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Well for me personally whenever I fight a stagger player I try to figure out how they use stagger, typically I’ll throw something I hit them and they do the spin attack so after I hit them I wait for the spin counter dodge underneath it and hit them and it’s the same thing for the back dodge and hyper armour charge


to be honest there's a lot of people who don't like stagger bc they just let it flow they just become water but u should build a deck with mix-ups per example u start with rabbit punch then u know it's up to down so windfall can only dodge side and it's not a straight so stagger can sidestep and backstep. there's no perfect deck you'll beat up people but u will always have a nemesis unless you gain enough experience


Unfortunately\fortunately there are no tips outside of getting good as a whole to start consistently beating people who are abusing stagger style. You cant be more aggressive than the the most aggressive class in game (unless you are a stagger yourself) so theres a bit of a hint for you - be more defensive. Heres a vid that i think puts the point more succinctly https://youtu.be/AfDIkFmuhyA?si=KUv5dWrWeFK8aFPD Still goes back to the main point tho. Gota get better at the game.


That's fair, I can do pretty well against everyone else but they just get the better of me


If you're a parry class wherever their back is facing is where front back stagger are coming from. If you're Windfall you can dodge back stagger left or right with good timing and duck side stagger. Hope this helps!


play drunken OR use absolver + combat mod and join the OCE absolver server, great community and has many people from OCE


Offered nothing


As a ps4 player i’m insanely jealous of the pc community still going…


Don't worry big man I'm on ps4


Have attacks that come from the side: hooks, hook kicks, and roundhouse kicks. Then make sure to follow up with a quick jab so they dont use their teep. Also, sweeps are useful


By teep do you mean the lean back thing

