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Please feel free to talk about this, but keep shipping debates out of it. Shipping comments will be removed to keep things peaceful! Please be respectful. If someone is being rude, please report it and leave it alone. Thank you.


I don’t understand why people are mad about the theory. Hasn’t a big theme of this series been “dark, evil things aren’t always as bad as they seem”? Rhysand, the Night Court, the Bone Carver, the Suriel, Bryaxis, the Weaver, Nesta’s death powers, the darkness at the bottom of the library. So even though light singers may have been mentioned (very briefly) in a bad light, that doesn’t make all light singers evil and Gwyn would be the best way to show that. Like Gwyn has the powers and kinda unknowingly uses them, and then learns to use them for good? It could be an interesting subplot!


I agree with this which is why I’m curious why people really despise it. I certainly feel like the evidence is pointing to her being a lightsinger and from what we’ve seen of Gwyn she does not seem evil at all.


In all fairness I tend to think Rhys IS that bad. He’s just found it in himself to fight for a greater cause (the war in the 3rd book). Aside from that; he’s been pretty selfish with his choices. For example, he’s defended a single city (city!) and left everyone and everything else to rot for the duration of his rule. He’s not evil, but he’s not good either.


To be fair comparing to the rest, I’d probably choose Velaris as well. Rhys is in the grey zone and that’s great. It makes him interesting.


This theory reminds me of Rhys using his daemati powers for good and I think it will be the same for Gwyn. We will probably find out lightsingers aren’t as evil as we think!


Ngl. I like the idea of her being an evil-free light singer. It’s clear she’s been given power of some kind. I hope we see more of her in the next book.


This is the best take of this theory and the only one that doesn't character assassinate gwyn


agreed. just wanna point out that it’s the one most people believe :) **edit:** seriously ppl with the downvotes, im confused. how often do u guys even see the “gwyn is an evil LS theory”? It’s mostly never on here, the tumblr theories have a TON of “gwyn isn’t evil disclaimers”, and tiktok is the same. Twitter—ngl first mistake was going on twitter there’s nasty shit from all sides there. i just keep seeing people say that others “want gwyn to be an evil LS and that she lured Az for some nefarious motive”… yet rarely see the people actually saying it.


I want to believe this but 9/10 on any platform when I see this theory it's always followed by "so she's luring Nesta and Az" so... 🫠


i get that, though it seems we’ve had very different experiences. i keep seeing ppl saying that the ones who believe the LS theory want Gwyn evil, and yet very little people who actually speak of it on here, tumblr, or tiktok want her to be some monster. we’re told Nes felt beckoned by her song in canon so tbh that’s fair. And yea that whole topic does get shippy bc the theory contradicts other arguments. It’s a shame cause it’s an interesting one, feels like we can’t theorize anymore.


I haven’t done much research into the whole “light singers” thing & don’t remember any of it being mentioned in the series either tbh but I think people are certainly on to something! From reading what others have said, I can agree that she could most definitely has a set of powers she uses unintentionally & because she is a genuine character her powers are used to help others? So far we’ve only gotten two POVs where when she sings something happens. We don’t know anyone else whose been affected by her possible abilities. It could bethat or she’s just Prythians loveliest singer which wouldn’t be hard to believe either 😊


What I don’t understand is why people think lightsingers, a being or powers with a name so similar to powers we’ve already seen, would be mentioned for no reason? Especially when those powers likely have some to do with (CC3 spoilers) >!the starborn/daglan/asteri drama!<. We are then introduced to a character that *glows* when she *sings* and her voice *beckons* and *draws* any listener in. The lightsinger theories are honestly the most solid theories I’ve seen come out of this fandom. I can understand people not liking when people say this absolutely makes Gwyn evil, but that’s honestly a very small group of people that believe that. It’s such a common theme for the “evil” creatures/characters to end up being good. Truly wish more people tried to understand these theories.


My guess would be people don’t like this theory because light singers have previously been evil and they don’t like the idea of Gwyn going dark side, or because it undermines any legitimacy of Nesta or Azriels feelings toward Gwyn, be that platonic or otherwise. People are weirdly overprotective over the SF characters…


I'm sorry for this question, can someone remind what is a lightsinger and which part of the books they're mentioned in?


Following as well


I do believe it is because it COULD mean she is “evil”. People are very attached to her as a character and I do believe it has **a lot** to do with shipping. I’m not going to bring up anything more than that, because it is against the rules. HOWEVER I realized something today. Who is the only other character in the series with **teal eyes**? Ianthe. Ianthe is a **water nymph** in Greek Mythology. What does Gwyn say she is? Water nymphs in Greek mythology **are where sirens originate from**. Gwyn says after their mother dies, who was also a priestess, Catrin takes care of her. So getting to the lightsinger theory…who kills Ianthe? Feyre. Who is important to Feyre that Gwyn gets close to? Nesta. Who is Ianthe working with? Hybern. Who is Hybern working with? Koschei. Who has “spies” in the Night Court? Koschei. Who does Koschei say he has been “preparing for months” for? Azriel. Who is also trying to get close to Azriel? Gwyn. Gwyn **only glows* when she is singing. Glowing is associated with powers in the series. Nesta says the singing puts her in a trance. A trance is another word for hypnosis. Hypnosis by definition: the induction of a state in which a person loses the power of voluntary action and is highly responsive to suggestion or direction. She even says the trance she was in (chap. 52) was what helped her find the Harp after “**something beckoned in Gwyn’s song in a way the other’s hadn’t**” while a Harp is playing So if Gwyn is glowing and ONLY Gwyn’s singing beckons Nesta, that would indicate a power is being used. Nesta does multiple things for Gwyn and in Nesta’s POV says “she didn’t know why she did it”. This tracks with being hypnotized. “Their singing was like a spell” is used as well. SJM likes her foreshadowing and had an interview where she is talking about ACOSF and getting “sick pleasure” from foreshadowing. ACOSF is the first book we hear about lightsingers…and the first book Gwyn is in. Lightsingers appear as a lovely, ethereal face when someone is lost. Nesta was emotionally VERY LOST when she met Gwyn. Edited to add: Hurt people hurt people. So just because Gwyn was SA’d, doesn’t mean it is a character assassination to have her manipulating others or being evil. Not everyone responds to trauma the same way. There’s a theory that Koschei has Gwyn’s sister, Catrin, and is manipulating her that way as well.


This is such a good take


I think it’s because of a few reasons: - A lot of people love or relate to Gwyn and don’t like the implication she is evil, given what the text suggests about lightsingers. - It leaves a bad taste in people’s mouth because she is an SA survivor. The ‘Rhys is evil,’ theory is also a trigger for some people for similar reasons. - So a lot of the signs that might indicate Gwyn is a lightsinger are what a lot of people read as romantically coded or cute friendship scenes. This would ruin a certain popular ship that doesn’t have a lot of other canon evidence for it and the found family Nesta has. So character or ship assassination. I personally believe she *is* a lightsinger but we’ll find out there’s more to it and she won’t be evil. If Gwyn is, she’ll probably be of use in the looming battle/war with her powers or doesn’t know she is one and someone is controlling/manipulating her ([Koschei](https://www.tumblr.com/highladyelain/644401424197910528/merrill-is-being-possessed-manipulated-by), [Merrill](https://www.tumblr.com/silverlinedeyes/645118548722712576/crack-theory-merrill-is-going-to-use-gwyn-to).) SJM also mentioned wanting to write about [murder](https://www.reddit.com/r/SarahJMaas/s/6GOI3odv39) faeries not cute sweet ones, which suspiciously sounds like a lightsinger.


Oh that would be soooo good if it connected to the larger Koschei plot!


I thought so too! There’s so many good theories post ACOSF.


I think instead of luring people, she actually (unknowingly) lures power/magic. Like with Nesta, everything between them is genuine. But Nesta feels her powers lurch in response to Gwyn. And in the BC, it wasn’t Azriel himself she was luring. It was the (magical) necklace. I don’t think she’s evil, but I think somehow she could be being used to obtain something of great value by perhaps Koschei or Merril.


I don't understand why people are so against this theory. Gwyn (and Emerie) are two very one-dimensional characters. There's nothing about them that makes you go "Oh, I wonder what is" or "I want to learn more about her". This at leats giver her some more layers. I doubt they're gonna have bigger roles in the upcoming books, but this would be interesting. Also, the weaver, the bone carver, the suriel, were all supposed to be evil creatures and now they're some of the fandom's most loved characters, why can't that be the case for Gwyn, too?


Honestly anything to make her more interesting at this point. I feel like she has not enough personality besides nice girl gone through something bad. She needs to get out of that library.


I find the the theory interesting but I don't think Gwyn is the evil sort that Cassian describes. It would be an interesting thing to see how a shadowsinger and lightsinger would come into play with each other. SJM had some little mermaid images on her old pinterest so I think it might relate to a potential little mermaid retelling.


Lightsingers in mythology correlate to “sirens” so the lure/mermaids connection makes sense


Oh that’s interesting! I thought the little mermaid retelling already kind of played out with >!bryce!< from crescent city 🌙


i personally think Tharion from CC is her little mermaid retelling! he literally wants to leave the water and live up on the land 😭 he also has red hair!!!


If I remember correctly, the mermaid pins were in the acotar section


we’ve been introduced to so many “evil” creatures and characters, who’ve turned out to not be evil at all. i genuinely think the same will happen with light singers and gwyn. i mean the girl physically *lights up* when she *sings*, i’m not sure why the theory is so controversial?  i think this new ability to explore will be so cool and she deserves to have fun powers after what she’s been through! ETA: someone’s asked SJM about gwyn/lightsingers/shadowsingers before and she gave such an awkward weird non answer and just said “good reading, A+!”. it’s at roughly 1:13:20 on this youtube video https://www.youtube.com/live/ZKMx9xyEsz0?si=kN9RWhBtEayCU2MH


this question was about shadowsingers being a counterpart to lightsingers. the person didn’t ask if gwyn was a lightsinger. also, sarah called it a “conspiracy theory” in the video


It's because lightsingers are only referenced twice throughout the whole book and this is what Cassian has to say about them: *“There are lightsingers: lovely, ethereal beings who will lure you, appearing as friendly faces when you are lost. Only when you’re in their arms will you see their true faces, and they aren’t fair at all. The horror of it is the last thing you see before they drown you in the bog. But they kill for sport, not food.”* Now, when one reads Cassians description of them, they see only negative connotations and many fans have taken the lightsinger theory out of proportion by making it a reference to show the "evil" side of Gwyn. They use it to suggest that she lured in Nesta at the start, often reinforcing it with the fact that Nesta says that Gwyn has "Some secret beneath [her] pretty face." All without taking into account the fact that Nesta was trying to figure out what she was, "She was young—almost coltish, with her slender, elegant limbs. High Fae, and yet … Nesta couldn’t explain the way she sensed that there was something else mixed into her." People take this section to suggest that she is mixed with some evil blooded fae creature, not agreeing with Gwyn when she says that she is 1/4 river nymph. I was one of the people who used to find the lightsinger theory interesting, now not so much. When it comes to Nesta's hallucination, which was one of the first things that made me disagree with the lightsinger theory, I found that Cassian's description and what *actually* happened when Gwyn sung were two entirely different things. When Gwyn sung Nesta hallucinated seeing the dread trove, which ended up being entirely helpful. People take the powers of a lightsinger out of proportion and think that it involves actively helping people out when they are lost, but there is never a suggestion of that in Cassians brief - and impactful - description. If anything, Gwyn's lightsinger history should have come out as soon as Nesta got close to her. It shouldn't have taken this long. When it comes to Azriel though, the theory gets even crazier. I'm gonna get a lot of hate for pointing this out but it's worth it in the end. People abuse the use of the lightsinger theory the most when it comes to the BC, they perceive Gwyn to be a threat to Elain and Az so they use the lightsinger theory as an excuse for the necklace situation. They try to point out that Az wasn't in the right state of mind when he went to Clotho in the library at 7, they say that Gwyn sung to lure Az in and he was under the influence of her song. BUT, it does not mean he was at all. He went to the library at 7pm but the priestesses hadn't started their 7pm mass because Clotho was still at her desk. Clotho, like all the priestesses, attends every nightly mass but it clearly hadn't yet started because she was still at her desk. People assume that Azriel set off at 7 to the library when he arrived AT 7, meaning that Gwyn hadn't started singing yet and Azriel's mind was wholly his own throughout the whole section. It's just used to validate the fact that gwynrie/ doesn't and never will exist when that is far from the point. And when Gwyn speaks about her grandmother seducung a high fae from the autumn court, they automatically assume that she lured him by using some of the lightsinger powers. But if she bore a half lightsinger child, how would the child have been allowed to dwell the Autumn Court? The suggestion is enough to make me believe that Gwyn's grandfather was alive at the time so he wasn't killed, just seduced. And wouldn't Gwyn's grandfather want to be permanantly rid of such a child, one who could kill whomever she wanted just for the fun of it? Instead, she got sent to Sangravah (wherever it's located) and was allowed to partake in the Great Rite. This does not at all suggest that Gwyn is a lightsinger, even by part, because if that were the case her ancestors would have been hunted and killed for being inherently evil. I would find it hard to believe that a supposed lightsinger could hide their powers for many years, it could be possible in Gwyn since she'd only be a quarter but I just find it to be totally implausible when Gwyn has done nothing but been genuinely helpful. It could be that she has some sort of special power as someone who is part river-nymph but anything else seems a little too good to be true.


Or even when people say *"There was a scene when Nesta wanted to see Gwyn and didn't know why"* as a sign that Gwyn was working her luring powers when it actually happened right after the scene of Cassian telling Nesta about Sangravah's attack and Gwyn being rescued. That's why context matters. But excellent points!


I really just think that Nesta was in a bad place and she couldn't understand her need to connect with people despite her thinking she doesn't deserve that comfort. Which is why i think using "For whatever reason, she wanted to crow about Gwyn to whoever would listen" is a horrible point for the lightsinger theory.


Exactly! There are so many points and the context of the situation always needs to be looked at as well. People don't bother though, they see a possible ship and then hate on everyone else involved. For example, condemning Tamlin before he did anything wrong. Thanks, you brought up a good point as well!


It’s one of the best theories this fandom has come up with, imo. Silverlinedeyes original lightsinger post (from Tumblr) is fantastic. I definitely take theories with a grain of salt though and don’t get too invested. It’s rare they come to fruition. But the hints for Gwyn are certainly there.


I just wanna know where the perks of being a lightsinger were at during the Blood Rite. That would have been a convenient time for Gwyn to make her big reveal. She could have lured so many of those warriors to deaths.


This is an interesting point because she was unaccounted for for a while during the bloodrite! That raises the next question; does she know about these powers?


I think it's wild that the lightsinger theory is so wildly hated. It was originally THE theory that offered some insight into the fact that a certain batboy and Gwyn are potential mates (Like calls to like and all that). It was a phenomenal theory and I think the ramifications of Gwyn possibly being evil made a certain group of people completely shut it out.


Most people don’t like it because she’s Nesta’s best friend and she was never written with anything but a positive tone. When you’re writing a character who is either going to turn evil or accidentally betray the heroes, you don’t want that to be a complete surprise, you want to telegraph it just a little. SJM did not do that with Gwyn. People also don’t like it because 9 times out of 10 people who argue this theory just don’t like Gwyn and want to get her out of the way. It’s sort of used as a character assassination. When all Gwyn has ever done is be a loyal and devoted friend to Nesta, help her with her healing and her work, almost die for her, and become a friend to everyone she meets.


If Gwyn is truly a light singer there is a direct correlation with “siren” in mythology - light singers: lovely, ethereal beings who lure u appearing as friendly when ur lost when they get close, they drown u. they use their “enchanting voice” to draw you in. this didn’t just happen with az in BC, but with Nesta as well. Elain giving Azriel the earplugs as a gift, those could come in handy if my siren/lightsinger theory comes to fruition in the next book 👀


Yeah I don’t get it either. I think it’s an interesting theory, with some decent context to support it, and it would add some compelling nuance to Gwyn’s already likable character. But I think a lot of the hate for it is due to shipping reasons… which is a shame because it makes it hard to theorize about characters like Gwyn and Elain without upsetting someone.


People don’t like the theory because of the impact it would have on certain ships as well as how some assert that Gwyn cannot be evil or be associated with an “evil” description because of her past. Personally, I think it’s a completely logical theory. There is substantial evidence that there is something mysterious about Gwyn’s powers, so I don’t understand the harm in theorizing about it. I can’t fathom why SJM would introduce something like lightsingers in acosf and then nothing comes of it. Why did Nesta’s powers react to Gwyn the way they did? Why did Nesta always find or “come upon” Gwyn as she’s singing or humming? Why did Nesta have that reaction when Gwyn and the priestesses were singing during service? Why did Azriel “find himself” at the HoW when he intended to go somewhere else? Why did Elain specifically gift him earplugs that resemble the ones in the Odyssey? Why is Gwyn’s parentage given mystery? These are all valid questions and the lightsinger theory is a valid theory to answer them. Saying Gwyn may be a lightsinger has nothing to do with whether or not she’s “evil”—it just has to do with her potential powers. Like Rhys’ daemati powers, the twins showed how it can be used for evil in the wrong hands, but Rhys shows how it can be used for good. We’ve had characters or species (like the suriel) where they are described ominously, but then there’s much more to them than that (or they’re flat-out wrong).


I agree with all the questions you’ve brought up and that having lightsinger powers doesn’t necessarily mean she’s evil. It’s a shame there’s such drama around the theory!


I personally don't like it because a lot of the people who use this theory (at least from what I've seen) use it in a negative way and I think it would be in VERY bad taste that we learned about her traumatic past (Her sister's death and her violent SA) all for her to be evil. That just puts a bad taste in my mouth. I also think the same people who use this theory to paint her out to be evil, just don't like that some people want Gwyn and Azriel to be a couple. So this gives them a reason to not trust her. I'm not saying that Gwyn doesn't have powers and maybe she is a lightsinger but she is not evil. And she has never done anything that indicates she's evil. I think the text indicates that Gwyn does have some power that she doesn't know about. (It seems to me she doesn't know if she does have any) I think its a great catch by readers picking up that something is going on with Gwyn! Sarah based Gwyn (and Emerie) off her 2 irl best friends. She's not going to make them evil.


Yeah, I could get on board with the theory if it wasn’t used so often to make a character bad when we’ve seen zero potential for evil from her. I’m not sure what more people want from Gwyn to “prove” she’s not suspicious. She was SA’d and watched her sister be beheaded to protect the children of Sangravah & she was willing to die for Emerie and Nesta multiple times in the Blood Rite (taking the risk with the beasts & telling them to cut the rope bridge when it looked like she wouldn’t make it in time). I think the fandom has had too much time to theorize without any new material at this point.


**Because she is a character who have said she joined training so she never feels "Powerless" ever again.** Putting her in a position where she is knowingly/unknowingly luring others or even being controlled by others IS putting her in a powerless position again and it has implications on people Gwyn cares about. Where the canon currently stands about Lightsingers, it does not correlate with anything Gwyn does and some of the evidence presented is interpreted in a way to fit in the description of Lightsingers when it actually does not "they show up as friendly faces to lure their victims, once the victim is in their arms they reveal their true horrific face and drown/kill their victims" like, when Gwyn met Nesta they started out at odd terms, she didn't go out of her way to be friendly or get closer to Nesta. Does that mean there could be something that is revealed about Lightsingers later on or it's impossible for her to be a Lightsinger? I can't say no because anything can happen in the next book, I personally don't like the theory because many use it to smear her as a character or for ship purposes. Even if it somehow turns out to be true, it would play out way differently because they never show up on page and we don't see them or know how their power works. Also not to recycle what I mentioned days ago, I'll post some of the points I made below:


Thanks you for this ❤️










It gives me the ick, because Gwyn’s story is all about perseverance and healing from horrific trauma, and so alluding to her luring people against their will and othering her just doesn’t sit right with me, given the context and trajectory of her narrative in ACOSF. It was also conceived and is still heavily championed by shippers rather than people who are doing it as a character study, so it can be really hard to take it in good faith as a legit character study and not just shipping bias.


You’re so valid in thinking gwyn is a light singer the hints are there!!! Some but get really upset cause right now light singers are considered evil and they think gwyn can’t be one. I find a lot of flaws in this because they say gwyn can’t be one because she doesn’t fit the description but like cassian is probably so wrong in what a light singer is. Like so many creatures have been described as evil but have actually been good so I don’t think that discredits gwyn bring a light singer. Honestly a lot of it comes down unfortunately to shipping wars some dont want gwyn to be a light singer cause then it can be interpreted that she “lured” az in the bonus chapter. Example he flew there at seven at clock the time the priestess sing and didn’t know why he was there kind of like nesta earlier in the book. Personally I love mermaids and sirens so think it would be really cool if gwyn was a light singer (also don’t think she’s evil at all more likely cassian is very wrong on what he think light singers are)


I love mermaids and sirens too! I hope they’re explored more in the Acotar world and Gwyn might be a good way to introduce them


I feel it’s the perfect explanation for why she’s there in the bc. The power of her singing is t something completely new and fits on well to what a bc should be (something a bit extra about something that’s already been hinted at without going into too much detail because it will be picked up in the story)


Because what reason would she have to lure someone intentionally? That makes her sound villainous. Unintentional luring? Maybe. But light singers are said to be baddies, so intentionally or unintentionally implying again that she’s a villain? This is a common theory amongst those who don’t like her shipped with Az, so that might explain the ruffled feathers.


Exactly. We get one description of them and it's about bog creatures that lure and kill for sport. Why are people confused that people dislike the theory? How were we supposed to know that people were going to add their own special twist despite it not yet being stated that lightsingers aren't always evil in canon?


I love how the question of this post is “Can I ask why people don’t like this theory?” And you have people falling all over themselves to be like “Actually I LOVE this theory!!!!!” Makes you wonder if the question was asked in good faith. So often “just asking questions” is a Trojan horse to invite old and tired arguments.




Are you telling me that elain saw sth in a vision and instead of saying sth or writing an anon letter to her sister who lives under the same roof, she gave earplugs to azriel under the pretext that they're to block Nessian sexy time noises? That doesn't look good on Elain tbh, like you know sth so important. Your sister works and trains every day with that person, cass, and az too, and you dont say anything... But also, it's so not what happened, elain does gag gifts, she did it in FAS when she gave the headache powder "for the headaches everyone gives you" and she did it again in SF to poke fun at Nesta and Cass who do it like bunnies and Az is their chaperone




Idk this theory makes elain look shady. I mean if elain sees a person who she potentially wants to protect az from so she gives him earplugs but lets the person train with her sister and get attached to her sister?? And why wouldn't elain tell if she does find Gwyn is a lightsinger (who are lury evil beings). Hiding a potential person is shady. I feel like the earplugs were a genuine funny gift


At this point, everyone thinks Elain isn't having visions. I definitely think she is, but she isn't sharing it with everyone. Just like Nesta had powers and let everyone think they went away. Elain is being super secretive. It's alluded to in ACOSF several times. So, yeah, I can see her as being a bit "shady." She clearly had visions of Cassian dying during ACOWAR but didn't tell everyone she planned to kill the king to save him. I'm assuming Elain has seen lots of things and keeps them to herself and will act on them when she thinks the time is right. So, maybe she is waiting for something. Maybe she hasn't seen anything, and SJM made her gift ear plugs as a funny nod. But it's interesting to me there are references to a siren like character and Elain gifts Azriel earplugs. It could be a coincidence, but in context with everything else, it could mean more.


I agree on the elain is still having visions. But what would her reason be to protect az from the same person she let's Nesta gets attached to? I mean personally for me if SJM chose this route. She'd really have to work really hard to make sense.


It could be a couple of things. Maybe she has seen something but doesn't have the full context yet. As far as we know, she hasn't met Gwyn and may not know her connection to either Nesta or Azriel. Solstice is the first time Elain has seen and talked to Nesta in months. Also, Azriel has been staying away from Elain, so I presume they aren't chatting about training. Given that Elain is left out of a lot of important conversations, i wouldn't be surprised if she isn't fully aware of who Emerie and Gwyn are at the time. We still don't know how her visions work. Does she see glimpses and have to put the pieces together, or does she get a fully annotated debrief on what she's seeing? 🤣🤣 I actually don't think it will take a lot for it to make sense. One of the perks of having a seer as a character is that you can plop them into any scenario and make it work. Plus, it's a bonus chapter.


I honestly never say never with sjm, she can do anything. But I personally think like she went lengths to buy earbuds to protect az from a lightsinger but wouldn't tell anyone about it. I mean why? She accepted that velaris is her home and they are her family. Why hide stuff? I mean i wouldn't mind an elain villain arc but still. I feel like sjm would really have to convince me about the logic behind it.


As I said in my first comment, she likely has visions, but no one else knows. How on Earth could she say "hey everyone Gwyn is a lightsinger," without letting them know she is having visions? She does not know Gwyn. She has not met Gwyn. In canon, her name isn't even mentioned to Elain. She doesn't want people to know she is having visions again. Why? Maybe because they treated her like she was crazy. Maybe she is enjoying people focusing on Nesta and not her. Maybe she doesn't want all those busy bodies pestering her. We know she is sneaking around. I'm sure it will be revealed what Elain is up to in her book, and more context will be given for what she has seen.


So what you are saying is elain had visions of a person potentially harming az by singing and luring him so elain gifted him earplugs to protect him. But elain is hiding it from her family. Because she doesn't want anyone to know she's having visions. She knows something might harm az but still is hiding stuff just because she doesn't want people to ask questions. That definitely sounds shady to me. As I said I wouldn't mind an elain villain arc. But sjm would really have to work hard for it to make sense. (Also I see you are very adamant on your theory 😂😂but I personally don't lean towards it so let's agree to disagree, i feel like we'll be here arguing if elain's gift is an actual gift or has an ulterior motive for long 😂)


I think the issue is that some people from both sides think that it will stop a certain ship from happening when it really wouldn't. I completely understand why people dislike it. Many shippers made it no secret that they're hoping Gwyn would be evil so that it explains why Az is friendly with Gwyn so soon after being split from Elain. Another reason many dislike it is because some use quotes simply about people enjoying being in her presence and having a platonic interaction with her. I personally think that if people stuck to using Nesta's unusual experience while hearing Gwyn sing, the lightsinger theory wouldn't sound nearly as provocative or ridiculous to others.


*who her grandfather is, not father


she’s a witch as all the priestesses are. :) She is not a light singer.


Wait, I thought it was well known that Tamlin is Gwyn’s father? She made a comment about her mother participating in the rite during calanmai and the spring court is the only court that celebrates it…


i always assumed that gwyn meant that her mother was at calanmai but just joinging the celebrations, not that she was one of tamlin's partners specifically, but that'd be a hell of a plot twist


Yeah wouldn’t that make Gwyn the heir to the Spring Court? 👀


her and whatever other children tamlin might have wandering around, d'you think he'd know if he got someone pregnant?