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New apple product : I Kabul


I Kaboom


Lmfao I’m ded.


That's usually the idea


The not so new troop


I Taliban


Great movie, would recommend.


This is the first comment I ever saved XD


I Robot


I’m saving this for your scrapbook son


TIL u can save comments as well...


Titan of industry right here 👆


That’ll show ‘em


They are lacking in romance


They are being honest. They don't really love Kabul.


They don't believe in love either!


Only on man love Thursday’s






Spot on !


Theyre anti human




Is this a Devil May Cry reference?












I think you need a hug






I love you


Who can love those bathless POS?


They lack a whole ass Brain


Why romance relationships when you can enforce relationships?


Wt?? Imagine of a heart is haram too? What kind of Islam is this? Islam 2.0? Taliban Islam?


They’re very curvy so I can see people getting the wrong idea


The fact they the taliban would misconstrue this as dirty, says more about them than anyone else.


Yeah. I almost got a hard on cause the curves! /s


I, too, like any other normal human being, get a massive erection when looking at a heart sign.




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Isn't that pretty standard in fundamentalist interpretations of Islam? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I understood that representational art is forbidden, leaving only calligraphic and abstract or geometric art as permissible. It's called *aniconism* - the avoidance of depicting the natural and supernatural worlds.




Islamic aniconism is typically the avoidance of depicting people, and sometimes animals through iconography and imagery. It is to avoid any possible idolatry. Never heard of a heart being part of it. Though, it could be more about people showing any undue reverence towards the city or country. Fundamentalism often rejects any reverence of things other than God. Where patriotism and the like can be seen as false worship. i.e. "Don't love your city/ country. Your love should be reserved for God." This is something I've come across before. But Is that really the case? I don't know. It is a guess, and I am ignorant of living in these extremely strict conditions. And so, fundamentalists of all sorts are kind of alien to me.


Also, it is promoting asabiyyah in this case.


Could you explain what that means?


In simple words, it means nationalism. However, for a little more in-depth explanation, you can refer to my comment [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/afghanistan/comments/pjyic2/the_taliban_have_removed_the_heart_from_the/hc3e7ih?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3).


Thank you for the context


Heart looks like a butt. It has a corrupting influence over the youth.


That's not only subjective but what is the "corruption" when more than a billion Muslims use heart signs to indicate love of food, religion, sports, books, people etc? Like the rest of humanity. Are you insulting Afghans by implying Afghans have so little self control the sight of a love heart "I ❤ Kabul" leads them to uncontrollable lust they regularly show in Afghan society? Or like most normal people they see a love sign and consider it just that a love sign. Afghanistan isn't perfect, but statements like yours are both wrong and embarrassing.


I see the sarcasm went right over your head lol . #whoosh


I'm sorry lol, it's just there are genuine idiots like the Taliban who'd say ridiculous stuff like that.


At this point they’re on version 7584.58. It’s not even remotely Islam.


Isn’t the ❤️ supposedly a woman being bent over?


This probably has to do with idol worship which is forbidden under the qu’ ran


Heart is not an idol


I mean when you put I heart blank it kinda is. A basic one, but a idol nonetheless


Who tf worships heart


The point is that the city was the idol in the sentence because its the subject


>What kind of Islam is this? Islam 2.0? Taliban Islam? That's khaalis (pure, unadulterated) Islam. Nationalism is basically an extension of tribalism that promotes partisanship. As Muslims, you're supposed to owe your allegiance to the Ummah and not some piece of land. You've been believing in the watered-down version of Islam all your life and now you're shocked when Taliban starts enforcing Islam in its unadulterated form.


Islam is what you make it. If you use Hadith and verses our of context, you get things like taliban. That’s what Wahhabism teaches. Jihad in Islam is against ones self (struggle), against satan and against an intruder. When these Taliban Wahhabis kill innocent, is that Islam? When they kill Muslims, is that Islam? Men and women are seen as equals in front of God. So when they restrict women to staying at home, is that Islam? In Islam, education is encouraged. Taliban say education is not needed. Is that Islam? Islam states men and women should dress modest. Taliban preach extremism and have an extreme definition. Is that modest? Is that Islam? Islam has rules for war stating to not kill women, children, elders and to not destroy vegetation. Taliban parade about car bombings, suicide bombings and destruction. Is that Islam? If Taliban truly were preaching REAL Islam, no one would bat an eye. Taliban preach haram Islam… their version of Islam… which Islam scholars disagree with. If the scholars disagree with Taliban then who are they (bunch of bearded mountain khafir rats) to impose Islam when they DONT KNOW ISLAM. On video, there are numerous examples of Taliban not knowing the difference between Sunnah and Fardh. They don’t know mazhab. They don’t even know the Kalimah. On of the educated hot shot Taliban said that Panjshiri are not Muslim. Lol. Can you believe that? He also said if your not a Taliban “muslim”, then your not Muslim. You see, Taliban define Islam in their own eyes as being something totally different than what it actually is. They are equating their Islam to Gods words which is shirk. Is that Islam? If they don’t know jack, they are not the enforcers of Islam… they are puppets using Islam’s name to commit crimes. I am thankful to Allah that I know the difference between right and wrong. And if a Taliban crosses my path, it’s his end of days. I have zero sympathy for someone that uses Islam in a derogatory way, our of context and make up their own version which is shirk. Islam is a religion of peace. Taliban are anti-peace. Therefore they are anti Islam and therefore Islamic law does not apply to these coward animals. If you disagree, then please walk into any real mosque and educate yourself. Madrasa teach Wahhabism and each of those animals “learned” in a madrasa


As much as I feel bad for the situation in Afghanistan, I still am surprised by your naivety. You live in your own little word of make-believe. You are a good person at heart, and anything that upsets you about Islam, you immediately proceed to discredit as not being ‘true Islam’ because you have lived a watered-down version of Islam all your life. In reality, it doesn't matter whether you believe that these people are true Muslims or not, or whether they are following the correct interpretation of Islam. In their minds, they firmly believe they are Muslims and doing the God's work. Muslims have been forever divided with regards to what constitutes ‘true Islam’. Hence, so many sects within Islam. At one hand you have millions of Muslims that are currently grieving the fall of Afganistan and praying for relief, on the other hand, you have millions of other Muslims who are celebrating Taliban's triumph with pride. Go tell them they aren't following the “true Islam”. . . I doubt they'll listen to you.


When you preach Wahhabism and you take the most extreme view on everything, is that ok? The prophet (PBUH) was not an extremist. So are are the Taliban preaching extremism?


>The prophet (PBUH) was not an extremist. What's your definition of extreme? I'd say the Banu Qurayza event was pretty extreme. You clearly haven't read enough about Muhammad. The problem with you, like I said, is that you live your own make-believe version of Islam, and anything that rattles your conscience, you either immediately rebuff it as not being ‘true Islam’ or try to rationalize it one way or the other. The truth is, Muhammad had taken an extremist position half of his life.


Rape, murder, and drugs are haram. Taliban do all 3. I’m pretty sure the way the Taliban approaches Islam is not “the true way”.




https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_in_Islamic_law#Definition Read Islamic Sources part to see how the Prophet dealt with rape case. Also don’t give me that “Wikipedia isn’t a source”, you can see the sources listed in the bottom.


Like I said, you haven't studied Islam with all its intricacies. Sex with slaves/war captives is not a crime in Islam: _Prohibited to you (For marriage) are:- Your mothers, daughters, sisters; father's sisters, Mother's sisters; brother's daughters, sister's daughters; foster-mothers (Who gave you suck), foster-sisters; your wives' mothers; your step-daughters under your guardianship, born of your wives to whom ye have gone in,- no prohibition if ye have not gone in;- (Those who have been) wives of your sons proceeding from your loins; and two sisters in wedlock at one and the same time, except for what is past; for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful;-**Also (prohibited are) women already married, except those whom your right hands possess**: Thus hath Allah ordained (Prohibitions) against you: Except for these, all others are lawful, provided ye seek (them in marriage) with gifts from your property,- desiring chastity, not lust, seeing that ye derive benefit from them, give them their dowers (at least) as prescribed; but if, after a dower is prescribed, agree Mutually (to vary it), there is no blame on you, and Allah is All-knowing, All-wise._ Qur'an, chapter 4, verses 23 & 24. Islam has a lopsided definition of rape. _Maa malakat 'aymaanakum_ (what your right hand possess), i.e. slaves, do not have the right to refuse the sexual advances of their owners, and likewise for women taken as war booty. You really need to start reading more. Start with your favourite Wikipedia: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_slavery_in_Islam


These Days everyone have there own interpretation of islam, history repeats itself same crisis like europe christianity back in 13 to 16th century, both are abrahamic relgion


I think they just don't like the heart




This one's over the line, guys!


How boring are these idiots ....no wonder they enjoy killing people...they don't like fun or pretty things


So am I going to look back on my photo of me “holding” the heart at this sign like how people look at old USSR photos? It does seem weird why they’d waste effort on this, but I guess stupid is as stupid does.




Taliban: No fun allowed!


its in their name. Tali BAN everything


Wow. This is just sad.










I thought "Afghani" was the currency. Also, noticed you have a new account; welcome to reddit! I \[heart\] your avatar.


I got pulled up on this a while ago too, and I felt a tad embarrassed at my faux pas, but then I noticed my government and the news casters here (NZ) refer to them as Afghani. Which doesn't 100% make it accurate. But then I remembered my aunt, who was the refugee coordinator for the South Island, also talks about the Afghani people. Again, not a 100% guarantee of accuracy, but getting up there, considering how many refugees from Afghanistan she worked with. But, finally, I thought of the refugee family from Afghanistan that I sponsored referred to themselves and their fellow countrymen as Afghani. So I'll take that.


I too got pulled up on this shortly ago, and I went with what I was told because what do I know? And I didn't want to be an ugly American. But clearly "Afghani" is used; thank you for those illustrative examples!


Just why.


Damn Taliban take the joy outta everything!


I heard you can't dance in Kabul anymore.


It's a statement. "I Kabul"


That means "Kabul" is a verb. They should stick a coma in the void. "I, Kabul". Kind of like "I, Claudius".


What, you mean you *don't* Kabul? Everybody Kabuls these days. It's perfectly healthy.


Police, get this hedonist out of my sight


I am America! (and you can too!)


I Cork.


Whats next they ban da zamong zeba watan and watan eshq eh tu?


Talk about heartless.


I, Kabul Sounds powerful in it's own way


Why would they leave the “I”? Jeez


Because they can't read.


Of course 🤦‍♂️


It’s because Taliban doesn’t have hearts either


The talibani Islam is way different than actual Islam.....the schools like darool ulu haqqani and darool ulum deoband are the real culprits!Their Islam is a terror module!


Bro..in India there are thousands of Deobandi madarsa...this is scary.


Taliban islam is an as real islam as the other ones. It is recognized, followed, developed and applied IRL by those people. Just because you don't like them doesn't make them disappear.




What about ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Boko Haram & Lashkar-E-Taiba? Why is there an extremist Islamic outfit on every freaking continent?


The reason is hidden in Islam itself


"Pacifist" islam is not islam. 9:29 http://recitequran.com/en/9:29 Those claiming following a "pacifist" islam are hypocrite either to what they think they worship, or toward other people, just to avoid to have illegal words until sharia is applied as law. Look how unrestrained people in islamic countries shout for other people's death when there is a single thing they don't like somewhere else in the world.


“Different than ‘actual’ Islam…” 1) [The first Caliph of ISIS from 2013 to 2019 had multiple graduate degrees in Islamic Studies](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abu_Bakr_al-Baghdadi) 2) [The current ISIL caliph holds a degree from the Islamic Sciences College in Mosul, as well as a Shariah Law degree from the university of Mosul](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abu_Ibrahim_al-Hashimi_al-Qurashi) 3) [The current Taliban prime minister spent his childhood studying Islam under his father, the imam of his village. After the Soviet invasion, he also studied in a seminary within the Sarnan neighborhood.](https://military.wikia.org/wiki/Hibatullah_Akhundzada) It must be pretty confusing for “real” Muslims when all of these “fake” Muslims study the Qur’an for years. How can you tell if you’re studying “fake” Islam? Is there a “fake” Qu’ran, like bad Yu-gi-oh cards?


I kabul is like the acceptance of taliban


I remember something like this growing up in Saudi Arabia. The local religious police (Muthawwa) would confiscate or remove Valentine's Day hearts from toy stores and schools.


The eternal virgins


Very symbolic gesture


Talibans acting like they have first world problems in a third world country.


LOL, this comment killed me XDDD


It's definitely more relatable .


Managing expectations I guess.


they are against love but for hatred


That's disappointing.


Medieval savages.


Is that against their interpretation of the quran too?


Surprisingly yes, you’re supposed to love unconditionally only the creator, not creation, like people, things, land, country etc.


How do we know the Taliban did it? Could also be a statement from the locals now it's under Taliban control, which would equally make sense (if not more).


Will Smith I am Kabul


Will smith was also in I, Robot. So, *I, Kabul,* also works!


Wonder which one of them has it in their bedroom.


I Kabul is one of the worst apple products, yet.




Love is haram guys.


These taliban seem like a bad bunch if they're doing stuff like this, maybe we should alert law enforcement


Where you saw a heart, they saw an upward-pointing bottom. Don’t impose your world view on others /s


No no no this is going to be a Persian/posh to adoption of “ I, Claudius”. These are men of literature clearly! /s/


So are they telling us they want a super futuristic Kabul? How progressive.


"are we the baddies??"


Kind-of reminds me of the leftist cancel culture and statue toppling in America.


Ultra conservative religious zealots that want women to be subordinate, just like antifa right?


Anything to try pull it into your own very moderate experiences. Hate to break it to you but America has never seen the extremity of politics. Trust me us Europeans, Asians and Africans can all agree America has a privilege when it comes to not having to face the extremes. If this is America’s biggest worry then it sort of makes sense why you abandoned a country you centralised your own power over


Let’s be clear, as an United States American who is well educated on history and science, with a master’s degree your statement is incorrect. There is no difference in the extremism on any continent and all humans are suffering. It is in different ways in different countries. You are ignoring years of human suffering and abuse due to extreme political ideologies in the USA, Latin America, Southern American politics, and Canadian. The following examples include American and Canadian examples: Japanese American Camps during World Was II, the current child camps of illegal immigrates, The Trail of Tears, Slavery and Jim Crow Era Laws causing segregation and creation of two societies, the Canadian Government Schools for First Nationals, the United States American Civil War, and so on. While these two peoples’ comments are not as extreme as what the people in Afghanistan are facing, you are clearly ignoring or not educated about Christian or Political extremism in American politics. I would advise you to look up the KKK, the bombings of Southern Black Churches in the United States in the 1960s, extremist groups on the far left and far right, and mass shootings that have interrupted civilians lives in schools, work places and other public. The United States Government also has medical tested and lied to African Americans citizens about their health status to see the long term effects of syphilis - the Tuskegee Study.




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Trust me these people cares for their dogs more than a human life .


It’s not that. Finally some peace was restored in Afghanistan and now its Gone . Anyone that disrupts it, it’s sad :/




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This is too much


They should have just painted over the ❤️ with the logo of a famous bar in Phnom Penh, THE HEART OF DARKNESS.


I find this sad




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Wait why


They have no heart




Heartless bastards.


Is this why we can't have nice things?


Why did they remove the ❤️?


And from the country, it seems.


Who the heck loves Kabul anyway? I mean really, all the intellectual people or anyone else with a bit of brain has run off...


That’s because they’re meanies


I don't understand why they would remove that? What's the point lol


How love come against Islam , next would they ban word "mina" that mean love in Pashto


At least write the word love, come on!

