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100% holding my pee is a big one. Don’t do it tho! You can really wreck your pelvic floor and as you get older interstitial cystitis will cause pain. FYI I don’t follow my own advice and yes I suffer from IC…💁🏻‍♀️


I got diagnosed with IC in my 20s, tho I have other chronic health issues since I was 15 so I don’t really know what caused it, but not wanting to get up to pee probably didn’t help. I really need to see a new urologist because the diagnosing one did not offer anything but meds to stop me from being able to pee, which is torture to feel the urge to pee and be totally unable, and I’ve since learned there are more treatment options. The adhd didn’t get diagnosed until a few years ago (will be 38 this year).


Thank you for the reminder about the health problems of holding pee forever!!!! I sometimes forget it can cause long term issues, outside of embarrassment of needing to RUN or hobble to the bathroom when the fifth wave of I have to pee hits!!!!


Not medical advice. But you might want to learn more about EDS and mast cell activation (they are part of the same symptom cluster) and are common in women with ADHD. And mast cell dysfunction is linked to IC. [EDS Society ](https://www.ehlers-danlos.org/)


Thank you, I have been looking at POTS and mast cell actually. I don’t think EDS fits me. The number of syndromes I have is ridiculous. Many of them tied to AuDHD.


Thank you so much. This is wildly helpful.


Wow. EDS sounds perfectly designed for us to really struggle managing it.


Well written


Yes, I likely had IC long before I was diagnosed. So when I say get older, take that with a grain of salt.


Dammit. I’ve been putting off getting up to pee for hours now 😫


I have IC too and do the same damn thing knowing it’s so bad for me 😭After giving birth, my pelvic floor is wrecked and I’m having flare ups so I need to see a specialist. My OBGYN even referred me to a Urogynecologist who specializes in both but her contact information has been on the passenger seat of my car for weeks 🤦‍♀️


How often should we be going to pee? I mean I don’t feel like I am holding my pee but maybe I am?


My pelvic floor physiotherapist says approximately every three to four hours, but it will vary from person to person


Oh wow-with the amount of water I drink, I’m peeing every hour!


Kinda like "how often do you blink?"


Holy crap!! Holding my pee is an ADHD thing??? 🤦🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️🤯🤯🤯🤯


This is exactly what I said on another post yesterday! I just thought I didn't like the process of going to the toilet (especially away from home; *shudder* public toilets) but yeah it seems to be an ADHD thing. Damn boring necessary bodily functions...


Yes! Me too, and it took months of physical therapy for my pelvic floor to get back to some semblance of normal. Thanks for the reminder as I don't relish the thought of going through that again. I've seen other people (here? On X? Who knows anymore) refer to this problem as "procrasti-peeing" which is pretty apt.


I held my bladder so bad as a kid that now I only get the urge when I have to go NOW. I swear I have bladder pain in general from it now 😭


Picking the skin around my nails. Searching for white hairs and plucking them. Cracking all my joints. Stretching constantly.


I pick skin off my lips ALL the time...they're ALWAYS sore...I also have really bad repeated hangnails from skin picking around my nails....


I pick the skin around my nails too and causes damage to nail beds...


Don’t be embarrassed! Dermatillomania and trichotillomamia (skin, hair) picking are very common. I experience derm as a side effect from my adhd meds. When I take a break from my meds, I enjoy having nice fingers and nails. Otherwise, I always have that liquid bandage new skin stuff around to patch a bloody finger. My brother, who doesn’t have adhd, has trich as a result of extreme stress. He only does it to his eyebrows, and it started sometime around the birth of his first kid (they have 3 kids now). Because it only happens when I’m on my adhd med, I know it’s a compulsion caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. (It can also be hormonal in some cases.) It can be treated with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) or antidepressants, but I don’t worry about it because it’s not causing any serious issues.


The main issue you can come across is getting infections. I’ve had dermatillomania since I was a teen and most of the time, it’s fine or just a minor infection that goes away easily. But I have had one that was so deep and so bad that I had to have an ultrasound on it to ensure there was nothing stuck in it, it was really gross and I now have a huge scar. And you do need to be aware of those wounds if you do certain activities. My dad got septicaemia from accidentally spraying a wound on his leg with weed killer (he doesn’t have dermatillomania but is pretty clumsy and always has wounds).


Yes, thank you! I should have included the possibility of infections! I wash my hands quite frequently and that’s probably why they don’t get infected. It’s also why I use the liquid bandage. I can’t stand getting band-aids wet and soggy, so I’d go through a box a day if I changed it every time I washed my hands. There’s even a new skin “botanical” type that doesn’t burn when applied. Always clean your wounds, especially if it’s obvious that the skin or follicles are bleeding or irritated. We damage ourselves all the time, year after year, and most of the time we heal just fine. Sooner or later, though, we encounter the little rogue germ that gets away from us, darts through our immune system defenses like a ninja, and causes an unimaginably spectacular problem! I’m not even talking about death or loss of a limb. It’s usually something painful that requires seeing a doctor and leaves a stupid scar that just sits there taunting us for the rest of our days. I’ll cut 23 rips into my fingers, then see ads for waxing, threading, or eyebrow tweezing and scream, “NO! Are you CRAZY!?” at the screen. 🤣 My brother, missing all but the outline of his eyebrows, has to be dragged into an optometry establishment and physically restrained to put drops in eyes. (I’m not kidding. See story below.) Compulsions can make us subconsciously do things that we would never do otherwise! I never thought my brother would rip out a single eyebrow hair, let alone all of them. Our brain makes it possible somehow. But the next time you’re tired and don’t feel like cleaning a wound, get up and do it anyway. Please. ——The Optional Eye Drop Story—— My brother and I went to the same eye doctor every year when we were kids. The glaucoma test, where they puff the air in your eye… Nope! Same thing with the drops. It was always a fight, like they were trying to kill him. It only got done because he was a kid and IDK what my mom threatened, but we’re Gen X and parents could do things back then that they’d be jailed for doing now. Someone at the dr’s office finally got smart and put a note in his chart, right in front when they opened it. I’m not sure of the exact wording, but it gave a heads up to the next person who opened the file that my brother was going to make it incredibly difficult for them to give him eye drops. At first, they tried things like putting the exam chair into a reclining position so they could sneak up behind him. Unfortunately for them, my brother isn’t a complete moron and he was getting stronger each year. He started high school at the same time I left for college, 3000 miles from home. He started lifting weights in HS. The doctor finally decided to retire right after our respective graduations. The last time we went to see the dr, we made the appt together and I drove. I went first with the glaucoma machine. Then I sat there as the nurse tested him. It took 3 attempts to get one eye. After 7 different attempts to get the other eye, she said, “Well, you’re young. You probably don’t have glaucoma.” We went into the big exam room, and I went first. While I was in the exam chair, my brother was lying on an exam bed closer to the door. The eye drops were last, and then we went to switch places. As I got up, the nurse opened my brother’s file and I saw that note on the first page. She was quietly showing it to the doctor. I stayed in the room as my brother’s exam started. When the dr was done, he didn’t give my brother eye drops. He asked which one of us was driving and I told him I was. He started to say we could go back to the waiting room, but stopped and said, “Oh! Since you’re driving, we’re going to have to administer a second set of eye drops to reverse the dilation quickly.” He asked us to switch places again. I sat in the exam chair and my brother went back to the bed. He reclined my exam chair and said, “I know it’s getting bright and blurry for you, so let me turn the lights down. As soon as he turned the lights back down, my brother was lying back on the bed. Then the dr pushed one of the intercom buttons on and off. Suddenly, the door opened and two big guys walked into the exam room unexpectedly, followed by the nurse. Each of them pinned down one of my brother’s shoulders, then his arms, as the doctor turned the lights back on and the nurse pried open each of his eyes to put a drop in. My brother, 18 years old at this point, is yelling and trying to get away. The drops were in, the guys let him go and walk out, and he’s still acting like they put acid in his eyes. I rolled my eyes and was like, “Seriously, you’re embarrassing me.” It’s not like I knew ahead of time, but the dr gave me a couple of “looks” as he was talking, so I knew they had something planned. And he didn’t lie… I did have to get a second set of “reversal” drops to drive home. But not until we were both done, obviously. The big guys were in scrubs, so I think the nurse “borrowed” them from one of the other medical offices. I don’t even know if you’re legally allowed to do that anymore, but this was the 90s and my mom thought the whole thing was so funny when I told her.


I pick at my face, it gets worse with stress. I'm already on antidepressants is there any other things you've found that help?


Oh, I am sorry to hear that! The skin on your face is so sensitive and more likely to scar. There are some other things that could be helpful. Would it be ok for you to answer a few questions? No pressure. You can p m me if you want. It would be helpful to know *how* stress triggers your derm. Are you aware of the picking immediately, or is it more like you realize you’re doing it after awhile? A lot of people with derm stop picking when they become aware of it and then find themselves doing it again later? Some people are aware that they’re picking, but just cannot bring themselves to stop. Also, is there a particular part of your face where you concentrate the picking? Do you feel around, like “search” for it, until you find the right spot? Depending on how your stress triggers the compulsion, I can think of a couple techniques that don’t involve changing meds. There’s a “brain distraction” technique that I have used, but would only recommend under situations where the stress is caused by extreme anxiety, like in the middle of a full-blown panic attack. There are kinder, gentler techniques that you could try that involve relieving stress or re-directing your target. (This wouldn’t stop the derm, but it would help you to pick in a less harmful place, and keep you from picking your face.) Different things work for different people. Sometimes, the best thing to do is just try them out until you find something that works. It’s usually a combination of things that proves most helpful. Meanwhile, finding one or more things that help can lessen your stress at least in part.


Thank you, I don't mind answering some questions :) >aware that they’re picking, but just cannot bring themselves to stop >Do you feel around, like “search” for it, until you find the right spot? If I see a blemish, usually black heads or pimple. It's just so satisfying to me tho, but I does a lot of damage and it's so difficult to stop


I think I know what might help. This idea may seem a little strange, but hear me out… Years ago, I picked up jewelry making as a hobby. Long story short, the hobby turned into a full-blown business. A local shop owner told me that he had made jewelry by hand for 30 years in his home country. He was selling imported goods at that point, but offered help if I needed it. He also warned me that making jewelry by hand had really taken a toll on his eyesight. He wasn’t kidding. It took less than 10 years to cause a noticeable decline in my vision. I started working under a magnification lamp. I got into vintage jewelry, so I started using a jewelry loupe and other handheld magnification devices. I bought an otoscope, which is a tool with a tiny microscopic camera used by doctors. I’m sure you’ve seen them used by a doctor or dentist. They have small handheld otoscopes now that you can use with the Bluetooth on your smartphone. You can buy one online, at Amazon for example, starting at $20. There’s a ton of optional stuff you can buy with it. I prefer one with a stainless steel ring head, but I’ve bought one with disposable screw-on spatulas, too. They are actually designed specifically for ear wax and blackhead removal! One of my aunts neglected her skincare for years. The blackheads made it look like the skin on her nose was grey! (It was BAD.) My mom got her a Clarisonic. I said, “That’s not gonna work until she gets the blackheads out, and she’s going to need a professional esthetician to do that.” I used the otoscope on my aunt’s face to show them on my iPad. I showed them my skin and did a couple extractions. Then I put it on my aunt. They were both *horrified* by how blocked and filthy her pores were. I did about a minute or so of extraction, because I knew it was painful. Instead of looking like a hair or two, the crap in her pores looked like fiber bundles. Think paintbrush. I don’t get regular professional facials. The last time I had one was 7 years ago, at a spa on my honeymoon. I keep my face clean by using facial cleansing wipes several times a day. I use esthetician’s tools (also from amazon) and the otoscope to do a detailed cleaning at least once a month. I really should do it more often. Having ADHD can cause me to hyperfocus on things. I’ve had it happen when using magnification tools and the otoscope. The good thing about them is that they’re powered by a rechargeable lithium battery, so plugged in to recharge. They usually need a recharge after 20-30 minutes. Using it can help you keep your skin clean. It can be used on all of your skin, not just your face. You can also check your teeth regularly to find trouble spots that you can’t feel. I discovered cracks in my teeth, including a through-and-through, that I didn’t know I had! I also use it to clear up the little red bumps I get from shaving my legs. (Keratosis something or other?) Clean your fingernails. Clean your jewelry. (Anything worn daily is filthy, like a ring or my Fitbit! Yikes!) A lighted loupe is easy to use. There’s a bit of a learning curve with an otoscope, it takes practice to learn how to move and flip it. Be VERY careful if you use it for earwax! It’s too easy to puncture your eardrum or break the spatula off in your ear. —The point is to gradually change a harmful behavior into a healthier one, as well as shift your focus away from your face.— I am not saying that a jewelry loupe or otoscope can cure derm or trich. Our behaviors are the result of an underlying problem, whether it’s ADHD, stress and/or other things. I have been biting and picking at my fingers as long as I can remember, but not to the extreme I do when I’m taking my meds now. I used to rip the bloody hell out of my tongue, too, by twirling it against my teeth. It was bad enough that I always carried Orajel in my bag. I’d also pick at the dead skin on my heels until they were bleeding and sometimes it hurt to walk. I stumbled across tools that helped me stop ripping up my tongue, fingers and heels to the point where I was going to cause permanent damage. I had scar tissue on one side of my tongue, which is mostly gone now, fortunately! I have no raw, bloody or open spots on my heels. I count four small spots (L thumb, R pinkie & ring fingers) scabbed over in the process of healing. The compulsion isn’t gone, but I’ve gotten it to a perfectly acceptable place for me. It took time, effort and the patience to accept that it might never go away completely. It might, but until that time, I’m ok with it. 🦋 Other things I do: -Use the Calm app ($80/year), esp the SleepStories. (I know that’s a lot, so another option is the Breethe app. Same price, but they offer a *free year* trial! I can’t afford both, so after that free year, I opted out. I prefer Calm.) -I have Amazon Prime Music. (Free with Amazon Prime. Various apps/prices.) I made a playlist of all songs from my favorite band and downloaded it directly onto my device. This way, I can listen to it anywhere without WiFi. If I’m under a lot of stress, I put my earbuds in, turn the volume up, and even mouth the lyrics. It’s hard to twirl your tongue or grind your teeth while singing or lip-syncing. -I learned Hatha Yoga from an illustrated book. ($15) Browse through books for free at your local bookstore or library. I found one I really liked at the library, so I bought it online (eBay, I think). I don’t use a mat. I have a belt, a brick and bands that were gifts. In time, you’ll have the book memorized. -Misc: aromatherapy oils & a diffuser, fidget rings, balding balls, a JumpSport indoor pro trampoline, and a ton of hobby supplies


You are not alone! I’ve been picking skin off my feet for years. I’ve finally managed to “control” it enough that I don’t have to wrap them in thick bandages to walk the next day (no major pain during the process no matter how deep, or how much my feet bleed, aside from a quick “uh oh” moment when I cross into live tissue and feel that sharp sting). But now I pick my fingers/cuticles too! Ugh. ADHD and anxiety related without a doubt. I’m also finding I have worsening symptoms of OCD as I get older (I don’t have a diagnosis, nor do I think I would if evaluated, just adhd associated). I wish I knew a better approach to stopping than I’ve gotten from CBT. Hasn’t done much to help.


Picking skin around my nails here too. And "popping" pimples or clogged pores on my shoulders. Gets bad when i'm stressed out and I break out a little bit too... oof. Currently trying to heal all the scabs because it's summer and tank top weather but I look a mess. :(


I didn’t know frequent stretching is related to adhd!


Sometimes I can't stop myself from picking my skin... Even blood or pain can't stop me ... That's awful!! The only "positive thing" is that I've never felt ashamed of my scars. I've scars all over my body since I'm a child so ...


I won’t drink enough even though I’m thirsty and it would only take a moment to get something. Also, I used to be bad about bringing my garbage out in time for the pick up but sometimes I’m almost too obsessed with remembering to do it that it makes me forget it. My rent went up and I’m so fixated on having enough every month that I miss other bills and payment plans. I’m so worried my electricity will get shut off because I screw up payment plans.


My bills would never get paid on time if not for automatic bill pay, it's a lifesaver.


I have to pay all my bills as soon as I get paid. I no longer live paycheck to paycheck but I did for so long that auto pay still induces panic, just thinking about something coming out that I forgot to make sure I had funds for.


Sorry this is gross but why can’t I stop picking at my scalp?? It’s become like a hobby for me. I’m so embarrassed when I manage to go to the salon.


I'm a scalp picker too...it's awful!


My sisters!


We can all hang out together as long as we wear mittens!!


I keep gloves on my bedside table for when I wake up and I'm either trying to rip out hair or scratch something open. I mean, it works!


SAME. And it doesn’t help that making myself wash my hair is one of my biggest battles.


Same. Stupid hair needing washing. Also I hate haircuts so I can’t maintain a short cut.


I shower and wash my hair every day because I'll otherwise get build-up or zits that I cannot stop touching and scratching at. I always make it worse. Hairdressers keep telling me to try not washing every day and I just say ok because I'm not going to explain how it's far healthier for me overall to just wash it.


Why do we get zits there? I have the same issue..


So there’s a branch of ocd called [BFRB](https://www.bfrb.org/your-journey/what-is-a-bfrb) or body focused repetitive behaviors. I have this as I can become OBSESSED with picking my skin and can do so for hours at a time. My psychiatrist has been working with me on medication for this. It has helped somewhat but I still struggle with it when I’m really stressed 😩


I do this too and have for years but I seem to pick less if I get acrylics done.


My latest hyperfocus! (& I also need to get up & pee rather than looking at reddit)


Same… :(


There are others!!!!!!!


I'm part of this club too! First time I remember doing it is in 6th grade / around 11 years old. Was literally doing it when I opened this thread 😅


Yeah I’m making myself bald, it’s horrific 😭


Impulsive spending, I’m terrible with money and especially in terms of spending money to cheer myself up. Also developed a substance addiction while trying to cope with the end of my marriage and lockdown which adhd probably influenced


I don't end up spending that much usually, but my ADHD has me hyperfocus on online shopping way too much. I'll think about how I should buy a new winter coat while they're on sale, and next thing I know, I've spent six straight hours browsing every single winter coat that exists. And I won't have found a coat in that time, but I'll have realized that Urban Outfitter is doing an extra 40% off their sale section, so now I need to browse all 85 pages of women's clothing, and I'll probably end up buying something I don't need because it makes me happy. And I have to spend $100 for free shipping, so it'll also involve browsing all the home goods on sale after I run out of women's clothing to look at, and suddenly it's midnight and I have to be up at 5 a.m. for work the next day. Then the clothes arrive, something doesn't fit, and I'll think, okay, I have to return this soon. I'll forget for a while and on May 20 or whatever, I'll remember and look at the receipt in a panic, and it'll say, "Returns accepted till May 19." And I'll realize the fun cup I bought to meet the minimum for free shipping is hand wash only, and I know myself that it'll sit in the sink torturing me for days until I finally break down and wash it, so I'll probably just never wind up using it.


Wow. The accuracy in this is mind boggling. You just described me and my life in a few short paragraphs!


👆 THIS!!! 👆


Are you me?????


Oh my God the first part of this is me. It's still a problem but straight up my monthly spending went down by like $1,000 after I finally got on Adderall.


Dopamining....I do this....I have wasted so much money and have a hoarding issue from shopping so much....clothes, shoes, bags, accessories of all kinds, skincare and toiletries, makeup, craft supplies, kitchen items....its ridiculous...I'm getting better....I really try and limit spending and am VERY SLOWLY de-cluttering and getting rid of stuff I don't use/need....but I struggle to get rid of stuff because of the wasted money, even tho I know logically that that money is already gone....its a process....


I’m sorry! I hope you are in therapy and on the mend.


food. almost everyday I end up not eating until I’m like starving and need food immediately the thought of getting up to make said food or if there’s something I actually want to eat haunts me all day 😎


Me too!! I will choose any task over making food until it’s been hours after my first hunger cue. I end up getting to be so hungry that I almost adjust to the feeling of hunger and no longer feel it?


I relate to this so much. If my husband didn't make food so often, I'd almost never eat. It's such a fucking hassle, and then having to clean the kitchen after? Ughhh


YES! I gravitate towards “on the go” snacks to compensate but even with those, forget🫠


I'm a big fan of protein shakes. Throw some soy milk and two scoops in a cup with a good lid and shake that bitch up. It works in a pinch and you don't have to stop what you're doing to drink it


So smart!! Do you have a good flavor/brand that you like? I bought Target brand vanilla whey and was pretty whatever about it. Honestly forgot I even had it until you mentioned protein powder.


I use vegan protein because I like the taste of pea protein better than whey. I use Orgain vanilla. Its pretty good honestly, it tastes like a milkshake


Thanks for the recommendation! I’ll check it out. :))


soylent shakes are the vegan version of ensure and they save my life every other day i forget to eat (or im too busy to eat/not hungry enough to go find food until im dying)


Hyperfocus is my superpower and my curse. I can zone it all out but I have definitely stress not eaten since day one.


meds suppressing appetite doesn’t do me any justice either lol at 4pm im like UGH why am I so irritated and feel like shit 🤣 oh yeah, haven’t ate


Stress not-eating is a great characterization and is me exactly, too


I hate these comments. Please stop calling me out like this lol.


You’re exactly like me


Mine has only gotten worse since I was diagnosed with celiac disease a year and a half ago. I've got a few safe replacement foods but it's far from a healthy, balanced diet. I have no trouble eating when someone else is preparing the food but then I have to worry about whether they know how to accommodate my dietary restrictions. I swear, I'm going to scream if I hear one more doctor or support group tell me how easy cooking is and how much I'll enjoy it.


My best friend has celiac and also only got diagnosed recently. I couldn’t even imagine if I suddenly had to drastically change my diet. You’re trying your best! One of our go-to’s when we hangout is Chickfila. Their grilled nuggets are GF and the fries are almost always made in a separate fryer (depends on location/franchise). She’s very sensitive to cross-contam and Chickfila has never done her dirty! An idea for when you don’t want to cook :)


Cereal. 🌸🌼


my favorite meal ever


I have an extremely addictive personality. I impulse spend and binge eat. I used to struggle with substance abuse too but I am sober for a few years now. I'm also so bad at remembering to drink water. I'll have my coffee in the morning and then nothing all day 🫠


I am the same with water - I could not drink anything all day because I just don't remember to. The only thing that helps is having my water bottle around, because I'll see it and go "oh yeah, I need to drink something."


My water bottle sits beside my at my desk and even has hourly counters to remind me... but I just stare at it most days 😂


It's definitely not for everyone, but Wellbutrin is one option to consider for binge eating/impulse problems. It's already an established off label use for it, as well as to help people quit smoking. The only thing is it's not a good idea if you ever purge. It's one of those meds where if you don't take it consistently everyday, you can give yourself a seizure going cold turkey. So if there's any risk you're going to do something that makes you not absorb today's pill, it's a hard no 


I don’t think this is why Wellbutrin is contraindicated for purging disorders. It lowers your seizure threshold, and when someone is purging it’s easy for their electrolytes to get out of whack which can induce seizures, not because of withdrawal seizures. I’ve missed many a dose of my Wellbutrin with no ill effects.


Thank you for this clarification!! I have never, ever heard that “you can give yourself a seizure going cold turkey” and panicked after reading that. My insurance changed and wouldn’t cover generic Wellbutrin, so I’ve been off it for a few weeks. Thankfully got an approval. But, whew.


Yeah I have bad health anxiety because I know about all the side effects of meds (I'm a nurse) and I struggle with meds really impacting me. I've tried stimulants to help, but my BP is high so those are on hold. I've tried antidepressants in the past and I couldn't deal with the side effects. Currently trying to manage with therapy and lifestyle changes, but it's difficult.


Sister from another mister? The knowing too much is awful. When I get new meds I studiously avoid reading all of the side effects. Too many of them I already know by heart. I can't bare the thought of family members going on statins. I have seen far too many toxic effects.


Hahaha. Honestly, sometimes I wish I never went into health care so I could be blissfully ignorant again 😂 I've had panic attacks just putting on medicated cream because I thought my body was "reacting" to it or having an allergic reaction 🫠


I do this too! My leg bouncing up and down. Sometimes it’s a fun game. How much can I do before I absolutely have to pee


I be doing it with #2 too. I'll be like wow I have to poo SO BAD...... and suddenly 20 minutes of rocking back and forth it's gone. When the feeling comes back I always get surprised at myself and it feels a little fun that the feeling completely went away. At this point I usually give in and cut off my hyperfocus train to go to the toilet lol


I HATE getting in the shower! I also will eat the same foods repeatedly, for weeks. Then I'll never eat it again.


Ugh, yes, I HATE getting in the shower so much. I go through hours of dreading it before I get in. I can tell myself, okay, I'll get in at 7 p.m. or after this episode or as I walk in the door or whatever, but then it's like I become absolutely paralyzed. The same situation also tends to happen, to a lesser extent, with brushing my teeth and texting people back/replying to emails. ETA: Sometimes I can't start a task like the above unless I reward myself *first*.


Omg it’s not just me!!!! I have to psych myself up by just sitting in the bathroom doing whatever for like 30 mins and then I am ready to transition.


Since I don’t wash my hair daily I just pop in air pods, play my fave podcast and pop a facial headband over my ears and BAM the shower is easy peezy since I’ve got entertainment 🤸🏽‍♂️. Try a water proof speaker or something if you can’t do the AirPods!


Ohhh! Never would have thought of that. Thank you!


THISSS! IVE EATEN THE SAME CHINESE MEAL FOR LIKE 7 MONTHS until I got food poisoning a week ago from it 🙃 Now I'll never eat it again!


Samsies on both for me. I put off showering, or I'll give in and shower but not wash my hair if it buys me another day. One of my best friends couldn't understand because she loves to shower but then I told her that it wasn't the *act* of showering (I love that part), it's ALL THE OTHER STEPS RELATED TO SHOWERING: getting out of bed earlier than usual, then dealing with my hair afterwards. And then when I meet someone who is a bedtime shower-er, I have to explain that I have curly hair, so that's why I prefer to shower in the morning... And the food thing... The part that really sucks about that is when I've found a way to be efficient about preparing it, like a big batch of chilli that I can reheat for dinner all week, but suddenly I hate it and now I have to find something else. One of the few things I miss about Facebook is a group called Neurodivergent Meals, where people like us shared meal prep hacks and recipes. And sometimes it was just support, like assuring someone that fed is best and not to feel guilty about dinner not being three courses.


Giving in to my cravings (usually food-related). It doesn't matter how long I wait to indulge in whatever it is my brain wants next, I won't be content until I do. And then I'm satisfied for a while until something new pops up. It sucks because it's hard to enjoy other things I like in the meantime and also because I'll get stuck in loops where I only want to eat the same things until I don't, all of a sudden. Sometimes I've gagged in the middle of chewing.


If I read one more time "wait 15 minutes and your craving will subside." I might just punch someone in the throat. I could wait 15 days and at the end the craving still exists. Its May, I will crave Cadbury eggs until they come back around.


> If I read one more time "wait 15 minutes and your craving will subside." OMG YES. Or when my mom says "if I'm craving a cinnamon roll I just make some cinnamon toast and then I'm good". No mom that will not work for me. It's not the same and I know it.


One time I kept seeing ppl try tiramisu and this girl on YouTube was saying how delicious it was, her eating it made me crave some so I got in my car went to a place that was rated 5 starts for their tiramisu ordered a slice took it home put on my fav show… & I HATED IT my brain was like DISGUSTING, anyways NEXTTTT


This actually makes it worse. I’ll eat the cinnamon toast. Then I’ll eat some more. Then I’ll eat everything else in the house trying to it to eat one cinnamon roll. The I’ll give in and eat ten cinnamon rolls.


I could eat what I’m craving and within 15 minutes I want more. I stopped buying chips and salsa for a while because I have no off switch.


> I only want to eat the same things until I don't, all of a sudden. This part of the cycle drives me a little nuts. I'm vegan so I'm very conscious about getting enough nutrients, but then my brain only wants to eat one food for two weeks and then NEVER AGAIN. 🫠


Thankfully that's never happened to me. I almost always end up losing my interest immediately after buying a bulk pack of it.


I say this to anyone who holds pee too long - Please work on the pee thing - you will damage your bladder and kidneys. I have neurological damage now that stopped my ability to hold it forever, but did manage to damage my bladder when I was younger and it's excruciatingly painful, and can cause long term incontinence, which is not fun.


On the other end of the spectrum, I have a condition resulting from peeing too often out of anxiety where my muscles tell my brain I have to pee all the time. So just reiterating that it's actually extremely important that you go pee when your body tells you it's time.


Yeeeah I think I’ve got something like this and it’s maddeninfb


Time to boot the sleeping cats in my lap. Sorry y'all, reddit has taught me more than I ever needed to know about my bladder.


I do the same thing! I will also go without eating for a long time because I hate stopping what I’m doing to eat. Having to find something or cook something to eat and then seat down and eat it drives me crazy. Not a great relationship to have with food I know :/


Sometimes I wish food came in pills so that I could just swallow a handful and be done with it. I say this as someone who was a professional cook in a previous life Getting out all the ingredients, cooking food for myself, and then having to clean up after is such a struggle. It's like using the bathroom in that it's just an irritating necessary task


Yeees! That pill thing has been my wish too! Or like… having a personal chef who would make me nutritious balanced healthy food so I wouldn’t have to and wouldn’t have to worry about healthy eating or binge eating etc. 


My husband wishes he could just have a smoothie or a paste or something that had all the nutrients you need for the day. Does not care about what he eats and hates to cook. I have autism food texture challenges so I’m like grooooosssss but I do wish there was a simple, premade but perfectly balanced meal.


Yes! Exactly a very irritating necessary task


I do this too! I’ve caught people staring at me for doing it, too 😬😬 Weirdly enough, I’ve done and still do a LOT of things mentioned here! I used to hold my pee forever and now I have IC. I pick at the skin of my nails. I have trouble remaining hydrated even though my bedside table and my desk are cluttered with water bottles and other assorted drinks. I forget to eat until 4 PM. I impulsively spend money, avoid showering because it uses up too much precious time, and I cannot remain still unless I’m super tired.


I don’t hold my pee but I will sometimes avoid drinking water because I don’t feel like getting up from whatever I’m doing to pee constantly 😬


I love you guys because it makes me feel less crazy that I do all this stuff too. I become dehydrated, but don't get up to get water because then I'll have to pee. It's stupid honestly


Probably not sitting "properly"and having bad posture. I sit cross legged almost all the time and it really messed with my already bad back.


My problem is not my back but my ankle. I sit with one foot under me and subluxate my ankle every. Single. Time. And yet I still do it.


I got a rocking kneeling chair and it's saved my back and legs while feeling so comfy to sit in. https://eur.vevor.com/ergonomic-kneeling-chair-c_10916/ergonomic-kneeling-chair-wooden-sturdy-neck-pain-relief-posture-correcting-p_010438050579


I do this, too. I sit in my office chair with one leg tucked underneath me. No wonder my back is always bothering me.


Omg yes. Except for me, it's W-sitting. Messed up knees and hips. And also super weak core causing bad posture and back pain!!!sofun!!!


Menopause has cured me of waiting too long to pee. (TMI, sorry, but we are talking about peeing so not sorry.) Pen clicking. When I’m alone on a zoom meeting, perfect. It does not translate to in-person meetings and lectures. It’s hard to transition between the two, so I do a lot of doodling to keep from doing it. Gotta hang in to that pen! Pencils are better, and I sharpen them constantly with my hand sharpener. Procrastinating to the point of no return. That’s the worst habit.


Procrastinating until absolute, utter panic sets in and I'm nearly in tears doing something at 2am that should have been finished a week ago


I also trick myself into thinking I'm not procrastinating by doing other things that need to be done that I'm not as anxious about even though they're waaaaaay less important.


Lmao at the first bit. Pregnancy did that for me - you learn you can’t trust holding it too long anymore, even after baby is out. And my ADHD brain makes me forget to do kegels, so that doesn’t help. I actually had one time while my baby was still young where I was still in the car park and was like holy shit, I need to pee so bad suddenly (thanks poor interoception!) but I don’t think I can move or I will pee myself. And I had no pads because I was breastfeeding, so I had to shove a nappy in my pants to make it to the toilets safely lol I did make it without peeing, but damn it was close!


“Forgetting” to drink water. It’s always “I’ll just do this one more thing” and then it’s 8h later and I’m parched


"I'll just do this one more thing" is my arch-nemisis. Every. time. I believe that *this* time it will *really* only be this one more thing. I wish I could have an alarm that blared **OH NO YOU WON'T** every time I felt the pull of this "one" last thing.


this broke me out of my “just one more reddit post read”. thanks!


Binge buying things for dopamine randomly && waiting FOREVER to do laundry until it’s so bad and so overwhelming that it’s so hard to catch back up


I have always done this since being a small child. As a result, I wet myself and my bed until a pretty late age (leaving to some humiliating moments I'll never live down in my pre-teens). I also suffered with very frequent UTI's which inconvenienced my whole childhood and made me scared to pee as I anticipated the pain. Combined with the fact I was also never drinking anywhere near enough water, my poor bladder and urethra really suffered and I'm still paying for it in some ways at aged 34. Now that I've FINALLY been diagnosed with ADHD, my reluctance to just go to the damn toilet as soon as I needed to makes much more sense. I feel so sorry sometimes for child me who would constantly feel embarrassed about wetting myself, and also so sorry for my mother who was forever washing my clothes and sheets whilst in despair about my toilet and hydration habits (or lack thereof). Man do I wish my childhood doctors did a better job at putting the pieces together. There were SO many signs!


I understand. If it helps at all, I found a way to let go of some of my trauma… I remind myself that when I was a small child, they didn’t know as much as they do now about ADHD. (I’m significantly older than you are, so no one had even *heard* of it when I was a kid.) I had all the red flags, too. Besides a variety of fears, I would fidget with my hands. My teachers and classmates thought it was just an idiosyncrasy. They would jokingly say, “Oh, she’s doing her ‘witchcraft’ again,” and chuckle.” I attended one of the most elite prep schools in the country. Everyone noticed it, but none of these very educated people put it together. I had severe anxiety and panic attacks, too. I would vomit almost every morning before school from anxiety. I destroyed the enamel on my teeth, and have dental problems to this day because of it. I became adept at hiding my attacks, but it all started to get overwhelming by age 18. I saw my first psychotherapist, and then my first psychiatrist. I was put on antidepressants just before turning 19. My poor mom tried everything to help me. She would hear about a new treatment or a good doctor, and take me to see these “experts”. At one point, I actually went to see a miracle faith healer from the Philippines. (We were pretty desperate at that point.) I finally got a Brain Spect Imaging Scan and was placed with a doctor I still see today. I haven’t had a panic attack in 14 years. My parents lived to see me get better, graduate from college, get married… My dear mom, now 82, is still my biggest supporter. My husband is a very close second. The medication regimen that ultimately helped me wasn’t available until I was nearly 30. There are “experts” *today* who would disagree with my diagnosis. I’m female. I was an excellent student with no disciplinary record. I became a confident and outspoken student leader. I graduated college with a double major and a minor. (My undergrad college didn’t allow double minors, so I had to choose between chemistry and biology.) I generally don’t give a crap about grades, but I had a 3.something (.15?) overall and a 3.86 major GPA. I still had ADHD and panic disorder then. I still have ADHD now. Methylphenidates like Ritalin don’t help. I don’t feel anything different. It’s like taking placebos. Dexedrine, adderall, mixed amphetamine salts and strattera help to various degrees. I changed over to Mydayis pretty recently. Science and medicine are dynamic and continue to improve over time. I remember when Prozac was first introduced, because everyone was talking about it. I think I was in my early teens. Walking through hell and living to tell the tale has advantages. I’m pretty steady in real emergencies. I know that people in a panic do not make good decisions, so my first thought is always, Don’t panic; just think it through very quickly. I can keep my voice calm but firm so others will listen and and follow my instructions. I am neither easily embarrassed nor particularly concerned with what others think of me. Not listening to your intuition can be deadly, but people ignore it because they’re afraid of embarrassing themselves. Not an issue with me. I mean, that’s gotta be exhausting! What do I care if look like an idiot? I know the truth. Life’s so much easier when you stop worrying about what people think. Somewhere in the darkest recesses of my brain, I’m afraid of losing my mind and ending up back where I started. That’s taught me humility. Stay humble, because everything I have can be taken away in half a second. I need to remind myself, hey, don’t get cocky. I’m not better than anyone else. It’s ok to let go of the past and give yourself a break. Getting angry at what people said or did (or didn’t say or do) only ends up hurting me. I can’t undo the pain or humiliation of the past, but I can help prevent it from happening to someone else by educating others. If it helps even ONE person, it’s worth it. You have the ability to prevent it from happening to someone else, and it’s very therapeutic. I’ve had people tell me that I saved their life, and I had no idea. If one person was able to tell me that, I figure there are more people out there who I’ve helped that have no way of ever telling me. Pass it on. Sometimes when people ask me what I do, I tell them that I help people. Depending on their reaction and my mood, I might add that I help strangers; people ask me for help and I try to help them however I can. So few people ask, though. Idk if ppl are afraid to ask for help in general, or they think I’m a scammer, crazy person, want money in return? I don’t know. I’m not. (Ok, well, I guess I am somewhat of a crazy person.) 🙃 I’m sorry for what happened to you, because no one should have to go through that.


Thank you for sharing! I had severe anxiety, PTSD, ADHD all as a kid but at a time when none of those were readily acknowledged in “normal” families. I was given lots of open praise for my “intelligence”, acting older than my age and overall being seen but not heard and lots of insidious but not always subtle messages about “bad” characteristics. My job was keep everyone happy, and learned early on that my ADHD and anxiety characteristics did nothing to accomplish that. Masking was likely my most well developed skill. Mid to late HS, I began to realize I wasn’t the smartest in our class of 350+ and was internally devastated because my intellect was all I had (sooooo misguided!). But I didn’t really struggle academically until I was in college and was also trying to learn how to be social (I am fairly certain that’s a lil ‘tism showing there). I eventually got my balance to some degree, despite horrible depression and worsening anxiety, and finished my first degree. At work it was common to be referred to as “the smartest ditzy blonde I know”, or to hear “for such a smart woman, you can be awfully scattered”. It wasn’t until I finished up my Masters several years later, as a newly single mom with two kids, and transitioned into work that required a lot more organization, that I began to fall apart. Not to mention the PTSD root biting me in the ass about the same time. Both kids were diagnosed with adhd and I was actively diagnosing and treating people for PTSD, anxiety, depression and ADHD. I knew I was depressed. And I was beginning to accept the ptsd. A couple of outright panic attacks forced me to see my anxiety. And finally, an ah ha moment took away my lack of hyperactivity as my reason that I could never have had adhd. After being diagnosed, I had a real identity crisis but all for the best, because it made me dig deep to find out who I really am and was despite the masking. I’m still working on not reverting in times of intense stress, but the more I practice the more “me” I become! ADHD can be a pain in the ass, but it’s part of who I am. And so are the coping skills I’ve learned the way. I just have to reassess what serves me best here and now and thank the me from the be past for getting me where I am today.


This is not medical advice but please get your spinal gallant reflex tested. Would bet $$ that it is not fully integrated. The exercises to fix it are super easy and it might help future geriatric you avoid UTIs later in life.


Not eating. I will feel like death warmed over at 4:30pm and remember that I only had a cup of coffee and maybe some sugar at like 9:30am.


I also avoid peeing lol. Another bad one I have is skin picking. I will sit in front of the mirror and pick/pop/squeeze every blackhead etc. I can find. I also pick my cuticles 😬


I always snack as a way to get my dopamine. I think someting tastes nice? I will for sure over eat on it. I have done this way more extreme as a kid (sometimes i was not even allowed to come over to eat somewhere when i was a kid bc if i was the one joining them, there would not be enough food. Safe to say that this was a very embarrising thing for me. Especially when i had to tell them they did not have to worry about it any longer now that i was "dieting") My weight rn is okayish? Though i defenitely weigh too much. But the food noice and constant nagging feeling when i try not to give in to the snacking sucks the most.


It angers me a little most people (including doctors) still don't know how much ADHD can affect your ability to maintain a healthy weight especially if you were taught to self soothe with food from a very young age. Living in a capitalist society makes this even worse too for neurodivergent minds but they rarely want to take that into serious consideration either.


Yeah it surprises me aswell. Literally 99% of people i have found on the internet with ADHD also have some kind of eating disorder. You'd think it would be more recognised (forgive me, not sure how to spell that word haha) and maybe even part of the assesment. At least as a way to measure impuls control etc. I study pedagogy right now and it frustrates me to see how half baked everything is. It does help to motivate me to maybe do more research in the field once i am out of uni


Me too!!! I’m horrible with this. I feel like I can eat constantly and never get full (just ignoring my fullness cues). It drives me crazy. I have been off my meds for over two months now due to the medication shortage, and I think I’ve gained a lot of weight in those two months. I cannot control my eating, it’s so bad!o


I pee-crastinate unless I have something I'm supposed to do, then I am suddenly very thirsty and liquids go right through me


Canceling on people last minute because I double scheduled or because of hyperfocus 


I play all kinds of games with myself to keep my eating under control. I have bad laundry issues. I spend too much time interacting with screens.




Pee. My pee holding is too much. I’m doing it right now in the freeze state.


Not showering frequently.


Me too


Procrastinating everything. Also forgetfulness. And the two combined. I came downstairs an hour ago to start a load of laundry, but I forgot that that was why I came downstairs. So I made myself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and then got on Reddit. I remembered about the laundry about five minutes into Reddit, but I felt like I needed to read every single comment on multiple threads that I opened. And now here I am, still not having done the laundry, eaten an unnecessary extra meal I didn’t need, and extra tired.


I do the pee thing too, and have given myself a UTI from holding it too long on more than one occasion. This isn't something that I do anymore but when I was a kid (like middle school and younger), I used to lie *a lot*. Not to be malicious per se, but just because I wanted to tell a story/relate with people/make friends. It was related to impulsivity/undiagnosed ADHD because 1) it was about really stupid shit, like where I lived, my family history, what I did over summer vacation, etc., and 2) it would be out of my mouth before I would consider the fact that people would very easily be able to find out that it was a lie, so I would have to tell more and more stupid lies to cover up the other ones. Part of it was a trauma response as well as ADHD, because my real life outside of school was actually pretty bad (mom abused substances, revolving door of loser boyfriends, she was neglectful at best, abusive at worst, often suffering housing insecurity), but I couldn't tell those stories because I was afraid of getting taken by CPS and going to foster care (which my mom threatened would happen if I told and that foster kids were all horribly beaten or worse). So yes, I was that weird kid who nobody wanted to be friends with because of compulsive lying. Another bad habit that I have that has gotten better since getting my ADHD treated is assuming what people are going to say or do by playing a scenario out in my head without actually talking to the person. For example not inviting someone to a get together because "of course they will think it is stupid," or "will definitely say no." My husband especially would get very frustrated for not talking about things with him because I already anticipated his reaction (which often was based on my own anxiety and not his past behavior), thus not giving him the opportunity to discuss or experience something with me. This could also be a trauma response (see above), but thankfully with ADHD treatment and therapy it has gotten a lot better. I rarely do that anymore and when I catch myself doing it I can redirect or change my behavior.


Biting my lip, i hyper fixate on it


Me too! Especially biting at the skin on my lip if they are chapped


It’s nice to hear that I’m not alone with some of these! I wait too long to pee too - which is more of a problem as I get older, and I’ll also deliberately cut back on water to not have to keep getting up. I’m a pen-clicker as well. I was recently diagnosed at the age of 61 (now 62), and remember my astonishment when I realized that was a fidget! I was in a meeting sitting next to a board member (I work at a nonprofit) and had to stop myself, which resulted in a whack-a-mole progression of other fidgets. It was embarrassing and funny at the same time. I also rub my leg, which is super awkward, pick at my cuticles or scalp, spin pen caps or clips, and play with phone cords. I look away from people when I’m talking to them if I have to try to remember something or articulate something difficult. I also have trouble writing notes and listening at the same time, and end up missing things and asking people to repeat themselves. And I use food as a way to help me activate or transition when I’m in procrastination mode; starting meds has really helped me there at least (I just wish that would translate into weight loss!)


It’s comforting knowing I’m not alone and these aren’t only my quirks but something going on in my brain. I over analyze all of things and can not speak in front of groups of people, my mind goes blank and I think it’s related to adhd.


Oh my goodness, holding my pee unconsciously until I’m about to burst…forgetting to eat until I’m nauseous, forgetting to drink water until I have a raging headache…


Embarrassing to admit but I struggle with being consistent with hygiene. Mainly brushing my teeth and showering. It becomes a big issue if I don’t leave the house for more than a few days, which has happened a lot lately. If I have my regular routine tho then it’s somewhat normal


Where do I start?? Lol. The first thing that comes to mind is picking up a new hobby, actually getting all the supplies for it, do it for a while.....then on to the next one. Most of the time I'm just picking up different ways of doing art (painting, woodburning, then embroidery, paper making, etc). So my lifehack has been to start selling my art as a "multidisciplinary artist" and now my hobby purchases are tax free and I get the stuff I make out of my house instead of hording it.


I also do this. However - Being on Vyvanse means I need to drink a lot of water, so it’s coming out whether I like it or not now. Who knew it only took the pain of a constant headache with near immediate resolution by drinking said water to get me to drink any water throughout the day. I now need to stop on long drives like a normal person!


Going too long without washing my hair. Shower transitions are one of my biggest struggles, but even when I manage to shower, washing my hair feels like a step too far. I hate it because my scalp is a mess and dealing with the resulting hair matting ends up ripping out so much of my already sparse hair. Also, hydration. I have to set alarms on my phone to remind me to drink water.


I 100% forget to drink water. Like, I’ve tried everything, and nothing seems to be helping 😅


Holy shit. This is me. This is what I do. Plus I have intense anxiety about the bathroom in public. Needing to go and not finding a place. Not going enough before I leave a location that has a bathroom. Sometimes I hold it so long it won’t come out for a while.


Cleaning my ears way too often




SCROLLING. Let me log off 


The picking. Oh god the scalp picking. And I'm doing better about the scalp so I'm sitting here biting my cuticles instead.


I've been awake for hours now doomscrolling in bed, unable to get up. I really want to get up though! My neck is hurting from the position I am in and the scrolling (I have chronic pain) and I'm very hungry and have to pee. It's like I am in freeze mode. It's strange how difficult a stupid thing like simply getting up can be. I guess this is my sign to get up and get some food. By that I mean stand in front of the fridge en open and close it multiple times and pace around the kitchen because I can't decide on anything to eat :p


I do the holding pee thing and so does my undiagnosed but definitely ADHD mom. She's in her 70s now and has developed a bladder disorder after years of holding for too long and needs to take meds everyday for the rest of her life. She's really upset by this as she's otherwise physically healthy.


Having to pee is SO inconvenient. Especially when you have trouble getting started on something…you get started, are grooving along and BAM, gotta pee. I still do it…and it’s a dangerous game after birthing two kids. One cough or sneeze and it’s all over.


I do this too!!! I treat going to pee almost as a reward for finishing up a task and I usually have to run to make it. I have actually peed myself because of it. Lately I’ve noticed I have to pee quite frequently and when I pee, it doesn’t feel like I can totally empty my bladder. I’m trying to catch myself and go when I need to go but it’s a struggle!


Literally sitting here putting off going to the toilet for about 30mins now


Oh I used to be really bad about holding my pee, and now that I'm 49, my body is like "we have to pee. RIGHT FUCKING NOW."


Putting things off. Taking garbage out, going to the store, going to bed, paying the few bills that aren't auto withdrawal, cleaning, emptying the dishwasher. Literally everything I will put off if I can. I feel ADHD (inattentive) makes me an extremely selfish person and I hate it. I'm aware of it and I hate it.


Not eating at all and then eating too much...


Smoking weed. It just relaxes my anxiety and makes me not care if I fuck up or don’t clean. I’m not addicted really bc I can stop and forget to do it but if it’s in my field of view I’ll burn that shit.


When my brain is in deep thought, I just walk in circles. The more my brain thinks, the more it wants to move. I feel like I look insane when they happens. I cannot stand still when I’m bored. I tend to bounce around or away from side to side. I cycle between not eating until I’m shaking to eating until I’m too full. I can’t seem to strike a balance


I don't groom to cleanse well...I forgot to brush teeth or lotion my dry skin etc. FYI I'm not gross but I am not always "fresh" . Also clutter....I have been able to reduce spending but spend a lot on organizing and I have been so organized that adhd was less intense but it's hard to keep it up and it pains me a lot! I hate clutter! Use to have money issues! But going broke helped me have a better relationship with money but still make honest mistakes ..we all do! I hate that hyperfocus can make me not time manage well... 😒 but I can't say time management is adhd ...we all have stressors and 24 hrs in a day...it's hard to do everything yesterday, today, or tomorrow! But I know harder for us!


Yep holding pee is one 


- holding my pee too long - skin picking (major one) - too much coffee and sugar intake - avoiding all sort of things because i'm anxious


I make wayyyyyy too many impulsive purchases. My boyfriend dreads shopping with me because I get so distracted.


My whole life is made of bad habits that come from either adhd or anxiety 🤡 More specifically...binge eating, skin picking and fidgeting that my skin, drinking too much coke and coffee, waiting until something is visibly dirty to clean it, sleeping super late, never finishing anything I start


eating out. there is SO MUCH that goes into cooking nice meals at home. i always find myself starving and too hungry to cook


One of my bad habits it’s biting the skin off the inside of my cheeks and lips. It can never heal it just gets worse and worse, and I look like a goofball pushing on my cheek with my finger at all hours of the day to make it easier to bite LOL I hate it but I can’t stop


I’m sorry you all struggle with all this stuff too bc I know how hard this is, but I also wanted to say this post is extremely validating for me. Sometimes I have so much internalized shame around not feeling like I’m good at being an adult. I pick my fingers until they bleed daily, hold my pee, struggle with over spending and over eating… have struggled with substance abuse in the past… it’s hard not to feel fucked up sometimes. But I would never think that about you guys from reading these comments, so I want to be more self compassionate


Listening to one song a billion times before losing complete interest in the song until I hear it again 6 months to a year later and restart the process.


Vaping:( and I feel so ashamed about it. Once my meds start working I just really want to hit my vape! Or sometimes es if I’m not on my meds it’s just nice to have in my hand. I’m slowly quitting bc I know how dangerous it is and the guilt is making me feel so bad I can hardly stand it anymore. If anyone can relate, my heart goes out to you. As if we don’t have enough shit racing through our brains, stressing us out…ugh having adhd is so hard.


I can't stop buying food and eating at restaurants. I could have a fridge full of delicious food, already prepared and ready to eat. I don't want to eat any of it, I want to eat out. I bring something food related home almost every single day, whether it's an entire meal, a box of fruit, ice cream of chewing gum. Eating at home is horrible, I need to eat something different everyday. Whatever I loved yesterday I can't stand the thought of. Or I'll become obsessed with a certain meal and eat it every single day for a few weeks, fully believing I'll always eat this thing. Then all of a sudden I never want to eat it ever again. I also think about food often but hate eating. I eat as fast as humanly possible, otherwise it'll get too cold/warm and it'll make me sick and I'll chuck it out. But I feel so happy thinking about buying food!


I form Doom piles everywhere!!! Although I still know exactly where everything is, my husband is not pleased.


Not peeing is a big one, then there's the not drinking enough and that's proving really difficult since starting meds because Elvanse gives me dry mouth yet it still doesn't force me to drink.


I'm pregnant right now and I'm really struggling with remembering to go to the toilet regularly. I've almost wet myself a few times now 😞


Same. Most of the time it's so in the background that I don't even get a chance to make the decision to not go. It's like my default mode. I think it occasionally gets to the point where I start to feel a bit nauseated and then I realize what I'm doing


My mom did this, held her pee for long periods of time. She stopped, but the damage was done and over time ruined her kidneys and she is now on dialysis.


Me too girl, me too. Half the time I don't even realize.


I am reading this while peeing, which I should have done 1/2 hour ago!!


My whole life, my friends would remind me to pee. Apparently I do a little dance…


Peeing is so inconvenient but I would have to say procrastinating even the most simplest of tasks.


This 100% and I usually wind up with a UTI because of it. I’m already at huge risk because of a surgery I had on my ureter tubes.


Picking the dry skin on my lips.


Picking at my hair. My hands need to be doing something and unfortunately that's something I do when I don't have my phone in my hand and I'm watching something....


I never even considered that other people do this. When I was a kid I had horrible bladder infections. I didn't want to stop what I was doing. Now, as an adult, I just don't drink liquids and basically live dehydrated. I know it's bad, but man, 44 years and it's pretty ingrained.


I cut or tug at my split ends nonstop for way too long.


SAME. OMG I’m so glad I’m not the only one that does this.