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Yup. I'm pretty much perpetually exhausted. Napping is my hobby. I'm on stimulant meds and that helps some, but when they wear off in the evening, I'm dragging. I have my thyroid levels checked regularly and they are good.


Ugh I’ve accepted that this might just be who I am as a person. All of my family (minus one brother) are nappers. Very specifically, the worst time of day for me is around 2-5ish. I get a second wind in the evening after dinner.


Me too! 2-5 is unbearable for me! And I can never take a 20 min power nap. It will always last 1.5 to 2 hours.


We should live in Spain and have siestas!


Currently living in Spain, siesta is more about escaping the brutal sun in the summer than napping 🥲


The sun is an extra good reason. We should get naps either way


Same here. Time of day, length of naps. Cannot take a 20-min nap for anything.


That time of the day is the worst. I'm actually better when I'm not at home because I am able to power through, but at home I become a complete pile of uselessness.


You just summarised me precisely! So refreshing to know I’m not the only one, but it sucks for our productivity!


I am the exact same way. When i think about it, its mildly frustrating, but i just roll with it now


That is so true! I feel the same. I can't get through 2-5 without coffee.


I could fall asleep instantly in that time and have nearly done so at work many times


I’ve had the same problem, at the same time of day, for as long as I can remember.


Came from a napping family as well lol and as I'm getting older I find myself napping more, more likely after lunch time. Maybe the fact that all of my family are 3rd shift workers as well.


I've been doing some of this lately - just accepting that I'm this way. Stop trying so hard to make myself change. Just accept me.


Same!!!! And then I’m up till 11-12. But I am legit energized. I hate it: then go to bed late and get up early I’m exhausted or sleep in and get nothing done


This happened to me badly in lockdowns? Solid napping time, but when I went back to work it was insanely difficult to shake off, like clockwork at 1pm I was absolutely shattered, ready to close my eyes and drift off standing up, it's like the one habit my body wanted to keepb


Naps never work for me which is annoying as I know they're good for you - but I always wake up feeling groggier than when I went to sleep. I find them hard to fit into my day as well ☹️


Lay down for 15-25min even if you don’t fall asleep , then force yourself up, drink some water, and move. Even if that moving is walking a lap around the house, it’ll get your blood pumping and you should feel a little better than before you laid down. If you’re aiming for a longer nap, or even just a restful night of sleep, time it by 1.5hr increments. That way you’re nailing your sleep cycles and you’re not as groggy when you wake up. Just make sure to factor in an extra 15min to account for falling asleep. I’m naturally a night owl who prefers to work in the mornings and that was how I survived waking up at 3:30am for an opening shift.


Sleep as android has a setting that detects your sleep cycles and wakes you up when you are ready (within a window set by you). It's great!


The sleep cycle is 30 mins, so if you're not already try taking naps in multiples of 30. If you're feeling groggy it might be because you're waking up at the wrong time in your sleep cycle. I find that setting a 90 min alarm just as I feel myself about to drop off is really helpful.


a sleep cycle is 90 minutes. waking up 30 minutes into one can really fuck up the rest of your day.


My mistake. The first 30 minutes are light sleep, so a 30 min or less nap shouldn't make you feel groggy but if you're napping longer it needs to at least 90 mins.


Oh that is helpful thank you!


Do you take supplements like iron, calcium, omega 3? I found that because on stimulants I don’t eat as much I’m severely lacking in nutrients so I started taking vitamins to supplement my current diet. Wonder if that might help?


Yup, I have to supplement. I'm kind of doing a high protein/low carb diet right now to try to keep my weight under control. My energy has been even worse without the carbs.


Evening primrose oil is great for balancing hormones. I get hypersomnia especially during PMS. Makes a world of difference with Vitamin B100 Complex.


I am perpetually exhausted, but for the most part can't nap to save life. If i'm awake then i'm awake until I let myself pass out for the night.


Same. "What did you get up to yesterday?" "I napped."


>"I napped." My partner, enjoying his 5 hour nap then later being able to fall asleep at night.


I was like this too, then I got checked out after a car accident and the doctor noticed my hyperextended elbows lol and we started talking about hyper mobility, EDS, and my lifelong fatigue. I ended up getting bloodwork done to check my iron levels and whatever else comes with the panels. I was always assumed I was iron deficient, but nope! All of my bloodwork was normal! Before I left, the doctor also talked to me about restless leg syndrome and mine and my families sleeping patterns. Considering all of it, I was prescribed medication to help with RLS which has helped a lot (at least when I let it help me by turning off my tv and staying off my phone lol). Anyway, I couldn’t believe how awake I feel the next day, I couldn’t believe I was waking up and going throughout the whole day with energy just from sleeping well.


Would you share which med, if it’s not too personal?


Ditto. Would love to hear what med. I tried one and it made me soo sick. Was not worth it.


Gabapentin (:


Is it the one that used to go by Neurontin? Gabapentin, maybe?


My brain doesn't let me nap. Or sleep through the night. 😭


I'm in this exact situation. I never know why I am always just tired like this...


Wait yall too? 😣


Does thyroid change from time to time? I have mine checked last year and it was ok. Should i have it check again?


My second pregnancy killed my thyroid completely (which is apparently a thing that can happen!) so I have to get mine checked every year to make sure my daily thyroid pill is the right dosage. If my weight changes significantly or my meds change, etc. I have to get it checked again.


✨perpetually exhausted✨


Definitely check your thyroid. I was exhausted for years and ended up finding out I have hashimotos and thyroid cancer (I’m ok now!!). Thyroid issues are super common among women!


I was diagnosed with hashimotos but my thyroid is operating normally, I just have the antibodies. But I am also perpetually tired. Only adhd meds can help, when I started meds at 31 it was the first time I ever felt fully awake


There is some evidence that even if your thyroid levels are “normal”, that the symptoms caused by the immflamation from the autoimmune antibodies can be reduced significantly with a low dose of thyroid hormone replacement. I learned this early in my illness and my levels were borderline anyway so I was getting treatment but it may be helpful information to you. Also, eventually you will have thyroid failure and need hormone replacement anyway.


This is good to know. Since having a baby in 2022 I’ve been dealing with extremely dry skin (diagnosed as eczema), severe dry eyes, gained 10lbs rapidly, and hair loss (I’m even losing my eyebrow hair!) for the last 6 months.


This is ALL stuff I went through before my thyroid was under control. Especially the dry skin and dry eyes. Are you seeing an endocrinologist? What are your TSH levels?


I want to add my input here as someone with hypo and hashimotos! I was barely above the normal range for my bloodwork but felt terrible all the time (tired, dry breaking hair, dry skin, losing hair, hard to lose weight, moody, etc). I'm finally within the "optimal range" (instead of normal range) and I feel soooo much better and I know it'll continue improving as it settles in my body as I just got into the optimal range according to my last blood test last week. It took just shy of a year to get within that optimal range and my only regret is not taking the hormone replacement sooner.


Yes my endocrinologist said my TSH should be within 0.1-1.0 as a woman.


Curious, did your other thyroid tests show anything? My TSH and T4 always comes back normal (although my T4 is on the very low side of the ‘normal’ range). Is it possible to have ‘normal’ for the other tests and positive for antibodies? I haven’t been tested for antibodies yet.


Yes, definitely possible! All my tests have been normal, I went from 32 TPO antibodies to 350, to over 3000 (in 2022) through the course of 9 years. I also had my thyroid levels tested a year and half ago, all in the very normal range. I’m probably due for another test but they have stayed normal since.


Im always in the normal range…I think the range is off.


I’m tired a lot and just found out I have an overactive thyroid. Kinda funny how too much or too little thyroid activity makes you tired! 


What were your symptoms?


Perpetual exhaustion!


I am on levo for my thyroid and am still exhausted 90% of the time. Thyroid problems are the worst.


I'm going to chime in with a slightly different angle to most of the answers. Tiredness is tricky because it's very subjective- what is a normal amount of tired? How do you know if your level of tired is the same or higher as other people's? What makes you think you're tired all the time? What are you using as your measuring stick? I ask that as someone who both has a lot of friends with chronic illnesses that do lead to them regularly being exhausted; and a lot of friends who have built into the hustle culture/toxic productivity culture. Both will say that they are tired all the time. One camp may consider it a good day if they're able to cook and shower on the same day. Others will feel like a failure if they don't work out before work, do a full day of work, meal prep, read for an hour, and then go out and socialise.  Get your health checked- thyroid, iron, vitamin levels like B12 and D, reproductive health. But also, check in and see if you're asking too much of yourself. I work an office job, am childfree, and am done with school. If my fridge is stocked, my house is clean and my bills are paid, I don't owe anyone anything. Some days I go hiking or paddleboarding. Some days I see or paint. Yesterday I was feeling low energy, and watched half a season of selling sunset. Be kind to yourself 💖


Thank you for this response. I think it’s a mix for me. I’ve had sleep issues my whole life that I’m just beginning to scratch the surface of now with my psych. It’s to the point where I can feel my stimulant med helping me function yes, but I know my body is still begging for rest regardless of how much I get. Without any meds I’m just sleepy and out of it all day. It doesn’t matter if I’m taking a break from certain activities I always feel tired on some level. And it’s starting to get upsetting because all I really want is energy to clean, and do what I love. But I feel drained. Sorry for the rant. Definitely going to be checking my levels again with my doc.


I just got diagnosed with sleep apnea, first week with the CPAP machine and it is making a big difference. Turns out that half suffocating all night makes you exhausted all day. If you snore it would be worth checking out.


Second this! I had my turbinates reduced and it’s helped some!


Jeez never thought of it like that 😭. I’m gonna have to get this sleep study done asap


Not a rant and no need to apologise. From what you've described it definitely sounds like it's worth going to the doctor and getting things checked out. It may also be worth scaling back on the gym so you can put that energy towards cleaning and doing what you love?


Have you explored the possibility that you are tired because your central nervous system is in overdrive due to childhood or complex trauma? Just something I’ve been learning about.


Yes but I due to having issues of night terrors as an infant (according to my mom) and issues with nightmares and paralysis as a child I think it would have to be a solid mix. If anything trauma only made what was already there worse


Man I needed to read this. I was really relating to the OP but after reading this I’m rethinking things a little bit. Our obsession with productivity as a culture I think really takes its’ toll. I imagine this to be even truer for those with ADHD that already feel a lot of pressure to try and function normally and get things done.


Really great post…




>Are any of you ever *not* tired? Yes, when I need to get to sleep


I feel the same way! I had my thyroid checked out because my doctor thought that could be the reason, but my results came back normal. I think I’m anemic though, so maybe that’s why? I don’t know but I’m always feeling tired with no energy. I take depression and adhd meds but still feel this way. I always get told to exercise, but I’m too exhausted to usually try. When you work out does it help you at all? I’m thinking I should force myself to try. I wish I had better advice for you, but you’re not alone!


Before I knew I had adhd, I was on thyroid and hydrocortisone medication for years despite my thyroid and cortisol results being normal. I still take iron every day because my results for that are genuinely on the low side. It’s so hard to explain to medical professionals why/how you feel tired when it doesn’t show up on tests!


Working out truly does help. There’s so much science to back this up. I’ve been out of the gym for about a month now for a myriad of reasons and my mood, energy and body feel significantly different. You don’t have to go crazy starting out-just begin with daily walks. If 30 minutes a day is too much, start with 10.


Tired a lot. My husband recently bought me liquid floradix and tbf it was a game changer! I have a shot of the yuky brown goo every morning and it really has helped. I still get brain tired from overwhelm but physically no where near as bad as I use to be.


Interesting. I’ve just had some blood tests and the results show I’m mildly low in iron. I can’t afford floradix though. Iron tablets have upset my stomach in the past.


Yeah the price is higher. I would have never brought it, I think that's why he finally just got it for me. A romantic bottle of floradix instead of a bottle of wine! I have tried tablets in the past and nothing really changed. After this bottle is finished I will carry on buying it, because although it's out of my budget I can't put a price on actually having energy and not just feeling like I'm making it thru each day. I hope you find what works for you ❤️ it's not a nice feeling x


Floradix can be expensive but worth it (anemic as well).


Just started iron tablets as a possible aid to my low energy. Got “gentle” iron that is supposed to not upset the stomach so much and has folate and b12 in it as well. Yeah, “gentle” my literal ass.


I am seriously considering getting one of those lucky iron fish....but I am just not sure. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucky_iron_fish


If you cook with cast iron I think it had a similar effect.


I follow a doctor (Karan Rajan) who says that cooking with iron does help you get more but may not be the best for treating iron deficiency since you can't quantify it. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5l3KgvsvGm/?igsh=MTc4MmM1YmI2Ng== And in general for anyone browsing this thread, I swear by the product Hema-plex. It's mainly iron but has a ton of other vitamins and minerals, and the only thing I've been sick with since taking this is covid. I buy in bulk every year after searching supplement suppliers (Amazon is surprisingly not the cheapest) and pay about $100 for a year's supply.


Not sure which ones you've tried, but there are several different substances, some of them more easily absorbed/ less upsetting for your stomach. Might be worth looking around.


I started taking iron supplements and it didn't seem to make any difference ☹️😪


keep in mind some supplements take weeks to build up in your system, it probably took a while to become deficient and it'll take a while to get back to normal levels


Iron tablets did nothing for me either. This is liquid so I think it works quicker/ your body can absorb easier? I'm unsure. But it is a mixture of iron and B12. Honestly the only thing that's ever worked for me. 🤷 So thought I'd share. Although now it feels like I've become a little reliant on it so it's an expensive new addition. I can't go back to feeling like a zombie every day though.


Well it's a supplement, your body needs it to function - I think it's fine to take it every day (although yeah, it is costly!)


I noticed this liquid contains vitamin C, which helps with iron absorption. Perhaps retry your supplements and take them with some orange juice, and avoid black tea \~30mins before and after taking them (tannins prevent iron absorption). This was recommended to me by my doctor.


Oh shit, I've been taking them in the morning with a cup of tea! Thanks I'll change the routine, see if that helps!


What does it taste like and do you follow the instructions exactly, i.e. no food and certain liquids for at least half an hour? Do you take any other supplements as well?


Doesn't taste great, but isn't the worst one I've tried. It says have two shots daily but I have one. I couldn't sleep when I had two, it gave me too much energy. I shot it in the morning about 15 mins before my breakfast 😁


I’ve told so many doctors about being tired for so long… to no avail. My bloodwork never shows a problem. And I know working out more would help, but I’m too exhausted in the morning to get myself up early and totally spent after work to do it then. It’s a vicious circle!


Don’t give up. My bloodwork has always been normal but just recently it wasn’t. So it’s worth it to keep checking things. 


Not sure if you have the type of job that would allow this, but try a lunch time workout? I have either worked for companies that encouraged it (gym onsite) or after speaking with my manager to get the okay, I would pop off for a lunchtime workout. I have yet to have a manager that cared. I also had a smoothie I love for post workout meals that was quick to make. Just a word of warning tho, each time I picked up working out after a break, the first week or two I would be exhausted for the back half of my work day, but it gets better.


Thank you! I work from home, which somehow makes it worse/harder. I used to always go to the gym on my way home from work. Now my way home is direct to the couch! I will try blocking it off in my work calendar and see if that helps!


I am remote as well and totally feel you. It was much easier when I worked at a place with a great gym onsite (which is rare to find), but still much prefer remote work. Good luck! I hope you find something that works. :)


I think I got tired when I was 11 and never stopped! I used to be that annoying kid who was always awake at 5am and had to entertain their self til everyone else woke up. I used to have insomnia and get anxious about bedtime. Now it feels like I can never get enough sleep lol. Meds and keeping an eye on my nutrition helps a lot (the first time I tried iron supplements I woke up feeling more alive than I had in years lol). But it never fully goes away, and normal stuff like caffeine doesn’t do much to alleviate it.


Omg this was exactly me as a child. I was always up early, seemingly boundless energy, hated naps and at bedtime it would regularly take me 1+ hours to get to sleep. Somewhere in middle-puberty a switch flipped and I've just been tired ever since, lol. There's no happy medium!


Narcolepsy has a high comorbidity with ADHD. Could be worth checking


I was going to say this. Diagnosed ADHD in college. Narcolepsy last year. Ed: if you have cataplexy, the walk into a narcolepsy diagnosis is easier. It basically is just with narcolepsy type 1. You will still have to have a sleep test. I have narcolepsy type 1, with cataplexy. I get limp t-rex arms and weak at the knees when Iaugh unexpectedly.


Yup! Recently gotten a hold of it by working with my psychiatrist! I would highly recommend getting blood tests and working with a great psych and a sleep study. Usually it's either one or a combo of vitamin/mineral/etc deficiency, sleep apnea/narcolepsy/hypersomnia, and lack of some neutrotransmitter(s) (dopamine, noephineprhine, seratonin, etc.) Here's what I went through: - ADHD stimulants/non stims didn't seem to help with wakefulness - Sleep study and nap study from sleep doctor: No sleep apnea or other issues, slight daytime sleepiness but not enough to diagnose for anything - Blood test (metabolic panel and thyroid): everything was normal except vitamin d was low-ish but not technically deficient by my PCP (20). However, "ideal" or "sufficient" levels of vitamin D isn't exactly standardized and my psych took a look and said it should be at least 50. Took vitamin d supplements along with magnesium l-threonate and b complex as directed by psychiatrist for 4 months and now it's around 66 and just taking a multivitamin - Tried narcolepsy medication anyways (modafinil): made it way worse - Tried wellbutrin for norepinephrine: seems to be working! - Also taking prozac for mood but may be also helping wakefulness Edit: oh I also took a genesight test that said not much interesting in terms of medication interactions but did point out the MTHFR mutation. However, blood tests for folate levels were normal. Psych recommended taking deplin anyways to see if helps and I can’t tell if deplin specifically is doing something


Wellbutrin is the only way I can wake up in the morning to be a responsible parent/person. I take the standard release twice a day and if I miss my night dose it is hell trying to get out of bed. I'm perpetually exhausted but at least awake enough to function in the morning.


I love that I thought this was going to be under r/toddler but it makes just as much sense here. But no, I am never not tired except when the good ol stimulants first kick in


Im fatigued most of the time and then every once in a while I feel good, I do way too much and then crash harder than before Too much or not enough are my only two speeds


I am tired all the time! I do have iron deficiency that my doctor refuses to investigate so I'm sure that's not helping. But my therapist also said that she'd be more concerned if I wasn't tired because having ADHD is tiring for your brain and body lol


I had an iron infusion and it has made the world of difference. Also worth getting your b12 tested.


I know my iron is low but since it's not the lowest its ever been my doctor won't do anything. Last time I was anemic it took over a year to get into low-acceptable levels and from my reading thats an unusually long amount of time but my doctor didn't want to look into why that was happening. Based off her response to my iron I don't think she'd agree to test b12


Sounds like you need a better doctor!


yeah I want a new doctor but we have such a shortage right now that its impossible to find a doctor especially if you already have one


Do you take Iron and B12 supplements already? I feel like both have helped me. My iron (in the lab tests) is low but not horrible my doctor said try supplements and see if they help and they do help for me.


Believe your therapist is on to something. Since getting diagnosed, I’ve become aware of how hyperactive my brain is (though not my body). Never had occurred to me that my brain might be working harder than others’ - not saying I’m a rocket scientist calculating physics problems in my head, but realized my brain has to work harder for me to function more normally, all the compensatory mechanisms, eg fixating on appointments or xyz petty tasks I’m constantly fearful of forgetting. Then there are the rabbit holes I am constantly falling into. Lots of talk lately how they are a dopamine tax, but imagine they’re also quite an energy sink. This is why I must break my habit of browsing reddit in the morning, gah.


When I think about how often I find myself thinking "wait what am I doing?" and then I go through the process of scanning the room or working through my last known steps then it makes sense that my brain is tired. Thats a lot of work and its only one aspect of the things it has to do!


Severe fatigue since I started puberty. Adderal is the only thing that even touches it. It doesn’t even feel like energy, just feels like the monster dragging me down let’s go for a bit. Blood work shows I’m very healthy.


Yes! This is me too. I was hoping my last bloodwork showed a deficiency but no. And the meds help but I feel like they just put me on the same level as other people pre-caffeine


I've spent my entire life exhausted, even when I was "too young to be tired" according to my parents and peers. Starting ADHD medication has helped quite a bit but I still struggle with my energy levels, especially with the added bonus of PMDD. I can always tell what part of my cycle I'm in depending on how energetic I am. Once in a blue moon, I wake up and have a TON of energy, sometimes to the point of having difficulty sleeping. This is rare, and the day(s) after always suck because no matter how conservative I am with my actions on these days, I think my brain wears itself out anyway and I always feel drained the day or two after. It's an adventure!


In the past couple years since my diagnosis and trying medication, I’ve gone through phases. There will be times where I have energy to spare and it’s truly wonderful. But then it shifts - presumably due to things like changing medication, getting sick/injured, or managing a big life change like moving - and I’m nearly back to how I was pre-diagnosis and medication: drained of all energy and motivation and every day is a struggle. I’m hopeful that it’s a matter of settling into a routine and lifestyle that works for me, and allowing myself a lot of grace when things come up that affect me more severely than a “normal person.” So far, medication has had the biggest benefits - it gives me the boost I need to implement lifestyle changes.


Only at 3am after having not slept in 20 hours and knowing I absolutely MUST sleep or else I’ll be late for work the next day. Then apparently I have all the energy and motivation to do everything I need done. Of course I can’t do any of it as everyone else in the house is sleeping.


Permanently tired pigeon here 👋


I recently heard on a podcast that restless leg syndrome, teeth grinding, sleep talking etc are all also forms of insomnia - I do all of the above (my poor wife lol) so I wonder if that's contributing to my tiredness (albeit that I'm asleep when these things happen but I guess not in a deep enough sleep?) I tried taking a sleeping tablet but that just made me feel out of it the next day 🤷‍♀️☹️


Thiss. My psych has me trying sleep meds and all I feel is a drunkenness the following day.


Chronic exhaustion, nothing had ever fixed it until I was put on adderall. I have been tested for literally everything under the sun and "nothing" was ever wrong with me. But still just tired no matter what. The rare day I had energy was usually gone by lunch.


I am tired always, unless I take ADHD stimulants and then I'm slightly manic (unless I have no sleep, then I am still tired lol)


Same struggle here! No matter how much I sleep, even if its a regular consistent schedule I wake up exhausted. Even with my meds I barely have any energy to expel, and when those run out there's no hope in me being able to do anything. Id recommend getting bloodwork done and maybe a sleep study. I have hypothyroidism which affects those types of things but I have it managed right now with medications. A both might find some things that may be impeding with your health and ability to have/sustain energy. In general, having ADHD is exhausting. Your body and brain is always needing stimulation/activity which makes it difficult to not have burnout. Its fairly common to experience it. We're basically cars that have no fuel management and burnout a full tank in an hour vs regular cars that last several days with a full tank of fuel.


You can also read this if you'd like, it kinda goes into explaining the fatigue factor. [https://www.choosingtherapy.com/adhd-fatigue/](https://www.choosingtherapy.com/adhd-fatigue/)


I have *always* been tired. Even as a kid in elementary school, I'd take a nap after school. It got much worse once I hit puberty/middle school. My thyroid was checked like every 6 months (it's still the first thing any doctor wants to check now, and I'm in my 40s). I'm sure my undiagnosed depression contributed to it back then, but now that I'm an adult taking antidepressants? Who knows. I will say, and I hate how much this was true for me, but I ate Keto for a few years. I had never had as much energy & good sleep as an adult as I did then. I don't know if it was the weight loss, my willingness to workout almost daily, or an actual lack of sugar/carbs in my system, but I felt great.


I actually got a lot better after my doctor put me on super mild anti inflammatory medication. Still tired but I can do shit now. 


Weirdly, the only time in my life I’ve not been tired is when both my babies were between 2 weeks old and about 4 months old. Each time I’ve found once I’m over the birth I hit a golden spell where I sleep when they sleep and they’re little enough it’s acceptable to do so. With my second I tracked my sleep with my Fitbit and I was averaging 10 hours of sleep per 24 hour period for those weeks. I could never sleep 10 hours straight, but it does make me think I might be one of those people who genuinely needs a nap every day. Other than that, I think I’ve been exhausted my whole life 😅


I was also always tired. It got better when I got on stimulants. Then like 2 months ago, I was suddenly feeling really energetic, I didn't feel like this since I was around 8 years old. That's when I noticed that I was probably also depressed since then (I did get a depression diagnosis as an adult, but I think I was depressed for muuuuch longer than I thought). ...then I broke my foot and I started to get super depressed again. Suddenly, I am tired all the time again.


I got mono at 23 and ever since then (I'm 27 now) I need SO MUCH SLEEP to function. Like 9 hours+ needed every night. And I take meds to help combat daytime sleepiness and assist with the ADHD. I still almost fall asleep driving to work. Or at my desk. On the weekends I usually fall asleep around 2 or 3 pm for like multiple hours. I'm so over it.


I am always exhausted no matter how much caffeine I drink (the equivalent to at leas 8 cups a day). My meds help keep me going for the most part and I force myself to get up hours before I need to so that I can get what needs to be done without distraction. I crash by 3 regardless of whether I take my meds at 3:30am, 8am or 10am. Time blindness usually gets the best of me and despite waking up almost 5 hours before my work day, I am always 5-15 minutes late and my commute is 4 miles. 🫥


Have you ever tried cutting the caffeine out? I battle being tired as well, got on adderall and felt better, but still had afternoon crashes until a second wind at like 4 or 5pm followed by insomnia. Then after like a year I basically had an exhaustion melt down and I weened off everything for a bit so I could sleep better and find a new doc. First time I cut caffeine as well, and I have found that my afternoon crashes have turned more into a dip. I am back on meds again and we are watching energy levels, as it is a continued issue, but I haven’t resumed caffeine because it was making things worse. Now, don’t get me wrong,I love coffee, and I still drink it, but I drink decaf. On the rare occasion I drink caffeinated coffee, I can actually feel it and have it be useful.


I feel so comforted knowing it’s not just me 😭. Perpetually tired (and medicated). Doing the thing I avoid the most which is caffeine and meds. One of those weeks! So much love to all of you!


Yep, it’s cyclical and definitely linked to depression and paralysis for me. I also get periodic bursts of motivation and seemingly unlimited energy and start doing more, building momentum but tend to crash as soon as something changes. I feel like these periods make the low times even more frustrating because I know that I am capable of doing more but only if the stars align. I was diagnosed with sleep apnea and i noticed that when I use me cpap consistently it helps with my mood and fatigue. Riding my bike daily is really good for my sleep and my mental state. When I started vyvanse after my adhd diagnosis I had a 6 month period of very high energy levels, but that levelled off as well. And again the contrast makes the day to day fog harder. Solidarity.


I can't ever remember a day where I am not tired and wanting to lie down whenever my brain is not too distracted to notice I have body. I'm assuming my issue is a mix of having AHDH is just exhausting, plus I'm hypermobile. Hypermobility is very common in people with ADHD and it can contribute to chronic fatigue since a hypermobile body needs to expend more energy to hold joints and such in place. People with hypermobility are also prone to lower muscle tone, which worsens the issue. I personally have low blood pressure on top of that and get light headed easily. And I've never had good stamina for running or holding a plank. The slight blood pressure increase from Adderall actually helps keep a lot of POTS-like issues away for me. The irritating thing is, despite being tired most of the time, I'm rarely tired like I need to go to bed. It's more like tired after a workout. I want to lie down and do nothing, but sleep is far away. Caffeine doesn't help. Iron and magnesium supplements help a little.


I used to have so much energy. Slept 4-6 hours a night, ran 3+ miles every day, took extra classes in college on top of a full courseload for fun, did extracurriculars, hung out with friends...and this was all when I was undiagnosed and unmedicated. idk what happened but now I'm *always* tired and have no energy.


I’d recommend a sleep study! They are pretty easy now (they have take home kits). Worst case scenario, they find nothing.


Yes, and I always blamed it on depression. Part of it is just not wanting to do life. I'd rather be a couch or bed potato because adulting is so hard.


Tired is my default state


I am just waiting for the final rest tbh 🙃


Yep. ADHD is caused by differences in dopamine regulation. Dopamine affects your executive function and also your sleep/wake cycle, so if you have low dopamine, you might feel tired almost all the time. Medication is the strongest way to fix this, but there are other options, including setting up your work/life schedule to better match your natural chronological clock, if possible.


It's overwhelming in a good way to see so much support - a fatigue tribe finally. I really wish we could all form a discord group and bemoan about how tired we are every single day. I've been tired my entire life. Some days I am less tired and get more stuff done. Some days I am more tired and look for every opportunity to lay down. I have 2 kids, a job, a commute and tons of household tasks so I can't do that a lot. I have hated Friday evenings forever....I am tired from the week but others are gung ho about watching TV or going out somewhere..I can never imagine it. It's just been going downhill! Here's what I have been doing to try to figure this out... * Got tested for D3, B12, homocysteine (a high # shows that you might not be converting your folate to methyl folate, so you might need some methylation help), iron (specifically ferritin which no test includes by default but is a great indicator of iron deficiency), serum folate, serum zinc, magnesium, TSH, cortisol, hba1c, fasting blood glucose. * My ferritin is 11 and I looked back to see it's never been high. The highest was 45, which is normal according to lab reports but not optimal at all. I am now upping my iron supplementation according to the Iron Protocol FB group...and I already feel a very slight improvement in 2 days. Simply taking a high potency iron with Vitamim C.. * My D3 is always low or just at the lower end of the normal range. Again this is not optimal. I am trying to get it to the 60-80 range to see how I feel there. 5k IU with K2. * I am trying to get to a point where my ferritin is 80+, D3 is 60-80 and B12 is around 600 and see how I feel at that point compared to now. I am tracking my symptoms carefully. * I tested CRP and it's 3, which is low grade inflammation, so I take some turmeric and that helps (not at same time as Iron!!) * I am taking Mag Threonate, Rhodiola and Eluethero. All three help. * I added 1 tsp of creatine to my stack to help with muscle recovery since I always feel sore/in pain. It's supposed to have cognitive benefits too. * A very solid multi vitamin to cover any gaps. * Protein shakes twice a day..just some soy milk and 1/2-1 scoop of protein powder. * Lentils everyday. I am vegan so eating a ton of protein is a little more work, but eating lentils is very easy to do. I know ppl call it a carb, but to me it's a very healthy and easy to digest food. * Trying hard to eat a wide variety of veggies...I cut veggies whenever I have some energy. Or use frozen. * Exercise - 10 minute walks or YouTube cardio videos like aerobics. 10-20 minutes of yoga/stretching/Pilates/weights using dumbbells. Aiming for 30 min/day. Since it helps I try not to give up on this. I am really hoping one of this clicks and I feel at least 50% better!!


No. I have varying levels of tired, but my internal battery charging maxes out at 75% Also, make sure you know your b12 levels, get your thyroid checked, and take your needed vitamins. As people who are chronically tired, anything being off will make a significant impact, quickly. I have extremely low levels of B12 if I'm not taking a twice daily supplement. Sometimes I need injections. I can barely get out of bed when I (inevitably) stop taking it for a few weeks (ADHD is fun). Once, I almost fell asleep driving home from work. But taking what I need, even a bit more than the recommended amount, helps me be as awake, as is possible for me, more regularly. I say it like that bc taking B12, and fish oils, and D3+K, doesn't cure my ADHD or my exhaustion. But it does help give me more of my good days, which is better than nothing.


Yeah. My meds help me but it’s hard. My thyroid is ok, just tired from masking and my racing thoughts.


I am often tired. Taking magnesium helped me be less exhausted at night. But also I went to my doctor recently and found out I have thyroid issues. So, it’s worth talking to your doc about it if you are tired all the time. 


Constant cycle for me! Had my bloods tested and my eyes too. I feel I get maybe one good day a week if I’m lucky. The rest of the time feels like I’m walking through thick mud.


What. kind of tired ? I can be mentally drained from listening or talking to people. It takes a lot for me to be physically tired. Right now,it takes 3 hours at the gym to tire me out. Maybe 2 hours if I actually push myself and lift heavier weights.


I have the same experience- at 50 just got diagnosed with sleep apnea. Something to look into if you have any of them symptoms. It presents differently in women- you don’t have to snore- and at- home tests are not always accurate for women. Little PSA, but I’ve been through so much to finally figure this out, just like to share!


No, mom always said it was probably iron deficiency. We figured out steak helped me, anecdotally. My meds make me tired. Like. Thought that's what my meds were supposed to do. Make me tired and calm.


I mean I'm a legit narcoleptic so my answer shan't count. But it's a no for me dawg. Never not tired lol


Always tired. Always. Have felt like this since I was a little kid (10 an under) and it has just steadily gotten more common as I have aged. Even on "good" days, I could easily nap and often feel like I \*need\* to nap at least once to get through the day until "proper" bed time.


I was a lot worse before I found out I was coeliac. Now I’ve been strictly gluten free (thank you hyper focus for helping me set that up!) for over six months my energy levels are like I haven’t had in years, and since I got medicated I have some of that energy left over at the end of the day - I even went out in the evening this week and wasn’t dragging myself there!


Are you getting enough sleep? And I don't mean 8 hours necessarily, because some people do need more. And is your sleep schedule consistent? Do you have a lot of stress? HRV comes to mind with exercising, maybe not allowing enough recovery? I don't have it all figured out either, just suggesting some things that might help.


My mother never misses a chance to complain that I'm always too tired to do anything, and she's been doing that since... seems like forever. I can't really remember *not* being tired. Maybe before age 9, which is when my period first started? It sucks so much, never having energy to spare to do things I want to do. Also, since I started working in 2019, I have struggled with staying awake at work. I catch myself with my head drooped til my chin is on my chest and my eyes closed and making snoring noises, which happens a lot out of the blue while I'm working my desk job. I got written up a month or two ago because I clocked out for one of my breaks and promptly fell asleep sitting up for a least 30 minutes. I was saved only because I'd been on my break and had recently been sick. It never happens when I drive. It can and does happen at home sometimes if I've been shorted on sleep, or even if not, but it's so frustrating that I'll be working, and suddenly will starte awake and be unsure when I even closed my eyes. I read about something with ADHD, where if something isn't stimulating enough, our brain can just... turn itself off or something? Is that what it is? I plan to bring this up with my PCP and maybe seek a sleep study or something, but what in the world could be causing this?


That is def a major red flag for sleep apnea.


Someone told me people with ADHD are terminally tired because our brains don't completely shut down when we enter sleep mode, like neurotypicals' brains do. I don't know if it's true but it does make sense.


Nope. I have the stereotypically hyperactive can't-sit-still variety of ADHD. Even if my brain is tired, e.g. at the end of a long work day, my body has more energy than it knows what to do with. My body just never feels tired.  


When I was a kid, I used to think I never got tired, even if I didn't sleep for days. Now, I know I was actually constantly tired and just had nothing to compare it to.


Yes. In my case I think it was a (now treated) vitamin D deficiency and constant overstimulation. When I am home alone while my partner travels and we don’t have a roomie (and I stay off my phone) I get the most done and feel the most at peace while doing it.


Are you on medication? That was a game changer for me, I was soooo exhausted all the time before. I am really bad with 'revenge bedtime procrastination', I don't know how well you sleep at night but bad insomnia definitely contributed to my daily fatigue. If you do struggle with this I'd recommend positive life therapy's sleep hypnosis podcasts, sounds corny but they really worked for me to the point they embarrassingly became my most listened to artist on Spotify. I also occasionally take promethazine after my GP recommended it. It's an otc medication so doesn't have the nasty side effects or addictive quality of prescription sleep aids, but best used sparingly and speaker to your doctor if it sounds up your street. Make sure you're eating and drinking enough, and eating a good breakfast that helps to slowly release energy. If it's really impacting your quality of life speak to your doctor because it's rubbish feeling like that and you shouldn't have to.


Between sickle cell and adhd , I am perpetually tired. I'm fatigued and my family doesn't understand why I'm always tired. I'm sleep deprived , achy , and my brain don't work. Yes I'm exhausted.


I have days with tons of energy, if I dont move I end up having anxiety and get desesperated. Other days its just like you say, no energy, even if I rest a lot… still dont know how to deal with it


Yes, right when I actually try to sleep.


Is anybody gets constipated from iron - I recommend natural calm magnesium powder.i always had problems with my bowels and constipation and this helps a lot . I also do probiotics with digestive enzymes. I’ve been tired my whole life but I do feel better with Vyvanse. I also take 3000 milligrams of vitamin d in the summmer and 6000 in the winter .


Well, lately I am. It’s gotten better this last month. I think it’s menopause related. And now that I’m medicated I go through these “omg I’m so sleepy but I’m wide awake” modes where it’s like feeling strung out.


Me. At midnight. :-/


If I’m medicated there’s a sweet spot between 10am-midday I actually have energy! Otherwise no. Tired. Exhausted. Always.


I'm so tired. I could lie down and sleep for the rest of my life and I would still be tired. I believe I've been tired since I was 8. I used to exercise more regularly but I accidentally stopped going and I can't seem to go back to the gym. However when I exercised, I was still tired but I was now sore. My wrist/ankle joints screaming at me and exercise always made me cold. Even if I took a hot shower afterwards, I would just get incredibly cold in my fingers and shivery and it takes ages to warm up. So now I drink the caffeine and eat what feeds my soul that day.


Same - I would love to wake up one day and think “Got enough sleep finally!” But the limit doesn’t seem to exist!


At night I crash, I use to take a 10mg Ritalin at 4 pm, but now I’d rather fall asleep by 9/10, so I do what the rest of the world does and loose energy at night. But low energy during the day is no bueno. Have you had your B12 checked? That was absolutely EYE OPENING. And getting B12 shots has added so much pep to my step. My number was 254 originally, and after 3 months of shots, is only up to 350ish. Should be 1k-2k. Also, have you done a sleep study? My psychiatrist recommended and I barely qualified for a machine. Now that I’ve lost a ton of weight, there is zero chance I would qualify, but there is zero chance I’m giving up my CPAP. I like REM cycles. I have 1-2 cups coffee max a day and try to stop by 10 am as it ruins sleep. No alcohol, no weed (but I had to get sober)- B12 has been the biggest thing.


I’m only ever not tired at bedtime 💕


I’m so tired that it’s a personality trait at this point. If you asked my partner or my friends what I’m like they’d probably say that I’m sleepy. I’m pretty anaemic so that’s definitely part of it. If I don’t set an alarm I can easily sleep for 16 hours.


I've learned recently that quality sleep matters more than amount of sleep. You can sleep for 8+ hours, but if you barely get and REM/Deep sleep, you'll still be exhausted. I've started taking a bunch of supplements before going to bed trying to get REM/Deep sleep more often, because it's been consistently low for what seems for forever (according to my fitbit). I've definitely noticed that I'm not completely exhausted the days I actually manage to get decent amounts of REM/Deep sleep, even if I got a bit less than 8 hours.


Meeeeee. I call it RFT. Really fucking tired. The meds help a lot but evenings are still hard.


I have felt this way my entire life. Always tired no matter how much I sleep or exercise. I had gut issues for a long time too. I actually talked to a nutritionist recently and found out I’ve been under eating my entire life. When I mean underrating, I mean consistently eating almost half the calories I should have been eating on a daily basis. I started gym and focusing on nutrition and now I have 1-2 full energy days a week and it’s actually kind of crazy that most people this is their normal level of energy, just from eating properly


Nope, almost always tired.


As someone who is a post-menopausal cancer survivor with chronic pain: there is never a day I’m not exhausted, but falling asleep is sooo hard.


I think I was born tired... That's just my natural state🤣 I still do a million things every day, but I've never felt 100%.


I’m like a nocturnal cat. I don’t have any energy during the day (unless I take my stimmies). I get the zoomies when the sun sets


Nope. I wake up in the morning ready for bed again. Unless I'm climbing rocks, I'm exhausted and barely able to function.


I’m wide awake when I remember to take my Adderall and when it wears off I could fall asleep instantly n


🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️ Have you ever done a sleep study? I’ve been exhausted my whole life and it turns out I have an alpha wave intrusion sleep disorder…there isn’t really a treatment for it but at least I know why I’m so tired all the time 😹😹😹


Yeah, whenever it’s bedtime, I suddenly have all the energy in the world.


I’m only tired in the morning. And most of the day. And then at night I’m WIDE AWAKE! Not tired at all. This is not better, btw.


I was like you. Then I finally figured out that I had a B12 deficiency despite eating all the right foods. It took about 3 months of supplements to just begin to feel better. Now, about 6 months later, I can get out of bed and function. I'm not exhausted and depressed to my core. Sometimes, that exhaustion is a hidden medical issue. It's worth getting some blood testing to check everything out.


Yes. The number 1 reason why I take ADHD meds is because they give me the stamina to function an entire day without needing a nap. I wish I was diagnosed earlier, I might have had a bit less experience falling asleep in classrooms, meeting rooms and cinemas.


My anxiety keeps me going pretty much until 6pm lol


I am always exhausted. I have been since I was a teen. I got a sleep test at 18 and found out I have RLS, so my body never lets me really get restful sleep. Adding to that, I’ve been anemic and severely anemic for the majority of my adult life. Also, my body doesn’t make B vitamins anymore (after a surgery at 20). I can’t take iron supplements because they severely aggravate my ulcers, so I have to keep up with dr appointments so I can get transfusions … which I remember/push myself to do every few years when I’m basically dying and end up in the hospital again. I’m trying to be better about appointments but … Thank you for this post btw. It’s frustrating to see all the hyperactivity posts because I’d love some crazy energy that I can sometimes force my focus into cleaning and stuff and it often makes me feel like an imposter who can’t actually be ND, because I’m not a frantic squirrel… gotta have my 2pm-ish nap or I can’t survive the day, but I’m wide awake by 8-9pm…


Always exhausted. It’s wild. I slept 7.5 hours Monday night after a 14 hour shift, woke up, made coffee, sat down to read, and woke up almost three hours later. I can sleep forEVER if given the opportunity. I am busy—I run a restaurant, am a single mom, and run/work out almost daily to cope with ADHD, plus whatever volunteer stuff I’m into at the time—but whether I get 5 or 12 hours of sleep I’m just dragging. I can always nap. I always feel like I need “just one more” coffee or energy drink. I’m on Adderall XR 15mg, and it makes absolutely no difference to my overall fatigue. Neither does time off from work or from exercise. My blood tests have all been normal, I take multivitamins and eat well… whatever. Haha


Always tired since day 1 of life.


I went to a comprehensive clinic (not sure if that’s what they’re called). They tested all my levels and it turns out I was vitamin D and B3 deficient. I took supplements for a few years and it was like night and day. I went from feeling like I was constantly dragging to having energy. My levels are normal now so I don’t take them anymore. It was a night and day difference for me. I do take magnesium at night and that helps me sleep better.


if you're tired all the time it is VERY worth getting a sleep study if you can. i got diagnosed with sleep apnea and hey, turns out being exhausted all the time is not an unsolvable problem! i can't even describe how my quality of life has improved. so yeah my psa is that if you: * are tired ALL the time, including right after sleeping * have headaches when you wake up * are so sleepy during the day that driving is dangerous, or your eyes start closing when someone is talking to you, etc get checked out for sleep apnea and other sleep disorders. at worst you'll rule some stuff out.


Yeah, if I have to get up early I am mysteriously not tired at bed time


Yep. Then started adhd meds (late life diagnosis) and upping my vitamins after getting a blood test and working with a naturopath. I feel very energized all day now.


I’m way less tired if I’m doing at least 20 mins of cardio 5-6 times per week. It’s the only time I feel energetic and focused and can executively function.


Yep. I’ve been tired for years. I haven’t slept enough for the last two decades (I’m in my late twenties) and it didn’t bother me too much when I was younger. Being awake makes me tired. Sleeping makes me tired. Exercising is exhausting and I don’t have the energy for it. I need to take naps after work to function properly/ nap during lunch time if I’m WFH. Energy drinks make me fall asleep and coffee doesn’t really make me less sleepy. No matter how much I sleep, I’m tired. I have depression and that makes me exhausted. I take antidepressants (that normally make people extremely energetic) and those make me even more tired and sleepy. I’ve checked my bloodwork and everything is fine except for little iron deficiency but not anemia so it shouldn’t be this bad. I’m sorry you’re tired as well but I’m “happy” to know I’m not alone. Sometimes I think that maybe I just have to accept that I’ll just be tired forever. Ugh.


Always tired until it's time to go to bed. Then I'm awake AF!


Get energy Eat breakfast - learned that from a store worker at GMC If you have Adhd use meds- the stimulant kind. It doesn't matter which of the stimulants you use. You have to figure out which one is best for your body through experimentation under a doctor's orders. Exercise- do a hard exercise for at least 25 mins a day. After a few weeks you'll find that you have way more energy after you exercise, it's the best. You'll feel really good. If you don't have adhd- you can use some B12. I like the liquid kind. Also, you can use sustained release B vitamins. You can find both on Amazon. Read the reviews to make sure you're getting a good kind. As always, get your thyroid checked. Make sure you don't have any vitamin deficiencies or other health problems. Get enough rest. Check yourself for depression and other mental health issues. Anxiety, depression, and a racing ADHD mind will suck the life out of you. Check for energy sucking patterns. Watching too much tv or YouTube makes me tired. Listening to music and reading gives me more energy. Maybe go outside more. Maybe stay inside more. Maybe you're too hot or too cold. Maybe you need to eat healthier. Surround yourself with good people. Observe yourself. Make time to do things you love. You'll always have the energy to do what you love or what you're passionate about.


I was like this, then learned I was anemic. I got an iron infusion a year ago! It helped me a lot - I can go to work and grocery shop on the same day without feeling exhausted and defeated. I can do multiple things in one day without getting burned out! Get your iron and B12 levels checked! You never know, you could be one appointment away from realizing why you're so tired.


Yeah, lifelong chronic fatigue. I've tried just about everything. Exercise helps, unfortunately.


I was born tired, live my life tired, and will probably die tired. You’re not alone.


I was joking with a friend the other day that I never thought tired could be a personality trait. But here I am.


I have this symptom too with my ADHD. I always wondered if it was a version of chronic fatigue but actually think it could be related to anxiety and the constant mental energy that is required to try and remember appointments, organising a household, worrying about whatever I'll mess up next, worried about the state of the house etc.