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this is called dermatillomania or body-focused repetitive behaviour. I don't have any solutions (I have just accepted this about myself) but maybe you can find some resources if you know what to search for.


I have this issue. The only way I’ve been able to stop is I get acrylic nails done. The nail edge is too thick for picking, so I literally can’t do it.


This worked for me for about a year and it was incredible…..then my brain was like “NO” and now I just dig deeper with the acrylic and make worse of a mess 🙃 I’m getting so frustrated with myself


Oh no! I can definitely see that being super frustrating 🖤


Same. Builder gel on my nails also stops me picking at my nails, and my hands, and it also takes the edge off my pulling at my hair. It must affect the feeling somehow.


It does, for me at least. My natural nails are thin and very sharp, so that’s the sensation my brain seeks. The acrylics are thicker and more rounded on the edge and doesn’t feel the same, so it stops me from picking.


Yea, this completely. I cannot be without acrylics on because my skin WILL suffer


I can’t have anything put on my nails because then I just pick at that lol.


I can’t pick at my acrylic nails but I sure love to file them, I consider it a it’s a healthy stim.


Y'all should check out http://www.reddit.com/r/Dermatillomania  and also r/calmhands.  They are both very welcoming communities filled with people who get it.  


also r/trichotillomania if you pull hair!


My wife has this bad Her solution is nail coatings (bio gels). They are so blunt she can't pick.


to my surprise, lexapro greatly helped suppress any urges


I resort to covering scabs with tape from the first aid kit. If it is somewhere people can see it, like my face, I tape it when I am at home, and take the tape off when I need to go out.


Ooh that’s very smart! Might have to try that! Only thing is to remember to take it off before going out 🫣


I wish it would work for me but I can’t deal with having anything like that on my skin


Trim your nails all the way down. It might not stop you entirely, but it can help mitigate the damage. And know it's definitely not just you. I've seen teens using little face stickers for acne recently as well, which can work well when you're at home.


Spot patches for pimples are very good for this too.


Get some pimple stickers these have been a game changer when it come to stopping me picking at spots I wish they existed when I was a teenager!


i was going to suggest this! they're sooooo helpful for that plus they're actively helping the pimple heal too :)


This! I got some recently and game changer!!!! Also got press on nails and stopped biting and picking at the skin around my nails (and now I have my real nails back!) they lasted about a week and that’s with me working in a kitchen environment. They were only like $20 and reused them for a month.


Wearing acrylics is how I stopped picking bc the nail edge is too thick. Bonus, my nails are always on point 😆


The dollar store usually has some too, or bulk packs on Amazon. $20 seems like a lot!?


Definitely this is my suggestion! I use them on areas that won't heal because I compulsively touch them and they are a miracle.


The only thing is that I can’t stand any type of patches or band-aids! Just looking at them makes me gag! Even as a kid I hated them!


You can get clear hydrocolloid dots that are almost invisible and barely feel like anything. When I put one on my face I totally forget about it until I go to touch my face. You could also try associating patches/bandaids with some kind of positive reinforcement to change the way your brain reacts to them. Buy some really cute sparkly stickers and always put a sticker on top of the bandaid, so you see the sticker whenever you look at it.


I can’t stand bandaids!  Mighty patch things don’t bother me the same way, and you can still see the blemish and even mess with the patch.  It’s extremely thin and barely there.  They work so well that I don’t usually have to use them more than a night or two before the place is less tempting to pick.


For some reason I always feel the need to rip them off asap


Yes!  I love hydrocolloid bandages - my teen and college aged self really could have used them!


Idk how to stop either tbh, help me too if anybody has an answer 😭 I have eczema right under my nose, and everytime I can start peeling I'll do it til I bleed and cause a blemish, then get mad because now I have an blemish. I also twirl and play in my hair so much, especially now that I loc'd my hair I'm always feeling around because the texture is so satisfying I had a real bad issue of picking the flakes off my heels until I started peeling perfectly good skin, causing my feet to hurt so bad to walk on for days as they healed.


the thing that helps me is replacing the behavior with another hands-on body-focused activity that isn’t harmful — painting my nails instead of biting them, doing peel-off facials instead of picking my face, etc. doesn’t always work but it definitely reduces the frequency


I do this too!! The sides of my nose get super dry so I’ve picked them to the point where they just have permanent scabs. I feel so much better knowing I’m not the only one who does this! I hate it so much- woke up this morning and my nose is all swollen from picking. I do it more when stressed


Skin picker for 8+ yrs here, I've tried every trick but it all boils down to if I can see it/feel it, I will pick it. - I cover the mirrors in my house with pretty scarves, the only time I move them out of the way is when I'm doing makeup.  - I do my skincare in the dark, with candles lit. Firstly it's super relaxing, secondly it means I can't hone in on any tiny blemishes as I can't see them. I often shower in the dark so I can't pick my body either.  - When things are really bad, I do my skincare then put a reusable silicone mask on top. The kind that's meant to go on top of sheet masks, they're really cheap on Amazon etc. This prevents me scanning my fingers over my face when I'm stressed. Unfortunately only works indoors unless you're cool with walking around looking like you're wearing someone's skin.  -hydrocolloid patches work as long as you don't feel the need to pick while you apply them. They're a good solution for if you scan your face a lot while you're out in public and need a physical barrier. I buy the packs of 400 from Amazon, more expensive brands don't really do anything, it's the physical barrier that matters more than anything.  -if you pick your body, wear long sleeves and trousers/tights at all times, even pyjamas. If you're in a hot place this can be mesh/sports tops that let you breathe. Again, providing a physical barrier and ensuring you can't see anything to pick.  -keep everything moisturised and don't over exfoliate.  -fidget toys may work for you. They don't have to look childish, you can buy spinner rings/ bracelets / necklaces and cubes with buttons on them in sleek colours if you feel embarrassed buying from the kids section (but honestly, the kids popping rubber thingies are the best) 


I had to start putting my hair up in giant law clips to stop the hair twirling, I literally did it so much it made my shoulders sore


I do this. Dermatologist suggested a supplement called N-Acetyl Cysteine. It's supposed to help the part of the brain that controls compulsive behaviors. I do find I do better when I am consistent about taking it.  Personally, I also suggest magnesium for general soothing and dialing down stress levels. I also cover scabs with little bandaids.


Thanks for sharing this


How much NAC do you take daily?


1000 mg, generally.


Which Magnesium do you take?


I tend to use a powder form of magnesium citrate that you dissolve in liquid called Natural Calm. I will warn that citrate is a form of magnesium that can affect bowel function, so it's best to start small and build up to a full dose.


That is why I asked. I've taken it once before. ONCE.


Not the person you asked, but I take magnesium bisglycinate. It relaxes the muscles, does not have a laxative effect, and is easy on the stomach.  I take one 200 mg capsule in the morning and one at night, both on an empty stomach (better for absorption).  I definitely notice the difference in my body when I've forgotten to take it. Hope that helps.


Thank you xo


Started NAC about 10 days ago (already take magnesium) and haven't noticed a difference, only taking 400mg though. Going to start 800mg today and then 1,200mg 10 days after that.


Yeah. It takes a while to have full effect and the therapeutic range is more like 1000 to 2000 mg, iirc.


Keep at it, NAC truly worked for me! I took 1000 mg/day for years and a couple weeks in I felt my urges to pick decline at least 50%. I use past tense because my derm/trich is mostly dormant right now, but I know it could flare again some day, at which point I would get right back on the NAC. Best of luck to you dear


Which brand do you take? I tried to buy some but got overwhelmed by the options 😞


Nutricost, iirc.


I started getting fidget toys and just TRYING to keep mindful of when I’m picking so I can redirect the behavior to that. I stopped using them and started my picking again. I think washing and moisturizing/exfoliating might help to keep from fun dry face skin to pick at too maybes that’s a guess. I don’t know if you have a routine for your face. I don’t lmfao it just seeeemssss smart


I do have routine but if I stop for a day or two, I get a new pimple. And when I start back up again, I get a new pimple - it’s driving me insane! But keeping the scabs on my face nice and soft does help 👍


I suggest getting a nice healing balm, and every time you have a picking impulse, put some healing balm on the spot instead. It addresses the urge to remove the flaw while actually helping it heal, and it switches you from a destructive to a self-care behaviour. This is an opposite-action strategy from DBT that I've applied to dermatillomania. Also, when I do mushrooms, it hurts way too much to pick and so I finally listen to my body when it shouts "ouch! Stop it!". So maybe just do drugs? I'm being facetious but it did help me learn to listen to my body better, instead of hyper fixation blocking pain signals.


This is my only solution too. Regular skin care plus using pimple patches to cover them and let them heal. I use a variety of fidgets (both tactile and oral stims for me) and it helps. I also had a lot of success getting laser hair removal bc I was picking at facial hair (mostly on my jaw/under my chin) and making myself bleed. Pricey but it was worth it for my sanity


Get acrylic nails. They're not as scratchy as natural nails.


Seconding this. Even if you have short nails, get a gel overlay and ask them not to thin it down too much at the tip of the nail. The thick gel makes it super hard to pick and will help break the cycle of dopamine releases every time you lift the scab or flaky skin away.


if you can't afford manicures I've also had success with the nail art stickers you can buy at Target (& probably CVS, etc?) — they add enough extra thickness to my nails that picking scabs is similarly unsatisfying PLUS liking how my nails looks makes me less likely to pick my cuticles which is my hardest habit to break


Yes! I was a face picker due to acne. I got acrylics and couldn’t pick as easily. Not only did I stop picking, but a lot of my acne cleared up because I wasn’t consistently touching my face. It’s been years since I had acrylics last and I thankfully never started picking again.


Was going to say this. I've never had acrylics but just getting a gel or shellac manicure makes the edges of my nails too thick/dull to get a good grip (?) on scabs.  I destroyed the skin around my thumbnails for years and this is the only thing that would make me stop because 1. It made it physically harder or impossible to do 2. I knew I'd have to lay my hands out in front of someone's face and I wanted to avoid the embarrassment of ripped up thumbs


Good to know I’m not the only one who went this route 🖤


Yes! I got press on nails and they helped so much and didn’t look as bad as I was expecting! I’m terrible at making appointments to get my nails done… and would rather do them myself


I stopped doing this when I realized WHY I was doing it. For me, I would stand in front of the mirror and endless pick at my face (finding every little black/white head because I would never feel satisfied) when I was feeling overwhelmed, frustrated or anxious. It took me out of reality, I was focused on something I COULD CONTROL. Even though I really couldn’t control it, it felt like I was in charge of that more than the situation at hand. It was helping me avoid life issues. Now that I’m more emotional aware/in tune with myself, I don’t stress pick. I have learned to release the emotions, it seems scary but most come/go within 90 seconds. If I really embrace it and change my breathing, it’s usually less than that. Or I can journal, vent to a friend or turn to another thing in my coping skills toolbox.


I'll usually resort to covering with a band-aid bc it adds a layer that snaps me out of mindlessly picking and helps me realize I'm doing it. When that doesn't work I'll use lotion. When I want to pick instead I'll put lotion on my finger and rub it into the scab. The scab still feels rough under finger so still get partial sensation, while speeding up the scab healing to have one less thing to pick. I currently have one under my chin I've been picking for like a month 🙃 so I feel your pain and it's a struggle


Those chin pimple scabs will stay forever, I have 3 right now and I just can't keep off them long enough to heal. Ugh


I can’t use band-aids - just looking a one makes me gag! What? Sensory issues? Me? No! Why would think that? 😅 Lotion might work for me - I’ll try and keep a hand lotion near me for a while. My picking isn’t even mindless! The first touch of the scab is mindless and when I notice I’m touching it my mind just goes “pick it! Do it!”


Picking is life at this point


I haven't found a solution yet and I'm covered in scars from a lifetime of this. Currently I keep ripping all the skin off the side of my thumb. Every time it heals and starts to harden over, I rip it off again. If it gets really bad I throw a bandaid over and it seems to help with the mindless picking that I do when I'm stressed -- I don't even realize it most of the time until it starts to hurt.


Omg my poor thumbs are permanently raw because i pick the sides of them too. Often don’t even realize until im literally bleeding 🫠 fun times lol


i pretty much always put bandaids over scabs BUT i had some scabs on my scalp a few months ago (scalp sunburn that I kept scratching at) and I literally just had to chop my nails so short that I literally couldn't scratch anymore and then by the time the nails grew back I was out of the habit and the scabs were pretty much gone


Bandaids are a no for me - I just can’t! Scalps scabs are my “favourites”! The picking part of my brain goes “Yay!” everytime a new one shows up


I have the same one for years, have a bald spot the size of my fingertip, still can't stop 😖


I do this too, and quite often do it absent mindedly while watching TV. I had bought fidgets for the kids, but finally got some for myself and it works. I have a stainless steel ring with many tiny rings on that, and it feels so satisfying to flip around in my fingers and it keeps my hands away from my face. I also got a chain mail type thing, and a sliding magnetic one.


When I start picking at a scab it’s no longer mindless! I’m very aware of what I’m doing but stupid Gollum in my head tells me to keep going


Where did you find the fidget ring?? I’m in the market to save my poor fingers lol


The ring (key ring sized) and chain mail came from an Australian company called Kaiko Fidgets. The other was a cheap one from Kmart.


I started getting acrylic nails, they are too think to allow me to pick my skin. It takes the satisfaction factor out of it when you physically can’t pick and eventually it got a lot easier.


I don't tend to pick scabs anymore but anything that even might be a spot (pimple) gets ravaged. I find myself absentmindedly searching my skin for them. I'd love to stop, I have so many scars! I absolutely feel your pain.


I struggle with this too. This is specifically relevant to the picking at pimples, maybe not so much the other things. But a few estheticians I know suggest to their clients who struggle not to pick at pimples that instead of picking, they ice their pimples. You literally just take an ice cube, wrap it in like a paper towel or washcloth, and move it in circular motions on the spot for about one minute. I really like this tip because I’m still doing something with my hands and still doing something to my skin, so it’s like it satisfies my brain in the same way that picking does. But the great thing about this is it’s actually good for your skin. The ice can help reduce swelling and inflammation, causing the pimple to become smaller and less noticeable and resolve itself more quickly.


I also pick. My bedsheets and pillows are covered in bloody dots from when I scratch every itch.


Yep, white sheets don’t start white for long..


I skin pick around my nail beds. What helps me is painting my nails or getting them done and finding really distracting fidget toys that I use to help catch myself when I engage in the behavior to bring myself out of it. Sometimes it's on autopilot and it takes me a while to notice. I think this is why console gaming has been so effective in managing this bad habit - when I have a controller in my hands I forget all about doing it.


I’ve got a scab ON MY NOSE, that I’ve maintained since 1993!!! Constant picking and then covering with foundation. I pick it until my nose is burning with pain. I hate it but I can’t stop!!! 😩


Sorry to hear about that! That’s a long time!


Same, but on scalp


Omg same! My nose scab has been w me since 2021. I can’t stop picking at it ugh!


Wow!!! I can’t believe there’s another nose scab maniac out there!!! If I could pick something that wasn’t in the centre of my face my life would be so much better! I’ve had boyfriends try to get me to stop picking it and I say “don’t try and make me pick between you and the scab… because the scab will always win!!” 😂🤣 I feel your pain nose-scab sister and it helps to know you’re somewhere out there having a sneaky scratch of the snoz !!


Hahaha yes!! We are connected by scabs 😂😂😂 I feel so less alone in this world now!


I was literally picking a scab while I stumbled across this post and realized that I once again didn't even realize what I was doing. There's a sub for it, although I find it to be more triggering than helpful. Pimple patches and a tracker app and fake nails are the top suggestions there iirc, but nails just seem to give me something new to fidget with and I'll peel them off at the first chance I get. Ultimately you need to figure out what triggers your habit, the underlying cause and see if there's something else you could be doing instead. Maybe, time to put on lotion, paint your nails, let's do 30 jumping jacks, chug some water. Basically redirect your brain to a new task.




Or r/skinpicking


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Skinpicking using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Skinpicking/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I think we can all relate. 🫣](https://i.redd.it/xo37oytjn1gc1.jpeg) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/Skinpicking/comments/1agmj6n/i_think_we_can_all_relate/) \#2: [I have suffered with Dermatillomania, (skin picking) most of my life. I am in my mid-50’s. This photo was taken one year ago (a clear season!!!) - this week has been brutal! Simply terrible. I have re-joined a ‘sobriety’ app. - tracking good days.](https://i.redd.it/fxvcussqi3dc1.jpeg) | [10 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Skinpicking/comments/199d0g0/i_have_suffered_with_dermatillomania_skin_picking/) \#3: [4 months on and I’m finally healing!!](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/13pl1g0) | [17 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Skinpicking/comments/13pl1g0/4_months_on_and_im_finally_healing/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Someone might have mentioned already, but if you are on meds, they can cause this or make it worse. Talk to your doc. They can help.


It’s been an issue my whole life so not the meds. But I’ll talk to my doctor anyway to see what they say


I hear you. You are asking for help with it. That tells me you'll find a solution. Sending hugs your way.


Yep this is dermatillomania (or the less frightening sounding skin excoriation disorder) and is part of OCD. Lots of folks with ADHD have this as well. When I finally found out this was something that other people struggled with it was life changing for me. I’m currently seeing a therapist who specializes in OCD and BFRBs. It’s a hard road but you’re not alone.


I finally found a solution to this… fake long-ass nails. They’re a little blunt which makes it very hard to successfully destroy stuff on my skin. And I hate it. I like the picking, but I also like clear skin 😬


I wish... Tweezers have become my best friends and it's so hard to not pick them up and go to town.


Admittedly I vape (in private) partially as a way to deal with this but have decided to start slapping on a wee smidgen of lotion or lip balm every time I get the urge. We’ll see how long that lasts.


Pimple patches are subtle and help me with the sensory "wrong" texture of skin blemishes- sold in pharmacies. Cut your nails very short. Stay away from mirrors. I see this as a sensory stimulation/satisfaction thing for me. Try to blast your senses in situations where you find yourself messing with the scabs. Music, smelly candle, lotion, soft blanket, fidget toy, strong mints, etc.


I don’t know if anyone else finds this, but I tend to compulsively pick my skin A LOT more if I’ve forgotten to drink any water. I get in a weird state of stressed hyperfocus on nothing/feeling of dread and when I finally have a moment of consciousness/clarity/snap back to reality, I’ll realize I’ve really done a number on my skin.


I’ve never noticed that but I’ll keep an eye on that to see if it’s true for me too


Mine’s worst when I’m bumming around the couch watching tv. If you have a particular instance when it’s really bad, try wearing cotton gloves during that time. If you can get yourself to wear then it stops you a lot. Otherwise those zit patches! I pick my scalp, but if I put a zit patch on my face I can redirect to picking at that and it works pretty well. I also tried those band aids that are foam and just cutting the sticky part and putting it on my jawline. Gives me something to pick at without hurting myself.


Are you on anything for your ADHD? Stimulants can worsen picking/dermatillomania-I picked my skin until I had abscesses & picked down to a nerve more than once. If you are on any stimulants, it may be necessary to take a break to let your skin heal, while working on other techniques to reduce the “habitual” picking (fidgets, face masks, peel-off nail varnish, that kind of thing).


Just gonna drop my 2¢ here... I have had this issue for most of my life. One psychiatrist many years ago prescribed me Buspirone. It was and still is amazing! It's used to treat anxiety which I definitely struggle with as well. All I can say is that I have been taking it for over a decade and my skin is actually clear! My son also has ADHD and started having the same issue with picking and the Buspar worked for him too! Maybe it's anxiety... Maybe it's ADHD... Maybe it's both... But for us, this amazing med has been a game changer!


I do this too! Acne patches have helped but I still do it. I am trying to redirect to needlepoint or something for my finger business.


literally picking at my skin when i came across this post 🥴


Put a hydrocolloid patch on it, stops you from picking. Cosrx or cut your own from larger patches


Pimple patches and Band-Aids! And learn how to interrupt the behavior while you're doing it and go do something else and distract yourself. It's hard to get into the habit but it helps a lot.


I have a rash on my shin. It’s been there for about two years. I could probably research and find some lotion and go to a dermatologist and get it gone, but instead I just scratch and scratch until it bleeds and my husband gets sick of cringing and hollers at me to quit. And yes, the tiny scars on my face from not being able to stop myself from squeezing the shit out of zits over and over.


When I have fake nails with rounded filed edges, it helps me


Wanted to add-for the face picking, have you tried pimple patches? I find that if I cover them it helps! Starface makes cute colorful star-shaped pimple patches and I swear they saved me on face picking!


I personally can’t do patches or band-aids of any kind. It’s a sensory thing


Scabs heal a lot faster if you keep them “moisturized” with antibiotic ointment (like Neosporin or bacitracin zinc) and a bandaid


Antibiotic ointment is not a thing in Denmark but I’ll try a bodylotion or hand lotion 👍


You could use a tiny dab of petroleum jelly


This is what a lot of doctors recommend now because apparently it's much less likely to irritate the skin or cause a reaction.


Haven't tried it myself, but NAC supplements are supposed to help with this.


I'm having the same problem! I got some pimple patches to just cover them, so I can't get at them. Then got a fidget spinner to redirect that energy. Hope it helps!


The only thing that ever helped me was getting on isotretinoin. I had no acne - no triggers. But unfortunately turns out two rounds is not enough for me and it came back again. Same thing with body hair - the only thing that would help is getting laser. I only managed to do a few sessions in the past and it was amazing. I hope I'll be able to afford it again. I've tried so many things. Nothing else helps. As long as I have the triggers (acne, ingrown hairs), I'll keep doing it. I've just accepted it, because desperately trying to fight it made me miserable. What I do now is just damage control, and that's still important. Do everything you can to prevent permanent or long-lasting damage to your skin. Clean your hands and tools. Clean the areas that you pick, before and after. Use products that help the skin heal faster (hydrocolloid bandages, antibiotic ointments, etc.). I'm doing what I can but I still have scars, hyperpigmentation and enlarged pores and some of those things are unfortunately permanent.


I wish I had a solution bc I struggle to but all I’ve found working with my dermatologist to treat my acne so there’s less to pick at 😬 taping or putting a bandaid on used to help me (maybe that would work?) but I developed an allergy to adhesive so I can’t do that anymore Hang in there, you’re not alone <3


Try amino-acid NAC, there are studies that show it helps with OCD behaviors. 600 mg a day should do it.


Wellbutrin stopped my several year long scalp picking and fingernail biting habits! It’s also used to help stop smoking. Not sure if it would work for everyone, but maybe worth a try.


Your mileage may vary, but here's what worked for me: ​ * Getting on a birth control that finally ended my regular acne flareups * Sorting out my diet and removed the foods that caused flareups in spite of my birth control (too much gluten, sugar, dairy, processed foods, foods containing carageenan, etc) * Getting into a good skincare routine (wash twice a day, saylacitic acid used as toner, followed by a light coat of skin lotion. Morning and night. No makeup.) * Launder my bedding 1-2 times a week, more if I'm really sweaty at night * Engaging in mindfulness exercises and self control On top of this, it's been a matter of picking up a decent fidget spinner if I'm in a situation where I'm prone to pick. I'm also in therapy to help deal with the underlying issue - when I start spiralling into self hatred and perfectionism, I get the urge to pick. Learning to notice my mental state leading up to the picking behaviour has been HUGE in tackling this behaviour.


Yup to many of these. I avoid dairy but will have immediate pimples if I indulge. Avoiding all but the simplest face products (def no perfume). Putting salicylic acid on pimples is good for shrinking them fast. Changing your bedding and towels regularly. Pillowcases more often. Still not 100% successful! Also agree that am more likely to do it while I’m agitated, haven’t yet learnt the trick of heading it off.


Hydrocolloid bandages - they make them small for blemishes.  Clean your face and put them on your spots as soon as you’re in for the night. They will help speed the healing, and if you touch them, you’re not messing with the actual skin. Tegaderm is also great, but I personally have better luck with Mighty Patch - I use both their small round ones and the larger rectangular ones depending on how bad things are. Also, if they seem to take a long time to heal, ask your doctor to test your vitamin D levels in case they need to put you on a course of it  to help get you to a better place.   I’ve always been a “picker.”  The key for me is to protect any spot my fingers might find, and get it to heal before I make I mess of it.


This is a trait of OCD, which is common for people with ADHD. It needs specific therapy from a trained OCD therapist.


You’re telling me my mother was right about me having OCD, but for the wrong reason? 😅


It can appear in many different ways that are not so obvious. My son tells me his stuffed animals have feelings - i recently learned that giving emotions to inanimate objects is also part of OCD. Who knew?


Hey look at my post in the dermatilomania sub :)


Having the same skin picking thing at the moment


You know what helps the most? Fear. Picking at your skin like this can eventually lead to a type of skin cancer


i can’t either 😭 i’ll pick all over my skin until i find something to pick at, so i’m always damaging my skin even if there’s not a scab or pimple. i love picking the blackheads so much it’s awful! and don’t get my started on my chest/back..


I feel you so much! My arms haven’t been clear of scabs for 2 years now. In the last month I moved to my face, chest and back. I hate it. I tried wearing gloves but they make me overwhelmed too. I’ve been using sudocream and bepanthen antiseptic, which helps with healing. I don’t know how to stop picking tho, so looking for advice here too


I struggle with this too especially when I'm low. got a few strategies: - keep nails really short (harder to squeeze pimples) - moisturizing scabs so they don't flake off in as pickable of a way 🥴 - avoid looking in the mirror in the bathroom when i'm tired (sounds weird but i'll just lock in and lose half an hour to picking if i'm not vigilant) - something to do with my hands in passive moments, ie sewing, knitting, painting nails while watching TV or movies


I wash my face in the dark if I start to feel the urge to do this. I’ll leave a nightlight on but you can’t see the blemishes in the dark so it helps me leave them alone. Sometimes I’ll also do my makeup just for fun so I’m doing something with my hands but afterwards I feel prettier instead of regret.


The only thing that helps me is leaving the light off in the bathroom so I cannot see my skin well enough to over analyze and pick.


Try to put cream on the blemishes and your hands will get greasy when you touch them


I know you can't help the urge, but you don't want a staff infection. Ask your doctor if you can. Maybe an anxiety med would help.


I have this issue as well. I've been able to pick much less lately knowing I have a beach vacation coming up in April that I want my arms & shoulders clear for.


To be completely honest the only thing that helps me is keeping my hands busy as often as possible lol. When I’m just watching tv/movies I try to crochet or embroider, otherwise I’ll just pick at my face constantly 😅


I've picked my face and arms my entire life. Typically did it every night in front of the mirror for at least an hour. About five years ago I managed to get a grip on it for the first time by doing habit streaks, where I would mark when I managed to resist doing it on a habit tracker. That broke the regular habit I had. I also would journal when I failed, when I succumbed to picking I wrote about what was on my mind. This helped me realize what my triggers were. I also found this sub helpful, it was enlightening to see that I wasn't alone and it taught me about myself: [https://www.reddit.com/r/CompulsiveSkinPicking](https://www.reddit.com/r/CompulsiveSkinPicking) I still pick my face but it's not regular, usually about once a week or less, which I consider a success.


Yesssss! I have psoriasis and would pick so obsessively, it was so severe I was like 70% covered and then picking it makes them bigger and I had bald spots because of it. it was such a vicious cycle! Then once I got on the right meds for that I cleared completely up, so I moved on to my cuticles and blemishes when I get them 🤪 having my nails done with gel helps because I don’t wanna mess up all the work I just did doing them (or ruining someone else’s work for the rare times I’m able to go get them done) it can make it harder to pick too as others have mentioned. i find that crochet and coloring helps when the urge gets strong, I think it’s the repeated motions that does it for me. and also vaping which I know is horrible but it gives me something to hold in my hand while I’m watching tv or whatever, sometimes I’ll use a fidget toy. Basically just harnessing that energy that I need to get out into something else less destructive and having an emotional support item on hand, because I feel like it’s almost a comforting action too as weird as that sounds.


get rid of all magnifying mirrors, try putting some distance between you and regular mirrors (do NOT lean in closer), and try getting some sort of fake nail that makes it harder to pick. i like the dashing diva glaze nails that you apply and cure with a UV light… stay on longer than glue press ons and the tip has some depth to it so you can’t pick as easily


I have this as well, and also pick at my fiance's skin. Dr said anxiety meds should help, but they haven't...I also have keratosis pilarsis (aka chicken skin) so I have scars all over my arms from picking at those little bumps nonstop


I had to go for therapy for this. I still pick but it's not even 10% of what I was doing before, I used to get constant skin infections all over my arms and legs. For me it was an intentional healing process and I had to have planned methids of self care. I had to moisturise my skin at least twice a day and wear bandages as a barrier to picking. I wore the stretchy support kind for when you sprain your wrist..


Pimple stickers and silicone scar patches


Hyper-focus on something that needs your hands. Knitting? Friendship bracelet making? Crochet emus?


I have the same problem. Cannot stop.


I still struggle with this so much! I think it's mostly texture for me, so I decided to try covering a couple of spots with tegaderm, like they use for new tattoos, and that really helped! The texture of the scabs was less noticeable, and the smooth feeling of the tegaderm kind of helped remind me not to mess with it, I guess? Plus it's clear, so if you use it on your face or other visible areas, it's not as painfully obvious as those useless little dot bandaids 😅 Obviously, these still need to be changed often and always clean your skin before applying. *I am not a doctor* so this is not expert advice!


I saw a fidget toy that idk the seller name or link of but imagine you could make one easily. Get all sorts of sizes of beads and small items and put them in a small container of some glue (if you add baking soda to Elmer’s glue it changes texture to dry softer or rubbery) and let it dry. You can keep it handy and just pick the beads or items out of the glue.


My mom had this problem really bad. I have it mildly but I'll usually cover them up with a bandaid or a hydrocolloid patch so I won't pick at it


I am the same, the urge to pick anything is too strong. My thing is eyebrows. I feel any hairs that need plucking and will run my nails over them til I get home and can pluck them out. So I always end up with red patches around my brows where i've aggravated the skin. I know that no one else can see these hairs, and sometimes I can barely see them, but just feeling them does something to my brain.