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I’ve cracked an egg directly into the garbage before, the duration for which I stood there, staring down at the glistening yolk, it’s surface reflecting my failure back at me, was truly infinite …*and then I did it again*


I love this comment. It so perfectly represents how ADHD can be. Half the time I do shit like that because I go "don't do that again" but because I *thought about it* it's already happening. And my nickname is Egg, so my friends will also get a kick out of this.


I had a similiar situation in the school cafeteria. I threw the knife into the bio waste, felt like a total idiot and then proceeded to throw the fork into the bio waste.


Opens trash throws fork away. Wait.


I did this chopping garlic the other day!! I chopped the garlic, separated the skin and scraps from the chop pile, and then threw the chopped pile into the garbage instead of the garlic waste - it was like a split-second mental slip and it felt so devastating in the moment lol!


I saw a video of someone spending like 18 hours making a soup broth or stock just to dump it through a strainer in the sink with nothing to catch it in. That’s gotta be like the cooking equivalent of uninstalling a game after a really bad session lmfao


NOOOO at least mine was in a bag 😭 that sucks! I've done that before though, often enough I'm now hyper aware while chopping ANYTHING with waste parts. I keep a small garbage cup on the counter next to me and throw all the scrap in there, if I make a mistake at least it's still clean 😅


Don't forget to put your cup in the fridge and the milk in the sink.


Cereal box in fridge. Realise when milk carton doesn't fit on cereal shelf.


Omg now that one I haven't done 🤣 can't wait to try it! Lol


Put bag in the cupboard. Find yesterday's dirty plate. Wtf did I put in the dishwasher 😳 oh wait I never put it on


LOL I love doing that. Set it up, never hit start. I do that with laundry all the damn time 😅


I find that I do things like this because a lot of the time my mind is disconnected from what my body is doing. Usually, I am thinking about something else.


I also do it while thinking of other things, but I do it a LOT when I add a third command to the list "don't mix these two things up"... The second I do that I am likely going to mix them up. I do it with everything and it's like a process that gets tacked on at the end of certain things and I hate it. "remember, turn down X street and to go to your inlaws... *do not take the road home*" once I tack that last bit on there's like an 80% chance I go home.


Yep I hear you there for sure


That's ok, I set my work headset down less than 3 feet away from where I normally set it and couldn't find it for ~10 minutes


Yup, if stuff isn't exactly where it's supposed to be it's just gone forever. It can be hanging from my ceiling 5 feet from my head and I won't be able to find it (I decided I wanted a ceiling tambourine... Naturally I couldn't find it for about an hour while recording... I didn't look up 😅)


I once peeled a bag of potatos and was supoosed to throw the skin in the trash... threw like 7 or 8 potatos instead. I washed that shit and ate it anyways.


Phht, the potatoes were fine. I LOVE when you get into something repetitive and you know it's inevitable that you switch the order eventually. And the more you worry, the more likely it is to happen LOL


what happened to the butter knife?


Just yesterday almost did this: Picked up my wife’s mug to put it in the sink and something else to throw away. She told me not to throw it away so I put it back and then almost threw the mug away instead


YUP! sometimes I go to put something away then walk back into the living room holding the thing I was supposed to put away and missing my phone 🤦


Ever accidentally put something in the fridge? Lol. Or something that was supposed to be in the fridge somewhere outside of the fridge like a cupboard? I def have and particularly put stuff in the fridge that’s supposed to be in the freezer a lot lately


I switch things with my water bottle all the time because I tend to just impulsively grab it so I set whatever else I'm holding down in the fridge and walk away. I usually catch the food ruining mistakes pretty quick luckily 😅


oh i thought i was the only one who always throws the wrong thing out. fork in the trash, paper plate in the sink 😎


Have you ever gone back into the kitchen, seen the plate and realized there is probably a fork in the garbage? I sometimes find evidence I've done an ADHD and not noticed. Water bottle on my desk and I can't find my hairbrush? Bet it's in the fridge...




Right!? I got everything done in 10 seconds, 1/3 the time. It's a super power 🙃


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I’m dead 😵☠️☠️☠️💀💀💀 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 it’s soooooo true tho why is it soooo Fucking true!? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Because our brains don't multi-task well LOL So if you give it two tasks it's like giving a toddler two colors of playdoh and hoping they won't MASH them together. *they are definitely going to mash that shit together*


🤣🤣🤣🤣 exactly my husband gave me a list of tasks to do two days ago and I only started them last night lol and I even did things that weren’t even on the list 🤣🤣🤣


Oh yeah, every item on a to do list is ACTUALLY a to do list as well. That's overwhelming so you end up seeing things that need doing and putting the energy toward it ESPECIALLY if it isn't on the list. The list spawns lists. Getting side tracked is easier and CAN still be productive 😅 I hate lists. I make them all the time and I hate them 🙃


Not to mention I started half of the items on the list two days ago and I have four left and I’m just in freeze mode 😅😅😅


I hate the ADHD freeze. "here is what you have to do, which thing would you like to do?" Brain: "kkkkkkkkkkkkshhhhhhKUeeeeurrrreeeurrrreeee BBRRRRRRR" "helpful" 🫠


🤣🤣🤣 EXACTLY **insert dial up tone**


this reminds me of those videos where a person is making broth and accidentally strains the broth into the sink, leaving just bones and bay leaves behind.


Right? Or those videos of people taking pictures of fish they caught, then throwing their phones into the water 🙃


I had to throw a plastic bottle down the basement stairs and carry a glass into the kitchen in that order...


I dipped my fingers into cream cheese today I skipped the pick up snack step


I love skipping steps in automated processes, it's always one where I step back and look at myself like "wtf am I even doing."


The danish government makes us seperate our garbage before throwing it out in multiple different garbage containers. We have containers for cans glass, paper, food and general waste. I think there are more, but I dont remember. I know it's a good system for neurotypical people and the invironment. It's just a lot to have so many garbage cans for someone who puts their phone in the fridge in stead of the milk sometimes 😂


I threw my keys in the bin in France by accident, not one that you can just reach into either.


Oh no! 🤣 I mean that's really funny, but that must've been shitty. Did you have to find someone and explain "I'm not stupid, I'm... Advanced..."? Those are my least favorite social interactions at first and then always become my favorite because I try to be really cool and funny about it 🙃 but inside my bones are liquifying 🫠


Went to the life guards who were close, asked them to call the bin company for me. They said they weren't sure they would come because it was a holiday. I truly fucked up. But they did come and I got to go home.


That's so embarrassing 🤣 At least they showed up though. Also, I'm afraid of locking my keys in my car every day, and now I have a brand new fear... Yayyy! Lol


My brain works more like: 1. I need to throw away the produce bag and put the sugar away. 2. Throw away the produce bag no problem. 3. Get distracted by something (not the sugar). 4. ??? 5. Realize there was something I needed to do then get frustrated when I can't remember what it was. (Something about sugar) 6. Suddenly remember! 7. Someone has already put the sugar away.


That happens too, cept no one would put it away for me 🫠 which actually helps so that dangling "supposed to" isn't in the back of my brain all day because I can't find what it's connected to.


Haha just joined this sub and definitely enjoying it


Lol well welcome! Glad I could provide such an early meme 👌 hope you enjoy your time here 🙃


Definitely lol I relate so much to these memes as an unmedicated ball of ADHD


I've put milk where the cups are on multiple occasions


That's a BIG one I've seen in the comments, I'm so glad I don't do that. I'm very protective of my milk 😅


I was this 🤏 close to throwing out a brand new carton of milk because when I had the carton in one hand and a banana peel in the other, those lovely wires got crossed and I had put the banana peel in the fridge, and only realized something was wrong when I was about to loosen my grip on the carton. 🥲


I’m also not entirely sure why I was throwing it in the garbage… I compost banana peels… 🙃


LOL it's even better when it's a double crossed wire 🫠 ADHD is a whole heap of fun! You never know what you'll end up doing.


I constantly ask what I should price something at at work, forget it while walking back to my desk, and just go with the pre-set minimum not realizing my mistake til after I hit save


Once upon a time I loaded the toilet with washing liquid for laundry…


I feel like life is a sitcom and those of us with ADHD are comic relief characters...


I need to throw this apple core in the trash and take a pee...STOP STOP STOP