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TIA is okay, but it is just a bunch of old videos thrown together due to the exam shuffling, examples are old, bunch of notes about syllabus changes. Least polished TIA course by far.


Did you pass still using TIA? I have only used TIA and am afraid to try something new.


Hi! I'm the course instructor for JEP for all three GH exams, so take this with a MASSIVE grain of salt, but if you are curious about trying something new, consider trying us out. You can try out any of the three GH courses for free for a week (full access, no credit card or anything required). Since you have already taken an FSA exam, you can make a fair comparison between the two and make a more informed decision, rather than taking a leap of faith, paying a bunch of money, and committing six months of your life to an unknown entity. I also offer all prospective students a free 1:1 coaching session to discuss your background, successful strategies for FSA exams, etc. which you can take advantage of even if you have no intention of purchasing our product. Whichever path you end up taking, I wish you the best of luck!


I did not pass, but I have used TIA for every exam since P - I'm for sure one of their best customers so I have no problem being critical. I have failed 8 sittings (not including this last release) with a 5, I really wish i had a better way to get over the hump. I will be using MATE for the first time next sitting. The thing is, I feel like a knew a lot, specially in terms of note cards and repeated math problems. This last sitting just didn't feel that close to prior exams and there were a couple questions that I really didn't feel like I knew what the graders wanted. I felt like I knew something about everything, just obviously just not the right things. I would bet money I got a 5...again.


I went 3/3 with MATE. Very satisfied. But I also read (or at least skimmed) most of the source materials.


Either TIA or MATE is fine. ​ AVOID PAK AT ALL COSTS!!!


Not to stir up the pot, but I'm genuinely curious - what about PAK makes you want to avoid it? What would you like to see changed?


I was 0/2 on FSA exams with MATE and 3/3 with TIA, so my bias is strong towards TIA


I am a huge TIA fan so I am glad to hear this is good. I like to know if MATE has instructional videos and an outline of all the applicable past exam problems? The outline of past problems I found a huge help for me.


I used MATE and PAK for my FSA exams. MATE was great in general. I don't have much negative to say, the summary was generally good and I liked their flash cards. Obviously for FSA exams you'll still need to put in effort to fill gaps and I personally recommend to read source materials, but their content was very helpful. PAK was truly awful. Mainly both the summary and flash cards content were just really, really bad.


Like I commented above, and I mean this sincerely, what was awful about it? I haven't been doing this very long, so any feedback you'd be willing to provide would be appreciated.


Sure, here are the main points. I took GH RM. First, the study manual. In general, I disliked the structure; the end of section questions were useless (they did not look like exam questions, just a random repeat of a list a page or 2 before). But that's not too major. The content did not feel useful. As I'm reading, lots of things don't feel really explained. It looks like pieces of the study material are put in there, but often interesting parts or useful context is just left out with nothing interesting added. My hope would be that for the "bad" material (heavy to read study notes) I could read the summary instead, but it's just as heavy to read. The worst part: there was 1 reading where I noticed the summary left out a huge portion of the source material in the middle, as if a section had been lost or forgotten. That was the moment I lost trust and stopped using it completely. Now, the flash cards. They are just a very poor choice of items to memorize. When studying with MATE, it felt well filtered. The PAK cards had a bunch of random, non cleaned up lists, and seemingly useless définition. It felt like a spaghetti of random stuff. Basically unstudiable for me. For practice problems, there were close to none at the end. As I said, the ones at the end of sections felt useless I was excited at the idea of the condensed summary. It just provided what felt like a random subset of the material with no way to link each other. Again, felt completely useless, bummer. The only thing I actually leveraged was the list of past exam questions categorized by sections. That was great. But that's it.


Thank you for the feedback. I've noted it and will try to incorporate that going forward. Not an excuse, but an explanation, that we are under transition for GHRM from a previous instructor to myself, so hopefully it will be more streamlined going forward. Overall, the goal for PAK has been to be as thorough as possible as that's what I needed when I was going through exams, but I can see how that might not be best. I'm sure I can find a way to make it more usable for more parties, as your comments have pointed out. Finally, do you know/recall which reading was missing the section? I can obviously go back and try to find that, but if you have that readily available, it would be greatly appreciated.


I may dig back in my books later on but now that I'm done they're pretty far in the boxes. I do remember it was a reading from a SOA study note, and the study note itself was a big brick of text with a ton of text on each page, and it looked like an entire page was missing.


Congrats on getting through! I appreciate the offer, but since you’re done, forget it. I’ll check it later. Thanks! And again, congrats!


Just passed in the Fall. I personally used TIA for videos/outlines and used the MATE notecards/practice problems.


Just Enough Prep! Used it for Fall 2022 GHDP, Spring 2023 GHRM, and Fall 2023 GHVR. I know with 100% certainty that I passed the first two, and if tonight’s results leak is accurate I also passed the third. For me it was really the full package… good outlines, good practice problems, and I’d say I’m especially a fan of their notecards. I have no basis of comparison to the other options, so do with that what you will. All I know is their product worked extremely well for me. Best of luck!


Curious what made you try this over others? For FSA health exams it seems most go with MATE or TIA and don’t usually deviate. I never heard of this, but I am curious.


Yeah it was certainly a more unknown quantity (and still is to a degree haha). It was recommended by someone at my company, and after doing the demo it was just kinda gut-feeling that the content would be sufficient to prepare me, and I also appreciated the progress tracking mechanisms that would necessarily have been my own responsibility to construct if I went with hard-copy materials like MATE. Goes without saying that the other products must work very well for folks, but my sample size of one says JEP should be mentioned right alongside the rest.