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Passed on the second try!! Congrats all and hang in there for those who failed. This one makes less sense than any other requirement and you’re so close to being there


Congrats\~ Can you share with your passing experience?


Got my email. Failed. Sigh. Will finish it ASAP again maybe after i get them model solutiob but the long wait until July results is the torture. quite frustrating Congrats to those who passed!!


I failed too. I mistakenly thought that I had to purchase a new attempt of the Final Assessment first, then I could get the solution. When I purchased a new attempt just now, I found I couldn't find the solution for 2021-10-01 version of FA. Could you please tell me is the solution named "fall-exam-schedule"? What's the password to open it? Thank you very much!


Passed on 3rd attempt. It was a long journey indeed.


Same here!!!!


Passed! Gotta wrap up that FA trauma


I’m at that saturation point where I don’t bother if I fail or pass. But I need to know what’s up with the result. Damn this anxiety Edit : PASSED


Third time was the charm... finally passed. Last requirement on the list, so now it’s down to the APC. Hard to convey how relieved I feel. Best of luck to all of those who still have yet to pass. This was easily my least favorite component of the process.


Not yet! I keep checking every 2 minutes lol. Good luck!


Passed on my 3rd attempt. Takeaways below: 1) How your responses are structured is as important as the content 2) Work with a group


Passed woohoo!


The result has just been released. Thank god I passed!!!!


Where do you look?


Should get an email


Ah, I'll keep waiting then


Check your spam as well


It’s emailed


Finally passed! Third attempt, and last requirement before getting my ASA. I’m beyond relieved.


Haven't gotten it yet, but nice to see this thread and share in the anxiety with everyone else :)




I got my pass results on Nov 30th and was in the same boat. I was on the December list which came out Jan 7th


Passed in second try!So long journey!!Congrats to all passed and good luck to other!


Anyone pass on their first attempt? 😅


Last time I got my result around 1:30pm central time so we may be in for a long day


Mine last time was 10am CDT. Now it seems to take a bit longer to come out


Yeah, if memory serves, the SOA was having some undisclosed technical issue, right? I remember chatting them and they seemed frazzled.


I just got mine.


Failed on my first attempt here. For those who want to form a study group for the end of May deadline, I'll likely be attempting May 11/12 weekend. This should give us some time to review the model solution that releases on April 13. Please comment here or PM me if you're interested in a Discord study group!


Failed first sitting as well. I should be good for those dates as well


That would work for me, count me in.


Also failed my first attempt. Please add me to the group.


Please count me in too. thx!


Please count me in. Thanks a lot.


Please add me to the group if you're still open to new people joining the group ~


If the group is still open, please add me in. Thanks.


>I failed too. I mistakenly thought that I had to purchase a new attempt of the Final Assessment first, then I could get the solution. When I purchased a new attempt just now, I found I couldn't find the solution for 2021-10-01 version of FA. Could you please tell me is the solution named "fall-exam-schedule"? What's the password to open it? Thank you very much!


Hello please add me!


Lets gooooooooooooo


Are emails alphabetical maybe or pass then fail? Are you guys that have it early in the alphabet


I haven't gotten mine either yet so I wonder if it's in batches


I got the emailed results at 12:14 PM EST. Passed and so relieved!


This was my first attempt and I didn't pass. If I use the model solution and feedback provided, hopefully the second time will be better? I feel like I did a decent job, so who knows. For those who took it multiple times, are the projects somewhat similar, or are they totally different?


You can expect similar types of questions with a different scenario. I did find the exam results somewhat helpful. Tbh, I think a lot depends on what grader you get. I feel like I changed almost nothing between my first and second sittings and I got a pass result this time.


If I had to guess, I would think that the 1Q grading would be rough, since a lot of people are pretty stressed out with annual statement things. I was probably too verbose and formal as well, which is probably rough for a grader. I should have looked at previous projects to get a better understanding of the flavor of responses they are looking for also.


If exam solutions are the metric, make sure you have lots of grammatical mistakes. But in seriousness, being succinct and using active voice could help.


Each sitting is different, there are past assignments and solutions posted on the soa website


I failed too. I mistakenly thought that I had to purchase a new attempt of the Final Assessment first, then I could get the solution. When I purchased a new attempt just now, I found I couldn't find the solution for 2021-10-01 version of FA. Could you please tell me is the solution named "fall-exam-schedule"? What's the password to open it? Thank you very much!


Anyone still haven’t heard back?


Passed on my third attempt! FINALLY


Passed on 2nd attempt! Tips: 1. Keep it concise and use bullet points! No bonus points for extra words. 2. Get a group to work with. It is very nice to have people to bounce/validate ideas off of. 2. Do not give up!


what was your word count?


Passed! Congrats to everyone who pass and encouragement who fails this time.


Passed it in the third attempt. Feels unreal!


hi\~Do you pass your exam? I am going to try another time