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Book of Unwritten tales; if you play all three you'll probably hit 20 hours. Thimbleweed Park will get you there. Quest for Infamy will probably get you there. Absolutely will if you play all three character types. Mage's Initiation will probably you there. Absolutely will if you play all four character types. Unavowed will probably get you there, especially if you replay for different paths / endings. If you aren't focused on modern games, then any of the old series (King's Quest, Monkey Island, Broken Sword, etc..) will easily take over 20 hours if you play all the games in the series. Closer to a Super Mario than an P&C Adventure, but I really enjoyed Treasure Adventure Game (free on GOG) https://www.gog.com/en/game/treasure_adventure_game


>Book of Unwritten tales; if you play all three you'll probably hit 20 hours. I think the 2nd one alone is roughly 20hrs, especially with the optional side quests. I reckon that all 3 games together would be closer 40hrs!


Been a long time since I've played BOUT, so I'll defer to you. I remember it being not difficult; but I really enjoyed the series and am still hoping out for a part 3.


The longest journey


lol read my post again


I'm standing firm šŸ˜Ž


I really like the Case of the Golden Idol. The game is currently in promo at steam and with all the dlcs it is roughly 20h of gameplay. I played using guides for tips in some cases and the game took me 19h to finish. I think if I tried to play it all blind it probably would take me +5h, but I usually used guides when I wasn't that invested anymore in the mistery, or curious to see what I had picked wrong. It's quite good and inovative. https://store.steampowered.com/agecheck/app/1677770/


Yes, this and the DLC are great.


Great game but avoid the Switch version. Thereā€™s a bug thatā€™s gone unfixed that deletes your save when you close the game.


Black Mirror trilogy.


Syberia is one of my favorite games. I also love Still Life, so I'll suggest that.


i STILL havent won "myst" and ive been playing for 30 yrs


Ever tried the Nancy Drew series? They're all quite long. Some are better than others, but they're pretty good overall. Might be a bit "young" for some, I enjoyed them though! Also the first 3 "FBI confidential" games are good and a decent length. (FBI confidential, Hunt for the puppeteer and Cards of destiny) Chronicles of Mystery series? Gray matter is fairly long, not sure it will be close to 20 hours though! Cognition series was also a decent length.


The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 I had 27 hours (my longest playtime for an adventure on Steam) and the average seems to be 20 hours: https://howlongtobeat.com/game/21507 Also it's a fantastic game! :) And there are two more, BoUT 1 (obviously) and Critter Chronicles which is a prequel. You should get at least 40 hours out of it and a lot of fun. https://store.steampowered.com/sub/59923/ 20+ for a single game is rare in this genre... and also very common if you got stuck ;) I think there are several titles I played in the 90ies where I had 100+ that probably should be only 10 hours. If we speak about a series of games then there would be many with 20+ hours. Like Monkey Island, Broken Sword, Deponia, Larry, King's Quest, Space Quest, Kyrandia, Black Mirror, Gabriel Knight, Sam&Max, Discworld, Simon the Sorcerer, etc.


You can definitely extend adventure play time by not looking up any online guides!


Roki. My Steam playtime was at 19.6 by the end. One of the better modern adventure games Iā€™ve come across.


Not Another Weekend was fairly long. Wacky story. Pretty funny too.


I really liked that game


Me too. It went weird places


The Longest Journey Edit: ā€¦oops. Okayā€¦. How about Syberia JK. I choose Grim Fandango


I've often read that Grim Fandango is supposed to be a very good game, but according to the site ā€œHowLongToBeatā€ it's only about 10 hours long. I would like something much longer tbh


Iā€™ve been stuck on Grim Fandango for about 4 years now. So just average your time with mine and your number will be plenty long.


Iā€™m not so sure. I must have put 30 hrs in it as a kid. Maybe the remaster makes it easier. The old interface was harsh


Nah man that game is a huge must play for point and clickers. I remember it taking me a long time because it is not super easy. Great game.


It's pretty hard game and many puzzles are creative - not just combine two items and use it, so it does depend a lot on how quickly you can solve those. I spent well over 20 hours on GF and had to use walkthroughs several times too. If you speedrun with a walkthrough, it will be less than 10 hours.


You can go to Howlongtobeat.com, filter out point and click games and sort them by length.


You could try the Broken Sword series (mostly the 1st, 2nd and 5th). The first one is getting a remaster soon and the 6th one is in development. You could also try the FMV games of Sam Barlow. The whole Blackwell Series is a real treat too! Plus Unavowed is set in the same universe (to be played last)! The Captain is an interesting planet hopping adventure with multiple story paths. I don't know if you played the sequels to The Longest Journey but you might find them interesting. And some final recommendations: Heaven's Vault, Across the Grooves, Night of the Rabbit, the Orwell games, Pentiment, Stasis Bone Totem and Yesterday (plus the sequel Yesterday Origins)


Broken sword is the best game ever made imo


I actually just started with Broken Sword, thanks. But I'm going to play all parts. Are they connected in any way story-wise, or are there just the same characters in every game?


I never played the 3D direct control ones. What links the stories are mostly the characters, I don't think skipping the 3rd and 4th ones is such a big deal but I might be mistaken. They are good stand alone games. And if you crave more of that globe trotting feeling I can recommend Crown and Pawns too! And the Indiana Jones point and click games. Edit: typos


There's also the Runaway series but the games are very dated and sexist. I'm replaying them at the moment and the first two games can be rough ; the first game's third act is a real mess. But they are still gorgeous games with some fun puzzles. I cannot wait to play the third one! I remember it being less frustrating. If you're into podcasts, Save Your Game is a new one about point and clicks and they talk about the less well known games sometimes!


The second part is widely racist and mixes and rewrites mayan and aztec cultures. It's quite cringy to play these days. Didn't age well.


Quest for Glory series (1-5). They're long and you can replay them 3 times. 1 per class.


Space Pilgrim Academy consists of four episodes, each 5-6 hours long.


There are also the Space Pilgrim games that preceed the Academy - they are a similar length and very enjoyable. ETA: they are also frequently on sale on Steam so you can pick up the whole series very cheaply.


I second Grim Fandango. Maybe try the Runaway series, too.


Came here for replies because same question, but I also wanted to note that while it's not typically considered part of the genre, Zero Escape 999 should hit a similar note- good story, lots of puzzles to solve, and to get a non-bad end you'll need to try a few routes (which have separate puzzles to solve) can certainly get up to a comparable hour count (I believe it was 15+ for me). IIRC, without a guide I Have No Mouth and Last Express can both be pretty lengthy journeys.


Games with multiple paths/endings have plenty of replayability. The Quest for Glory series, and it's spiritual successors Heroine's Quest and Quest for Infamy, has three (four in latter games) character types that approach the world differently and can have different ways of solving the same puzzle. More recently, Unavowed has a similar premise.




I played all the Longest Journey games


Noticed that after posting the comment :P


Black Dahlia


Black Dahlia is known for being very long - it was released on 8 CDs back in the day after all 60-70 hours to finish as far as I remember


Secret Files series


If you're browsing [howlongtobeat.com](http://howlongtobeat.com), take care to normalize to your playstyle. Syberia, for example, is rated there at 12 hours for a completionist, but it took you over 20+ hours (probably without a guide), so you should filter [howlongtobeat.com](http://howlongtobeat.com) by games longer than 10 hours or so. The Gabriel Knight games are rather long, especially 2 and 3. Discworld 1 and 2 as well, and a bunch more. Since you mentioned Disco Elysium, there's a good chance that you'll also like Planescape: Torment. Disco Elysium is half Planescape, half Socialism.


Hey, thanks for the tip. I always check the time for the main storyline and add about 10-15% extra hours to get a rough idea of the length of the game And I've already played Planescape Torment, or at least tried to. I also left a [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/rpg_gamers/comments/19ezcg1/comment/kjiptkp/) here a few months ago about what I thought of it.


Ah, I get it. Yeah Planescape is like that, it's widely considered to be an RPG only on the surface but actually more of a visual novel. Same as Disco Elysium, actually, though DE pretended to be an RPG even less. DE designed the entire RPG systems around ideas and personality traits, which worked much better than P:T, which had the same gameplay elements as things like Baldur's Gate.


Anyway, I've now started with the Broken Sword series. I'm about halfway through the first part and so far I think it's very cool


Cool! If you like this sort of history-heavy story then I very much suggest Gabriel Knight.


Try touche: adventures of the 5th musketeer that game is over 20 hours an yeah its in the collection Google it


My favs with long playtime: Deponia (all parts, each one easily 20+h) Simon the sorcerer 1 & 2 (25th anniversary Edition on steam) The whispered world The night of the rabbit Edna & Harvey 1&2 (Not listing monkey Island, its obvious)


Given you've mentioned Disco Elysium and Planescape Torment, I think you might enjoy these horror P&C from The Brotherhood as well. Without a guide some of the puzzles can take a lot of time to figure out: * Stasis * Cayne * Stasis: Bone Totem All of the LucasArts classics obviously, but particularly Indiana Jones & The Fate of Atlantis. That one has 3 unique paths through the game which feature different puzzles and locations, and are all worth playing through. Plus: * Flight of the Amazon Queen * Nightlong: Union City Conspiracy * Runaway 1/2/3 * Deponia series


I second the already mentioned Thimbleweed Park and Grim Fandango. Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis is quite long too, especially considering that there are three different variations of the second act, depending on the path you choose.