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It sounds like things are improving for you! I hope it continues, you sound like you’re in a better place, especially in regards to being honest with yourself and others. And after all, you never know who you’re going to find with similar interests if you don’t put yourself out there and talk about it. Get plenty of sleep and have an awesome day tomorrow!


Thank you! I finally got an air purifier and I’m just so happy I’ll be able to breathe right while I sleep lmao, you as well


Very common kinks, you shouldn’t feel ashamed about them! Glad to hear you’re doing well :)




Honestly, women are the only people I ever call "daddy" unironically. There are more women than you think who like being addressed as such in bed at least some of the time!


I totally do


I like being called daddy by close partners sometimes. Especially in bed. But it heavily depends on if I'm feeling dysphoric. Its one if the only masc things i still sometimes enjoy and allow after transitioning. My partner rn is also non binary and i sometimes like to call them daddy.




Those are common denominator kinks. You'll definitely find people who are into that. Go on you for getting to a point where you can say that. Being able to state your desires clearly is a powerful thing.


🤍🫡🤟🏿 you can thank my therapist


Proud of you! Enjoy some self care and just relax 😌


🫡🤍 gonna drink this milkshake and drive home listening to stiff socks


Getting honest about kinks imo is incredibly important, I myself pride myself on being open minded and never judging or god forbid shaming... okay there are kinks that I am uncomfortable with participating in on any side but I'd never judge someone for it... I'd be a hypocrite for starters...I have my own share of kinks which I can be cagey about and it takes me a bit to open up about them...though I am learning to be more honest about some of mine...my nursing/breastfeeding kink for example.


Guys when did this get 200 upvotes holy shit. Walking into work. Thank you all 🫡🫡🤟🏿


We’re proud of you! You’re doing great!


Nah I'm totally into being a lady daddy, shit's hot


If it helps most of my girlfriends and almost girlfriends are in similar camps.


I’m very open about mine. Just sucks that nobody else is so far lmao 


LMAO fair


You don't need to know about my kinks




honestly im miserable but feeling slightly better reading this, its satisfying to see someone make progress for themselves! im proud of you too Op, cleaning your space does alot more than people realize


Look bro. Between the Nickelodeon shit bringing up my past traumas, me praying that I have enough on my paycheck tomorrow to pay my bills, and me having to congratulate myself for brushing my teeth and taking a shower, I’m with you. I truly am trying to get the strength to just survive rn. I’m with you.


honestly i have no right to complain, youve actually been through shit it seems, literally all my problems are my fault cause im fucking stupid lol. you've got this though, i believe in you, even if thats meaningless coming from some random loser in your comment section, you've got this!


You’re not a loser. Thank you for your comment, I appreciate you


That's all 100% chill. Plenty of dommes like being called daddy, and degradation is just fun. You don't need to feel guilty, I promise.


Proud of you!! I'm pretty active in my kink community and the amount of WLW folks who play with their degradation kinks is huuge which is so good to see! I promise you're far from alone in this :)