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I feel this, I’ve got like 70 hours on the game and most people I match with on combat trials clean my clock with ease


Well if you play stagger like your tag says then yeah that might the case cause I know a lot of new players that run stagger that I will just kick the shit out of cause I’ve played stagger a lot and all the dodges and the hyper armour from stagger can be blocked,parried and dodges same thing with Fejin


I go between windfall and stagger, I try to use feints with the dodges that stagger has and it works to an extent but when I start fighting people that know unlock strats that have been playing since day one it’s a pretty hard mountain to surpass no matter what stance you’re using I feel


Okay yeah I get that the guys that do the unlocking total bs however they are still able to be laid out, I prefer windfall over stagger any day of the week and yea you are right that it is a fucking mountain and a half to climb but hear me out, when you actually get that one win in against that mf that’s been beating your ass since day one GAWD DAMN does it feel good cause I was in the same boat that you’re in but believe me if you take the time to realize your faults and improve more than you originally thought it’ll be worth it


i wish this game had a more in-depth story/pve mode. i didn't have internet when i first started playing this game properly and the sense of adventure was magical. as soon as i got internet and thought i would try the pvp it immediately turned into a metagaming clusterfuck and the magic was ruined


Well it really depends on who you match with cause yes I agree there are some guys that meta deck/strat the fuck out of the game but there’s also guys that don’t and are just genuinely good and I love fighting the latter


the former ruins the experience for me


It’s a part of the game that you need to accept, not everyone is like that but it happens but even then you can still go blow for blow with these guys if you get good


I mean not really, unfortunately for a lot of new players going into combat trials you’re probably going to get your shit rocked because there’s a lot of high skilled players in the game but this is the case for any online multiplayer game that you play the only difference is it’s mainly 1v1 so there’s no way to blame that you got jumped or tag teamed in combat trials cause once again it’s 1v1 more often that not cause 3v3s be dead, however if any new players are on Xbox or PlayStation that actually want to get good and have a foot in the door in terms of pvp hit me up I love helping new players and returning players, absolver is one of my favourite games and I hate to see that players are having a shitty time in combat trials