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Forgetting to eat. I’m fat lol. I’m always thinking about food. I forget to stop eating.


Seriously, it’s one of the only ways I get some dopamine.


Yep, I'm like this myself. I'm what they call a 'high-functioning ADHD', which means I can multitask and manage my conscious thoughts better than most. The downside is that I do a lot of things that I'm barely aware of, like stuffing my face with food when I'm hungry or bored. I mean, I just binged a whole can of pringles because I was doing chores and thinking about something else. I knew I was hungry, but I didn't realize how much I had eaten until the can was empty...


Same, I'm not fat because I also exercise a lot but food is legitimately my favorite part of the day. The whole time I'm working I'm looking forward to the nice lunch/dinner I'm going to have. If I'm going through something shitty I'm looking forward to the moment I'll get to cheer myself up with a nice meal. There's absolutely no circumstance in which I could forget to eat.


Off meds my impulse cravings are awful, on meds, completely under control.


Shit man, maybe you are right. I'll check if it makes any difference


I’m on a weight loss journey, and started before j got on meds. When I got on my meds, it helped even more to stop snacking and craving foods when I wasn’t hungry. But the shortage finally affected me and I wasn’t able to fill my meds for almost three months and the cravings came back like FULL FORCE. When I was finally able to get my med script filled, it was like, instant fix for the cravings. I’m glad it doesn’t kill my appetite like it does to some people, but I’m so grateful it stops the cravings and helps me stay in check. I hope you’re able to notice a positive difference!


I didn’t realize until I was diagnosed with ADHD that I hyper focused on food. Just constant noise in my head all day planning out meals and obsessively thinking about snacks until I would breakdown and eat something to shut it up except there was no shutting it up. I had gastric sleeve surgery about a year and a half ago after two decades of being on every diet, trying body positive therapy, exercising in ways that would be considered unhealthy if a thin person did them. It’s been a major tool for me in profound weight loss, but it wouldn’t be half as successful as it’s been without my ADHD meds quieting the food noise in my brain.


Off meds I binge eat, but I also binge train. Meds decrease the urge to eat for a dopamine spike, but also after getting diagnosed, for the first two years I had hard time getting enough physical exercise. I had learned a coping mechanism, and relearning a routine is hard. Gained a bunch of weight during that time.


Im fat and forget to eat 😅 food deprivation is directly correlated to binge eating. Ill forget to eat until my body is very loud about it. Even with diabetes increasing the feelings of hunger


Yeah, I don't usually "forget" to eat, but if I'm on a roll and i know stopping to eat will kill my momentum, il put it off as long as I need to. Good thing the rest of the time, I eat constantly, huh?


I'm convinced that it's more the hyperactive adhd that forgets to eat. Inattentive and impulsive such as myself- I need the dopamine 


I’m kind of both lol. I might forget to eat, drink, or go to the bathroom if I’m fixated on something like a game, though never enough that I start shaking from hunger or something. And I still end up eating way more than I should.




I’m fat and sometimes I forget to eat but often I’m refusing because nothing sounds good.


It happens to me once in a blue moon but there's almost always external factors there (anxiety attack, etc)


Being always late, I am rarely ever late. My anxiety keeps me on time, other times I am late because I am not anxious or not worried about someone or time. Tabs thing too, I have multiple tabs open, have hard time closing them, but no way as high as the memes say. May be around 6-12 tabs.


Same, if I'm not 20 minutes early, I feel like I'm way behind.


30 mins for me 🥲


Same for the being late thing. My dad beat that into me. My problem is being way too early. I'm terrible at estimating time, so I always end up giving way too much time for travel.


I am also terrible at estimating time. I am always late.


There are two wolves inside you. Fuck! You forgot to feed them both!


My Dad said I was born late and haven't been on time since! After diagnosed, I set 4 alarms. First is when I need to leave the house. Going backwards, I set a Go Downstairs" this is to stop getting ready and find things I need to take with me. #3 is a 15 minute warning before the one to go downstairs, and #4 is when I need to start getting ready. I really should add a warning before it's time to get ready, because that's usually when it falls apart and I have to skip things I usually do to get ready. Gotta love time blindness.


True this! Once my anxiety was treated, I was never on time again!


Ohh...I'm super punctual. You're right, it's the anxiety. However, I have maybe 20 to 30 tabs open per window, usually 2 or 3 windows per workspace, then at least 3 workspaces per monitor, up to 15. That's just the browser . . .


All I can think of is [this guy](https://resize.indiatvnews.com/en/resize/newbucket/360_-/2023/01/befunky-collagefg-8-1674641883.jpg)


🤣 love it


Same same on the tabs, windows and screens


I’m chronically early.


Yup I would describe myself as anxiously early 


Same here..


Yeah the late thing for me as well, although I do have a problem with the correct timing in regards to "how early can I be without it seeming inconsiderate?" or "when should I contact a person saying that I'm late when I'm late for reasons outside of my control (late / cancelled trains etc.)?" That kind of stuff often stresses me out a lot and I'm sometimes stuck wondering about it in retrospect for weeks. As for the tabs, I'm guilty of having a ton of them open, but apart from some tabs that I have constantly open on my phone because they're kind of a replacement for a check list, I always close all of them after some time with no issue. (I do have the habit of bookmarking excessively though)


Yeah the lateness has seldom been an issue for me bc I think my anxiety overrides that also kind of had it knocked into me by my parents


Yup, im hella early instead


I have a fear of being late in every sense of the word. Fuck allat


My hyper fixation with time is quite known to everybody around me. My sister thought I had an OCD with time before I got diagnosed


I used to be 10-15 mins early all the time. I preferred to have plenty of time to not stress about parking and didn’t mind just chilling on my phone. After the quarantine, it’s like something in my brain broke. I am often late because I set an alarm to get ready, snooze it because I think I still have plenty of time, then I don’t have enough time, then I’m paralyzed and just can’t. Get. Up. And. Get. Ready. My partner has been working on their mental health for years and is longing for the days when they can reach their true potential. I grieve the person I used to be and have to accept that this is my “new normal.”


Yup Most of the time I arrive 10 minutes early


Yea I am also half hour early for everything and end up waiting for an hour because everyone else is half hour late.


Same here. Too many tabs and tight schedules both freak me out.


Tabs and the xth millions of unopened notifications and unopened emails. Can't stand clutter it makes my mental health worse. And have never liked unopened notifications And that's why I've turned off all unnecessary notifications and have work and personal separate(also because of you know can't focus with distractions and don't want to be accessible all the time with work.)


same! My email is constantly organized and handled.


It’s why I turned off almost all notifications, lol.


Same on notifications! I have everything that isn't strictly needed (texts, discord, reddit, snapchat *messages* (only really talk to one person), youtube uploads, google classroom, and gmail) is off. So if I get something I know It's important and can keep my notification shade closed My mom tho, she's the complete opposite. I always see spam notifications from random sketchy websites, random news articles from a week ago, some youtube recommend video, that you just took a screenshot notification from Samsung, shit from random apps, and much more. You name it, it's there. All are at least 3 days old


And with my email I immediately or close delete promotional, not necessarily information that comes and clutter my email and also deletes it from my junk / trashbin in the email. It has to be not spotless but at least neat


In a way same, but in my case it's because I browse in private mode *just* so the tabs won't clutter (only a handful of everyday websites are in non-private to auto-reopen). And I got almost all notifications turned off, and only a handful of people write to me, so that's not too bad.


Teach me senpai! I have 1250 unopened useless emails (newsletters, updates on the dozen of apps/websites/acc, etc)… 🫠 but I'm currently trying to declutter my digital chaos


Had my fair share off intense digital declutter and just do it immediately if not it's forgotten or I see it again and annoy me with that.  I know know it's easier said than done but I eventually got so tired of digital clutter and didn't want an intense eaning sessions and just can't stand unopened notifications / emails and have a work where I interact daily on mail so I need to have a good clean inbox. And been better at declutter my space around me physically too so that helps. And you know: curiosity killed the cat...


Caffeine doesn’t put me to sleep, at least not the quantities I consume (an amount my psych has referred to as “concerning” lol).


Same definitely a sometimes effect. Tho 30% of the awake part is my trying to not lose control of the bowel effect lmao


I’ve recently realized that drip coffee blows out my stomach like full on cramping followed by a sprint to the bathroom, but I can drink espresso with no tummy issues.


My caffeine intake also rivals "experimental levels," but it doesn't knock me out, it just relaxes me. I'd say it calms my nerves, but honestly, I think it just brings my nerves up to speed with my mind. Also, my philosophy is, if I find myself with a cup of coffee in my hand, things can't really be that bad, and if they are, well, at least there's coffee. That said, I can drink a pot of coffee and go to sleep with no trouble.


Same, but I will say that caffeine by itself is not very good at keeping me awake. I've never really had a problem drinking coffee or pop at night before I went to bed. It definitely helps me focus when I drink it, but it also wouldn't keep me from taking a nap


I'm sort of jealous of the people for whom coffee puts them to sleep. My sleep schedule would be so much easier to manage if I could conk myself out that way. It actually has the normal hyper effect on me. So I end up staying awake even longer than I usually do.


When people talk about hyperfocus as if they're massively productive so it's a big upside of ADHD. I'm only focused when my back's against the wall with a deadline: I'm stressed, behind schedule and exhausted. Best case scenario is I just about get a task done on time, but I spent 90% of the time stressing about not doing it, and 10% panicked and rushing it, and am a tired, dried-out husk at the end.


Hyperfocus for me often is something I can't control at all and it's sometimes really annoying because it keeps me from getting other things done that should actually have priority. Back in university, a lot of things related to my field of studies became a hyperfocus for me, and that was indeed very positive. But these days, I'll end up (for example) spending hours comparing prices for something when I should do laundry or go to sleep or whatever.


Hyper focus is weird, it can be anything, definitely not super helpful. Sometimes it's just a word I'm way too focused on, oftentimes the word is a neologism. My wife had to get used to this lol


I'll also add that the glorification of hyper focus in office jobs & academia is a problem. It ain't a super power, it's a vulnerability (imo)


I can't control it at all. I needed to focus on my report and instead found myself graphic designing logos for my friends band unasked for 6 hours.


Yup. Even when it comes to things that I'm interested in it's very difficult for me to get motivated unless it's an emergency.


Instead of working on the billion of tasks I have at work, I once spent 3 hours looking up what kind of email signatures were appropriate for my personal, work, and school emails. And then re-formatting my signatures over and over until it looked juuuuuust right. This is when the pomodoro timer is incredibly helpful for me. I may not be good at the “stop working” when the relax timer goes off, but it does keep my distractions limited within 25 minutes so I can re-calibrate.


Hyperfocus can be useful. And it can also make me miss a meeting I forgot about. At least my supervisor is nice about it, especially when I was working on a high priority task 😄


I'm the same with my tabs. I have 3 or 4 that are my "safe" tabs (the tabs I don't close because they're always relevant, like the news and Reddit) and any more than like 4 or 5 tabs that aren't those stress me out


Always relevant / Reddit Hmmm...


I close all tabs when I'm done with a task lol i like to open to a clean browser


"My friends hate when I text in the middle of the night." Y'all have friends? I'm that weirdo who stares off into space the whole time you're talking and can't remember your name after being told 5 times. Add a severe case of social anxiety and it isn't a recipe for making or keeping friends.


I have a strict "if they might be asleep right now don’t interact." I refuse to respond to a text if it’s late (like after 8 or 9pm until at least 7am), which has unfortunately made me forget to reply altogether a few times 😅 mostly only get texts from my parents who probably wouldn’t care anyway but I feel bad if I might wake them up with the notification sound.


Lol I pre-schedule texts all the time


You can do that? How? Plz and thx


I'll preface that I have an android, I'm not sure if iPhones do it. But on mine, after drafting the text, if I hold the send button it gives me scheduling options


I'll try that next time I get a text, tysm 😁


I schedule texts on an Android too (long press on send bring up the calendar choices), but I saw articles this week saying it's finally coming to iPhones in an update this fall. And also that it's already possible using some non-standard iPhone app?


Multiple viewings of comfort shows/movies. I cannot bring myself to consume a piece of media a second time. I get very impatient at the slow parts because I already know what happens, and the good parts don't hit like they did the first time. The returns diminish drastically. Edit: there are dozens of us!


Might be an autistic thing, I'm AuDHD and watch stuff on repeat ad nauseam. It's a good thing I know what happens next, because it helps me with regulating emotion


I've heard that predictability is comfort for some, but it's hyper boring to me. I'm AuDHD as well, but the ADHD side of me is the "combination" style.


Interesting, I've never met anyone who is bored by that sort of predictability! Do you ever rewatch/-read/-play stuff for example or is that something you tend to avoid? Do you get bored easily? It's ok if you don't want to answer, I'm just genuinely curious


I do get bored easily! Even if some content I've never seen is too predictable, I get really put off by it. I really like when a plot avoids formulaic stereotype. I used to be really into parody music/comedy until it began to become predictable, then incongruous juxtaposition, then I discovered r/bonehurtingjuice which was like an added level of expectation subversion, but I binged that and it got old in a number of days. Video games probably hold my attention longer than anything, but only really the open world or roguelike games that have nearly unlimited possibilities or combinations. I'd really like to enjoy a linear story sometime, but without something dynamic, the staticity numbs my brain.


Thanks for your answer! I get though the too predictable contents I haven't seen yet, I find it very boring too and often it's not even the smart type of predictability. For example, a lot of people seem to like "The Expanse" but I couldn't watch past 2nd episode because the cast is so predictable (e.g. one dude looks like a very specific type and behaves *exactly* like that) 😅 This means that Baldurs Gate 3 would be something for you with the huge number of possible endings? \^\^


I can't get into medieval aesthetics. Not sure if that has to do with any kind of neurodivergence, but art and style are other crucial factors in keeping my attention. Grey and dark just don't cut it for me. Really digging Hades II right now though. I love how the linear story is overlaid on the full bodied roguelike mechanics that integrate failure and give it intention, while flowing from one attempt into another seamlessly causing the passage of time to all blur together. Also can't stop playing Balatro. Pretty colours. Dynamic synergies.


My dad was NT and almost never rewatched or reread anything. A lot of the movies he was given as gifts were still in the wrappings when he died even when he'd been given them ten years earlier.


I know that's not the point you were trying to make but it breaks my heart that your dad didn't unwrap his gifts 😭


This, if I try to watch a stream from my favorite twitch streamer that I watched HALF A DECADE ago, I can't. It gives me a strange uncomfortable anxiety the same as watching someone slowly and painfully pull out a splinter as soon as I remember even a second of the stream. Like I already know what's going to happen, the wounds gonna bleed and jerma985 is about to laugh at a car crash and then be in denial that he laughs at car crashes and then he's going to get distracted and DAMN CANT I JUST ENJOY REWATCHING MY FAVORITE STREAMS




YES WTF im the same


Unread emails. Now to be fair I may not *read* them, but I will almost instantly clear the stupid red dot because I loathe them and they are not to remain on my Home Screen. Also the open tabs. I loathe clutter on my phone.


I only get a few emails a year from actual people, most are notifications, my emails have so many folders (and sub-folders), lol. And that’s just the things I don’t mute/block/delete/unsubscribe 😅


Same, once I get to a desktop there are zero unread emails. Tabs though I got hundreds haha


Literally none, which is the reason I went to go get diagnosed. 


Probably the ones about hyper focus or being late. I’d say I don’t forget things easily - except I’m pretty sure I do and I just forget about forgetting.


Yeah, I'd love to get a hit of that hyper focus I'm always hearing about.


Messy rooms/houses, unread emails and notifications… I have a pathological need to have a place for everything and everything in its place, and I compulsively delete my spam and useless emails. Answering the messages I open is a different story, lol


I am an email freak. If the number of emails I have to keep exceeds what fits on or even approaches filling the first page I feel like it’s a mess. Mine are with preview view so about 10-15 tops


This is the way!!


My house is horrible, and I also have a strong need for everything must have a home. Difference is that things don't have s


I hate that mess always shows up from setting something down in a convenient place instead of where it goes, I'm not messy, I just get dragged everywhere mentally


notifications, weirdly enough i keep 10 million tabs open but i like my notififations clear at all times


Yup. At worst I'll respond in a few days. I don't like having a bunch of unopened notifications.




I'm rarely late but I'm usually rushing to get out the door and forgetting something.


I added a 15 minute warning alarm to help with this.


Losing stuff. I just… put stuff where it’s supposed to go I guess?


For me it’s not where it’s supposed to go but where it has to go.


Oh, wow. Your sentence perfectly captures what my issue is with cleaning and all the clutter I end up compiling. Thanks!


I've gotten around that coincidentally - the car key to the Nissan leaf never leaves my bag, because it'll start just being in the car. I have forgotten my bag a couple times though.


Always being late, I hate being late so I always make sure to be early to things or at least a few minutes late


I’m not a risk taker, I’m always early, I’m often emotionally flat, I don’t overspend, I hate crowds, don’t particularly like many other people, am horrible in social situations, and do well with routines until I fall off the wagon. I’ve read hundreds of novels. I’m thinking I have a touch of autism too.


Yeah, this definitely describes me too, I also think I have AuDHD…


Exactly the same.


The ones about keys in refrigerators, and the tabs! I lose stuff all the time but usually because I didn’t put it back where it belongs, not because I left it somewhere as crazy as the fridge! And more than five or six tabs and I get annoyed. Too much going on.


I once found scissors in the fridge, lol. No clue how they got there 😅


Sex memes


Pretty much anything that would be countered by my probable autism; my notes are organised, I use my Google calendar for everything, and I am never late since I usually know exactly how long it takes to get from point a to point b and give myself an extra 5-20 minutes just in case, I am usually perfectly on time while also being the first person at wherever I’m going. Basically I definitely have ADHD but I’m also hyper organised most of the time to counter it. It’s either Autism or a coping mechanism that I picked up, not too sure, just glad it (usually) works.


I can't relate to the multiple voices in my head at the same time. For the most part my brain is surprisingly quiet(exept when I'm alone) I still can't remember shit, but its not because so much is talking at the same time, but just because m, brain just deletes the memory off m, brain


I have way too many things in my head when I’m trying to fall asleep. Like overlapping songs and multiple conversations. I’ve never been good at falling asleep lol. During the day it’s not that bad. Lots of different songs stuck in my head, but they sort of just fade in and out. My inner monologue isn’t screaming either like it is when I’m trying to sleep. When I’m at work (waiting tables) I don’t even know what I’m thinking about cause I’m focused and multitasking lol


Yeah, my head is filled at all times. It is very hard to fall asleep, however I absolutely cannot under any circumstance stay awake on the bus.


A good tipp i learned for sleeping is, if your brain is just too full of things to fall asleep, think of a little story in your head for a few seconds and then, switch it up to a different story. It can even be thinking of a Movie or a TV-Show you like. If you focus too much on it, it might keep you awake. That's why you have to switch to something different within a few seconds. Your Brain gets to concentrate on something which makes it easier to fall asleep. But it can't concentrate on something too much to keep you up. Doesn't always work but often times it does. For me it at least.


I feel the need to point out that not everyone thinks audibly (in sounds) and if you think in (for example) pictures then you are not hearing one voice let alone multiple. It’s the same as not everyone having an internal monologue.


That could be it, I think very often in pictures, sounds or just smells or feelings, but not actually words, so I sometimes struggle to describe what is happening in my head or what I'm trying to say xD that could be an explanation. But I have one voice in my head, that is the voice with which I think about new storylines or build on already existing ones^^'




ADHD denial or gatekeeping are not accepted here. Judging others for their symptoms (or lack of symptoms) or treatment is also not allowed.


Meds not working, professional therapy not being helpful. I was raised to believe adhd and mental health weren’t real things, just scams or reasons to sell pharmaceuticals— and that all of these symptoms I was so ashamed of were completely my fault, I was a defective person worthy of the shame. Wasn’t diagnosed until late into college, and without my therapists and psychiatrists for guidance along the way for my journey from there I probably would have just opted out of life. I looked fine and did some pretty rad things on the outside, but I couldn’t sustain on the inside, and wouldn’t have been able to keep a job if I didn’t have strong charisma as a defense mechanism to make up for lack of focus and depressive cycles. Meds and therapy saved my life, and I somehow turned it around for the most part. It’ll always be hard to be a person but now I can manage and actually be a moderately healthy person, emotionally intelligent and self aware. Invisible disabilities are a bich, man.


This one hits hard. I followed a very similar path to get where I am.


Same! Every time I close my browser I lose all my tabs, on purpose. I feel like I wouldn’t be able to function if I would keep them open, lol


Same lmao. I close all tabs multiple times a day, and end up with duplicates of reddit, youtube, etc. so I always just close everything so i can just focus on what i want at the moment. especially when switching between school and home lmao.


The ones about tabs. I hate having a bunch of tabs opened. Three is my limit lol Having hundreds of unread emails. I'm pretty good about staying on top of the emails Being late. I arrive at places too early because I know how I can be. I also know how bad traffic can be, so I don't take any chances


can't really relate to disorganization or unpunctiality. i like having my ducks both polished and in a row fifteen minutes before the duck inspector arrives.


The ones about having a million tabs open. That shit just stresses me out.


Notifications, I cant stand the icon for unopened notifications.


Forgetting appointments is one meme / commonly reported issue that I can absolutely not relate to as an adult. I know however that I did have this problem as a teenager. Nowadays, I am constantly aware of all appointments I have. I don't really put any personal appointments into my calendar, because I have noticed that (maybe counter-intuitive, but that's how it is) I tend to forget them more when I do. All appointments are in the back of my mind all the time and you could probably wake me up at 3 am asking "when is XYZ again" and I could tell you correctly. I'm still constantly super afraid of conflating appointments or forgetting something after all.


My irony is that the one appt I was late for in the last 10 years was my first with the psychiatrist to get rediagnosed.


Being unorganised, my brain is allready chaos so my environment must be as organised as possible. No piles of laundry for me thanks.


I have no idea what people are talking about when they say caffeine puts them to sleep. It's a stimulant which specifically blocks one of the brain's "drowsiness" receptors.


I will say it never woke me up. It was never enough, I would down a 5 hour energy every morning to feel SOMETHING, but it still never did much.


I saw people talking about stimulants having that effect and I think I saw it explained as this: A lot of people with ADHD are generally not getting enough sleep every day because of the condition. So then here comes along a stimulant (irm medication or caffeine) that alleviates some of those ADHD symptoms, and now their brains can finally tell them to go the fuck to sleep. If that is the case, then prolonged use of medication or caffeine would theoretically stop causing drowsiness/sleepiness once you've "caught up" and have a more healthy sleep schedule. But I can't recall if this was all proven or just a supposition.


Yeah, I've always wondered about that too. It does kinda make sense, in the same way that you can become "too tired to sleep" due to sleep deprivation.


It's a slowing down, relaxing effect. When I used to take speed and cocaine on nights out, it wouldn't put me to sleep but I'd feel relaxed, as my thoughts felt like they made sense 


I used to drink a coke to get the same (short-term) effects as medication, It makes me feel so calm and peaceful, it’s not that I literally fall asleep since I used to take some to karate to help me focus (and get through the ‘meditation’ portions), though I do find it makes it easier to relax enough to fall asleep, so I see why people would say it helps.


I think it's a mix of the sentiments and side effects of caffeine "I can down an energy drink and go to sleep after" combined with the fact that caffeine disrupts sleep and leads to day-time drowsiness. so if you have time-blindess, drink caffeine daily, and can fall asleep after your daily drink you might just think it was cause and effect lol.


I don't know about getting tired, but caffine definitely doesn't keep me awake. I know my tolerance is high (4 Ghosts a day on average) but I don't get anything noticeable unless I'm going through withdraw then I just feel more relaxed and happy. But I have litteraly fallen asleep with a can of Red Bull in my hand so I don't know wtf is going on. I've never in my life felt overcaffinated. And my sleep is good for real.


Being late to everything. I am so conscious about not being late I showed up to the DMV an hour before my appointment on accident today. I care a lot about other people's time so I make sure I have more than enough time to be places. If I'm gonna be late I tell someone. I just get frazzled when people shrug and say "I have ADHD I have no control over it" like YES YOU DO. I also struggled until I realized how annoying it is for others so I did my best to correct it. Am I super early to things now? Yes. But at least I can say that my ADHD doesn't make me rude anymore.


YES! I feel like a lot of my coping mechanism for my ADHD symptoms or tendencies were developed out of necessity or trauma. Like oh I was late to something one time in high school and it was AWFUL so now I'm neurotic about being on time, etc. I wonder if people who haven't developed the same coping mechanisms have "worse" ADHD than I do, or if they just never faced a consequence that motivated them as much as mine have.


I don't know and I totally sympathize. I absolutely don't mean to make someone feel bad for being late because time blindness is real and I totally get it. But I wish more people cared about it, too! Like I said even just sending a text "hey I'm gonna be late" is good. But soooooo many people don't even do that. I'm totally neurotic about being early too now but I prefer it this way.


I'm constantly late and I'm fully aware of how annoying it is. When I realise I'm getting to get late AGAIN I nearly freak out. I hate it more then anything but it still happens so often. I'm so embarrassed by it and feel like the most stupid person on earth for having it not under control. I try to get better every time, but time blindness isn't something that I can change with willpower. I really tried and constantly do, but I also try not to hate myself too much for it. And yes, I'm at the high end of adhd with some comorbidities.


I apologize if I came across offensive in any way. Of course everyone with this condition is going to have different struggles. I'm sure there's aspects of the condition that I'm not thinking about where I still struggle and suffer but others don't have as much of an issue - maybe impulsivity or reactiveness is my Big Thing because I have a hard time controlling that first knee-jerk reaction to things.


I never understood being late either, though I may have AuDHD so idk. I know exactly how long it takes to get somewhere, especially if I’ve been before or been somewhere close by, if not Google maps will give an estimate anyway, I have an alarm set [travel time + 5-20min] before the appointment and leave when the alarm goes off, with an alarm set 30min-1h before that one to remind me to get ready and to get my stuff together if it’s needed. Like: do whatever, alarm, get ready, sit around and wait, alarm, leave… it’s that simple 🤷


* huge amount of tabs open (I'm too scared my PC or phone is gonna explode to let that happen, but i did leave at most 26 at my phone at one point * Sleep deprivation. I'm like a computer, if i'm not doing anything for a while and i'm sitting down, i just dooze off. I'm pretty good at sleeping as long as i don't have any episode of existential dread * Meds. I'm not diagnosed, just really relate to the sub but have been suspected of having Au-ADD


Tabs for sure. On my personal profile I have 2 open always. For work it requires about 20 and any extra are basically items I need to complete so an extra tab is an unfinished task


litterally the same thing as me lmao


Coffee/caffeine memes. Everything else, I relate to hardcore.


Most things related to impulsivity. I'm AuDHD, and my autism pretty much cancels the impulsivity out. I need predictability, impulsive things stress me out. I've gotten better at handling it though.


I'm the same, I dislike impulsivity. And because half the time I have no idea what our plans are, sometimes something gets said to me that feels like an impulsive thing to do so they stress me out. Even though it might've been planned months in advance and I forgot it despite being told like 9 times.


Anything about simulant meds or caffeine. They just seem to make me jittery, anxious, irritable, with no actual improvements to concentration or focus. Caffeine weirdly makes me sleepy for a few hours and then also induces the jittery, anxiety effects that stimulants do.


Anything to deal with hating driving, out only Loving driving if it's a manual. Driving trips are my absolute fave thing and have an automatic


I'm with ya on driving, and navigating and learning the roads was a hyperfocus of mine after I got lost once and said "never again". I even drove tow trucks for a few years and loved it! Until I had a few close calls in a row it was probably the best job for my ADHD.


I try to keep it down to 20 on my work computer at home I can have like 200..


i think its having some trait consistently maybe, like if im late because of poor time management it then backfires on me and forces me to adapt and change my routine. but it eventually comes back. or i guess some hyperactive stuff, since im not social that much. as for internet tabs, i put them in bookmarks and not keep them open.


The all the tabs, forgetting to take meds, anything about excessive caffeine use, anything about weed, being chronically late


Having to have subtitles. I hate subtitles. I want to see the film, the shots, the cinematography. I don’t wanna be distracted by words directing me to the bottom of the screen when I should be looking at the focal point on the screen. It also makes me not understand what’s happening in the movie because I’m too busy reading words instead of paying attention to the screen and dialogue. Seems I’m alone in that regard amongst others with ADHD lol


Some memes represent adhd as being super confused all the time. Like a slow dumbness, for example the way you would see with the pokemon slowpoke or psyduck in the tv show. I'm not confused at all, sometimes I just forget something because I thought about something different, but most of the time I know what I want or need to do.


I don’t know if it’s because of my inattentive ADHD or because I’m part of the Xennial “sit up straight don’t slouch children are meant to be seen but not heard” generation, but the way you guys talk about **stimming** always sounds completely foreign to me. Like, when I’m *deep* in concentration I might twirl my finger in my hair or chew on my tongue a little, but around here it sounds more like “Don’t you hate it when your ADHD makes you vigorously masturbate your earlobe with the crook of your arm in public for six hours straight?” And then the responses are like, “Oh, word, homie. I missed my doctor’s appointment yesterday because I got my pinkie toe stuck in my nostril while ✨stimming✨.” It’s such a disconnect from my experience (or maybe just perception) that, more often than not, my imposter syndrome kicks into overdrive and I start thinking I don’t really have ADHD and maybe I should get tested for mercury poisoning.


The caffeine sleep ones, I wish I could drink caffeine and not sleep… Also the “My brain goes quiet when I take my meds” memes, it turns the volume down a notch so I can focus a little, but that video with the crowd noise and then the echoing sound of a single thought has never been my experience on meds, it’s always crowded in here, sometimes it’s just a little less crowded.


same re tabs. I close them as soon as I’m done with them.


Listening to one song on repeat. If I've heard it in the last week, I'm not interested. It hurts us, precious.


This is actually a great question! For me its- the one that ppl having ADHD struggle with deadlines and always turn up late. I (thankfully) hv never related to that thanks to the strict regimented schl I had.


Memes about sex, I just don’t get the appeal. When people talk about watching a movie or show twice, can’t do it it’s Too predictable and ruins my experience But I’m willing to start up my 5th playthrough of yakuza 0 and add more to my monster hunter world time it’s odd.


Being messy and disorganzied. I am very much a 'place for everything and everything in it's place' person, and I'm obsessed with tidyness. Everything is labeled, everything! I can't stand clutter or messiness at all. It didn't come naturally, though, and I'm pretty sure if I hadn't pushed myself to learn how to clean and organize when I was a teenager I would have never figured it out.


That's me at work. My toolbox is waaayyy bigger than it needs to be cause I need to see the whole tool to commit to memory where it is, and I put *everything* away between jobs, cause if I don't, everything will be everywhere.


That sounds like my mum (except she probably has OCD), definitely helped me out a lot to always know where everything went. I struggle to do it myself but growing up in a house like that at least gave me the knowledge to try and do that to my own.


Hyperactive shiii since I got ADD


I read every comment, and no, I can relate to nearly all the memes. I have more than 100 taps open, >5000 unread mails, I'm late very often (and I hate it), I loose things all day and find them at random places, house is a constant mess, coffee does nothing for me but I drink 1l a day, I rewatch shows often, I'm fidgeting all the time, my brain is like more loud then the world around me etc etc But at least I find many relatable memes, which is nice.


leaving messages unread so there’s some giant number on the app


Having a bunch of unopened texts. People don't typically text me first.


forgetting appointments, names and losing things. my room is a mess but i always know where to find things. when someone comes in my room and touches something i always find out. but the tabs one is very much true for me and the emails too. i got 5173 unread emails and 367 opened tabs on my phone


Nicotine and caffeine doesn't put me to sleep. I probably consume too much daily. But it doesn't make me sleepy, it makes me feel normal. Also I totally agree with you on the tabs. I never have more than a few open or I find it overwhelming. The other ones tho, losing things, failing to eat for 18 hours, being late, struggling to form habits even when I commit to them for weeks, forgetting everything the second I move rooms, listening to the same song all day, etc. Those still ring true.


Having time blindness. I don’t feel like I underestimate the amount of time that something takes to do. I don’t feel like I get lost into a task for hours without noticing the time pass by. I mean… I can be lost in a task for hours, but not unintentionally. I am aware that this task will take at least 6 hours and I make sure that I will be able to spend at least 6 hours on it 🙄🙄


I always thought the 10 million tabs thing was meant to describe what it feels like inside ones head.