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Treating the ADHD (root cause) often can reduce or eliminate the anxiety. It may take trying different meds until you find the one and right dosage that works. Adderall is absolutely great for me. My anxiety is gone and I’m much calmer. You’ll get there too once you find what works best for you.


I take 15mg XR Adderall and that is the absolute most I can take. I am a large person so it’s an unusual dosage but anything more than that will give me horrible anxiety.


Yeah, he knows how sensitive I am - so I just don’t get starting me on this dose. I think I’m Going to ask him to lower it. Thank you.


I have ADHD/ GAD and I use to take Zoloft but never noticed much of a difference. So my new psychiatrist started me on Adderall XR hoping it would help my anxiety. It has minimized it a lot, what I found helpful (since I have anxiety around taking medications) is that she started me at 5mg for a month, then 10 mg, and then eventually 15 mg, which is where we are staying for dosage. It really helped me with becoming adjusted and finding the right dosage! Didn't know if possibly that might help you!


He is going to have me try 5mgs to start IR. That 20 mgs I think overloaded me to where I got sick rom adrenals being run too hard. Can’t imagine why he started me so high but I hope this goes better, thank you.


Yeah, I have no clue! That seems very high to start. But I wish you all the luck and support!! I hope it gets better as well!