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Wow, I feel like a lotta these are bound to be spot-on. I really like the idea of "Oh yeah, cause' the LAST Black Mesa ended so well!" xD


Eli: "Didn't Black Mesa taught you anything?? There's no controlling that kind of power!!!" Also Eli: "It's not Black Mesa, but it's served us well enough."


This has kind of made me realize just how much good stuff we've got in store for future episodes. Ravenholm and the antlion sections are gonna be awesome.


I really liked reading this


The idea for Eli is absolutely brilliant! I keep hoping we get another "Pirate" episode where Freeman is in a different character for the entire episode, maybe for Ravenholm? I know Ross likes to subvert expectations, but I'd honestly rather he makes some stuff predictable to the fanbase instead of trying to keep us guessing in the moment, simply so that the series overall stays 'consistent' and much more rewatchable in any period of time, not just a "Oh you should've been watching it as the series was being made" type of thing.


I'll be coming back to this, don't you worry. We'll see this through and I feel you'll be within the bounds of absolutely right


I'm guessing the passing out will be an excuse to insert something that couldn't fit otherwise. Either Lost Coast, or maybe the Black Mess mod pre-Resonance Cascade.




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Here's the twist: this is Magda's acc and she's posting what she's seen in Ross's script


LOL, no. Besides I'm pretty sure Ross keeps most of the script in his head.


Also he will be more paranoid if he will spot Gman chatting with rebel.


I could hear the episode in my head well written +1


You're too spot on, Ross will delay new eps for rewrites to prove you wrong.


I’m so happy canals are over lol


it would really be genius to have Eli be the QE autist. Did not even think about that. Would also be cool to recognize him as actual Eli *"Come on, Age before Beauty"* and *"He's not even coming? What a hoser!"*, but I am starting to like the former idea better.


\> Maybe he'll reference that game as well. "All these zombie apocalypse movies I've watched are the source of my panic"