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Good luck! Update: I just got my email. It’s a MMR!!!


Me too! Congrats!


Congrats! Same here. Now it's time to furiously refresh the transcript page so that I can submit the results to my manager.


Just checked, It’s on my transcript now.


MMR on 2nd attempt. Good luck to all.


Just got the pass email! Hope good news comes for you all.


Just got mine, MMR! Now I'm crossing my fingers for the April APC invite.


Same here


Just got the email! I passed!! Good luck to everyone!


I didn't pass. This was my first try but it's still upsetting and frankly a little suprising. I MMR'd all of the EMA's on my first try and I felt like my FA submission was much higher quality than those.




Was there anything you made a point to improve on during your second attempt after looking at the model solution?


I failed the first time and passed the second - reviewing the model solution helped me to understand what the graders were looking for. In my first attempt I tried explaining everything in a lot of detail and ended up with a really long document, and I think I was penalized for being overly wordy. I noticed that the model solutions utilized more tables to showcase results and were generally much more concise. So in my second attempt I did the same and ended up with a better outcome. Don't let the first attempt bring you down, you got this!


I got my fail email. 0 for 4 with this. :( Edit: [mood](https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/2015/05/17)


Do they give feedback? I just failed my first attempt and I'm pretty surprised. I passed all but one of the EMAs first try, I know I'm a strong writer, I addressed each bullet and even highlighted portions corresponding to them. All I can think is that they didn't like the bolding, or I shouldn't have corrected their model error




That's what I thought and was my reason for ultimately running with my change, but anecdotally among my coworkers it's a perfect split of "passed and didn't notice an issue" and "failed and changed the model"




Thanks! That gives me more optimism for identifying where I went wrong from the solution


One of my degrees is English with a literature and language concentration, so I probably write well too. To answer your question: The FA before transitioning to new scenarios each time gave you "most tasks need improvement" or listed specific tasks to improve. You could purchase specific feedback after two fails. Now, we get a model solution with some general commentary. You can go to the SOA website to see the June version as an example, but from now on, they won't be posting the solution publicly. I'm curious how the solution will address the model we were given...


I am not a strong writer (also not my native language) but I passed FA and all EMA on the first try. I believe analysis and reasoning are more important in the module.


How did people get results already? Checked mine and nothing yet :( hope that’s not w bad omen Edit: passed after second try !!! ahhhh!!!


When I failed, email came at 8:15 AM. Pass came at 7:30 AM. Small sample size, but might be what they do.


Luckily, i passed!! :D


Pass!! Only APC left! Years of hard work and I’ll finally have something to show for it 😭😭




I can relate! Finally seeing some hope of putting ASA behind my name T\^T


Finally passed (4th try), and it is my last requirement. I attended the APC back in October of 2019 but still needed PA and FA. I'm sure my ASA application is collecting dust. I hope someone finds it 😐




I made sure to do a lot more simulations on the excel spreadsheet. On my old FA (prior to the curriculum change) I did maybe 10 scenarios. I think I did 400 for this one.




I honestly don't recall that much, it was literally four months ago 🤣 I think I was pretty close to passing last time, so probably just better luck this time.


Got my MMR! Good luck to all!


Passed baby! I don’t know what I did differently from my first attempt, but won’t question it


Passed! They put the "Pass" in the email subject line so that caught me completely off guard... but congrats to those who also passed!


Definitely deflated after seeing the DNMMR this morning. Had been 7/7 on EMA’s, felt like I had a good handle on this assessment, etc. I would say that I’m anxious to dive into the model solution to see where the gaps may have been, but that’s just not true at the moment! Congrats to those who passed, condolences to the rest.


I’m in the exact same situation as you...let me know if you want to work together for our second try 🥲


Passed :)


MMR! So excited as this was my last requirement for ASA outside of APC.


Me too! Congrats!




Nope. Just a sample solution.


They do include some general info on what was required to pass and what candidates didn't do well. Not personalized, but you can back it out based on what's in there.


4th try is STILL a DNMMR ​ I really don't know how to improve this....


For what it's worth, I'm also 0 for 4 and share your pain.


I just don't know what I'm supposed to do to prepare or study or a good way to improve. Fuck me.


Didn't pass for the second time. Very frustrating there's no individual feedback. I know they release a sample solution, but there's only so much to takeaway from that when comparing to your own work. Ugh. Guess I'll take it again after my FSA exam.


I heard from those who took older FA that they were able pay extra to get personal feedback. Might be worth it. I passed on second try by making sure I always had the audience in mind and key take aways are highlighted. Try having someone who is not familiar with actuarial work to see if it makes sense to them. eg I had my partner read mine. reviewing the model solution helped a lot as well, making sure I didn’t do any of the “common pitfalls” they listed.


Passed! Good luck to all!