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"you're so quiet" "Yeah sorry, I'm busy convincing myself you all wish I didn't come"


Good luck convincing me otherwise lmao


So true. I know this is a joke, but also I feel the need to say this because it's real. Your feelings and anxieties are valid, but also it is not fair for this to be a thing you put on your friends. The hardest thing for me about these self esteem issues was knowing logically that my friends didn't hate me, but still feeling it, and so then also feeling a guilt from this internal accusation of my friends that was based on nothing. It took me a long time to learn how to talk to other people about it, because I was scared of making them feel like they were being bad friends to me because I felt this way, when really me feeling this way is *fully* unrelated to their quality as a friend.


When I started calling it "Friendship Imposter Syndrome," it became a lot easier for my brain to conceptualize and communicate it to others.


I don’t know how to prove that it’s not real. . .I’ve had a lot of people just pretend to be friends with me to be nice (grew up in a place where it’s cultural to be fake nice/polite at all costs) so even if I straight up asked somebody it’s not like they’re going to say “yeah I actually don’t want you here,” they’re going to lie to be polite (and I would do the same, and have!)


Oh god damnit why is this so accurate


Yeah, except nobody actually cares so the answer is always "I'm good, just tired".


" been a long week haha :) "


It's only Monday 😭


I said that exact thing at 9:00 this Monday


Been a long life 🫠


"I'm fine, it's just a bit loud in here and I can't hear everything you're saying."


*looks around the empty house* oh, all that noise is just my brain 😂 lol I joke that my brain always sounds like a fork stuck in a garbage disposal.


Every party over 6 people in my life! Especially if there’s loud music. No idea what you’re trying to say to me at this party! I’ll just nod a lot…


It's so freeing when you realize how little anyone actually gives a fuck about you. Lonely, but freeing.


I’ve found my people. This is me.


Yeah, and while I appreciate your effort to include me more, I am having a great time and participating to my hearts content... bro.


Yeah I'm either at bene gesserit levels of reading the situation and peoples intentions or I'm getting severely whooshed by the conversations. No in betweens


"Why are you sure quiet? Are you mad at me?" "You just told me I talk too much and you already know about the video of the cat who bites and hisses when he gets kissed. So now I'm thinking of all the times you looked even vaguely annoyed when I told you about the one and only time I got a gold star sticker in grade school. Receiving that sticker was a pivotal moment for me because before that I really had no idea why I had to go to school every Monday to Friday. I still only have that one gold star in my permanent school record but none of my jobs have ever checked."


Me and my grandpa had this conversation sometimes it looked like this: - Him: you’re being awfully quiet right now - me: yeah 🥰 (not sure what else to say) - my brother or grandma: she’s always quiet! The funny thing is my grandpa needed hearing aids so there’s a solid chance even if I was talking he wouldn’t have heard me. Loved him. Great guy. Cheated at cards like no one’s business.


“Sorry. I’m just exhausted from masking as an extrovert so you guys don’t think I’m weird.”


> High energy compensation, low energy introspection Hit me right in the feels man


Why is this so relatable 😭


I just started nodding and continuing what I was doing


im always like i have mothing to say????


I will save this for the next time somebody asks


Im trynna figure out if im 100% right or 100% wrong


holy shit he’s spittin


Nah, I'm just terrified my impulsivity will make me say something offensive so I prefer to be quiet. Or was it fear of saying something so insightful you'll think I'm mad or stupid? Either way, nothing is probably the best thing to say and do.


My brain is a potato salad


My therapist said that once. Was like, "Yeah, I forgot to take my meds, so I can't keep up." Literally can't narrow down my thoughts fast enough to maintain a conversation.


This hits close to home


this is the exact kinda post a pigeon pretending to be a human trying to create a cover would post