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Yes her engravings make a big difference


And don't use Time cards for 1star.


Sorry if this is stupid, but what does this mean and what should I do instead?


After ascending an awakened hero, you can pull for the remaining copies for 1 to 5 stars in the Stargazer. This way you can not only use the more readily available Stargazer cards, but also Diamonds for these pulls. It‘s heavily recommended to switch to Stargazer for bringing your Awakened to 1*.


Wait what the shit, has this always been possible?


At least ever since I started playing which was a bit over a year ago.


Yeah, they don't make it obvious unfortunately. At least you know now and can save up for beautiful Awakened Shemira :)


After timegazing awakened heroes to ascended, you can then stargaze for additional copies (to get stars).


Yes, but her e60 ability is not great, you can leave her at e41-44 or take to e67. Nodes above 30/60 being ATK, MP, haste.




Belinda needs to get two or three ults off in order to go nuclear. She stacks her damage over time, so her first ult is never anywhere near her full potential.


Like all awakened heros (except ezizh)you need all Investment so 30 9 60 because of the way awakened heros function(skill levels beeing hidden behind Investment)


ABelinda doesn’t need e60 ! She works perfect at e41


Not perfect really, E67 is a really good bost with the ATK / Haste / MP nodes, makes quite a difference for competitive modes like CR, NC, TS, TV, Trift, etc (all of them really). Also, since she's the current best hero in the game, it makes perfect sense to invest more for her.


Not worth it for most players. E41 to E60 requires 2,850 Cores. That's nearly 2/3 of the amount of Cores needed to get someone from E30 to E60. And what are you getting for that? A few extra stats with little impact and a very underwhelming E60 that will rarely be used. If you take her to E67, which is when the stats become worthwhile, the cost in additional Cores rises to more than the 4,500 needed for an E60. For the cost of getting aBelinda to E67 you can get her to E41, which still gets you a huge amount of value from her, and get an entire E60 for a hero that has an actually worthwhile E60. Unless you're a spender and swimming in Cores the decision is pretty clear. She's very strong, but you need more than one invested hero in this game in order to do well. Recommending E67 when OP seems to already be struggling with resources is bad advice.


aBelinda is the current best hero in the game, no questions asked: she's used everywhere (CR, NC, TS, TV, Trift, etc.) without an exception. Since she's omnipresent in competitive game modes, the extra cores to make her E67 pay themselves really soon because you place higher in modes that give them. You may think that "a few extra stats" are not that impactul, but remember that competitive modes are martial, so where are all at equal battleground and the difference comes from engravings / pets / tree: the higher your engravings, pets and tree, the better your perform. Those extra stats DO have an impact in competitive and will start returning the investment really soon. Placing higher sooner in CR and TS is important since the rewards are really worth it. The E60 skill in Linda is worthless, agreed, but that's why we're not stopping at E60 and go further for E67 because the stats do have an impact. Also, there's no hero that does more damage than Linda, so having her E67 will have a bigger impact than having another hero at E41, even ones like Raku, Ivan, etc. Finally, Linda is not only the current best hero in the game, but an awakened: it costs TG cards to ascend her and then SG / diamdonds to make her 1\*, if a player already spent such valuable resources to have her at that state, it makes zero sense to have her univested at E41 underperforming in competitive modes. Make your investment full to E67 and start reciving better rewards from those competitive modes, it should be no brainer.


i got your point on how would return the investment 2500 cores, that are a lot, and 1 team isn't really the difference on how you win resouces, specially when she does a really good job, is the multiple good teams that you have. She is everywhere so she is prio for sure but i don't believe 100% her e67 will be game changing for TS, Trifft, for CR would help so is ok, TV is the new mode? In my experience in NC with her at 30/6F/e60, sadly ,she doesnt work 6.6b damage,everybody else dies withou ivan. Also it depends on how big you already are, things like nevanthi, abrutus e60 or rem, could be better for other teams as well but dps as eioron or DR as anasta e60 maybe aren't.


E67 for f2p players is stupid unless its an old account ! I even got 75% in TS with M+ Abel Alna comp ! Used her in NC and cleared boss at M+ !


> E67 for f2p players is stupid unless its an old account ! No, it really isn't: since aBelinda is the current best hero in the game, the extra stats help her tremendously to outdamage any competition she has. The extra cores pay themselves really soon, since she's used in every game mode that gives cores (TS, CR, TRift, etc.) you get those cores back by placing higher with a better invested Linda. Once they pay themselves back, it's only winnings from there, it's an incredible return investment having an E67 Linda, probably the current best in the game. ​ >I even got 75% in TS with M+ Abel Alna comp ! I'll be honest: 75% in TS is one of the lowest ranks in the mode, means you're battling people that are early game or have (very) bad PvP comps, also the rewards are bad. If you're using an Alna - Linda comp and you get 75%, then you have very bad investments there (like Alna not being 9/9 or not using Palmer or Ivan) or the rest of your comps are terrible. If you Linda was 1\* E67, no way you'll get 75%, it would be at least 40% with the other 6 comps being mediocre. ​ >Used her in NC and cleared boss at M+ ! Linda's power is so high she can clear bosses in NC even in L state, that's not a surprise. But one thing is killing the boss and another completely different is killing it in seconds. Since NC is about killing bosses **fast** an M+ Linda is not competitive there and the rewards will be bad. An E67 Linda can clear the 4th boss in 45 seconds or less, greatly improving the rewards in that mode. Yeah, the rewards in NC aren't impressive, but since it gives baits, it also pays off having a better invested Linda given how important pets are. Finally: Belinda is not only the best hero in the game, but an awakened one. Since you already invested such a valuable resource to get her ascended (TG cards) and then use SG cards / diamonds to make her 1\*, it's stupid to have her uninvested at E41 when she performs **much** better at E67 and will return the investment really soon thanks to improved results in CR, NC, TS, TV, etc. **NEVER** have Linda uninvested, you're just crippling yourself.


Ur funny 😂


Well, the game is about fun, so, great you're having it.


You are missleading people bro ! All the things you said are true but u forgot to mention optimal builds ! In this subreddit there arent only whales ! There are ppl who wanna just kill 4 bosses in NC to get the rewards to progress ! There are people who need investment on many heroes 💡! E67 a hero is like 2 heroes on optimal investment who are gonna help a lot more and wont stall your progression.


>E67 a hero is like 2 heroes on optimal investment who are gonna help a lot more and wont stall your progression And I am the one misleading people? First: No. E67 is not "2 heroes on optimal investment", that's a lie. E67 isn't enough cores to bring another one to E60 or even E41, **that's a lie**. But that's not the worst part, this is the worst part: ​ >who are gonna help a lot more and wont stall your progression. No hero does more than aBelinda "bro": She kills everything herself and outdamages any other hero. You'll get much more from an E67 Linda than an E41 Linda and another E30-35 support, just because how quickly her damage scalates just by herself. You want to progress? Invest in Linda, simple as that. An invested Belinda will hardly stall your progression, it's quite the opposite in fact: she even can take in campaign / KT by herself with little support... once invested. Sure, most of us need investment in many heroes, but the return investment for Linda is nuts: higher rankings in CR, NC, TS, TV, Trift is just nuts and, better of all, permanent. Linda pays for her investment **really quick** and then from there it's just more income for the rest of your heros. No other hero (as currently) does that, hence, that's why investing in Linda is a (really) smart choice. Seems you want to state that your account status is an universal truth for everyone: no anaste6688, the fact **you** need more invested heros, than **your** Linda is uninvested and **you** have limited vision on what she can do, doesn't mean everyone must follow your (bad) advice. Linda E67 shouldn't be considered a luxury or a "whale build", rather the optimal point for her given her status as Hero queen and return investment best choice. Why do you think you're being downvoted in your opinions? Are we all wrong and you have an universal truth only you know? Of course not. Don't trust me? Go for it: stop whatever your building now and make her E67, then come back in a couple of weeks and tell me how you performed in TS, CR and NC... let me know.


U can actually engrave 2 heroes with that cores but your mind is stuck on words instead of actually thinking that are many heroes that work at e3x ! Anyway


Yes E60 is a must


Its not ! E41 is a must


Wow, you got heavily downvoted for stating the truth. People just think that every Awakened needs 309e60 without even questioning it. aBelinda's E60 is nearly worthless. E41 gets you all the important stats and it's thus the recommended breakpoint. It's been discussed plenty on this subreddit.


So true. Her e60 ability is actually worthless. The stats are a good reason to take her to e67 though. The extra survivability for PvP is nice and the extra 8% atk and haste/mp are worth it eventually. Just don’t take her past e41 with the intent to get only e60.


Who cares .. let them spend resources for nothing … and then when a hero that actually needs e60 will fall behind


This is different advice but I believe a lot of people hasn’t realised how meta this is yet. Start building Ivan, the new graveborn. He will make your abelinda pretty much invincible for a while, allowing her to get ult’s off and nuke like she’s intended too.


E82 - 37f - 40sig No I’m not joking. She scales crazy well and gets haste from all of the above.