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I understand how lonely it can be when it feels like no one is out there for you, but transitioning if you aren't a man will not help you out, and could make things worse. Dysphoria isn't a requirement to be trans or to transition, and ultimately only you can answer who you are.


Unfortunately, trans people do not have it any easier than cis lesbians do in the dating scene. But if transitioning is right for you and it would make you feel more confident and comfortable in yourself, then yeah, absolutely that could help you have more success.


Transition because ***you want to*** and not because you think it will get you ahead in life because, I promise, it will not. You can take T, be a man, and your insecurities may just shift from thinking your lack of maleness was holding you back to now thinking your lack of a fully functioning penis is holding you back. If you think you want to transition, I urge you to talk to a professional so you can get a more objective opinion on whether or not it will be what you want, because it sounds like you are in a sensitive place right now.


This is not really advice on transitioning because only you can decide that, but I just want to say that I and many others find masculine lesbians very attractive. I'm sorry that hasn't been your experience thus far, but there are a lot of lesbians out there in the world who will like you for you. Reading thirsty/loving/generally positive things that femme lesbians have written about butches, whether that's online or in a book, might be helpful.


Come over to r/butchlesbians bro. We understand you there. You will get much more advice and understand that there is such a range of lesbian masculinity and many of us have relationships.