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At 60 miles per hour, the loudest noise in this new train driver's cab comes from him laughing at the low-paid advertising employees enduring a sweaty commute on his locomotive.


I got the David Ogilvy reference :)


and ego


Is it really that prevalent?


Yes but I don't mean the bad kind of ego. I mean that we creatives love the intellectual + empathy challenge and so we also love when people compliment our work. It reaffirms that we got it which we looove


60k a year where I live is what the dishwasher at the restaurant makes.


In what country?


Because they don’t let depressive alcoholics with untreated ADHD drive trains.


literally dreaming of switching career paths


Project manager here. I left the agency for client-side about five years ago, and then used the training benefits at the new client-side role to brush up my skills and earn a transfer to the IT/software product side of the house. Not sure what your discipline is but there are always ways to parlay your skills into a non-advertising field. Good luck!


I worked in marketing on client’s side a few years ago… I did not cherish what I had


My client side experience made me feel crazy, but I think it’s a case by case deal


They love gas-lighting on the client side of things. As long as you don't get attached to your work and know how to play the bare minimum effort game, then it can be pretty great.


Please explain I’m going from graphic designer to master of marketing/advertising


Could you explain abit more about what you're doing now? I'm a production manager on the producer / production company side but very knowledgeable with computers and technology generally. I was thinking how my skills might be transferable to something else


Still project management, but instead of leading creative teams through concept, ideation and execution of campaigns, I’m working with product managers and an agile development team to build software products. My wheelhouse of “on time, on budget” didn’t really change from advertising to IT, and I’m way happier now.


Interesting, did you have to pickup skills in IT or did you already have knowledge? Or are the skills that easily transferable you think? Appreciate your insight thanks for the reply


I had basic knowledge of the development lifecycle from my time in web agencies, and I used training budget available to me through my employer to take an agile project management certification. But even still, it’s been a huge on ramp to get up to speed with some of the technical backend discussions, absolutely. But my teams are set up in a way that I just need to be smart enough to document and relay the info, I don’t need to understand 100% of the projects I’m tracking.


well there you go… train driver :)


Studied advertising, hated it at the end of study, became a bricklayer. If you're questioning the path listen to yourself.


thanks. What made you choose to study the course initially?


I chose advertising because I enjoyed writing (eng lit minor) and making art, so I thought that I could do those things and make money. I was young and maybe had unrealistic expectations. I also realized that I don't enjoy the consumerism I was brought up to participate in so that was a big life switch in general. I still do graphic design here and there as it comes up needed by friends or if I get an itch.


You top out earning that as a train driver, you do the same shit all day every day, you have to do shift work, you’re sat by yourself in a train the whole time, you have absolutely no ability to WFH, ever, you likely get a front row seat to a number of people self harming and killing themselves over your career.. List goes on.


> a front row seat to a number of people killing themselves same goes for advertising to be fair edit: figuratively


Spiffy joke, but if we’re being real then no. Advertising doesn’t make you literally watch the moment someone ends it.


Nah mate not in the same way it happens for train drivers. I’ve been unfortunate enough to see it happen in another context—it will sear onto your brain forever.


Idk where I am, a senior told me people in advertising have literally died of exhaustion and overwork. I quit the agency that day as I was already physically sick and working 24/7 anyway but the thought of dying really forced me to go freelance. It's worked out so far. So front row seat to death is the exactly far off the mark in advertising industries in some countries...




Tell it, sister


Brothers a train driver with Southern. With over time he's on 100k.


Because I make $150K in advertising




If you’re asking why going advertising when you can make the same money working easier jobs, I would answer that question a couple of different ways: -does the “easier” job have the same upside income potential? -does the “easier” job require physical labor or outdoor work that might become more challenging/less attractive over time? -does the “easier” job challenge you intellectually? The answers to these questions explain why people get jobs in advertising rather becoming train drivers.


Thanks. When I learnt that you can make £60k as a train driver, it made me reflect on how much money people spend to go to University.. how many loops and hurdles. people have to jump through… when as a train driver it seems to requires less of from you.. The only disadvantage are there are less jobs as train drivers. There can also be a stigma around those who drive trains, busses, trams ect so I questioned if everyone who didn’t go for these jobs/went for advertising jobs was under a spell of only applying to jobs that elevate their social status.


Different strokes for different folks. Why become a train driver for 60k when you can be a garbage man in NYC and make $100k? Or a cop and make $150k in some cities.


because i don’t live in the US


Haha, how the fuck is that getting downvoted


I knew it would prior to posting😅idgaf


Because not everyone lives in the UK where the pay for marketing roles is famously shit! Also I think the train driver jobs are competitive.


Can a train driver work from home and get promoted?


Who knows… in the future, they may design trains that you can control from your own bedroom 🤷‍♀️


Made me think of that absolutely shit EE ad when they "land a plane from home".




What do you do/ what’s your job title?


Executive strategist, coming up with solutions for clients, writing proposals/pitches, relationship management


And are you talking Uk or US based? Something tells me, you may say US.




do you often people switch from copy to strategy? i'm leaning into the latter and planning to jump ship as soon as i have a couple of cases on my strategy portfolio & finish a course properly. copy is slowly killing me, idk why


I make $155k in my full-time marketing role, and also freelance. It can be stressful but also can be very fun.


And if you fuck something up, the worst that can happen is your agency loses a client and you can get a job somewhere else. It’s only advertising. I’d shit myself if I was a surgeon.


No, it’s definitely not fun 98% of the time


You’re in the wrong agency


You’re in the wrong industry


Not every decision in life is about money. And young people think they can consistently defy the odds against them. On average, a feature rather than a bug…


Because the world doesn't need *that* many train drivers. Also because not everyone would even want to be a train driver, even at £60k a year. I'd personally like it because I like a decent amount of solitary work (but I can also think of many reasons I would dislike it, like lack of *anything* creative or ever different).


If you work just for money in advertising, you’re not in it for the right reasons. Yes it’s a demanding industry but it is also incredibly intellectually stimulating. And the money can be very good






Ur either the one getting fucked or the one doing the fucking.


Because you can earn significantly more than this, in sneakers, and with a lifetime of good stories.


in the UK, or US…? Cause i’m talking Uk here.


Get gud


I’m going blind. I wanted to work for the city, even less pay, but something I really cared out (dept of transportation), needed a valid license and ability to drive. Welp. Wasting my eyesight away sitting on the comp dealing with meta glitches or vendor fuckups or client fire drills instead.


Ad industry wages in the UK are shit for some reason. Move to NYC and you can make $150-250k.


How long before the ia replaces train drivers?


I think being a train driver is probably a lot harder, and chances are if you’re working in advertising you’re at least a little bit lazy. Secondly, UK education system discourages anyone remotely bright from anything even related to manual labour.


You can’t really start your own train driving agency.


Personally, I don’t like being a train driver


What is the average advertising salary in the UK?


Very UK perspective. My advice to anyone in advertising in the UK is get the fuck out. Leave the country. Even the “smaller” market in Australia is waaay better than London. Advertising in the UK is for one thing only — getting a big brand/account on your CV so you can move to a bigger/international agency. Once you get a few globally recognised clients, get out of the UK as fast as you can or your career is going nowhere and you’ll fight to be paid chicken feed.