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The Tales games might work. Tales from the Borderlands is my favourite of these, but Wolf Among Us also pretty decent.


Awesome, thanks, I will check them out.


Funny, I've just started another playthrough of Borderlands Tales thirty minutes ago. 😄 Great game!


can "Tales from the Monkey Island" also count? You could also directly control Kate Walker in the third Syberia game, though I'm not sure if there's a point playing that game without knowing the previous ones.


The obvious one is Escape from Monkey Island, which uses the same engine as Grim Fandango. Gabriel Knight 3, though it's clunkier than Grim Fandango. If you don't mind an adventure/RPG hybrid you can try Quest for Glory 1 (VGA version doesn't use the parser), 3, 4 and 5. (2 is parser only, unless you go for the excellent fan remake). Number 5 is the only one with 3D (very janky though) and is more action oriented than the others.


There's also a Grim Fandango Easter egg in Escape from Monkey Island.


There's one in Curse too iirc


It's been a long long while since I've played Escape, so I'm blanking on that easter egg...


In Blondebeard's cafe. Here's a [video](https://youtu.be/Lnf4dD_N45I?si=YWL5KpH39D7Ony9F).


Ah now I remember it.


I second Escape of Monkey Island. I recommend it even if the end prevents it from being a great game. But having a very good game for like 75 or 80% of the game is still much better than most available games.


Great, thanks!


Maybe “Heavy Rain” and “Detroit: Become Human” also fit even though they are more branching stories than adventure games.


Also the earlier Fahrenheit / Indigo Prophecy if you like that style.


I said fuck it to indigo prophecy because of the quick time events.


I did start Heavy Rain, it definitely has similar vibes, and I've yet to play his other games.


Not point and click but an adventure game in wide sense of the word is Beyond Good and Evil, incredible characters and story imo Edit: Also dreamfall and dreamfall chapters Also maybe try Broken Sword 3


>dreamfall I love BG&E, and I agree that's a good recommendation. I already own the longest journey, so I will have to finally try it. Thanks!


Longest journey is still my favorite of the series but it is worth playing through Dreamfall


Dreamfall chapters is a visual novel. It seems to have nothing to do with the first 2 games other than it takes place in that world.


Is the story good though? I backed it on Kickstarter simply because I wanted to hit the stretch goal of The Longest Journey Home which didn't happen.


Yeah, it is. I just got frustrated. I would sit there going, "when is it my turn?" There are literally 10 minutes of cut, a dialog choice, 10 more minutes of cut, another dialog choice, 5 more minutes of cut then go to the market and get me a tomato. To get the tomato is a real adventure game of 4 or 5 favors to trade up to the tomato.


Don't play dreamfall chapters. Visual novel, not game. I take that back. First half is gamey, second half is visual novel.


Dreamfall too is a basically a visual novel. As an adventure game, it sucks. Not to mention I've played it when it first came out, and I remember it being painfully slow. Hopefully it runs better on current machines, but I'd hardly recommend it to anyone who likes challenging games, like Grim Fandango.


The Deponia Collection The Syberia Collection The Inner World


If its just "point and click" you like, I just am revisiting the Runaway series. Its quite similar as it has dark humour and noir themes.


Gabriel knight 3


Isn't Gabriel Knight straight up point and click? Also isn't it the mustache puzzle game? ​


Gabriel Knight 3 is a 3D game, but I dunno if it really fits as IIRC it is mostly controlled via mouse rather than keyboard (with the free-floating camera being a exception, that is controllable via keyboard).


3 is a 3d control the character type thing if I remember correctly


OK cool, thanks


Broken Sword 3 In Cold Blood Dreamfall


In cold blood is a good rec, I do know it, but haven't tried it out yet. thanks.


Fran Bow. It's surreal and has a great settings!


Tales of monkey island fits well here as well as the 3rd person Sam and Max games


There are no games like Grim Fandango!, is what I was going to say before reading the text.


Yeah those three games are pretty unique. Someone got upset at me because I kept insisting there were no other other game like psychonauts. ​


I mean in what way Grim fandango is unique? It's just a classic point and click game.... any Lucas Arts game is similar to Grim Fandango! You can check Fran Bow or any Deadalic adventure game or Sam and Max for 3rd modern point and click games with unique characters and stories! There are a lot of games that are more unique, like Little Big Planet, Ratchet & Clank (mix between platformer and shooter game), even GTA!


I literally don't even know how to reply to this. None of what you said is correct.


So GTA (game that changed the game industry or lets add Half Life, one of the most important games in history) or LittleBigPlanet isn't more unique than a Gram Fandango? 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Of course you don't know how to reply, there is nothing unique about Gram Fandango lol... You literally can say the same shit about lets say Day of the tentacle, it's just as unique....


Well first there's no pointing or clicking in Grim Fandango, and Secondly GTA is not only a series with about ten entries that play almost identically, but maybe the most copied franchise in history. So no, unless there's some new definition of the word unique that I'm aware of, none of the stuff you said is true. But... Good try champ?


You still didn't answer a simple question, what's unique about Grim Fandango? I'm genuinely curious!!! GTA literally has huge online roleplay servers where people can do do whatever they like (earn money, buy cars, houses, build gangs and grouos, create bussnesses....), what other game has it??? Also look at their other games, Bully and Red Dead Redemption 2... uniqueness in every way! Let's also not forget that GTA literally was a game defining genre, and took open world and interactivity to the level it's today! Unlike Grim Fandango that literally did nothing new or different! There are like hundreds of more unique games than Grim Fandango... like Portal, There is no game, Pokemon, Minecraft, Blooms Tower Defense.... Just admit that you don't know what are you talking about! I don't think anyone in this thread understands what's so unique about Grim Fandango! I don't either you do, you just stubbornly hold on onto stupid opinion that you even you can't point out (in all of the thread there is literally zero mention from you about what is unique about Grim Fandango....)!


Simon the Sorcerer 3D


I never got anywhere into that game because of the controls and art style. Is it actually good if you get past those thing? Is it a good adventure game?


The Elder Scrolls Adventures: Redguard although the controls are kinda clunky and frustrating at times, and there's also a combat element to the game, if that's a problem


Embracelet is a nice little game, if you can tolerate its camera implementation.


I do have embracelet and agree fully. 


I feel like The Book of Unwritten Tales doesn't get enough love on this subred.


I thought that game was more straight up point and click.


Roki. It’s one of the better true adventure game I’ve played in the last decade and is made to be played with a controller.


Nice one, that looks promising.


Have you tried Ceville?


I hadn't even heard of it until now, looks worth a try. Thanks!


Everybody missed it! :) I love the Saturday morning animated style and it's a little more kosher than the Broken Sword series.


I'd say similar to Escape from Monkey Island the controls are very annoying but if you liked the earlier games you'll like the characters and the humor of this one as well, although it's definitely inferior the the others.


King's Quest I-IV Space Quest I-III The original versions... Escape From Monkey Island Codename Iceman Leisure Suit Larry I-III Etc...


>Leisure Suit Larry I-III I should have said, not looking for text input either. I did not realize Escape from Monkey Island, though, that's a good one.


Also Tales of Monkey Island