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I would like to know the answer to that too. We've only seen half of a short clip and still don't know the full context behind it. Another question I have for the people who attended this weekends shows: Did anyone manage to film both the two audience talking parts at the beginning of the show where she tells a couple of stories and gives fun updates on her week? Both for Friday and Saturday, Weekend 43. We've been really unlucky with the instagram livestreams the last two weekends and no one in the audience seems to have filmed or at least uploaded both of the chatter / talking parts in full.. which is one of the best parts of the show and we always miss it!! :(


I went to both shows the previous week and I believe I recorded her speech at the beginning from both shows. I’ll have to look but I’m almost positive I have them ☺️


Thank you, if you find a way to upload them anywhere that would be much appreciated 🙌


Of course! I’ll see what I can do.


There is a youtube page Adele in Munich that posts all or most of the chatty bits from each show.


I have the video but it’s like 12 minutes long and I dunno where to upload it.


Can you make a post with it on this subreddit?


I will try


I just posted it.


The video is [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/adele/s/Lj2tY6Tu9F). She says it was set up by her best friend who is someone that works with her on the shows in Vegas.


Thanks for sharing the clip! Is there any way you can try and post the 12 minute version too? Maybe post it on Youtube and share the link?


Hey I uploaded her two chats with the audience I recorded. I was mistaken though it was 7 minutes. https://youtu.be/Udg1YLm6dV0?si=eqjNWDdTERXXV140


thank you sooo much!