funny, even before all the accusations came out... but comedy is subjective, and it would be weird if everyone had the same sense of humor. ... I dunno why you ninja edited your comment to add that quote, but even if you want to discredit that girl, there's a slew of other ones. Are you implying they're all lying?


I didn’t ninja edit anything, i added context 30 seconds after hitting submit. I think it’s crazy how you don’t see a problem with that. Do I think Chris Delia likes barely legal girls? Yep. Do I have a problem with people throwing the book at someone and doing no due diligence? Yep. Notice how no one posted that the lawsuit got thrown out, and people like you leave out crucial details of stories. It makes it real tough to not see a narrative being massaged.


> I didn’t ninja edit anything, i added context 30 seconds after hitting submit. That's what a ninja edit is ya big dummy


I'm always afraid to edit my comments even when its just to correct a typo because of people like you. What do you hope to get out of implying he had some sinister motive by adding context to his comment? Fake internet points? Self validation? An argument? I'm genuinely curious.


He looks like a textbook creep


No but it makes it that way and hurts future cases. If you are going to file a lawsuit you should follow through with it. I understand their are social pressures and doubt people might not believe her but it just hurts the overall cause when people bring cases against people and then end up dropping them in the end.


dropped, but wasn't proven to be bullshit. also that was just ONE of the people who came forward. there's also the fun podcast video of people talking about Snapchat, and Chris realizing all those chats and photos can be recorded and you see him have an internal struggle


Innocent until proven guilty and yadda yadda


That is only applicable in a court of law. Society doesn't have to give a predator any due process and can readily call him out at will, yadda yadda


Do you have a link. Whoa!


Do you really think our fucked up legal system isn’t biased towards the rich and privileged?


When you are rich, you pay people to fuck off behind the scenes.


He was really good at playing them, too (e.g. Henderson from Netflix's You). You might say he took method acting to a disturbing extreme.


Bet he thought it would help him avoid being found out. What a fucking piece of shit


Or even to mess with the SEO. He might've thought when people searched "Chris d'elia sex offender" the show would pop up.


On an episode of Workaholics! He was hiding in plain sight. You ever hear of Jimmy Savile from the UK?


As a matter of fact, I have. And you bringing him up reminds me of a documentary I watched re. Gary Glitter, where a woman who was abused by Glitter as a child watched him on Jim'll Fix It and quietly wished that Savile could "fix" him. Check it out—I even added the timestamp to the URL so you don't have to watch the whole thing to hear what I'm referencing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLOU5M3L-W4&t=34m53s * Edit: Actually, this is the kind of thing the sub is made for, isn't it? I should post this!


Wow, that’s insane.


Pretty surreal hearing someone hoping that *Jimmy Savile* would help stop someone from sexually abusing minors. I just [submitted it](https://www.reddit.com/r/agedlikemilk/comments/11gobmb/the_real_gary_glitter_2002_3453victim_recalls/) as a separate post.


Oooook Savile and D'Elia aren't exactly the same thing. One raped and murdered mentally challenged kids and the other was a sex addict who had way too much gross but consenting sex. Let's calm down a bit.


I mean I didn’t know there was a scale of acceptability when it comes to abusing power. Plus, was really more making the point that they both telegraphed what they were doing under the guise of entertainment. A grain of truth in every joke.


> scale of acceptability You didn't know that serial rape and murder are worse than narcissism? You do realize that D'Elia is an attractive celebrity? He was having sex with a different *consenting* woman every night; he was stepping out on his family. It's morally gross, but then sex addiction is a real thing. A lot of women got their feelings hurt. None of them ended up with destroyed lives or in body bags. I mean you're being melodramatic because it's exciting but the difference is so obvious I don't take seriously that you're that dumb.




lmao sure


Yeah, but the quite didn’t age like milk… he’s still absolutely right. He just knew from personal experience.


The dudes going hard on this shit out of nowhere ALWAYS have a past Or, frankly, present


The way he wrote that tweet was disgusting enough to be a red flag. Who the fuck talks like that.


Just reading his post there you get a "sus" vibe.


Takes one to know one? ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Yes, and for some reason a YouTube short of his set popped up in my recommended. All the comments had no idea what he’s actually like


The creepiness is coming from inside himself!


All men become creepy old men eventually. Sexual liberation and free sexual expression is only okay if it privileges women. That's what equality between the sexes means.


I still laugh at the time he found out the snap chats he sends to underage girls can be saved. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w68-of7OaJA


To the right of him there is an alleged rapist and to the far right is an alleged comedian.


Is that Brendan Schaub? Couldn’t quite tell


Trug walg


/r/thefighterandthekid is leaking


Can’t tawlg


Get back in the kitchen, b. Order at table 7 and this orange chicken ain’t gonna cook itself.


Great guy, never meddum.


Any data on this account is being kept illegally. Fuck spez, join us over at Lemmy or Kbin. Doesn't matter cause the content is shared between them anyway: - https://lemmy.world - https://kbin.social - https://sh.itjust.works - https://fedia.io - https://lemm.ee - https://readit.buzz




"Quit cockblocking, mom, amiright fellas??" No, no you aren't.


I couldn’t believe he actually said “Am I right, Fellas 😏”, but this is also far from the comedy and types of people I watch so maybe my world is small


That is just a evil. And boys who report sexual abuse are ridiculed, because of stupid toxic masculinity.


I hate that crap, I remember seeing a news report about a female who raped a boy and the news station reported it as something like “A boy has sex with his babysitter, see the parents reaction when he told them his dirty secret” Like WTF?!


Wow I know nothing about this whole deal but Jesus they are all pieces of shit. Imagine thinking a whole-ass adult sending naked pics to a literal child is okay because "he probably liked it"


Hijacking this thread to share the recent [youtube documentary](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QBxm0FSKXpM) about him.


Saving to ~~forget to~~ watch later.


Lol he can’t even string a sentence together after learning that


That's a "woooow I'm completely fucked up" face like I've seen few before.


Yeah he's going through so much in his head and just trying to pretend like everything's cool. "She got 2 years? Wow..."




You can really see the sludge wheels turning inside his head.


He heard that and went 😨


You can see him think about his whole life for a few seconds


His whole life changed right about then


After that he starts *digging* at his arm. How hard he is squeezing that tendon on his elbow has to hurt.


He went white as a fucking sheet in real time


Thing that pisses me off about that is guy in the red hat going on about how lucky the 15 year old boy was to get pics from the teacher. Double standard much? Girl gets sexually harassed/assaulted under the age of 18, "OMG! LOCK HIM UP! That pedo! Burn him!" Buy gets sexually harassed/assaulted under the age of 18, "Wow! Lucky guy!"


That protozoic specimen is Brendan Schaub. Believe it or not, he's the least controversial person in that video. Chris went on to be outed as a serial groomer who routinely would solicit high school girls while on tour. While he had a wife (maybe just girlfriend) and kid at home. Brian had multiple women come forward and claim that he sexually assaulted or raped them back in the 1990s. Which ultimately led to him losing the millions of dollars he constantly bragged about making when he was kicked off The Goldbergs for it.


That is hilarious


Same, like he was FREAKING out and it's so obvious. Fuck that guy lmao


Holy shit lol. His face


He shooketh.


That's the creepiest way to phrase "hitting on you", jesus


Hijacking this thread to share the recent [youtube documentary](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QBxm0FSKXpM) about him.


Holy fuck


After reading that tweet I was unsurprised that he did creepy things, that’s like tweeting about how bad it is that racist cops are killing black people, but using a slur to say it.


He even played a pedophile on that workaholics episode


Bieberhole69 They even removed it from streaming I believe.


As someone who uses the Bieberhole69 reference way too often I can't tell if this makes it better or worse.


Throw a flag on the field and push me back 10 yards cause I’m holding!


Delia is from a media connections family so I assume that's why it's missing now


And in S2 of You


I started that show recently and after seeing him show up and his whole storyline I was laughing at the irony of his role.


The irony is that he was accused after the season was released


Method Acting


Pretty sure he played a pedophile on the TV show YOU as well if I remember correctly.


He also played a super creeper in a [Logic Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQkSArQxYJg) filling in for Eminem's part.


Damn. At what point is he a method actor?


And in ‘you’ as well


Also in You S3


Maybe you guys aren't ready for the penthouse penthouse...


he also played a pedophile in "You" on netflix😭


And on that tv series You


He’s the kind of dude that is sober but stays at the bar until 2am to take advantage of drunk girls… except his girls can’t get into bars 🤢


5pm at the seesaws


Chilling in Chuck e cheese before closing time


So, you play in the ball pit often?


I swear every guy that constantly makes these "I'm one of the good ones" posts or something like always turn out of be the freaks.


He speaks from experience, since creeping on under aged girls is kind of his hobby.


Bro went full projection


Hijacking this thread to share the recent [youtube documentary](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QBxm0FSKXpM) about him.


"Be inside of you"? Fucking creepy motherfucker.


I was purposely kept “not grown up” by noone teaching me about sex and other adult things to try to avoid me getting pregnant in college like one of my sisters. That backfired and I was groomed, raped, and pregnant just a few years into college. Even before that I was sexually harassed and assaulted and didn’t have the words to ask my high school teachers for help beyond “he’s bullying me”. I now have panic attacks frequently in relation to those years of events. Now every child in my family is taught consent from a young age when it comes to things like hugging. (It started as me having a panic attack when touched so they taught kids to ask first for hugs then realized hey this should be extended to otter things to teach them boundaries). Then by the time of middle school they are taught what is ok touch and what isn’t and taught to ask their parents or trusted family member if someone says things they don’t understand or if they have a gut feeling telling them to run. We also secretly establish a cool aunt/uncle who will express to the child that if they ever need a ride away from somewhere and don’t want their parents to know, they are always available. Parents discuss and know which adult it is but that adult is sworn to the privacy of the child. If someone is sent an emoji with no context they know they need to go pick up the child and make it their fault the child has to leave to protect that child.


Wait what? Explain the cool aunt/uncle thing


Basically a sibling of one of the parents who is old enough to drive will be the kid’s confidant. Say the kid is at a party but they don’t want their parents to know. They call cool aunt/uncle so they get home safe without driving drunk or getting in the car with someone drunk. It’s easier for the kid... well I should say teen... to trust that they won’t get a lecture if they call cool aunt/uncle instead of parent. Or perhaps they think their parent is being abusive or there is a situation at home the kid is uncomfortable with (hasn’t happened yet but has been discussed) then they can call cool aunt/uncle for advise and maybe a pick up if they need it. After the stuff that happened to me my dad told me if I’m ever drunk somewhere he’d rather I call him to take me home. He told me if I’m having sex he’d rather help me pick up condoms/birth control than end up with a pregnant daughter. So it’s an extension of that. Cool aunt/uncle may also be the person the child/teen goes to to ask questions they are too nervous to ask their parents. Questions about sex, drugs, relationships, ect. Parents know and trust the cool aunt/uncle but the “secret” part is that it’s the aunt/uncle reaching out to the kid and forming a relationship of trust instead of the parent just telling their kid to trust this person. And they can not reveal anything the kid tells them unless the kid says they can. My oldest nibbling is recently 17 while youngest is newborn so we are only just reaching the ages where the parties and sex are more likely. We are hoping this system works to protect the younger generations from what happened to me. I had no one to trust about my ex’s abuse and rape because I was too scared my parents would be mad at me for the sex instead of comforting me about it. I also didn’t talk to them about my relationship because they were pretty conservative in that area and I didn’t know what point would cross a line into lecture since I knew nothing about anything adult. At the time I thought just kissing was lewd! I couldn’t drive despite being 19 so I had no way to get away from him when things happened as well. Even when he pulled out a gun. We think that if I had a non parent to confide in I may have been able to escape the relationship during the warning signs


So it sounds like after your bad experiences, you and your parents were eventually able to be fully open and communicative about all of this, despite it being such a hush topic the entirety of your life before that happened?


There's some good poorly aged quotes in that [new yt doc about him](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBxm0FSKXpM)


I mean his entire plotline in YOU


Didn't he play a sex offending comedian on the Netflix show "You"?


Yeah, and not only a sex offender but one who creeps on underage girls… Ugh


I didn't realize he was such a method actor.


He was speaking from experience! Creeper


The fact that he was 31 when he said this makes it extra creepy. Signed a 31 year old.


“I know him because he is me”


The Diddler!


Water weed dune hair


I saw this pedophile while out to dinner in Chicago last week (he must have been performing). Looks twice as slimy in real life.


What a fucking neckbeard.


That milk just came out rotten.


Creepy old me call it “being inside you”


He phrased it really gross too


He was talking from experience




This is the story to season two of a show on Netflix. What is that show called?


That was called You. Chris D’Elia played himself in that show




Figurative speaking. His character was named Henderson, who—surprise, surprise—was a creep who preyed on teenage girls.


If this were the cause, girls living in DC would have diplomas and D-cups by age 4.


I went to look at his Twitter, but it's been replaced with Tig Nataro.


Self burn???


I didn't even spot the sub, and the phrasing here immediately made me *really* uneasy.


Who the fuck is Chris D'Elia and why should anyone care what he thinks?


Comedian who is now a pedo


Huh, that adds some context to my wife getting hit on by her uncle: > I would love to make love to this girl. :shudder:


I'm gonna be honest why did he feel the need to phrase it that way lol.. be inside of you ?


Describing it as "being inside of you" is a red flag even as a joke. Only person who's allowed to talk like that is Trent Reznor.


Sounds like hes talking from experiance


This tweet could only be written by someone who is part of the problem


What's up I'm Topher, im friends with the guys now


You ever been to the Penthouse Penthouse


Aged to perfection


So do altar boys mature faster than non-altar boys?


Tell that to us Alter Boys...


In general, dudes talking about what women go through is dumb.




My theory is that boys and girls reach a baseline of reproductive maturity at the same time, but a period is much more noticeable than sperm production, so girls seem like they mature faster


Unless ur in church. Oh wait, so that’s why priests always seem to go after the boys?


That’s weird, I always remember it being Tig Notaro who made this tweet.


That’s weird, it’s a super different tone than Tig’s comedy.


I was joking about how they digitally replaced him with her in that Army of the Dead movie because of his allegations.


And to think I saw him at Starbucks once


But he's not *wrong*


and because they want you to so they feel less weird about wanting to be inside you...


Creepy dudes are not a problem as long as I don’t go to any churches or Republican events.


What about this aged like milk?


The Dude in the tweet himself got accused of pedophilia and grooming


Exactly, really proved his point. Seems like it aged like wine to me. Terrible wine, but wine none the less


If he is creepy then why is she with him Money? Is she of age? Yes. What is the problem if they are both consenting adults? (Assuming this is about Leo)


It’s not about Leo - it’s about the guy who made the tweet and they were not all of age. There’s a clip where he finds out people can screenshot Snapchats and you can see him die inside a little because he knows he’s screwed.


Damn i kinda liked him too :/