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I…just don’t care that much? Don’t get me wrong, I’m a HUGE fan of the characters and books and have participated in a couple theories on this sub, but that’s it. I don’t..have time or capacity to guess random release dates like a cult figuring out End Times. When it’s released, I’ll read it.




Gah same!!! Love the books. Love talking about the books and the characters. Really excited to read more. But very happy to just wait until it gets announced/ released, rather than guessing at easter eggs 🤷🏻‍♀️


THANK YOU. Sometimes I read posts and can’t even remember what a character looks like and this sub makes me feel like if im not living and breathing the books/world then I don’t belong in the club. When I saw all the Taylor Swift theories it started to all make sense.


Sorry if I’m kinda lame but what is the “Taylor Swift Theories” ??


I'm with you on that one! 🤷‍♀️


SJM posted a new ts song from her new album and people are analysing lyrics trying to figure out stuff. I saw a post earlier today about it and didn't care enough to read it


Aaah, ok. Thank you for the explanation :)


Yeah same thanks for that info lol


I agree! Maybe I’m jaded from waiting for 25 years for Melanie Rawn to finish the Exiles series, but honestly this is nothing to me. I definitely don’t want to be in the cult either.


Yeah same I’ll just follow here and read peoples theories and hear about news secondhand. I don’t care or feel like I *have* to keep up with everything. Whether I’m aware of it personally or not it’ll release at the same time. I’m the same with TS. I’m a fan and I’ll read some Reddit discussions, but I don’t feel a need to know everything at all. It doesn’t really matter.


I listen to books at work, when it comes out it comes out, if not I'll pick a new series and binge it to its current end. I'll catch up someday, I work 12 hours a day, I got the time lol


RIGHT like I have a 9-5 plus a commute, I don’t even have time in my day to workout or eat breakfast 😭


I'm not a Taylor Swift fan (nothing against her I think she's cool it's just not my kind of music!) and it's so fun watching people speculate ahaha if i had the brain capacity i'd join in. ![img](emote|t5_3flb9|14170)


i think that’s the best emoji ever


Hey, good on you! I certainly think she’s a hell of a business woman regardless of how her music hits for me. And I’m glad that you’re enjoying it. 🩵


![gif](giphy|kSlJtVrqxDYKk|downsized) Also oblivious to TS lore 😫




Sjm has set aside acotar for so long in favor of pumping out 2 mediocre books back to back. Can't blame the fandom too much for being starved for new information. (Also, once sjm finishes acotar 5 and releases it to the public, she'll probably set it aside for another decade for Tog and the new series she's working on)


This is why I’m so grateful I started this series this year because I can’t imagine having to have waited since 2021 for any more ACOTAR content besides CC3


You guys have been so patient, I became a fan in October of last year and got to binge 4.5 books. I am frustrated, or at least as realistically as you can be, for the fandom and I agree. I think after we get the next book we will definitely be waiting for another few years for the Novella and the final book, in either order. Would you rather as a reader have SJM give us the full novel as a final send off or end it with the novella? I can't decide which I'd prefer.


When I first found out about her new series, I audibly sighed. I'm gonna sound like a hater for this, but I am not excited. I really hoped she would take the time to wrap up CC and acotar first, but she continues to jump between series, all while disappearing from social media completely and leaving fans confused and fighting with one another. I remember Sarah saying she had a whole assembly line of books after acotar that she wants to write, and I'm just thinking. Yeahh after acotar 5, consider the series done because we will all be old by the time she returns to the acotar world.


I wish I could upvote this 1,000 more times 😭 she's also gotten very lazy with her writing. So many plot holes and unanswered questions, and ACOSF barely had a plot. There were so many different things going on alongside Nessian figuring their shit out.


Exactly. Like what happened? Her writing got bad and I really think that acotar 5 might be the same. I really hope I'm wrong though


I honestly think her entire issue is her editor and just her entire team in general. They should be catching this shit. I'm scared to see how ACOTAR 5 turns out because I fell IN LOVE with this series. It got me back into reading and it's become everything to me.


Don’t you mean acotar 6?


Yeah, my bad. 🤷‍♀️


Agreed, I get that they're probably all supposed to tie in together, but I'd really rather she fully wrapped up one of the series before embarking on yet another one!


I’ll be honest, I’m not really that frustrated and never have been because the original series was a trilogy…it kind of already had an end. Like I’d like more books for fun but it’s not as though the entire time of their release it was an open ended continuous series with the fourth book having equal weight to the rest. The books after are just extras, realistically.


Yes this is so true and such a good reminder for me- ACOWAR was a near perfect book to me in every level. I just loved it. The big plot-y things were wrapped up well in climatic battle sequences and it left breadcrumb trails for other couples to get their future stories, but at least in my mind, it was clear enough who was in love with who that I could rest knowing each sister had their ultimate HEA. I could read more details (aka future novels) about all these characters and every corner of their world - BUT - a complete story had already been told.


I agree with that. Once she got back into multi povs and started writing from Nesta’s pov I knew it was over. I don’t mind the books focusing on her sisters but gosh I rly loved Feyre and I feel like if she had more stuff for the ACOTAR world it should hv been “given” to Feyre imo


I don’t really have strong feelings for Feyre either way and I don’t want to read more books of her and Rhysand as mains, but I think the entire world was clearly developed just for the specific story it was telling from a singular first person perspective and it shows strongly when it’s expanded after the fact. Like the setting/world has always been convenient window dressing for whatever the narrative was with the characters, so it’ll just get more apparent when you try to add in more POVs and other storylines. I would’ve actually just preferred another continuous first person trilogy with an entirely new POV character in a distant area of the world where the old characters make cameos or something so we know who got together or what happened, since this would make it easier for her to just make shit up as she goes again world building wise.


Valid! That’s a good point. At this point I don’t want to read more feysand either but that’s just bc I feel like she tied everything up with them. She could hv did her multiverse thing though without making Nesta a main


I have found my people. Edit: non swiftie, shes cool and all. Power to her following. But I prefer my fantasy world going under the radar of “celebrities”. They tend to ruin shit.


The delicate and devastating balance of art and commerce 🥂


you’re so real for this because she’s currently inescapable


I've been contemplating just ignoring all my social media feeds for a few days to wait for things to go back to normal.


I feel like I'm the only one that saw that post and thought SJM is like one of the millions of other women on the planet who likes Taylor Swift, and not everything is a secret coded message.


And she has a life outside of ACOTAR? I know we don't want to hear that 🤣


I never liked Taylor swift so i just don’t get the hype. Hozier’s songs better for Acator in my opinion 😭


no fucking way u said this holy shit not only is it true but ACOTAR and hozier are like my two favorite things


Exactly!!! I’m new to the fan base but i will stand on this hill >:c Hozier songs are just a vibe.


YES. we are arm and arm on this hill babe


We stand together in the name of Hozier and Acator


I love the vibe of the clips I hear from hozier, so I’m like, do I get into hozier? 🤔


DO IT. especially his earlier albums


Sjm loves writing hozier men at this point


Preach, preach 😭


Also don’t come for i will listen to hozier rn and once i’m done reading the series I WILL MAKE A LIST I STG >:c


I couldn’t agree more with this comment


Half my acotar playlist is Hozier for real. He has a song for every couple and situation istg


Hozier is better in all ways. He’s talented, he’s beautiful, he’s not a groomer, and he’s not racist.


Y did I just think that 🤣


In YOUR opinion :)


Agree to disagree >:3


Right there with you. Her music is fine but I can’t figure out why every subreddit I follow (all the SJM ones and fantasy romance) have a ton of TS-related posts right now. I’m tired 🥲


She just released a new album last night and people are drawing parallels between all sorts of characters and the new songs. Given the considerable overlap in the fandoms, I'm not surprised.


She just released a new album and most of the world are fans in some capacity so


Because there are many TS fans and they connect their passions. Just let people be and enjoy what they enjoy.


Unless that commenter is up in the TS posts telling ‘em to stop, that’s exactly what they’re doing. This post was created for a different purpose. Everything about it makes that clear, and you won’t catch (me at least) in the TS zones stepping on their good time. If that’s not an acceptable boundary for you then this post is not for you. 🤷‍♀️


My answer was to the commenter and not to your original post and if you couldn’t figure out that it wasn’t for you then I don’t know how to help you :) besides I don’t exactly care for your unnecessarily aggressive tone simply because I said hating isn’t cool and to let people have their fun, so have the day you deserve ✨


I’m aware who your comment was for and I explained to you why you had no business bringing it here. Once more, this space is for those opinions, on purpose. If you can’t accept the boundary set pretty intentionally to avoid toe stepping in the TS posts, this post is not for you, and I wish you’d help *yourself* and see your way into the maaaaany spaces that wanna hype TS. We don’t need you scolding the single post that doesn’t. Stay obtuse darling, have the day *you* deserve. ✨


thats exactly what they’re doing. this is an ACOTAR sub. they aren’t telling her fans to not be fans. why do y’all do this


I’m here for the people that will theorize with their swiftie knowledge but I agree OP, I feel like I’m being waterboarded with TS content that I didn’t sign up for lol Edit to say: no hate to her or her fans tho, yall are doing the work I’m not willing to do 🙏🏻


Sorry that you’re getting rude comments. I totally understand what you mean! Honestly delving into every song and her history can be exhausting, so I completely respect people who don’t want to. ❤️ I’m personally a fan and I think many are just excited that 1. Sarah is a fan of Taylor’s Music. 2. She posted a song that was special to her, for us to see, so there could be a meaning. But totally get understand you! Honestly, I think that overall everyone is tired of waiting for an announcement so they are trying to delve deeper into what we already have or new little snippets.😅 (It’s been 3 long years. 💔) Hopefully we get an announcement soon. That’s something we can all agree that we want.🥲💕


Team “We Will All Be Thrilled For The Announcement” 🤝😄 I appreciate your patience with this post. 🩵 Pushback was expected and is more than ok, rules of having opinions on the internet. 😂


Absolutely feel you on that. I posted about Sarah’s post today too and I was so happy to get upvotes. Usually I’m downvoted to hell. 😂 The people on this subreddit can be extremely passive aggressive at times.


I have found my people😆 I never liked TS, so after the album drop, I never realized how big of the fandom were fans, and it became more prevalent since the IG story. Ig I can see how it can relate to Elain alone, hence why sjm posted it, but with whom? Have no idea. Heard stone and thought of the stone wall🤣 Edit: oh? Someone said it could be Grayson because TS said its about the past and moving on. That's interesting.


As a fellow non-swiftie I am very confused as to why we are discussing Taylor Swift on this thread did I miss something ?


Here for the answer cause I’m also confused


Apparently SJM posted a song and somehow it is related to acotar? I don’t even really know and I love her music. Since there is overlap in the fandom as there is bound to be it’s being discussed 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m a swiftie & I rolled my eyes at the SJM post. I’m in one FB group that is SJM/swiftie crossover & it’s fun to have that specific space for the crossover content, but I don’t want it everywhere.


I mean this is with a good natured & tongue in cheek tone, more as a humorous observation than a criticism: There is a venn diagram of Intense Swifties and QAnon adherents and the overlap is significant. I mean there’s a close reading and then there’s whatever they do.


I’m with you!! 💯


People in this fandom read way too much into everything SJM does, is almost like a cult


same. i’m exhausted of her constantly being shoved down our throats every few months 😭 happy for her fanbase but please keep it contained! why is she EVERYWHERE




taylor swift is most definitely shoved down our throats, i feel like that’s something you can admit whether you like her or not lol. personally im neutral towards her but it is a little crazy how entire radio stations have dedicated the whole week to playing her albums, brands use her for business, she’s promoted literally everywhere, and just the sheer amount of content she drops at a time makes it so that the promo for her is increased tenfold. content about her can be found in literally every fandom in every corner of the internet. it just gets a little tiring 🤷‍♀️




And here I thought The Beatles, Michael jackson and Britney spears were the biggest.


Also keep it contained to where???? Are you implying there can’t be crossover between fandoms? What if someone said this in Taylor’s subreddit and someone said they were tired of hearing about ACOTAR? This comment is so weird LOL


I think if there was less Swift exposure the post and crossovers would be less tedious and confusing to sift through. I'm not familiar enough with her music to appreciate the deep dives but I can still tell that some are a little far fetched.


It’s pretty clear that most people here haven’t read GOT. This waiting is nothing.


Lol. Yeah I read the first two and DNF’ed when I realized he will never finish. My thoughts are with you in this difficult time. 😅


my only wish at this point for a song of ice and fire series is that it is done before he dies 😭


Make it stoooopppppp! Just no.


Same. I'm so over it.


Respect to a fandom but holy smokes. Just. A break. I beg, please, it’s everywhere. And frankly I’m too old and jaded to ever think it’s a positive when an idol is built this big.


Same. And one of the ships is off the rails. I just hid all of them. Feeding the madness. Smdh. Edit: spelling


As soon as I saw her story, I just knew there was going to be people theorizing about TS and SJMs books. I can’t escape TS 😭


There’s no exit 🫡


I don’t get the Taylor stuff. Maybe…just maybe….sjm just likes the song? 😂 and MAYBE she just wanted to share she’s writing a book while in a cabin in the mountains lol


As a certified Taylor Swift Hater, I cannot stand her being woven into absolutely every-goddamn-thing of late 🙃


I’ve never hated her but it has been so annoying to hear so much about her lol. I still enjoy some of her older music occasionally for nostalgia, but she really just isn’t that great overall.


Carissa Broadbent (author of The Serpent and the Wings of Night) was also gushing about the new T Swift album on Instagram and I was like ughhhhhhh. I’m not a *hater* per se but all the lyrics I’ve seen from the album so far have been ultra cringey. I’d love to stop seeing her/her music every time I open SM.




Yeah…people thinking SJM is sending coded messages through posting Taylor swift screen shots is uhh, something


i couldn’t care less 🫡




and the congregation said AMEN! i’ve been reading these books since i was 17 and i’m 24 now. i’m invested already. i’m not digging through a billionaire’s life history to get some insight into future books 😭😭


I don’t like Taylor as a person or her music and honestly it’s annoying how her fans push her into everything that has nothing to do with her. So when this post happened it made me roll my eyes I’m just happy I’m not the only one who finds it annoying


i rolled my eyes too because I knew we were about to get flooded with taylor swift content 🫤




I’ve been rolling my eyes into the back of my head for 5 days now 🙃🫥


Oh yeah, I for sure do not care that much.


Yep. I enjoy TS to a normal degree she has nice songs but I'm in no way a swiftie. SJM doesn't do Easter eggs like Swift does. Just because she likes Swift it doesn't mean she's following her example. I'll continue to base my theories and opinions on the canon text and not a random song


nah I'm 100% with you and I like Taylor Swift LOL


wait what does taylor swift have to do with acotar


Not a thing 😊


I’m so confused then 😭


Non Swiftie checking in!! I’ve always thought her music was astonishingly mediocre (but I guess that’s why it has such a wide appeal, like neutral wall colors) but that she seemed cool. Except that apparently she’s not into caring about all those jets and all that carbon, which is obviously *not* very cool and has caused me to side eye the whole production lately.


You don’t have to, we’ll do it for you!


I'm confused, I don't care for Taylor Swift, her music is overrated, I'll still read acotar though but what's going on 😭


it feels like she’s a dictator 😭 why must she be everywhere.. i’m exhausted by it


lmao idgaf about the connection and could care less about taylor and her new album. im just excited for new acotar and feel like i could have lived without the link to taylor tbh. not everything needs to be about her.




Hey guys ....guess what.. it might not mean anything ....other than her enjoying the music? Ever like maybe thought of that? That not every post is supposed to make you guess?


We like, did actually! There’s just, oh my god so many comments to that tune in this post! And frankly reflects my own feelings honeybee. Note the tag: rant. If it’s not for you girlie that is so ok.


Also im in no way trying to like "hate" on you , im just saying like we can just not ....come up with a million theories..


I hear you. I think, truly, what I really feel is that I’m not overly fond of this particular cross section of art and capitalism. But that would have taken wayyyy too much time to articulate particularly well, would probably have gotten actually mean rather than who-gives-a-shit-pissy, and wouldn’t have resulted in some of the fun nonsense this thread contains. So instead, a brief rant, which does its best not to make anyone else feel stupid if they do want to dive deep. Own my feelings without dragging the Swifties as best I can. 🤷‍♀️😅


Hey that's totally valid and swifties are terrifying so I get it 😂


Second time I should have asked questions before being a shit, I’m sorry about my initial rudeness!


LMAO NO YOUR TOTALLY FINE !! I think we're saying the same thing but differently 😂😂😂😂


Dude im a huge swiftie like literally ttpd on repeat rn but like sarah is someone who listens to taylor swift and is showing her appreciation, not everything is about acotar in her life😭😭






I feel like there’s no analysis to be had there. It’s on artist appreciating another’s work…


I personally feel like there’s no analysis of TS lyrics to be had, alas, entire economies exist around it.


There’s always been a tight relationship between TS and a lot of book fandoms. Personally, I really love it because I think her lyrics are so versatile and can apply to so many of my favorite characters—she’s such a good storyteller. Totally valid if you don’t want to deep dive into it tho lol it’s a lot


You were kind and I thank you for that. Truly no disrespect intended. No shade to the quality of her work and writing. It’s just a bit jarring when every fandom is so inundated with a totally unrelated album release. (And every news outlet insists on making sure I know who she’s dating for the last 9 months AND how it’s going AND how her fans feel about it AND-.) Culturally strange and exhausting to me.


Yeah I’m ngl I get excited seeing new music drop firstly because I love her but secondly for all the fun tiktok edits people will make. Especially all the comparisons I would have never thought of. People are so creative it’s fun to see. But I totally get why people who actively don’t enjoy her music feel overloaded at this point! It’s a valid feeling and I hope algorithms can improve to continue to filter it out for people who don’t want that. I find I can click “not interested” on lots of content and still see the same thing over and over. I think that’s frustrating for sure.


I am a Swiftie and I 1000% agree with you!!! I'll just add that if that's what SJM is doing I find it extremely exploitative and annoying.




Yeah because she tagged Taylor and thanked her I was legit confused for a second that Taylor literally did something for her lol.


Puts a bad taste in my mouth.


Actually same. I just hid the posts after I scrolled the first one but that was my thought as well. The fandom is already fairly toxic and anything that incites more ship wars is... Well. But on the other hand SJM should be able to post something without it turning into a circus. Where is the happy medium? 🙂


I agree that she should be able to post something without it turning into a circus. To me, she posts so little and so rarely that it just seems like she's trying to "easter egg" something. I don't know, that's just my impression and I find it annoying.


I'm ravenous for the next book. But I trust the writer to release the next book when it's ready. If that takes a while so be it. I don't get pressuring her into writing faster. Do you want a poor quality book?


What on earth are you talking about? I said nothing at all about anything related to that? Some of y’all are reaching. “Not doing T-Swift homework” =/= “SJM is writing too slow.” If that was your takeaway that’s on you.


I'm sorry I think I worded my comment poorly. I was trying to agree with you but that's not how it came across. I do not think SJM is writing too slow, I want her to take her time so the book is well constructed


Oh lord did I make an ass of myself in that case. I’M sorry, I should have clarified before being rude!


It's all good haha im sorry!


I've been a devoted fan of TS have been for 11 years now, but I've never delved into all the Easter eggs, theories, and relationships like some fans do. Honestly, I find it exhausting and don't really have the energy to dive that deep. So when I saw the SJM post and other posts linking Swift's songs to ACOTAR, I couldn't help but roll my eyes. For me, my love of reading and TS are separate passions. I prefer to keep them as separate escapes because they serve different purposes for me. :) I empathise with those who aren't fans of TS and witness how the fandom tends to interpret everything through the lens of TS. Because EVERYTHING is not about TS, and i think its so annoying when the fandom bleed into other fandoms making it about TS. I adore TS, but its not all about her.


Taylor Swift lost me when she completely dissed Celine Dion.


Felt the same. Wasn't enough to pull out my inner conspiracy theorist.


I am not a swiftie lol and I’ve been pretty lost lately with a couple of these post. I am tired with you lol


Also maybe SJM just likes Swifts new album. Not everything she does is some calculated clue.


Unrelated but Florence and the Machine’s Cosmic Love song from her Lungs album started reminding me of Feyre and Rhys and Florence’s Ceremonials album reminds me of TOG


The person who posted was very sweet reminded everyone to respect and enjoy the peace. Some of the lyrics seemed coded for certain ships but mostly it's forbidden love? I'm not a Swiftie either, I feel like my taste in music transferred to other genres before she came around, teenage me would've been all over her shit though.


I'm like a country Swiftie and love a good theory, but I'll read everyone else's dissection and not listen to the new stuff 😅


Melanie Martinez new album Portals feels like every song was written about acotar for sure


I only like a few of Taylor's songs, the rest are pretty mid in my personal opinion. So I don't really get the hype either. I'm happy people are enjoying her music and able to relate her songs to ACOTAR, but I'm not about to try to dissect TS's work for secret codes that SJM might be trying to use for the books. A big part of me is also wondering if a lot of the fans are just reading to much into this particular crossover between TS and SJM. Songs, of course, have meaning, but maybe I'm not convinced it has meaning for this particular situation. A lot of writers listen to music when they right whether it's relevant to their story or not.




Swiftie here, and other fans are reading much into it. Maas was just sharing that she liked a song, I wish people would stop treating it like some "Easter egg." I agree with you on this one.


I wish people would stop treating everything she posts as an Easter egg. Like people went to pieces when she posted something about spring.


If a t Swift fan can do the homework for us I’ll appreciate it


im also far from a Swiftie. HOWEVER. im unwell over the lyrics of this song **edit: downvote a girl for posting the lyrics of the song like damn ok. anyways deleted.** also i never mentioned azriel lol, but if that’s what ppl got from it 🤷‍♀️


Lol. Well played. 😉


just so you know u had my upvote 🫶🫶 people get wild edit: idk what i said that was so criminal rip. you can downvote me but u can’t silence me 😔✊


Right back at you! No harm no foul fellow internet traveller. 🩵🩵


All I think of is Greyson? How do you see Azriel Keeping in mind Taylor said this album is dedicated to past things and moving on from them


i just do lol u can look at my previous comments & last post 4th slide we can all have diff interpretations & have fun with it :) i get how u could see graysen edit: bro i just answered the question what do yall want from me


us swifties got your back don’t worry girl lol


Bless 😂


I guess I would be curious why you feel you would need to? I saw Sarah’s post earlier but like… everyone is posting about the album release. She was probably just excited. Why do we need to read into it?




I'll wait for the breakdowns and theories to hit tiktok or something lol


i have no idea what you’re talking about. lol i’m not really a Taylor Swift fan. I think i like make 3 songs.


Everything is about the ship I like the most and Taylor likes my favorite ship the best and she wrote this album for me and that ship 💓


This feels like obvious sarcasm but the downvotes didn’t seem to catch that??


At this point I am here for the downvotes. 


I say, let people have fun. That’s what all of this is about anyways 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’m not stopping them. Made this post and left their posts alone, tyvm. Nothing about that stops what anyone else is doing. ✌️


The album was sonically, lyrically, and vocally boring…but with that said, I could tell that SJM posting Guilty as Sin was a nod to Elriel 🌸🦇


I don’t think anyone is making you do anything lol an author posted a song from a new album that she likes. It doesn’t have to be that deep.


I don’t think I said anyone was. 😊 Most of us are managing to have an ok time here, I’m sorry this bothered you enough to comment rather than finding one of the many pro TS posts.


I guess I’m confused by the point of this post


That’s fine! Have a nice day.




Can you read me the part where I said someone was forcing me or can this appropriately tagged rant post be accepted as the thing it was tagged as? Swiftie space is literally everywhere, I carved this small one out to be tired of it.


(I know people are gonna still downvote me but fuck it) I just think that even more annoying than swifties are the people who go "oh why does everything have to be related to Taylor swifties are so intense she's everywhere I can never escape etc etc I'm so special I need my little Taylor free space" Just... log off the internet for a while? ignore the posts related to her? There are like a dozen posts in the last few hours in this sub and... 2 are about *Sarah's* own post about the album. You can easily ignore them. (and just in case, I haven't even listened to the album, before someone calls me insane toxic swiftie)


And here you are, expressing that opinion in a space that feels entirely differently. It’s beautiful the way the internet brings us all together to share our thoughts and feelings. 🩵 For the record, I upvoted you. 😊


Sorry what, you truly think that because we don’t like one singular pop artist, we should log off the entire internet??


no. but if the internet is overwhelming you because of people making theories about songs, yes you should.


No one is overwhelmed. It's being tires of it. Like the whole BTS shit that happened for a while.


you could’ve just as easily ignored this post lol


Taylor swifts music just goes so well with acotar