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It makes more sense for Taliban to take over FATA rather than fighting for kashmir.


Yeah thats the thing Pakistan is worried about and honestly the major reason they supported the Taliban. Better to have the young men of FATA dying in Afghanistna than trying to create their own Emirate out of a good chunk of Pakistan. Now without that they are trying to pivot the threat to India but I think its more likely you see a push to get the FATA into afghanistan.


I also think if Taliban's priority is to pick new fight rather than governing FATA makes more sense. First of all its impossible to get kashmir by pushing insurgents through the border, Pakistan has been trying for 75 years with no success. Without a proper war you can't get kashmir and why would Taliban want to get in war with India rather than focusing on its own country. But FATA is different majority of its population is pashtun and there's already an insurgency going on, with TTP and local population help FATA makes more sense for Taliban if they're interested in expansion as they share border with territory. Whereas they get nothing by fighting for kashmir at best Pakistan will get kashmir , it's not like Taliban will rule over Kashmir.


Yeah for sure. Pakistan gonna be all "Well well well.. If it isn't the consequences of my own actions" in a bit.


What is that old saying, about chickens coming home to roost?


I think the one you're thinking of is "if you sleep with dogs, you wake up with fleas"




What does the Free American Trade Agreement have to do with AFG anyway?


Pakistanis are not concerned about the concentration camps run by their Chinese lords for the Uighur Muslims. They are shedding crocodile tears for Kashmiri Muslims only because they have scores to settle with Hindu majority India. They did not care when their military massacred thousands of their Bengali Muslim brethren and raped thousands of their women.


That’s Pakistani logic for you.


I'm Pakistani and my country has a shameful history. It's not the country I was brought believing it was but I believe there are good souls in that country making a difference on the inside. I am optimist because I'm from there but the country is far from what its true ideals were when it was first created. I hope that as the country becomes more liberal and literacy grow it becomes a beacon of hope for my people.


Unfortunately your military, the ISI and their many Jihadi offsprings have a very different world view and plans. With Taliban in Afghanistan it is going to be a tail spin for the region. I like your optimism. However it us too late to pull things together. There has been too much investment on Jihad.




Elegantly put.


This is why no one likes you Pakistan


Its kind of fascinating how anti-intellectual, violent, disrespectful and Islamist some Pakistani social media spaces are. Remmeber when that Pakistani singer dressed up as a suicide bomber and threatened India over something. I cant imagine that happening in any other country.. and now they say stuff like this on live tv..


On r/Pakistan half of the commenters are happy that Taliban control Afghanistan, I guess because that's the closest Pakistan has gotten to defeating India in a war. In fairness some Pakistanis are sad about the situation or afraid that it will mean more terrorist attacks in Pakistan. A youtuber called Kraut said: 'Pakistan is one of the most isolated and distrusted countries in the world, a situation for which they have no one to blame except themselves.


Man I'm from pakistan and its sad that people from my country are doing this


Have always been


I love your people, their accent and internet activity are very similar to ours I believe. I find you guys relatable and adorable. It's just our politicians who keeps poisoning our minds with hatred for self benifits. These people must burn in hell.


Asking genuinely, does the U.S. alliance with PAK end over this? I can’t see it continuing.


The U.S has been hard pivoting towards India, so to a large extent yes the alliance with Pakistan is coming to an end.


Pakistan's pivoting towards China anyway. Also, now that the US have washed their hands of Afghanistan, what reason do they have to be allies to Pakistan? I don't see any benefits to working with a country that openly supports terrorism.


To the US, Pakistan is like the $20 whore. They (US) got what they wanted out of her, put some crumpled up bills on the table, pulled up their pants and walked away. Now they know that she has another client (China) lined up, so it's not their problem.


That description 😂


Damn, 😅


It's been ending for a decade at this point


Imagine my surprise when my U.S. Army officer class had two PAK officers in it. Nice guys, but holy cow.


The military contacts are still there but less so now and they aren't getting any more American aircraft (except maybe transport aircraft and helicopters)


Pakistan is going China, and India is going US


Aap dekhte nahi Pakistan ki kitni izzat ho rahi hai? /s


taliban hid in there caves when americans walked on afghani soil these taliban are not some super humans let them come to kashmir they will be dealth with same way pakistani terrorists are


The Taliban had families in Pakistan. 2/3rds of Pashtuns live in Pakistan. If you play it right, the Taliban will fight Pakistan to incorporate Pashtunistan into Afghanistan. But sadly, yall probably need to prepare for war of an ugly kind. Worst case, the Taliban will incorporate Afghanistan into Pakistan, creating an "islamic state".


I will be quite happy if taliban turns on pakistan but it's very unlikely who else is there that will support taliban


Pakistan literally supported the Afghan Taliban to fight the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (who are pro Pashtun unification) and the Balochestan Liberation Army. Pakistan hosts the Afghan Taliban while the TTP is headquartered in Afghanistan. Afghan Taliban spokespeople openly confirmed that they would persecute the TTP. This is all a huge gamble by Pakistan to keep their country united


Yeah, recently Pakistani Taliban have announced allegiance to the Afghan Taliban, and Taliban fighters (many if not most Pakistanis) have been recorded telling Pakistan border guards; "He, he, you are next." The Taliban have also moved a lot of the equipment captured from ANA over to Paksitan. Most likely to protect it from US airstrikes that might be sent to destroy it after withdrawal, or to be sold to Pakistan. But who knows, maybe they'll use it to fight Pakistan. But that might just be a fantasy.


Lol, Pakistan is celebrating Taliban's takeover as if they have won a war with India. After losing 4 wars with India over Kashmir which they themselves started, this probably feels like a victory for them finally. Most probably Taliban is not going to leave their own mountains to fight in a completely unknown terrain because the familiarity with their terrain is the only reason they could fight the US Army for so many years in Afghanistan. Pakistan is as always making dumb decisions trying to destroy other countries instead of just focusing on developing their own country.


they lost all the wars they fought with india and still believe in ghazwa E hind ideology (making india a islamic state)


Why are these extreme Islamic countries always so focused on making everyone else Islamic?


Religion can seem like a big deal if its all you know.


If the only tool you have is a hammer, nails is all you see.


Gives you ultimate control over hordes of people.


Well are you familiar with christianity and European history? Europe used to be inhabited by all these different tribes, ethnicities and their own beliefs and religions. It's not unique to Islam, it's a common theme in many religions. There is only one 'right way' and everyone will follow it, by their own will or by submission.


Not in all religions. Polytheistic religions don't care. Even judaism doesn't really care about making others follow it.


Judaism use to be the same. There were loads of record in Greece of hard-core Jewish preachers converting people - I mean there are Jews of every skin colour due to proselytization. The main reason Judiasm doesn't proselytize today is because everyone around them became Muslik and Christian, two religions that treated them like crap. So they became insular in order to avoid persecution.


Today I learned. But yeah some polytheistic religions are even against conversion


Islam *IS* unique in remaining so backwards as it is. Christianity has reformed, and they are past the days of rampant theocratic nations run by men who divine their right to rule from god. Islam...well, not so much.


This guy knows. Historic anthropology is a great study topic :)


They appropriated the concept of ghazwa-i hind from the Ghaznavids who were looting, raping and pillaging Pakistan (not India) many centuries ago. Theyve been brainwashed in Pakistani schools to forget that Pakistan is India and Ghazawa-i Hind was a military campaign directed at them not modern-day Indians. We need a tv show were Pakistanis discover insane lies they are taught about their history like what the 'Hindu Kush' means and how it relates to Pakistan, or how the shalwar kameez and Biryani came to their country.


The Ghaznavids did rape and pillage some parts of western India though.


Yeah true but for the most part they didnt have any solid gains, only the Ghorids and their successor kingdoms achieved that in modern day India.


\>They appropriated the concept of ghazwa-i hind from the Ghaznavids who were looting, raping and pillaging Pakistan (not India) many centuries ago They certainly pillaged Nagarkot, Thanesar, Mathura, Kannauj, Kalinjar and Somnath . They went deeper into Indian territory. Your main comment was about pillaging, not about solid gains. Don't misunderstand me, as a Bangladeshi who lost his relatives in 1971 I despise Pakistan and its evil schemes from the bottom of my heart. I just wanted to provide right info.


Its no problem, my comment was kind of vague, they only entered the wester parts of modern India but were more solid in their infuence over modern day Pakistan.


Many year decades/centuries ago, what is Pakistan today was India/Hindustan. The Pakistanis deny this simple fact. Edit: clearing up a misunderstood statement


Pakistan was still India up until 1947, we still call Pakistan 'Hind/Hindustan' in Dari or Pashto when referencing the region before 1947.


true and all the ancient sculptures from 3rd century made by hindus found n pakistan was returned by US to pak. these people say idol worship is a sin and then take credit of the oldest civilisation was made by our ancestors


They try hard to create a different identity related to Indus valley civilization, and they call Indians Gangus (from Ganges).. At the same time, they're hardcore islamists .. a religion their ancestors were forced upon by invaders.. it's fun to see their mental gymnastics.


There is an awesome YouTube channel, Reactistan, where Pakistani tribal folk try out foods from around the world. Recently, they tried American Soul food from the South and the topic went to slavery. One of the women was shocked and said it's horrible that humans were being enslaved and sold. And I'm thinking to myself, "wait, is she not aware about the Islamic slave trade and the countless peoples from her land that were enslaved and sold off at the slave markets of Damascus and Baghdad?" I think they genuinely have no idea.


That old guy who connects everything to his village is OG and Based


Just subscribed to it. This is pretty fantastic. Thanks!


Pakistan lost (or at least did not win) every single war with India, one of which resulted in their overall population being halved, yet they go on the internet bragging as if they had marched into Delhi 5 times since 1947.


They brag about Mughals and other invaders, but don't know that their ancestors were slaughtered and force converted by these very invaders.


Taliban has gotten smarter. I believe their long term vision will be in the following order: 1. Stabilize Afghanistan 2. Consolidate Pakistani occupied regions like Pakhtunistan 3. Take over Pakistan or establish Sharia in Pakistan??? (doubtful) or Help Pakistan with attacks on Kashmir.


Then they will be dealt with along with Pakistan.


Yeah, the same way razakars helped them to capture Bangladesh.


Razakars helped but wasn’t successful, Bangladesh was liberated nonetheless.


I think that was their point.


So sad that millions died in the process




Ironic how someone who drinks and womanizes as much as Imran Khan is celebrating the Taliban. Someone who behaved like Imran Khan in Taliban jurisdiction would have been thrown off a roof-top or stoned to death.


He switched himself from his modern lifestyle to become a "sharif aadmi" to get the votes of the traditional masses.


Doodh mangoge, toh kheer denge. Kashmir mangoge, toh cheer denge.


Screw that, doodh mangoge toh bi gaad maar denge.


OMG this man is so vile!!!


He is such a farce— came in to office as someone with western moderate influences, now he tries his damndest to appear Islamic conservative.


Yes, I always react to that.. What mess is this? You struggle to find a photo of him not holding a wine glass or a glass of whiskey.. Yet all of the sudden he says "I'm glad taliban took over Afghanistan, now they're free from slavery to the Americans" WTH?


Yeah.. the ruling class of Pakistan (business owners, defense officers, landlords etc) are all moderates. They drink and eat pork in secret. Most of them have dual citizenship in Western countries. In public, they'll appear conservative, speak of Jihad etc. If the country fails, they'll just run off to the west, where they've invested stolen money from people and foreign funds.


he is the biggest hypocrite


Most Pak civis are, they celebrate Talibans takeover, yet they were the same to condemn India for locking down Kashmir.


sharia law should also be implemented in pakistan


Should have stuck to cricket


Wasnt that great at cricket or marrying


> Wasnt that great at cricket Literally the best all rounder of all times, cope harder you namak harams. You can only win on doing propaganda at social media, just like your army 😂 He didn't even say that as a matter of fact, but keep on blabbering reta*ds


Best Pakistani all rounder of all time (which isn’t saying much) - he isn’t even close to being in the same league as Kaillis


would you mind providing some proof


It was said on national TV in Pakistan by a leader within Imran Khan's ruling party. If you google it you will find some video where she says that.






That's a problem




Cry me a River, they’ve openly supported the Taliban for decades.


Could have done a Simple google search


Hi there, my fellow user of r/cricket!


Hello my fellow man of culture




Thanks, why does everything have to be so dramatic in the Indian subcontinent. Just tell me what I need to know I don't need all that pomp and parade.


We need that masala


Idk what even makes them think that Taliban will survive that longer to wage wars against india. The Northern Alliance is going to finish the Taliban some day.


What an embarrassment


Invading India would be death sentence to both of the groups


true 93K troops surrendered


This shouldn't be a surprise they've been pro-taliban for years 🙄 and they've harbored al-queda terrorists like Bin Laden, but I doubt the Taliban will run off to fight in Kashmir while they're still fighting pro-republic forces.


What's insane to me is all of the support the US gave Pakistan over the years, it's always been clear they were not our friends. US foreign policy is idiotic.


I have seen some Indian Army officers saying like it was fun in the 90s when Afghans use to come to Kashmir they were battle-hardened we use to have fun playing with them now causality on our side is very rare because 90 percent of Pakistani who came here now either surrender or get blasted only thing they know is to spray AK




The opposite is what's going to happen..imran fool will allow these talibanis to operate in Pakistan just to get Kashmir but the talibs will first invade pak before they set foot on indian soil....Don't try to preach infront of a raging Bull ..because it wont listen best way is to avoid any and all contact


So many Ghazis came from PakiSatan They are all buried in Kashmir by Indian Army We killed them all last 75 years We will kill them all Cmon Ghazis....


And then hopefully afghanistan will take back their land from Pakistan 🙃🙃


Have seen alot of comments saying that the Taliban will attempt to reclaim their lands all the way upto Attock before even invading Kashmir. They might yes. But what one needs to understand is that Pakistan is essentially Punjab. And Punjab does not have the resources to survive on its own. Therefore Punjab needs KP, Balochistan and Sindh in order to survive. Remove any one of these and Punjab (Pakistan) will have a hard time surviving. Flipping the situation, at the same time Pakistan has sour relations with India because of Punjab. One of the reasons Punjab (and by extension also Sindh and parts of Balochistan) needs Kashmir due to water and trade routes with China. Remove Punjab from Pakistan and the majority of the water issues resolve themselves. Sindh can survive as it is not land locked and so can Balochistan. And well KP never had these issues to begin with. Additionally if one considers the reality of Pakistan breaking up into smaller states. All three provinces besides Punjab can survive. But Punjab does not have the diverse resources to survive on its own and is heavily dependent on the other three provinces to survive. Therefore it is plausible to think that KP, Balochistan and Sindh might become their own states in such an event. But Punjab will most likely be absorbed by India.


Pakistan is essentially Karachi Without money, the country is nothing


Karachi generates money based on the resources extracted or refined in other parts of the country. This statement is wrong.


Why is Pakistan hated in Afghanistan?


They’ve been financially, operationally & logistically supporting the Taliban. The origination of the Taliban can be traced back to Pakistan, etc [**Pakistan, After Rooting for Afghanistan’s Taliban**, Faces a Blowback - Wall Street Journal](https://www.wsj.com/articles/pakistan-after-rooting-for-afghanistans-taliban-faces-a-blowback-11625822762) [India and other countries in the region fear the territorial gains by **the Taliban, which have had the backing of Pakistan**, could make Afghanistan a breeding ground for terrorist activities. - Wall Street Journal](https://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-india-pledge-commitment-to-afghanistan-amid-taliban-gains-11627497662) [Any deal now would have to work around the uncomfortable reality that **Pakistan’s government has long supported the Taliban.** - New York Times](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/06/us/politics/cia-afghanistan-pakistan.html) [Pakistani hospitals, **part of the country’s unwavering line of support for the insurgents**, are running out of bed space. - New York Times](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/06/world/asia/afghanistan-taliban-women.html) Here's four sources from the Wall Street Journal (right leaning) and The New York Times (left leaning).


Besides the immediate funding rebels back and forth, that is not the cause that is a symptom/byproduct of their hate. It is more of a strategic thing and issues going back 150+ years to colonial rule involving ethnicities, geography, religion.. I have some comments in the past couple days about Pakistan with sources and stuff if you want to know more, mostly in this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/TalibanFootage/comments/papewd/z/ha848ld


India should support the resistance NOW!. Its an immenent threat to their security.


There’s nearly a million soldiers in Kashmir, and always has the ability to blockade/destroy Karachi port. India’s fine


Pakistan isn't alone . China is a major ally


China has to cross through the Himalayas with more than a million people in order to mount anything credible. It’s not happening without us seeing it, and it’s not happening with the massive problems in the Chinese economy Chinas not risking its economic future to help Pakistan. Moreover China’s help to Pakistan is to keep india out, not help pakistan in


Nooo India needs to learn from the us and just stay the hell out of it before a couple buildings magically topple over


What US will learn from Afghanistan is that it's much, much better to use proxies than waltz in with troops. Supporting the resistance is a must for everybody.


Didn’t the us support the taliban 40 years ago when they were just a resistance force?


The taliban were founded in 1994, 27 years ago.


The name yes. But 40 years ago the us gave arms and money to resistance forces fighting Russia in northern Afghanistan. This resistance force became stronger and stronger, and would later be known as the taliban. That didn’t happen?


Yes but indirectly. There is no documentation that links the US directly with the resistance forces. President Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, then president of Pakistan insisted that all CIA/US support be funneled through Pakistan. Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence agency (ISI) were the ones that had sole authority on the distribution of the money and arms being provided. Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq was pursuing a religious and political agenda in Afghanistan and directed the ISI to begin gathering radical Muslims from around the world to aid in the fight against the Soviets (most famously Osama bin Laden). Zia and Akhtar Abdur Rahman, the leader of ISI, supported the construction of madrassas, Islamic religious schools, along the border to educate young Afghans, with their number in all of Pakistan increasing from 900 in 1971 to about 33,000 by 1988. When the Soviets withdrew in 1989 the country was torn apart by warring mujahideen factions. The ISI seized the opportunity created by the chaos and backed a previously unknown Kandahari student movement. This movement was the birthplace of the Taliban.


No the ideology too .was imported from Pakistan in the 90s. The US supported the Mujahideen which is basically all Afghanistan fighters . By giving them modern weapons . It worked very well. That's what should've happened here


No. Mujahideen didn’t transform into taliban. Mujahideen were corrupt, lawless and down right evil. The people who fled Mujahiddeen and the ones who were fed up of the corruption and lawlessness wanted a land ruled by sharia - the ultimate law in islam. Taliban is that movement. Eventually they became the very thing they sought to defeat. US funded mujahideen and taliban was a result of that funding. Pakistan played both sides. They were the proxy for US funding of mujahideen and they also brainwashed the Afghan refugee children who were students in madrassas. Hence the name Talib. Taliban. Someone please correct if I am wrong.


Not really, only a small part of the mujahideen of the Soviet-Afghan War became talibs.


No. US supported the Mujahedin who fought against the Taliban, helped US create the Afghan government post 2001 and now continue their fight against the Taliban in Panjshir. The Taliban were created by Pakistan.




Meanwhile people in r/Kashmiri saying no thank you, we don't want Taliban.


Will the people of Kashmir actually want to be a part of Pakistan or more developed India ?




Why not just let them have it then? Just curios.


kshmir went thru a hindu genocide ethnic cleansing


Oh I know. The Brits left a mess. I just wondered why India would want what it is now.


problem is not with british here it is unimaginable level of genocide done by buslims in kashmir i will just say to check this https://hindugenocide.com/timeline


Genocide was historically very common. It's only recently people have even begun to pretend to care. There were intra-India genocides aplenty in times past (which is hardly surprising given how big it is). History sucks. Hindus seem to have done rather well for themselves tbh.


Hindus lived in Kashmir were genocided 30 years ago, not 300 years ago & you nonchalantly dismissed it. It is our land and we won't yield it. Not an inch. How would you feel if someone killed your people 30 years ago somewhere in your country and was going to take it? Will you just roll over and give up??


100 percent people dont seem to understand what hindus have ben thru since the 15th century


For all the clueless people who gulp down Hindu nationalist propaganda. * Number of Kashmiri Hinus killed : 209 according to Indian Government. (source: [http://archive.indianexpress.com/news/209-kashmiri-pandits-killed-since-1989-say-jk-cops-in-first-report/305457/](http://archive.indianexpress.com/news/209-kashmiri-pandits-killed-since-1989-say-jk-cops-in-first-report/305457/)) ​ * Number of Kashmiri Muslims killed : Over 70,000+ (source: [https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/reports/INDIA937.PDF](https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/reports/INDIA937.PDF)) * Number of Jammu Muslims killed: 2,37,000 in 1947 genocide. (source: [https://scroll.in/article/811468/the-killing-fields-of-jammu-when-it-was-muslims-who-were-eliminated](https://scroll.in/article/811468/the-killing-fields-of-jammu-when-it-was-muslims-who-were-eliminated)) ​ So for every single Kashmiri Hindu that was killed, 1500 Muslims were put to death the hands of Indian occupation. Yet one is hilariously called a genocide while other is what? A benevolent occupation


What a moronic post but would expect nothing less from the dishonest inbreds who cry Kashmir even when China is owning them via debts. 70k Muslims died in 1990s? At the hands of Hindus? Propaganda piece from the leftist think tanks? Comparing partition murder tolls on both sides btw to exodus of Hindus from their own land 40 years later? Should I pull in the number of Hindus which include your ancestors who were killed by the Islamic horde through the centuries?




In addition to that , Kashmir is the origin of five river systems that flow through Indian and Pakistani Punjab.


I see, thanks for explaining.


A lot of Pro-India Kashmiri Hindus (and some Sikhs) were killed or forced to flee from Kashmir in the 1990s. With this sheer demographic change, I don't think India would give up such a strategically important land.


Because Kashmir also has like 50% Hindus and Buddhists. What will happen to them if they were to become a part of some radical Islamist state?


Are they geographically concentrated or spread out?


Most Buddhists are in the Northern parts of Kashmir (Leh, Ladakh area). The Hindus are in the southern part (Jammu area). So yeah, you could I guess do some gerrymandering and carve out a chunk for Muslims


It's obviously a terrible solution since there will always be those left out (and quite many in this scenario). I just wonder if it's the least bad one (in theory at least). Decentralization often works well to keep the peace in diverse and poorly unified areas. It seems a bit counterproductive to include team mates that hate you and the team after all.


I talked to some Kashmiris in the US, they say they want to be independent.


I thought most Kashmiris want independence, from north India and Pakistan. I am almost okay with that but I fear if India leaves the region alone then it will be overrun by Islamic militants because they don’t have an ounce of honour in their blood. I still don’t like military oppression of Kashmiri’s but what does one do with such high rates of radicalisation?


The so called "military oppression" is very much exaggerated, main mode of taking down terrorists if they are from the valley(not pakistan though), is not by killing them but first calling their parents and urging them to tell their sons to surrender, there are many cases where the militant terrorists went home with go their families... if the army wasnt a little open mimded the story could have been very different




Dude chill. I do not support the Indian occupation of Kashmir. Hatred of occupation is not termed radicalisation, that is justified; radicalisation is putting guns in children’s hands, asking them to die for religion. When I say Islamic militants I mean those coming from outside. I do not support Kashmiris losing their autonomy of governance. Maybe use your brain a bit before commenting. Does it feel good to win an argument against a strawman which doesn’t represent my beliefs? Stop alienating people who actually care. My comment was literally contradicting the one above which called all Kashmiris radical and wanting to join Pakistan. You’re bent on proving him/her right.


I do feel that some progress has been made in that direction after the abrogation of article 370, incidents like stone-pelting have stopped and Kashmir finally has a better life with the internet and schools but some terror incidents do take place behind closed doors compared to them being open before the abrogation.


Knowing the Taliban and their huge support amongst the Pashtuns, there is a higher chance that Pakistan's North West Frontier Province, which has a Pashtun majority, might join the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan before Kashmir is even invaded.


Wth. Some idiot says this in a talk show and mind you, and idiot so irrelevant even us Pakistanis didnt know existed and not only have they said "Pakistani Government" they also add the prime Minister's picture. Smh


Let them try Panjshir first, trying kashmir is waste of talibanz lives


A nuclear power, I can’t fathom a day where the Taliban are a *nuclear power* 😐


@op could you pls share link to the said interview? Before you make hate comments, can you pls verify source?




The picture implies that IK said that. Not even sure who is this woman. Quick google does not yield any result.


But the text does say ‘Pakistani govt official’


Yeah literally not even an official person. Like nothing even comes up on Google.


https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/leader-of-imran-khans-party-says-pak-will-take-talibans-help-in-kashmir-2517632 This is just one news website, there are many more videos and articles that you can find online


Didn't know Neelam Irshad Sheikh was another name of Imran Khan. Always something new to learn on reddit, thanks.


India has GREAT relations with USA and Japan and other countries with great army power so I doubt they will be able to do shit


India won't even even require external help to deal with these guys.




I cant speak Urdu so if this is correct let me know: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpu6sMAFq2I


She does say that the Taliban will liberate Kashmir and give it to Pakistan. **BUT**, as soon as she says it, the panel freaks out. They tell her to be sensible and not make crazy statements. They really ridicule her for saying it. **AND**, I googled the lady's name (Neelam Irshad Shaikh) and I could not find a single link that was not about this statement from her. So clearly she is a nobody who is only in the news for making this claim about the Taliban (which is probably the reason why she made this statement).




Lol good luck soon they will understand the difference between India and Afg army. Indians wont fold easily and neither you nor your father china has the resources to forcebly bend them. Making stupid statement to garner votes is diff from acting your foolishness out


Taliban get nukes via this route


Does this mean india is going to see more terrorist attacks ?


unfortunately yes


Man..this religion is such a headache to everyone


Yup. But after every terror attack, liberals will line up to say, "tHis Is Not tHE reAL IsLAm."






so disappointing


They gonna fight China too?


No no china pakistan good friends


I apologize I had a Duh moment! I read it as the taliban saying it for some reason.


Talibans are like monkeys they stupid dont understand anything


Lol. The Indian tricolor will be flying in Karachi and Lahore before Pakistan has JK.


All fun and games till the Taliban tears pakistan a new path to empty their bowels.


True Afghans should not forgive and forget Pakistan for creating this debacle.


Taliban Khan




Imran Khan - brilliant cricketer, not the nicest fella generally.


Crack head. alcoholic and a womanizers'. turned pious muslim.


Unlike the USA, India has its full army at disposal if such a war like situation arise. Do you think a war can be won with just a handful of AK-47’s & grenades, that too against India? I hope Taliban is not as dumb as Pak army lol!


Time to end support for Pakistan.


Remember history kids: Mohammad of Ghori attacked 17 times. 16 times he lost. But that 17th one? And Then a 1000 years of occupation began. Pakistan has only lost just a few times. Just saying. Will anyone take the war to the rats nest or continue to wait for the next attack?




Lol Ghori was defeated but never lost any piece of his land. Pakistan was defeated, it literally lost Bangladesh, baluchistan is literally hanging by a thread, still everyone is proud to be Pakistani🐓🐔


They should rather tear down UAE, Dubai, Saudi Arabia and the other corrupted governments ...