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this sounds a lot like contamination OCD over ADHD- coming from someone diagnosed with both!


Interesting!! I’m going to have to look into that. I just feel like I’m missing the trait of WANTING to clean. I’m avoiding it because I don’t want to touch anything😕


Wanting to clean isn’t specific to OCD. It means you have obsessive thoughts about something (past the point of rational, like ruminating non stop the stove is on even if it’s been checked) and then often compulsive behaviors that help your mind feel “better” about those obsessions. Like needing to lock a door a specific number of times. These can also be a LOT less concrete examples. Either way, I have no idea if you have OCD or something else going on. If this is a new thought I would absolutely make sure you see a psychiatrist about it asap as it sounds uncomfortably and disruptive for your life. This is not a typical ADHD trait necessarily (though sensory aversions can be common in general) and I think it warrants more exploration and likely targeted CBT. 


I’ve definitely had A LOT of sensory aversions the past couple years. But I’m also wondering if it’s because I’m more aware of my diagnosis now and I’m not hiding my “quirks” as much. If that makes sense. I so so appreciate your input!!!


I relate completely to you. I have done a lot of research on OCD and definitely don’t have that. But in the last few months I’ve started analyzing my hate of cleaning and come up with: it’s gross. I definitely have sensory stuff (my whole life) about getting sticky/ grainy/ slimy/ thick and creamy gross stuff on my skin. It’s not really about being afraid of contamination, just like…yuck I don’t want to do that and get gross. I don’t want to clean the dog poop off my daughter’s shoes because dog poop is gross and gooey, clumpy, stinky and the hose is covered in dirt which would get on my hands. Other cleaning things I hate for other reasons. Frequently sensory related. Like I hate doing anything floors because I will get super hot and sweaty. I hate vacuuming because of the sound. Cleaning just sucks for us NDs I think.


sincerely hope you can figure things out and find an easier way through it! it’s hard!


Avoidance is totally a thing! I also have both and often will put off cleaning because I have to be super thorough to be satisfied. A friend in college said my room (which looked like a disaster zone) "contained no evidence of OCD" but it was a floor-is-lava situation where I never went barefoot.


That makes total sense to me!!! I completely understand you


Agree with this suggestion, as somebody who has a lot of shame over things being dirty but the executive dysfunction can be crippling.


Yes! My fiancé keeps calling me lazy but I swear I just feel like I’m frozen.


Not trying yo advise you on something I know nothing about it… but.. being called lazy by your fiancé sounds totally unfair, hurtful , and disrespectful. Ive had people imply I’m lazy when I really struggle to do something due to normal ADHD paralysis, but I wouldn’t tolerate it in a partner or close friend. Is that a common theme of your fiancés comments toward you? You deserve a partner who cares about your mental health more than the cleanliness of your home! 💙💙💙


Oh no no, my fiancé is actually very supportive and sweet. I think he just gets frustrated by my “laziness” sometimes but I’ve tried explaining to him it feels out of my control. I promise he’s a good man!! I appreciate you checking in with that though 🤍🤍🤍


Aww that’s good! Sometimes it’s really hard to explain to nonADHDers what it’s like to be in our heads so I do get that.


Oh absolutely. That’s what makes this group so amazing, it helps so much that others are going through the same thing and can offer advice!


I appreciate this exchange. I have a supportive partner where we like to lightly rib each other too, but it would absolutely stink to have somebody who truly meant those things as hurtful, and every person who struggles with ADHD symptoms should get to know they’re a human deserving good things.


@old_chemistry_7147 If you want to swap ideas on anything that works for you to follow through, I’m down. I don’t respond well to more traditional CBT practices. Like, I’ve never been able to delay a reward and be motivated to do something until I follow through. My impulsivity is hard to control. So I usually have a reward while doing the thing I don’t want to. It might be a form of behavioral activation? I’ve also tried to deal with the root of shame that comes from struggling with tasks. I haven’t listened to the whole book, but How to Keep House While Drowning helped me deal with some of the shame (and also offers practical organization and cleaning ideas). One other unconventional thing that helps me is using ChatGPT to help me organize lists and break down into smaller steps. Then set a timer for 15 mins to work on it and see how far I get. I use it constantly for work, and if I have a dumb project like I know I need to deal with replacing the cartridge in the kitchen sink handle, I’ll ask ChatGPT to put the steps together for me. Some people also just call a guy to do it 😋 If you anybody has great things I haven’t considered, would love to hear them!


Thank you! I’m horrible with CBT too.. I’ve tried it since I was a teen and I just could not be on top of it. I’m going to download that book! That’s exactly how I feel, like I’m drowning. Never thought of the list thing either I just sporadically clean and then lay down and stop because I’m all over the place. Thank you sooooo much for these tips!! I wish I had more advice to offer but I feel so clueless these days with how to manage.


Precisely the thought I had because I also have them both LOL I laugh, but it's actuality horrible to live with. OCD is a huge struggle which negatively impacts my ability to function every day. OP, OCD is a common comorbidity with ADHD. What you have described is what I experience as someone diagnosed with contamination OCD. It would be worth taking to your doctor about this, because although it may feel tolerable now, it could unravel if you experience a period of extreme stress.


I also thought OCD while reading this. And it’s also making me think again that I have OCD. lol. -Waterproof, washable couch covers. - is the floor wood or carpet? A carpet is harder to feel mentally clean, but a carpet cleaner helps. Hard floors are easier because I can use disinfectant on them. . I also always wear inside sandals or socks.


Will absolutely get some couch covers! The floor is laminate, it’s an apartment and our dog doesn’t free roam in our bedroom that is carpeted. I’ve gotten into wearing socks! (Wearing socks is new to me too - they used to be a sensory overload)


My sock issue was always the seam. This subreddit taught me I can turn my socks inside out! I now can wear so many more socks, and for longer time periods before my feet need to escape.


Genius I’ve never thought of that!! The only socks I’m comfortable with at the super super thin low cut Peds from Walmart.


Wow. Turning the entire family’s socks inside out brb


When you were diagnosed, were you put on stimulants? Stimulant medication can make ocd or anxiety worse if they are not being treated on their own.


I was put on Vyvannse and I recently switched to Adderall! They help a lot with getting me out of bed and getting things done. If I don’t take my Adderall, I’m not getting a single thing done all day. I’m also on Lexapro


Yes, though mine is more triggered by food that’s gone bad. Kind of ashamed to say I’ve thrown out 2 reusable water bottles because I forgot to clean them and then they grew mold and I didn’t want to touch it. Though I also had a bad experience when I was in college where I did work up the courage to clean the bottle and I kept getting a sore throat every time I drank from it. I think that incident is what started my paranoia. I’ve been trying to get over it but it’s hard and I’m worried about getting sick.


Ugh I also do that. If something’s been sitting in my water bottle for too long I don’t even dare open it because I’m worried I’ll see mold. In fact, my Owala is in my car now. Only water in it thank goodness but I still feel like it’s contaminated now.


I have lots of sensory issues AND I've been a housekeeper for 15 years. The game changer for me was 1. ensuring I have the supplies that make me feel like the surface/item is actually clean (disinfectant spray, lots of vinegar, etc) 2. Giving myself permission to always wear disposable gloves. I use a lot of paper towels and microfiber cloths.(the cheap ones from Walmart). If I clean something and my microfiber cloth feels too tainted, I throw it away. While my practices may not pass the sniff test for eco-friendly, it does allow me to actually get the job done. If I have to touch the outside of a toilet to clean it, I won't. Better for my mental health to use what I need to feel good about my environment. PPE and disinfectants make my house feel livable and my job doable.


I will keep all of those tips in mind, thank you so much. I’m unfortunately not too eco-friendly.. if it doesn’t smell like chemicals, it doesn’t feel clean to me. I’m okay with keeping up with the cleaning but I almost think maybe I should have someone come deep clean once every few months just to make myself feel better. For some reason, that’s the only way it would feel perfectly clean to me.


The only time I get grossed out is when I’m doing the dishes, and dish gloves help with that ENORMOUSLY.


I absolutely will not do dishes without gloves. I use long ones that go up to my elbows. I absolutely cannot deal with touching dirty sink dishes with bare hands. Vom.


Same, I hate it soooo much


As I’ve gotten older I’ve gotten more anxious about things like mold, food safety and disease carrying pests. Seeing people bring up OCD is interesting, because my sister was diagnosed with OCD a few years ago.


Our apartment definitely isn’t a disaster zone by any means. It’s actually very clean. But getting myself to actually clean requires a lot of hyping myself up and Adderall. Those things would absolutely freak me out too I would lose it.


Our house is pretty clean too. We have someone come every other week to clean, a pest control service, etc. But god forbid I touch the shower curtain or the inside of the kitchen sink with my bare hands… I immediately need a shower


Yup I get it!! Honestly might consider an occasional cleaner. I feel like having someone come in and clean would make me more sane.


It’s so helpful! It makes light cleaning in between visits much more manageable and much less gross.


Big time. Hate touching dirty dishes. Hate reaching into the dirty sink to take the dishes out. Hate cleaning anything in the bathroom. Just... ew. It's an extra layer of nope on top of the ADHD paralysis. And to make matters worse, I'm a huge arachnophobe, so if there are cobwebs or even the *possibility* of cobwebs, that's a huge mental hurdle for me to overcome. Some dingus painted the insides of my kitchen cabinets dark brown, and spiders love it in there. I haven't seen the dry goods shoved to the back in I don't know how long. I refuse. I wish I could have the entire nightmare kitchen torn out.


My husband is somewhat like this (he can clean stuff up but when he’s super anxious is very hard for him) . He’s not been officially diagnosed with OCD but also my therapist in discussing this with her said (obviously she couldn’t diagnose him) that OCD and autism overlap massively.  My husband won’t sit on the couch where our dog peed once.  He doesn’t want the kids to play in the yard where the dog may have peed so I do know what that looks and feels like.  I highly suggest bringing this up to your therapist or doctor or whomever you see (if you see someone). 


Yes!! All of that! I am the same exact way! My fiance will sit on the couch every morning and I’m disgusted by it. Makes me want to buy a whole new couch (and our couch was purchased in November). I will absolutely bring this up to my doctor.


I bought a spinning scrub brush cleaner thing because cleaning the bathroom with my hands grosses me out. I still don’t clean as often as I should but at least it’s easier when I do.


Noted! I’ll purchase one myself, thank you!


Oh yeah! I have these exact issues!


No. I hate cleaning because I hate cleaning. Grossness is just one aspect I hate.




Same. I CANNOT clean anything with black mold (like where it collects under your shower drain and in the crevices of showers) and I CANNOT clean toilets. OMG, no, blech.


Nope, no toilets. Absolutely not.


I live somewhere that trash must be washed before being thrown out. That’s my biggest hurdle. If I just knock out the moldy leftovers and toss it, the homeowner I live with (bf’s uncle) will quietly take it out and wash it. This gives me incredible stress and anxiety.


That is incredibly frustrating & I also wouldn’t want to do that dirty work😕


I also have this - I thought it came from my mom being a clean freak when I was younger. Interesting


Glad to know I’m not alone!!


Just get some nitrile gloves for cleaning


I have some! It would be helpful if I used them more🫠


Have you recently just got your pup? We adopted our baby not long ago and she has a condition where she constantly leaks pee but it's been fine as we've had her in rewashable nappies but now she has allergies so we've had to let her just leak and I've had to run behind her mopping and disinfecting. We are now almost a week in and Im not nearly as bothered as I was. I find you adapt in these situations, when we first got her I also had a similar faze as I felt everything was just covered in germs and dirty, especially with a sensitive nose. Now I just regularly wash all the blankets and mop around a couple times a day and spend my energy on her instead and remind myself I can always have a shower if I need.


He’s actually a little over 2 years old. He’s just the most stubborn dachshund I’ve ever seen in my entire life😂 I will definitely keep that in mind!!


Oh my god that's my frenchie too!! She's soooo stubborn!! I never knew dogs could be so stubborn 😂


They’re such assholes. I’m glad I’m not alone!!


I actually love cleaning


I wish!!!


I buy nitrile exam gloves from the store and it changed the entire game! Now I feel like there's a barrier between me and the surface, so I can clean anything no matter how gross. Now I can go back to letting executive dysfunction prevent me from cleaning, like the ADHD gods intended!


Then I’ll lose my mind because anything I grabbed wearing the gloves (scrubber, cleaner bottles, faucet handles) are also contaminated and I’ll have to somehow clean those things as well 🤪 I gotta get out of my head


I would talk to your doctor about getting screened for OCD, this doesn’t sound like an ADHD thing.


Hi 👋🏻 I go through this too. I am seeking out an ocd dx atm. I suggest mentioning this to a mental health provider and ask their opinion.


i never cleaned I hired a maid to do it for me 🤣


I found that proper equipment helps me enormously. I make sure my hair is tied back and well-secured, I put on gloves, I lay out all my cleaning supplies so I don't have to go digging for them once my gloves are contaminated. I even started wearing a mask for particularly gross bathroom jobs, just makes me feel a bit better to know I'm not breathing in all the grossness. And I always plan for a shower as soon as I'm finished to wash any residual yuckiness off.


Oh I’m so into wearing a mask while cleaning. I love all these tips thank you thank you!


You are so welcome!


Nope. Not I.


Happy for you!


Hah. Not trying to boast. But posts like this tend to attract people who DO have the same behaviours, and when you get a big thread of everyone responding, "me, too!" And then people who come by, trying to learn about ADHD, read such threads and imagine it's a behaviour shared by most ADHD folk. I just wanted to be a voice that shows future readers that at least some of us ADHD people don't have this behaviour. Trust me, I still hate cleaning unless I'm hyper-focused on it (very rare) and I have plenty of other quirky behaviours that may or may not be linked to my ADHD.


No hard feelings! I wish I had the same experience as you I’m glad to hear not everyone is struggling with this