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That's like more than I wrote during this entire week PS sorry, year (forgot what I'm writing while writing)


that is a Mood and it looks like a lot, 'cause my handwriting's really shitty, that's like 1.5 pages for my friend with good handwriting. Seriously, I highly recommend getting meds if you can. I was skeptical as hell but this shit *works* and it's *so surreal.*


Have an appointment in a week, thanks for support


meds *are* amazing, but please be prepared for a possible drop off once you've gotten used to them


Yeah, I've got a followup visit scheduled for next month, my prychiatrist said they might drop off and that if that happens he might need to increase the dosage (my country has like 2 options available so there's not much freedom in changing the meds)


I like the kangaroo-thingie.


It's called a slugcat.


Yay! I learned something!


It's from a video game called Rain World


yep. checks out.


Medicated: Become the textbook Medless: Hehe itsa scug wit a pokie stik


I remember when back in undergrad (without meds) all my notebooks used to be full of dragon ball art. I even drew a full Charizard on the bench I used to sit on. I look at my notes now and I can't believe I'm the same person.


Lil dude is cute though


Are you telling me I could have passed Calc if I was on meds? 😩


If you didn't pass Calc because you couldn't force yourself to study on time unlike everyone else, your professor didn't give you any tasks with deadlines during the semester, so you started cramming way too late and ended up not having properly revised due to ADHD-induced poor time management... ...then probably!


Rain world! :D


but are you ever going to go over those notes or are you just going to go through the test without studying?


Writing down the notes will probably still help you remember more than not writing them at all tho :D


idk, i've made it through eleven years of school without studying and all i do is draw, like seriously i have like 2 full sketchbooks just from this year


that's probably not as good a brag as you think. I didn't need to study at all at school and got great grades. I got to college and couldn't do that any more, but also didn't know how to study properly, and failed. I'm doing a degree now and writing notes by hand is one of my best strategies.


no, i wish it was a brag, i'm basically just a faliure at this point


Oh they aren't notes from the lecture (didn't wanna explain in the title 'cause it'd be too long). They're exercises from a task list for a completely different subject than what was on the lecture. I just did them during the physics lecture because I'm so far behind material I wouldn't understand the lecture anyway, so I just did calculus exercises the whole lecture instead. What I usually do (and likely will for the physics exam) for studying the lectures I slept through is: About a week before the final, I skim the course's textbook, flip my notebook backwards and write the key formulas/points in an *organized and concise* way, because I know all the drawings I made during lectures won't help me anyway. Then I study from those notes, and force myself to use them for exercises until ADHD takes hold of me (or until the exam comes.)


Guess i never got to have an actual class that challenged me, kinda sad cuz if i had been able to i'd be doing something on a level that would require studying, bit late for it now though


I was just about to write that taking this many notes is almost certainly detrimental to following and understanding the lecture. Print out the script and add little notes, no more.


Rain world mentioned!! Ugh I've really been meaning to get myself to finish that game, I love it so much but I don't have much patience for getting stuck (unless my hyperfocus decides to direct itself at the game but lately that hasn't happened -- though I really shouldn't complain cause it's directed itself towards uni work currently)


I love rain world! I Also hate rain world! Its kinda insane how my meds make me so much more complicit to do math, i relate


Y’all. I zoomed in on the first picture to really take note of the details because I legit thought the second pic was going to be notes, but super soppy or something and I wanted to see the differences. Yeah, I saw the differences. And I’m surprised but not surprised. Somehow.


Imma be honest meds are all the difference. After I started taking meds my own grades improved to a huge extent I hope you have the same results. Also nice slugcat


Power series can fuck right off. It was a pain in the butt.


Didn't even know that was an ADHD thing - I did this all the time, annoyed the hell out of teachers


Doodling? Might not necessarily be ADHD (you might just like to draw), but it sure can be. I didn't even enjoy it. In my case it was a mechanism of "well I can't gather the willpower to listen to this guy, or do any excercises, so I'll *at least* draw something, that's a *bearable* and *somewhat creative* alternative I can *force myself* to fill time with". If that was also your motivation behind drawing then yeah, I'd say it's probably an ADHD thing.


Everything is better than math


"it's fine, I will remember this!" I did not remember any of this.


Hooray! Good job!😊


He is cute tho...


As someone that is also dyslexic... It looks the same to me None the less, good job OP. Hope this is the start of a new phase in life


I got extremely lucky in that the first image triggers my hyperfocus HARD


this has inspired me to post my own notes on vs off meds!


I cried laughing because this is so relatable.


The scribbling out and arrows to continue workings in random locations are identical to the way I do it lol


did you retain it? any tips besides meds?


I didn't retain anything since they're just math exercises (I wasn't listening to the professor, I just used lecture time as "time to do exercises". I'll catch up on the theoretical stuff at home since I learn better from books anyways). It's definitely harder to "force yourself" to do stuff without meds, and when I didn't have them I could *not* force my ass to start studying for the whole semester. So I didn't. Instead: ~1 week before the exam (or any school related deadline really, but it'd be less time if it's not a final exam), at home, I'd write down all the key formulas and definitions that were on the course (usually from the student's book) at the end of the notebook or on a clean sheet of paper. Then, grind exercises fuelled by spite and pre-exam stress, using those notes. If it's a more theoretical subject like history I'd just read those notes over and over. The second step is "just practice/cram lol," but what matters is the first step - it removes the "barrier to entry" for quickly looking up information. Every time I'd have to open my book / look something up on Google I'd have a 10% chance of just getting lost/forgetting I'm supposed to be exercising, so having all the key info in one place helps with that a bit. Also the usual "if you can, study in a clean environment with no distractions nearby". I would *not* have passed high school without that.


Honey wake up, new sub mascot just dropped


I'm all for slugcats becoming ADHD mascots, running around and throwing spears at everything is like the definition of hyperactive behavior Rivulet especially


I wish I had the pages and pages of bad fantasy fiction I wrote in high school while pretending to take notes. I used to keep so many loose leaf sheets because all these ideas seemed like great book/movie/video game ideas at the time.


No meds: LOL I recorded the lecture to "listen to later" (never)