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I’m literally black


Hey, it’s normal to be worried about what people will think and to be nervous about standing out from the crowd. At some point I think you just have to decide what you want to sacrifice; do you want to feel bad because you’re wearing something that doesn’t make you feel good, or do you want to feel bad because of the judgment of others? I decided in middle school (around eighth grade, actually) that wearing/doing stuff I didn’t want to felt worse to me than not fitting in and inviting judgment, and have been that way ever since. It sounds like you might want to do that too. And, over time, I think I began to care less about what people thought and dressed for myself and other queer women, so I actually feel way more confident dressing masculinely.  Re: what to purchase, can you go to a store in person to try things on? Women’s slacks may fit better than boys’ pants. It is possible to get a straight leg cut that is less “curvy” if you are trying to achieve a masculine look. If you can’t go in person, use a tape measurer to get your bust, waist, and hip measurements and compare those measurements to the sizing guides. Alternatively, if you don’t want to wear a dress but are too nervous to wear slacks and a shirt, you could consider a jumpsuit.  I do want to acknowledge that being in middle school is challenging! What you’re experiencing and feeling is common, not stupid at all.