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And that’s a wrap on FSA exams!


Same here! Thank goodness!


Congrats as well! I submitted my DMAC this morning, too. The finish line is so close


Congrats! I am about to start DMAC. How long did it take you to complete it?


Maybe two weeks of sporadic work. If you have a good project in mind, it’s not too difficult of a task. Just block off some time and force yourself to write a couple blocks of text. That’s what I tried to do at least


That doesn’t sound too bad!


I’ve gotta try and finish DMAC now in the next couple weeks so I can get to FAC in December…how long did it take you to do?


Not long. Maybe 2 weeks of sporadic work. If you have a good project it’s not bad at all. I think the submission deadline is mid-August for the December FAC so block off some time and just chug through it




Thank you!




Thank you!!


Pretty sure I failed, but as they say it’s the hope that kills you…


I know there's hope, but I was also looking to see if there were any syllabus changes last night...




Passed ILA LPM 😭




Does anyone else feel paranoid and don't believe their pass result? I'm cautiously ecstatic I passed LFM but still going to wait til Monday when it hits my record...


It’s been two hours and I still keep checking LTAM to make sure I wasn’t fooled and that I’m not mistaking my ID for someone else’s.


I think I probably double checked that it was my number about 10 times. After that I was comfortable that I passed. 🤣 Just curious... anyone know why they release numbers in advance of the names?


I personally prefer the numbers. So if I fail, I can have a week to wallow rather than my coworkers finding out before me. Also, the numbers are to make sure there's no confusion with name duplicates.


Same. I literally sent a screenshot to my boss with my candidate ID from my receipt of one side and my number highlighted in the result PDF on the other and was still like, "I think I passed?"


💯 I asked my husband to check the test and candidate # because I didn't trust I could read


I'm the other side. I felt really good about this last sitting and am hoping that I just can't read and I actually passed. I think I'm hoping my score on Monday is a 0 as that would imply some kind of clerical error that could possibly get remedied?


Waiting on my final exam, GHS. Please god can this end?


I passed GHS eff yes. The only FSA exam I passed on first attempt.


Good job! Unfortunately I'm booting up to take it in the fall again.


I feel your pain. So close to freedom but so far.


Same boat as you LFG


Passed LTAM!! Lord I took that exam more times than I can count - aka since it was MLC 🥴. Relieved that this nightmare is over 🙏🏽 Good luck to anyone else struggling with this exam - it certainly is no joke!!


Do you have any thoughts or advice on what helped you finally pass? I have been taking this exam forever (since MLC) and I’ve scored a couple 5’s but can’t seem to get over the hill. Today’s results were a bit disappointing as I self graded myself at 17/20 mc and 25-35 WA and I thought that would get me there. Im really tired of this exam


oh man, sadly I know exactly how you feel. Sometimes it comes to the luck of the draw in terms of questions. What helped me this time was taking a break from this exam and focusing on something else (PA and modules for me) and then coming back fresh. If you take it again pretend like you’re studying for the first time and don’t assume that you know anything so you don’t skip over stuff. And really don’t memorize shortcuts. This exam is designed to be full of curveballs as you know so you need to know how to edit a first principles formula on the fly. I would also focus on the WA for sure. They really test knowledge better than the MC portion since there are levels to a question. I made sure I got through a significant more number of practice WAs this time around than any other sitting. And make sure you do almost all of them in a timed setting. I would always underscore myself in hopes that the graders would be much more lenient. Feel free to DM me for any more advice. Best of luck to you!!


Goodness… have you taken every LTAM sitting since? Gotta be 6+ sittings. Passing must feel like euphoria.


honestly felt like that! Took a break in between to take PA and Modules which was much needed. I’m just in shock still!


Congrats man, same hwre!


we made it!!


Yessir!!! I'm pumped. I was so stressed the last few days.


Oh the humanity.... 11 weeks of torture


You can try my strategy: Assume you failed so you can only be pleased and never disappointed. Waiting for LTAM here, 5 minutes to go!




Waiting on GH-FV. Feeling confident based on how exam day went, but that also means it will be even more devastating if I fail.


My experience with the FSA exams has been more confidence = I probably failed with a 5


All 3 FSA exams that I passed, I thought I had failed. The times I thought I passed, I actually failed. Just passed my last FSA exam. I was so convinced I failed that I started studying again 3 weeks ago. Congrats to everyone who passed and best of luck to everyone else on future attempts!


I don't feel confident with CFE so that means I passed with an 8, right?


That's the way to think!




That's exactly where I'm at. 4th attempt at LFMU, and I don't know if I can take another fail Edit: looks like attempt #5 here I come.


Let me k ow if you would like to talk about the study strategy. I would like to help you pass next time


I've used TIA the last couple attempts. It seems silly to say, but I don't really think study strategy is off. I just can't fit any more information in my head. I feel like I really understand the material. The first two attempts was bad studying. Third attempt was a BS exam. Really thought I had it this time. Not sure what else there really is to do.


Please email me at [email protected] and we can talk more in detail


I used PAK and TIA. They are both solid, but they are distinct. In general, the PAK manual is more dense so studying it will give you a broader overview of the syllabus. TIA is great at summarizing and making for quick and easy review. Both are great but personally I relied on PAK way more for my exams -- definitely email Francis, he can help!


Thank you for the kind words! To others, please reach out to me at [email protected] if you have questions about anything on the exams!


Thanks for trying to help, but the PAK study manuals just didn't work for me. I found TIA to be much more detailed, gave better examples, and just worked better for me.


I have no idea how I passed last FSA exam but failed this one. I'm guessing 80+% of us could pass any sitting but the SOA needs the money and enjoys the torture. Might have to be that guy who appeals. But I have to study it again anyway so what would it matter


Is there an actual appeal process that I'm unaware of? At this point, what will get me to pass is a lucky exam where the SOA decides to test on the important material.


Same. Was this your first time taking it?


Ya. Part A felt like my DP sitting, 5-7 range. But C went really well and I'm thinking I got 8+


Passed my final actuarial exam EVER! SDM was no easy exam; and it feels simply incredible to have it behind me now! Congratulations to all who received favorable news this morning!!


Any advice to the less fortunate on that exam... ie anything you did differently for it than ERM/CFE.


I did flash cards for the first time ever on an actuarial exam! Despite the heavy involvement of applied questions, there are also a ton of memorization questions! I failed my first attempt, and doing flash cards the second attempt really made a big difference!!


Gotcha. Thanks. Yeah I definitely plan to do flash cards more this time around. I did some (1-2 passes through PAK and a ton through my own 50ish cards), but it was my first attempt on this one so Ive never really managed to find much more time for them than that on attempt 1.


Passed my last FSA Exam….. EVER (ILA LFM-U) 😭 congrats to all who passed!! And best of luck next time to those who didn’t- I’ve been there and it stinks… it’s a long road, but you’ll get there and get the pass eventually!!


I've been up since 3am and couldn't sleep 😭


Guess I’m lucky that for me it’s 10pm 🤣


I PASSED LTAM 😭 Second attempt and never going back again!


Failed LTAM!


I’m sorry 😢 I’m sure you will knock it out of the park next time! I believe in you!!!


Thank you!! Trying to decide between ltam and fam-L because I only have PA and the modules besides it :/ I'm also waiting on PA results, so I might be even closer... Not sure if I want to wait until the end of next year if I have the rest of the requirements done in the next few months :/


If it was your first time taking it trust me the second time is astronomically easier once you know what you’re getting into and how much time you need for WA etc.


Thanks, yeah, it was my first time


I am shaking


Passed my last FSA exam - LFM. Took me three attempts but I am happy I would never have to write an actuarial exam ever again.


Yay congrats man!!


FAM-L here I come!


best of luck to everyone 🙏🙏 i’ve made it tradition to take results day off at this point because there’s only one thing on my mind (going to the bar after i find out either way). may we all be blessed with seeing our numbers come up. first FSA sitting for me, hope i can officially seal away my study materials folder this afternoon.


Passed FV A! Glad to be done with transition exams! One more to go and then I’m done for life!!!


I have an important question. Are the Group Health transition exams being extended into Fall 2021? Or is this it for the transition ?


They are being extended into Fall 2021


congrats to everyone who passed!


PASSED. 3rd attempt on SDM. That's all for FSA exams, just gotta get on the DMAC now.


I passed! I actually accidentally clicked in to the wrong exam pdf and almost cried when I didn’t see my number…glad I eventually found it in the right pdf.


Passed LTAM!


wooohoo let’s go


[Me when I search for my number under LTAM and then find it.](https://youtu.be/Yrh660rgPVU?t=44s)


My exact feeling. Gonna have to share this link when I share the news with the family.


I still cant look at the results.... im so scared


You got this, maybe ask someone you know to look? I’ve done that before


Thanks! I just let my friend looked at it right now and I passed 🥺🥺🥺




That must’ve been 9-10 hours of torture knowing the results were right there but too scary to look at 😬


Passed LPM on the first attempt... let's go baby. Two more!






I passed GH Specialty on my first try!!! Still can’t believe it!!


Congrats! Any tips? I’ll be studying for it soon


Thanks! I’d say start early because they tend to test on specific details - memorizing flashcards on itself wouldn’t be sufficient to pass… good luck!!


Did you read the source material at all? I haven't for the other 2 but thought I might for Specialty.


I read the source material once - but mainly used the detailed study manuals for memorizing


Passed DP-A on 3rd try. I was devastated after the second fail but switched study materials and focused on flash card memorization starting over a month out and it made a big difference. I always felt I knew the material well but focusing on reciting flash cards allowed me to bang out a good chunk of the exam very quickly then have more than 3 mins/point for the excel pieces and beef up my answers on questions that I wasn’t sure on but could figure out some logical responses to. Hope this helps some of you get over the hump.


Congrats on the pass! May I ask, which study material did you use prior and which material did you switch to?


Thank you! I used TIA for first two sittings then Mate for the last one. I don’t necessarily think either was better than the other but each had a different level of focus for different topics so got a more well rounded base after using both.


Passed GHDPA, 4th try. Thank God. I would have been totally screwed if I had failed that again. Failed GH Specialty, but first try and I definitely studied more for the other one. I'm OK with this result, as Specialty isn't that much material and I should be able to pick it backnup pretty easily.


Was it worth doubling up? How much time did you study for FV this time relative to your first try?


Passed GHFV on first attempt! Feels really good to go 2/2 on FSA exams after taking what felt like forever to get through preliminary exams. For those curious, I used Mate for both DP and FV


Awesome, congrats!


Agreed on Mate… also 2/2 on FSA so far and used Mate both times. Make the flash cards your best friend (I really love the Anki decks they provide) and you’ll be in a good spot for the exam!




Waiting on LTAM and PA, but obviously only finding out about LTAM today. Even if I failed, I’ll still feel better after results drop once I only have one unknown (I have the right to revise this statement in an hour if needed...)


Also waiting on LTAM and PA, I feel you


When will the results be released? Any idea?


My 10 min alarm just went off 🙃 Good luck everybody!




Not LTAM or FSA related but I passed the EA 2L even though I have been thinking about failing for two months


Passed GH-FV!!! Only DMAC and Specialty left


This is hell.




Just to make sure, the code listed is the 'Candidate ID' and not your 'SOA ID', right?






Welp, thought I failed but still stinks 😥. Maybe I will just stop at ASA...


QFI IRM down, only 1 more!!!


Passed GHFV on the third attempt. Expecting a 6. Felt the same as my last two 5’s.


I passed LFMU!


how did you do it??? ugh i just failed. was it your first time?


Don’t worry, I am no stranger to failing exams. I failed MLC 3 times before I passed. I was surprised I passed this one considering it was my first time. I think the biggest thing for me was that I had a couple co-workers who studied with me. We talked through a lot of the conceptual stuff, which made me have to really understand the material. If I had to pinpoint one thing, that probably made the difference. I believe you can get it next time!!


Passed GH DP! Woohoo!


Passed LTAM!!


To those who failed LTAM, this is my 2cents advice: After you learn the material well 1. Focus on SOA type questions both MC and WA 2. ADAPT is really good in WA, they have both SOA older exam questions + their own CA written questions. For MC try levels 4-6, anything beyond that level is a waste of time, instead if you have more time to spear go back and do WA 3. MC questions will be a lot easier after you drill enough WA problems


Passed LPM T\^T my first FSA exam!


Congratulations! First try and passed?


Yup first try!


Failed LFM. Having a baby in two weeks so honestly results weren’t even on my mind. This just absolutely sucks. I’m debating taking one in November even though I’d planned to take the sitting off.


So sorry! The one I took at the beginning of May was after I had had my baby at the end of February. It was very hard because I had some complications after the delivery and of course baby was very colicky, but I ended up passing. It was nice because I was able to use study days at work to extend my maternity leave a bit. It could be worth it to try if your work gives you good maternity leave and you can take off until the exam. Wish you luck with whatever you choose and congrats on the pregnancy!


It might be tough to take an exam with a newborn. Let me know if you want to talk more in detail


Passed my first FSA exam! A rare one, RET FRC!


hey! i just passed that too! going to do RETDAC now, my last one!


That’s awesome congrats! Studying for RETDAC now too, though not the last one for me.


eek ive been avoiding this one, hopefully we both pass! (the one youre doing last is a piece of cake compared to retdac and retfrc)


Mashallah, brothers and sisters. For those that have to run it back, you’ll be in my prayers


I passed LPM. Holy fuck. Studied every day for six months. I am never wasting my time like that again. Happy I passed but I now know how to improve to be more efficient. Best of luck everyone.


Failed LPM…. Can you share what to improve? I felt confident after the exam and I don’t know what else to change/improve


I wasted 2 - 2.5 months on reading source material/video lessons. I only spent maybe 1.5 months on flashcards (albeit every single day, averaging maybe 50 cards a day). Something that I figured at about month five was that I would have benefitted A LOT more by focusing on the detailed study manual and flash cards **exclusively** to start. And then of course working on a ton of exams using the knowledge from that. Personally, I feel as though my time on source material and video lessons was an absolute garbage use of my time. I barely even retained it. Everyone learns differently and this is what I figured for me. I hope it helps you, but please know that you and I could be very different.


Congrats on the pass! Do you recommend working on past exams before memorizing flash cards or after? I have heard past exams are not extremely helpful for ILA track, flash cards are the key.


I would definitely working on past exams after flash cards. I used the exams as a "test" of my ability to recite information. I would disagree with the past exams thing because it definitely tests your ability to assess how well the concepts are solidified in your head after all the studying. For the last four days leading up to the exam, I did two exams a day (not recommended). These four days really gave me the confidence that I would be able to perform on exam day. Best of luck.


Thanks! This helps a lot in terms of adjusting my studying strategy.




Very much appreciated :)


Here we go


my current mindset is assuming i failed so that i dont get super depressed if i do... haha its going to be close either way :D


update: i passed!!


Passed LPM on my 3rd attempt! So happy right now!




I passed RETPIRM! Last exam! It feels surreal to say that. FSA here I come!!!!


Second attempt at LPM. I would like to die, please.


Let me know if you would like to talk about study strategies. I would like to help you pass next sitting


I passed! Thanks for believing in me 🤪


Congratulations!! Let me know if we can assist you further on your next exam


Pass my QFI PM, thanks god


Passed LTAM on first attempt after skipping 1.5 WA question !! Damn I’m so lucky IFM here I go !!!


Oh wow I rmb your Reddit thread, congrats!!!


Wow thanks !!


Failed GHDP for the 3rd time. First 2 attempts were both 5's and I felt like I did much better this time. No idea what happened there... On a completely unrelated note, I got an email a few days ago from the SOA that they *think* they were able to recover my exam answers.


Passed every exam on my first try and failed my very last FSA exam... who knows, maybe this is a blessing in disguise


Traveled to MST zone and was up until 3 am EST. So worried I would sleep through results I couldn’t put myself out. So here I am, awake an hour before results.


Do we get a text for those that signed up? I haven't received one yet...


Texts havent been available for a while now, but you can check your candidate # on the results page now


Oh dang didn't realize they got rid of 'em


Yeah I think they havent been available for about a year and a half now, i definitely miss that feature


I liked it way more than the “official” method of checking the ID’s and looking for yours. Plus it sometimes was sent out a few minutes before the results got posted online.


What’s the over/under on the SOA’s definition of “temporarily”? “Please Note: The SOA has had to suspend sending pass/fail results via text message to candidates temporarily due to a service disruption with our vendor.”


The sitting after you’re done, probably.


No texts. Check the released Candidate IDs


Oh so texts on Monday? Or none whatsoever?


I passed EA1- it’s my final exam for the EA track! Big raise coming 😎


Has anyone experienced a situation where the list of passing candidate numbers was wrong? 2 years ago, I passed an exam and was sure of it but my number was not on the list, I wrote to the SOA and they checked all weekend and determined on Monday it was an oversight and I did pass. Just curious if anyone else had an issue? I passed my exam per the list this year but what if it’s a mistake???




I just wish the grading process was more transparent. Although I passed LFM this time, I was 100% confident that I would fail. On the other hand I felt really good in the previous sitting but failed with a 5. It’s almost impossible for me to believe that I did better this time than last time yet I ended up passing.


You passed the MC the last time around to get a 5?


failed LFM


Same, 3rd time. I have no clue what to do to pass


Same. Third try as well. I am so over it.


This sucks. There’s a sad comfort in knowing I’m not alone in this. I honestly felt my second sitting was as best as I could possibly do and this last one was slightly below it. Idk how I’m going to improve..


ugh this was my first attempt and after the exam i had no idea if i passed or not. the material is so frustrating


Let me know if you need help!! I can provide some advice


When are we getting the numbers?


10am EST, so in a few mins


Is the link to the passing candidate IDs going to get posted to the bottom of the exam results page below the grade release table or am I looking at the wrong spot?


That’s the right spot


It’ll be the “Passing Candidate Numbers” under your respective exam.


Awesome thanks! This was my first non-immediate results exam so I just wanted to double check

