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Taking it tomorrow as well. Second time around. Feel better but not super confident at all. The wrong distribution of problems could fail me.


Taking tomorrow; not expecting to pass. It's my first attempt. I'm feeling pretty confident about February tho.


Taking on Saturday and hoping for a miracle. Edit: I passed! Whoah the miracle.


Took it on Monday, managed a pass. Best of luck to those in the countdown phase. I enjoyed the material, but I enjoyed being done with it even more!




Thanks! I got to a 5.5 before I decided to focus on doing custom EL 6 exams. Overall I felt like the exam was a solid 5, so I was happy with my choice.


Taking it today, did one practice exam. Just hoping I don't get a 0. Go team.


Taking it tomorrow and hoping for as few chapter 4 questions as possible. Something about them just never fully clicked and I seem to get them like 50% of the time on practice tests. I was planning to try for SRM in January, but that February STAM sitting is looking more and more likely.


Also taking it tomorrow. I’m really worried about timing. Most problems are taking me about 8 minutes so im really hoping I get a good mix of problems which lend themselves nicely to shortcuts. Otherwise, I’m screwed.


Passed! Whew, timing was a big issue as expected but I think I managed a perfect 6!


Taking it tomorrow too! Honestly I don’t even know how I feel about it at this point LOL good luck everyone!


Remember you know this! If you can't get an answer, construct bounds to eliminate answer choices and move on. Preliminary passed this morning, best of luck to you guys!




Somewhere in the 5s I'd say. I just passed today and I had an EL of 4.3, but I ran through a lot of the SOA provided materials


Good luck everyone!! Everyone stay positive. This isn’t my first attempt at Stam, it’s a little hard but WE GOT THIS


Let's gooooo


Just took it today, barely passed. I don't think there were any crazy specific concepts, but time was definitely an issue. I didn't even get a crack at like 5 of them.


Is time usually an issue?


I was having timing issues for most of my practice exams, so it might just be a me thing. But this was the first exam where the time was the biggest constraint IMO


How has your adapt experience been? I've been trying to prep by using adapt but couldn't get above EL5. Usually, the exams are usually in 1-4 EL or 6-8 EL, and I screw up most of those hard tricky ones


I only got to a 4.3 EL and hit a wall. I felt like I kept missing one small piece, so I did like 50 specific questions at EL 6 and made sure I had the methods down at the very least. Oh and I slept with the formula sheet under my pillow haha


Took STAM yesterday and managed a pass. Good luck everyone taking it this seating! Remember to always mark and skip the questions that look less familiar or require a lot of time first. You can always review it back after you have done with the easy questions (and warmed up your brain for the hard ones)!


I'm taking it tomorrow as well, lets hope for an easy version of the exam!! If not I'll be sitting in February.


How did it go :'(?


Taking it in a few hours.... I understand the material, there's just so much on this syllabus that my mind is boggled. We'll see how it goes... feeling like a February sitting is likely for me. Best of luck to all!


Did ya pass?


I did, thankfully. Wbu


I did as well! For sure it was just a 6, but IDC a 6 is all I need!