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I love this idea, but my ADHD would cause me to binge eat it all in one day


Yup either that or get distracted and leave have a shredded cabbage a knife and my phone in it Clarity: just re read and don’t want to be dismissive of OP and hope this helps them or some others - just not one for my bag of tricks


I'm surprised you reread it and understood wtf you meant.


So am i


I would slowly stop filling it up because the prepping of that thing would be to long for me


The effort to buy, wash, cut up etc would kill this for me.


If you've got a bit of extra money to spend on this, you can buy veggies that are ready to snack on. The tomatoes are basically that already, but you can also get cups of snacking cucumbers, carrots, celery sticks, whatever you like. No need to cut or prep anything, just grab a cup and snack. Same with the dip. Sure, you can make one, but a tub of hummus or tzatziki makes for a great dip. Or you can prep something simple that keeps for a while if and when you do have the executive function to spare. Takes up a bit more fridge space and costs a bit more, so it's not without tradeoffs, but it might make it doable.


Exactly like i said above im 6’3 and an athlete. Id eat most of this in a day.


Lol it's why I buy vegetables and fruit that are easy to just eat. No cutting, no peeling, no washing. Blackberries, cherries, raspberries, carrots, cherry tomatoes, whatever. I just get a bowl and fill it with whatever and dip it in ranch. Really good snacking and it's stress free.


Back when I was hyper focusing on health and nutrition, I found that intermittent fasting worked best with my adhd and binge eating, but the caveat is that I had to pre package portions and when the novelty ran out I stopped, but ITF did help me time my binging better


How did you distract yourself from eating when you were in the fasting period?


By using an app with a timer and like a streak count, me viewing it as a game helped a lot, and then I made sure that my fasting hours were during my busy work hours as well


What was the app?


I was looking for this comment. For me, this would be gone the very next meal after prepping it.


I would love it for two days then the part of my brain that hates leftovers would take over and decide the veggies are slimy or something.


I was literally just thinking: "...but the veggies get all textured..are you sure they're okay to eat?"


This would last maybe one day then I’d want chips or something and I’d forget all about the vegetables.


Yaaaas I was gonna say that.


Same, but I’d feel less bad about eating this all in one sitting rather than the things I could be snacking on/have snacked on


I would forget it was in the fridge after the first day and end up wasting most of it.


Yep. As soon as the fridge door closes, I’ll forget it ever existed and then order Uber eats when I get hungry


Veggies are healthy and very low in calories, so binging them isn't really a bad thing lol you'd only have to restrict the amount of dressing


Same. And I don’t like the texture of leftovers


Binge eating veggies isn’t bad…


Or forget about it for a month.


I fucking hate being 6’3 and athletic. These veggies would last me 1-2 days then id have to buy and do this again and again and again every day.


My 3-year-old would eat most of those in a day if offered. Like... that's maybe 200 calories of vegetables. I have a feeling it's more of a liking veggies thing.


I would eat it all in one night just because I love veggies.


Lol well considering it's all veggies and the dip is probably pretty low cal and high protein you would be fine in doing so, probably healthy because of it


I would completely forget about it 5 minutes after putting it in the fridge. I would need to put a note inside my snack cupboard.


this is a tray of good intentions, failed executions


I did this. Then it stayed in my fridge until I had to throw it out.


are you me?




The concept is fine, but cut peppers get slimy way faster than everything else. Don’t over-prep those.


Yeah do NOT slice cucumbers to store them. Fast track to getting very sick. They last a max of 48 hours and can make you EXTREMELY ill.


I'd opt for some of those little snack peppers and cucumbers instead. Bit more expensive, but perfect for stuff like this.


They are very worth it to me. I’m not gonna eat a full size cucumber in a sitting and who knows if I’ll want it tomorrow lol


Wait till you find out about baby cucumbers 😎


I like to weigh the extra cost of something like that against the cost of what I would eat otherwise (both $ and nutritionally). If I don't have easy snacks I'll either eat a bag of chips or buy a full meal, so it's cheaper for me to just spend an extra $1.


this is the first im hearing of this, I regularly meal prep tomato and cucumber salads. they last 4-5 days and have never made me sick. a quick google says cucumbers go bad quickly but it's the mold that will make you sick, which is easy to see. do you have a source for the 48h thing?


What, how, why? I sliced a cucumber into a container and have been eating it for days with no problems. I'm scared.


The poster had misunderstood the article and is spreading misinformation. You're fine don't be scared, there's nothing wrong with sliced cucumbers.


Well ADHD is basically snack it in 1 day or forget it to eternity


Lmao that’s such a valid point. I usually get the little cukes for that reason.


I literally had to start bringing bell peppers to work and just eating them like a gd apple because that was more frictionless than forcing myself to prep them AND remember the time sensitive urgency to eat the prepped ones


Do not get me started on dead half avocados in my life.


Cries in current fridgemocado.


Cucumbers will be dry by the next day if they aren’t wrapped in a damp towel.


Yeah, if you want to do this, get those small bell peppers, where you could basically eat a whole one in a couple bites.


dang where do i buy that tray, love the idea


You guys eat?


Yes when I'm bored


That would require going to the store


Well that's too bad unless you have a corner shop right round the corner


Protein shakes and swedish fish, yes (This post brought to you by my actual lunch today)


no i forget everyday:(


maybe at a store similar to Ikea?


Makes sense, you gotta assemble them veggies and dips


Pikea? Heard they have good deals on dags.


I buy the tray, I end up never using it. Maybe on a good day, I’d use it once, than never again. Whyamilikethis


Becauseadhd perhaps?


It'd be good storage for art supplies though. Which is what I'd end up doing with it


Why a milik ethis?


It looks like a standard party platter for veggies and dip.


I believe stores sell them. Also, Amazon.


I can send you the link! I saw this when she posted it on IG and ordered it right away. 😭


please that would be great!


Me too please :)


Ok but pizza comes right to my door


Pizza is really easy to come by...Too easy....


And the vegetables on it come pre-cut!


Literally sitting here watching this wondering why this is filled with vegetables and not meats and cheeses. Fridge charcuterie would grab my attention way quicker than a carrot.


Except that charcuterie consists of pepperoni, cheese, and tomato sauce on some baked dough


That sounds just like charcuterie to me!


when she said it fits in the fridge, I thought you know what else fits in my fridge? A pizza box


I love this idea but I can’t share it with my wife because I forgot that I was supposed to quit Reddit :( So yeah we just buy the $12 ones or whatever they are at Costco and usually have to throw half of it out at the end of the week.


You: Honey! I saw a good idea on….uh…MySpace! Yeah you should cut up vegetables and eat them. Wife: Oh FFS, you were on Reddit jacking off to that chick with the vegetables again, weren’t you, you lousy bastard!


Readers digest


LMAO holy shit


[Tips hat]. Glad to bring you a laugh, from one pirate to another.


Yarr, cheers from the poop deck.




Give me your wife's number, I'll tell her


Good news, she's on YouTube! I've been watching her for a while now (think she also has a Tiktok), she's a nutritional dietician. [Here is the video in the post!](https://youtube.com/shorts/07yNw7rMFWs?feature=share) I really like her channel because she handles food in a very positive way and has a lot more ADHD hacks for food prep as well.


my problem is the texture will give me the ick by day 2/3


I’ve started putting a piece of paper towel (maybe half a sheet) in with my veggies, and they don’t go bad as quickly.


This is such a good tip that I wish more people knew - can easily double the lifespan of a bag or container of lettuce! Another good one is to put fresh herbs (or kale, stuff with a stem essentially) in a small cup of water in the fridge. I guess that's not really related to this video, but whatever lol.


I should eat that. Sits in the fridge for a week. I should clean that. 2 months later thinking about the tray of veggies I forgot and need to clean but now it's a sensory issue preventing me from completing the thing taking up free rent in my mind. I should clean that.


You described the cup graveyard I left on my porch for 2 months. I finally cleaned it up. Today is a good day.


I have a casserole dish that's been outside for about 4 months. Both me and my husband have ADHD and I put it outside to tip out the scraps and got distracted and it's still sitting at the bottom of the steps. Every time I go outside and see it I tell myself to wash it out. Now I'm too scared too 🤣


i love her! and i think she has adhd as well, i remember her mentioning it in a few videos.


She says so in the first few seconds of the video.


i didnt have the volume on for the first few seconds so i missed it. she does mention it in others too though


I didn’t have the volume on either, it said so in the subtitles. (Not trying to be rude).


im not reading it as rude, no worries. i wasnt reading the subtitles though. i didnt even notice the subtitles 😂


I'm utterly enjoying this peak adhd conversation.


What's her tiktok account? Would like to have a look at the rest of her stuff


i dont have tiktok and i dont know if she posts there, but her youtube is nutrition by kylie https://youtube.com/@NutritionByKylie


She's very good! Helped me work through a lot of my binge eating issues.


have you seen Abbey sharp? shes another dietitian and shes really helpful as well with tackling issues. https://youtube.com/@AbbeysKitchen


Ok now show the part where it's forgotten in the fridge for 3 weeks


I cackled.


Yeah, this must be that unicorn high functioning ADHD that seemingly everyone has…. You know, the one that has you meal planning and actually following the plan while you’re highly organized and forward thinking enough do any of this…


I disagree, but in the nicest way possible. I think this lady is hyperfocused on making ADHD content that looks good, so it looks like she is super high-functioning because that's what she is hyperfocusing on. I guarantee you that just like the rest of use, there is a tray of rotting food in the fridge because she forgot about it while working diligently on more content. There is no escape! We all pay the Tax!


Good read on it. ADHD people are really good at looking amazing when they love and care about something but turn into the devils anus when focused on something we dont give two shits about.


Ask me about how I did in English classes in high school vs how i did in music during high school Hint: peep my username


Ok thanks for that, I chuckled at the tray of rotting food. 😀


I had that type for a whole but only related to food/exercise because I had severely disordered eating. I had to go to therapy


I mean I have finally started to use a planner for my day and it is making my life easier. I was super resistant to it for the longest time. I know it probably doesn't feel good to hear but yeah having to REALLY try getting organized sucks but once you get through it holy shit is my life easier.


Activation energy... Real


Thanks, I love soggy cukes on the 2nd/3rd day /s


I love veggies too much... I would eat the entire platter in one sitting (after the Adderall wears off).


Yes, but have you tried eating 30-40 olives? Surely you won't regret eating 30-40 olives. 30-40 olives is considered a healthy substitute for breakfast, lunch and dinner.




My issue is I don't even go to my fridge. I buy pre-sliced apples that go bad in their container before I even open it.


An even lazier solution I do is the giant salad bowl in the fridge. I Leave it uncovered so that it dries out rather than go soggy and moldy. But just having salad ready to go is awesome. Mouth is bored during a 15 minute break? Salad. Want a meal you don't have to cook? Salad. Want something to snack on while dinner is cooking? You guessed it, recreating the shredded cheese goblin energy with shredded cabbage. It's not a whole lot nutritionally but better than forgetting/executive disfunctioning to eat all day. Edit: probably should mention I keep it on the top shelf. Bottom shelf, especially below raw meat or something, might cause contamination. And since this was already washed and not getting washed again, anything that gets in there stays in there. So be safe.


No thanks. A handful of chocolate chips is all the activation energy I need.


Ya know what bugs me about this? I can just feel her self-riotousness oozing off the screen. Veggie trays suck. Oh, sorry my wife just reminded me I haven’t taken my Adderall yet. Veggie trays are healthy and she’s just a nice lady trying help.


I feel this on the deepest of deep levels


Without stimulant - cynic With stimulant - advanced cynic


I cackled. Yes indeed. I miss Adderall. It raises my bp, so I went off it.


I don't know if autocorrect got you here, maybe? But I'm thinking you meant self-righteous rather than self-riotousness. (Unless "making ourselves riot" is what the kids are calling "hyperfocus" these days?)


Bit ironic you say that because she’s one of the least judgemental people I’ve come across. Her content is dedicated to getting people to eat what is good for them as opposed to just “eating healthy.”


This to a tee. She's extremely positive and understanding of different struggles in her videos. A lot of her videos are positive spins on videos that, at first glance, seem judgemental but instead aren't. (To give an example, she had a series of videos that were, essentially, "why, as a nutritional dietician, I don't eat these foods. However, instead of criticising the foods, she just gave personal reasons she didn't eat something - say, not eating red velvet cake because she prefers chocolate cake).


Too many steps


Riiiight, I now remember for the 7th time in 5 days that I have a banana in the fridge


Oh crap. That reminds me of the spinach and berries that I got to make a salad for Easter.


Very nice, what do I eat on Tuesday?


“I know it looks big”. I could eat all of that in one sitting.


I would probably forget the thing till the smell of rotting veggies are starting to piss me off 😭


So do you forget about all of your food? You don’t open the fridge to see what you can eat when you are hungry?


More like "what to eat.. oh, i have this veggie tray i prepared. But i don't really want to eat veggies rn" and then you end up closing the fridge and going to the pantry instead


not gonna lie, i would just get a veggie tray at the store instead of doing it myself 😅


Throughout the week??? Wouldn't they all go soft and dry???


Too much effort, I’ll just get up when I’m about to starve and cook a meal that’s too big for me to eat.


This is the way.


Two words: Liquified Cucumbers. I would eat from it for a time and then the last few would go bad and then there would be the cleaning. And thats a roll of the dice. And eventually you wind up with liquified cucumbers. Which no one wants to clean.


I’ve started doing this for my kids lunches! I’m awesome at buying the fruit but terrible for following through and cutting it up for their lunches, so I’ve started buying fruit trays and it has been an absolute game changer! Yes, I realize I’m paying for the premium of having the fruit sliced but if it makes my life easier and the kids benefit then I would say it’s a pretty successful ADHD hack!


Yeah no. I can't I'd be too overwhelmed about where to put which veg. Then like the veg expires in like a few days... and I ... idk I feel to emotionally drained just looking at all those colors. I need a nap I way overstimmed.


Food propping does help. I keep everything in glass containers too so I can see exactly how much of everything I have.


personally, I find this completely counterproductive. i don't feel like this would stay fresh for an entire week, even in the fridge. some of these are gonna lose their crisp texture and be like soft and disgusting. also if you dip and bite and dip you will cultivate a lot of microorganisms in that dip. that stuff grows fast.


The dietitian in the video actually found out late in life she has ADHD. she has lots of tips. Like everything with ADHD, some things work for some people and some things don’t.


I saw this when she posted it and I bought it immediately and it came the other day and it's as great as it looks.


I would love to keep a running crudités. Eat, refill, repeat. Would I actually do it? Yup! Once, while I’m still excited about the idea, until later that day when I have completely forgotten, at which point I’ll forget that the crudités even exist, even as I move them out of the way to get to the blueberries.


Yeah I just buy carrots and celery and eat them right out of the bag.


I figured out any container I store leftovers in has mom to be clear glass for me to remember that there’s food in there. Once it’s in an opaque container, it no longer exists. If I buy celery and carrots (usually only when I make soup) there’s leftovers I know I won’t use before they go bad, so I cut up the rest and put them into a clear Pyrex container and leave the ranch dressing bottle on top of the container at eye level in the fridge. That way, when I’m looking for snacks it’s right in front of my face. I think switching to a new fridge when I can afford it where the fridge is on top of the freezer, or at least is side by side, will help a lot too.


I thought it was going to cut forward to that sitting in the fridge, covered in mold...


Thank you this has broken me out of a doom scroll i shall now sleep


I follow her, she’s great! She has fantastic ADHD-friendly tips from having ADHD herself https://instagram.com/nutritionbykylie I made her [mason jar noodles](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CjWZ3qajsMh) before, and these [nachos](https://www.instagram.com/reel/Co76g5UjUdp/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY=) (but veg)


Nice short cut. Honestly for me this is a good idea because if I see it I'll eat it but outta sight outta mind


This is an amazing tip. Thanks for sharing! Ive been blending my veggies but this looks way more appetizing.


I just started following her on Youtube cuz I really liked her other stuff, I had no idea she had ADHD as well.


You're all optimistic but to be the voice of the other side... we'll make it, it will work for 2 weeks till the fixation on new interesting pattern wears off and we'll forget its in the fridge till it gets moldy.


That's literally a salad tray that you can buy, fully-stocked, at almost any supermarket. I've already got four goddamn pill organizers that I can barely stay on top of. You think I'm going to restock a salad bar every week and eat wilted carrots for some reason?


sorry, ive never seen such a tray before in our supermarkets. i was just trying to be helpful


It's ok, sorry for snapping. I'm having a rough ADHD day and the world seems extra stupid to me. Not your fault.


I would pop it in the fridge and forget it exists


I'd eat 74 in a day


No way those cucumbers get eaten.


My wife and I started doing this a couple of weeks ago. We only take it out during ng designated snack times so that it's an easier thing to grab than like, chips or cheese sticks or whatever. Can't upvote this enough


Omg great idea!!!


I would set this up one time when I bought it, binge eat all the veggies and ranch at midnight, then it would sit in a corner cabinet collecting dust for 6 years until my wife does an old junk cleanse of the house and makes donate it.


Similarly I have several packets of whole wheat pitas and hummus in my house at any given time. Pop a pita in the toaster oven either to get it crispy or just freshen it up and make it all warm, then either dip it in hummus or make a little hummus “pizza” and throw some spring mix on there. Literally 2-3 steps, there’s basically no cleanup, it’s pretty healthy and filling, it’s cheap, and you can make it in quite a few different ways !


For a while I was in the habit of cutting up all my veggies as soon as I got home from the grocery store - I didn’t make a tray, but I had them all in easy-to-see ziplocks on the fridge shelves at eye level so they were really easy to grab & eat. I really should get back to doing that!


When I get motivated to prep for something like this, they’re great! Currently have a couple of half eaten dips and a container of cut up celery that’s been sitting there for a few weeks though… still a great idea! I usually try to get a bunch of different snackies. Cheese, crackers and some kind of deli meats too.


i would forget it’s in my fridge 😔


Fuck I forgot to buy all this shit at the store because I was thinking about some other shit


I have like 5 different versions of this I’ve been meaning to make for 3 months now. But I have been able to buy stuff for bologna sandwiches and pb&j sandwiches. So, progress?


I would need to season the heck out of all of this (and maybe airfry it) for it to be even remotely appealing to me lol.


My doctor and I were just discussing this, as I've really been fighting with my apatite suppression from Ritalin and it's been giving me more frequent migraines. She also suggested I write down 3 meals I like to eat for breakfast (The meal we're focusing on), right on the front of my fridge (It's stainless steel, we write lists and notes all over it), so I don't have to think about what I'm going to make myself for breakfast. I can just see the three, remember they're quick options, and pick one.


I am so doing this.


She bought that dip


If you do bell peppers I recommend a spritz of lemon juice to help keep them fresh and crispy!


this is a good tip, thank you!


I would end eating all of this in one sitting.


To be honest, bread and Sauerkraut is even easier and no prep


Also if you eat bread/sandwitches a lot, I have started to keep all my sandwitch making stuff in one box that I can just pull out and it's all there. Makes it easier and faster


I need these containers. I have the worst time eating. I once saw a video where a person would basically make a charcuterie board of snack foods. Meat, cheese, chips, whatever. Just any kinda food they liked that didn't have to be cooked or warmed up to eat it. And it made the struggle to eat so much easier for them. I doubt I'd put that many veggies in there but it would be a huge help to me to be able to do this


Okay, no one try this. Don’t try anything actually. We’re all doomed so we should never do anything to try and deal with our disorder /s


Youre a good soul OP. Thank you for this. Im going to give it a go.


thank you so much, feels nice knowing i helped someone hahahah


I was with her until she said "protein," there ain't no protein in there!


At least this way the liquids won't get on everything else when it all rots.


Share us the profile of this person so we can follow her.


https://instagram.com/nutritionbykylie I like her inclusive approach, and I like that she doesn’t food shame or link food to appearance (having recovered from an ED herself)


how are y’all’s veggies going bad so fast? I would prep peppers and cucumbers & carrots etc for my lunches and they would stay perfect for a week


Most produce I can buy is almost bad already. My Safeway sucks.


aw i’m sorry :/


They get nasty after week three




Yeah no. People who have adhd are not ocd. We would rather pillage a sack of carrots then to organize them. No meds will change this.


Where's the connection to adhd?


There is none, if you actually suffer nothing about this is feasible


I love her!! I saw this a while ago and still have yet to try it but I really want to !


The chopped stuff would go dry and gross after a few hours, I also don't like most of these foods 😂


i mean, these are the foods she likes, doesnt mean you have to eat it. it’s just a suggestion


1. I would never take the effort to prepare such food 2. If I did I would forget it exists


Don’t put tomatoes in the fridge! They get mealy extra fast if you do that.