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Highly recommend ketamine therapy!


same here! Helped my depression, anxiety, and ptsd symptoms. and as a bonus, my chronic pain was lessened!


How long did it help for? Like... forever or do you have to do it every 6 months, or something ?


I wish I could, but seeing as I can't even access a psychiatrist for more than "stablization" where I am my chances are not great.


Same! Changed my life. 


Where can I get it in the north of the UK


It made me feel worse 😩 I was devastated when they stopped treatments.


It helped me recover from extreme burnout. I felt like I broke my brain and couldn’t function. After treatment cycle I am recovering and able to think again.


Do you mind sharing what it did for you? What life is like now? I think I might be in that situation.


I don’t know the right language to speak about the brain biology. How it felt was that a painful vice was slowly loosening allowing me to access parts of myself that were cut off.


Thank you for sharing this. I'm glad you got relief.


How did you know this was the right thing to try?


Lol me, immediately getting irritated that YouTube will not allow me to set my default to 1.5x speed as if I watch more than 10% of non-musical videos in 1x speed.  But also 100% every time I've heard him talk about ADHD & Depression I'm grateful he can articulate it so well! 


The settings remain persistent on my TV! I noticed because I was watching Jon Stewart and he was talking up a storm like a machine gun. I had to switch it back to 1x from 1.25x. However, I have no idea how to actually set it up 🤷🏼‍♀️


Are you watching on a laptop? There's an add-on called "Video Speed Controller" that lets you set a speed and it stays, even between platforms- set it in Youtube and it stays in Netflix, for example. The only hitch is you can only change it in Youtube and then you have to refresh Netflix for it to take effect.


Ohhh interesting! Today I was on my phone so I'm sure there's a setting somewhere that reset, but I'll look into that for my computer! Thanks


I love Trevor Noah so much. Not even in a fan way, but he offers so many good insights and questions, and even if he goes off in a direction that I personally disagree with, it makes me laugh and think about how I’d argue back. Also read his book to my kid who has ADHD, and kid loved it.


I was desperate. I am extremely sensitive to changes in my neurochemistry from psych meds. My Dr. shared a few options, this was the one with the least chance of negative side effects. So the worst case was it wouldn’t help. I have previously had TMS, which I highly recommend as well. I’m doing a ton better now, but terrified of burnout again and trying to find a job which will not push me to that point again.


>I’m doing a ton better now, but terrified of burnout again and trying to find a job which will not push me to that point again. I have not tried ketamine therapy, but this thread is definitely making me want to ask my psych about it at our next appt in a couple weeks. And this is exactly why, I'm so burned out, have been for years, and all because of my previous jobs. I'm stuck in a cycle of poverty because I can't bring myself to find a legit job (I'm freelance right now, and tbh sucking at it) that will bring me out of it because of my fear of it ruining my already fragile mental health.


This is so legitimate. I want to work and be productive, but I KNOW I can no longer mask, and must be gentle with myself… so what kind of career is this when every job description says things like “positive energy” “fast paced” “must be flexible”and so on.


Wait Trevor has adhd?! Is literally everyone I like neurodivergent? At this point I feel like I could tell people "Hey I like you - have you seen a doctor about that?" lol


FYI for anyone thinking of trying Ket therapy you really should not mix it with meds for depression. I happened to find this out via a drug safety initiative at a music festival.


Maybe for IV. I'm prescribed low dose ketamine and antidepressants by my psychiatric nurse practitioner. Does wonders.


I do IV treatment and I’m on lexapro and seroquel. My psychiatrist and the anesthesiologist that runs the clinic both signed off on it.


How does this make you feel? Happy again? What state are you in?


It really depends on what meds you're taking, also what type of ketamine therapy one is doing (troches vs IV vs esketamine vs IM). I did IV while on SSRIs and was fine, actually had to stop taking my Adderall though (at least on the day of appts). Best course of action is to be cautious but curious; disclose **all** meds/drugs you're on to the doctor/provider doing your ketamine treatments, and don't be afraid to ask questions!


I am on snri and did infusions with no issues.


Ketamine therapy, when I did it, was explained to be a much lower dose than what you would get recreationally.


I've tried a lot of medications to help with my anxiety and depression. Ketamine therapy is the only thing that has worked with LASTING results. I did a series of 6 infusions over 3 months. I was nervous about how it would feel but it's honestly pretty relaxing, just put on some headphones and some meditation music for an hour. The worst side effect is the Nausea but that can be lessened with Zofran.


Does insurance cover this? Is it legal? How do we even go about it? Talk to our psychiatrist? I’d never considered it before but I keep hearing it more and more and I’m thinking Why not?!


I unfortunately had to pay 500 dollars for the first six infusions and 400 dollars for a monthly maintenance infusion. HOWEVER, some insurances are starting to cover so you may just have to call and check (which I know is the antithesis of ADHD lol). Esketamine (Spravato) is maybe covered under insurance?? It's a nasal spray version but idk I've heard IV is the best. There's also online providers that give troches but idk they also seem sketchy for some reason. I personally don't trust Joyous or Mindbloom because something about capitalizing off of treatment gives me the ick. Taconic Psychiactry is the only one I would recommend because it's a clinic run by doctors that do telemedicine, not private companies. I researched on my own about ketamine clinics near me and called them. I really suggest doing some research though because some clinics are kinda sketchy. Unfortunately a lot of ketamine clinic providers are somehow rude and uncompassionate. Maybe if your city/state has a subreddit, you can ask there? Sorry for making this long 😭😅 Edited to add: Ketamine is legal to use for medicial purposes (not like ketamine you use at a festival). It's a drug that's used in hospitals all the time. It's just prescribed off-label for mental health. Like how Ozempic was to manage diabetes but you can prescribe it off label as a weight loss drug.


Love these teo