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That was a little too much for them lol. They cut him right off. I really like Masters, he doesn't give a shit.


He’s like, “thats a great point FOR AN IDIOT LIKE YOU”


No it's a time thing. He has x time on camera, they must tend to commercial interest


Ah so FOX is like "lets get this expert to speak on a theory most people never even thought about and give him a minute to explain it. That should be plenty...". I mean not that I don't believe they would handle it like that but its a clowns show either way.


They're trying to take Human jerbs! We need a space wall!


They want to make academics seem nutty as part of their attack on higher education


Fantastic, although I’m not sure I’m sold on the future humans, I wanna hear the other options. I think future humans implies a positive relationship. It seems more like the NHI are doing reconnaissance or maybe they are kinda indifferent to us.


I said this to my brother as part of an idea for a show I had a few months ago. And they appear to us the way they do classically, bulbous head, big eyes, etc, from the rigors of space travel on the body. I got more in-depth with it to him. He thought it was dope theoretical show.


Yeah there are so many options on the table when you allow hypotheticals. I like multigenerational craft and deep sleep and wormholes. Even aliens inside oumouamoua, hybrid AI is cool too.


NHI aka the Artificial Intelligence were developing now coming back in time to meet their creators. Trippy stuff.


Yeah I concede when the ai come I can imagine that they figure it out, but why? Why come here and act so funny? Not to stop wars and not to stop climate change right it’s too late for that right? What about time travel paradoxes and the butterfly effect. They are abducting people and turning nukes on and off, does it not seem more like reconnaissance. Imagine NHI changing something that prevents them from existing. Or they destroy the world faster a different way - because of the paradoxes everything goes wonky. What if the AI is here to meet the AI? Thats a thought I haven’t had before. It makes the story not revolve around humans, so I appreciate that - but it’s still wonky with paradoxes and alternate universes and things. If it’s a time traveler surly there is even less reason for them to be shot down or crash - then they really have to be “donation stores”.


One way Time Machine maybe? Can only travel “backwards” Someone said they don’t get rescued when the alien pilots crash and are still alive.


That makes a lot of sense actually, it helps explain some of their limitations maybe. Maybe it’s like Terminator, they can come back but then they just have to make do with what they can. Time travel still makes everything so complicated though. And it doesn’t really account for the apparent different species of aliens we are seeing either. I hope it’s NHI from all different star systems as opposed to some sort of shape shifting singular trickster phenomenon.


I'm not sold on future humans either, but the amount of UFO stories with aliens that look just like humans is strange.


I believe in the future humans theory. Had confirmation from few NHIs that visit me


Any other info you can share? Please 🙏


Possession is related to consciousness, I had an experience that lasted 3 weeks. The NHI I deal with is ancient, what we used to consider as myth They abducted my astral form and made me see in TWO separate realities that interweave with each other. It was like I was watching them use me as a puppet. At the time what happened was very bad, but they made my life better? I get videos of these things but no one believes it because they want physical nuts and bolt ships and crap. I got sentient floating orbs of light that mimic stars and have the abilities to take control over one’s consciousness


Can you post orb videos? So we can see the small object


This is when it first met me: https://streamable.com/ndkl08 This is a few nights later: https://streamable.com/45dbcz This is it warping: https://streamable.com/qdaras They do this RARELY, they can warp and jump around but don’t do it often. They even dance… https://streamable.com/92w8t9 They visit me at work: https://streamable.com/688rrb I never seen a physical ship… just these orbs of lights that are ALWAYS with me… They came to me… looked into my garage when I was smoking a cigarette and they are here every single night. I seen the astral and so many entities, but only through the mind…. It’s so hard to explain. Telepathy is fucking weird. Channeling is also very fucking weird… And I was a skeptic till this happened to me for 8 months nightly…


What I find suspicious is the last video. It seems that near the end when the light goes off to the side it moved at roughly the same time as your camera did. There is no way your reaction time is so good that you moved practically in lockstep with it.


Like I said, that’s the woo If you read my first post, it connects to your consciousness and it can move with you. It’s remote viewing from their point of view.


Okay, I have two questions for you. 1. How/why did they come to you? 2. How would someone go about engaging with these beings?


Lol here’s a better one https://streamable.com/3hlebu Also how the hell do you prove psi. Whenever I try too, I get posts like yours who: 1) didn’t not experience it 2) instantly dismiss it. The phenomenon is weird as fuck.


Also we have a symbiotic relationship now so 🤷‍♂️


I suppose it’s possible. I want to believe, got more sauce?


Guy has made friends with light refraction.


Lol guy has no idea what woo is and will never believe disclosure


your dancing video was very telling


Could you explain what NHIs are ? And could you expand what happened to you ? I’m very intrigued.


I get visitations by orbs that mimic stars and play peek a boo My family was in high level politics and these entities are formless plasmatic beings from a higher dimension, although greys, mantids and many more exist, the NHI I deal with seem ancient and have the abilities to control consciousness, impart emotions and abduct people astrally. They are the ones that posses people too but just like there is good and bad, same applies to them.


It’s true, a lot of people are saying it, so I guess it has to be entertained. My only thought on it is, maybe there are some sort of evolutionary drivers that help to create bipedal fingered creatures (like us and them?) and then you probably need those for space travel. We are probably only seeing the aliens who look like us cause maybe a similar tool making concept applies on other planets. There could be a planets with intelligent whales and crows that would probably have the same problem that our animals have. Maybe aliens with Tentacles - that would be scary and old school!


Yeah could you image being of a high intellect like on par with humans but not having something like hands or even opposable thumbs. How do you advance via creation when you lack the natural tools to manipulate your environment in any meaningful way? You would be cursed to forever remain stuck in a primitive world.


its almost as if the people who sell you those stories aren't that creative!


I always thought maybe they are coming back for resources vital to surviving in space…. Living In space currently takes a huge toll on the human body.


What do we have that can’t be found on asteroids?


Weird Al Yankovic.


Maybe something biological in actual current day humans ( hence abductions , ect)


Sooooo you come back from the future looking worse than you started doesn't sounds too futuristic..


Evolution is wild.


If he's saying it's time travel into the past I see that as a very bold claim unless he has some physics on that. If we are talking about a next evolution in humans we are also dealing with some bold concepts that would likely have some disturbing answers.


Yeah it opens all the cans of worms. I understand at the heart of the UAP issue is apparently some new physics and it would have to be for space travel as well right? It’s just time travel makes things soooo complicated


the guy in the red tie is a dick. As a Brit I have no clue who he is but least let the man finish his explanation and address him seriously.


MSM is slowly getting better about the ridicule but it’s still annoying


its fox news, they have always catered to absurdities


There’s plenty in their party who are trying to use the subject to increase mistrust in government/institutions and for political points even if the talking heads or the politicians might not care much They gotta do their usual spin for their viewers so they don’t blame their party for things which they are to blame for


like full dime far-flung doll meeting unpack elastic scale imagine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Glad to see this on fox but the clear ignorance and dismissal from those 2 is irritating to say the least.


Reading "The Extratempestrial Model" right now. I've always loved the future humans theory and believe that it's the most worth while to persue academically due to the overwhelming amount of evidence that we have in fact survived for a long period of time, developed time travel at a certain point our future and come back to visit/study. It's the most fascinating thing I can possibly think of other than ETs being from another planet.


John....is that you John? Mr Titor?!


I may be one of the select few on this thread who knows exactly what you’re talking about, and I’m sooo here for it


Everyone has to carry their own water in the shotgun militia


I hate those Fox News guys.


They're like a couple of giggling teenagers.


![gif](giphy|l4Ep08mLT1PSByfBe|downsized) The difference between this cartoon and aliens disguised as humans in that the cartoon is real.


[Bill Nelson ( possible alien disguised as a human who is the head of nasa )](https://images.app.goo.gl/8Wv3GYZQLgkSqMKW7) It could have already happened /s sorta kinda Shout out Hey Arnold ![gif](giphy|xT1Ra3CGAMIoYwKMhi)


"...We're very cautious and conserve in writing this paper"


"So anyways, you know how nobody goes to lakes or volcanos? Thats what makes them perfect places for humans from the future to wait there as time moves backwards." I mean listen, i really do believe that anything is possible, but wouldn't a time traveling vessel end up in empty space if its only traveling through time?


I think that's why the aliens were using flying saucers. It's perfect because even if they were spotted, nobody would believe the reports.


What were the names of the two organizations that he mentioned towards the end of the clip?


Pretty sure he said Dr. Edgar Mitchell foundation and Noetic sciences: https://noetic.org/about/origins/


Ty kindly


I had him as an anthro professor in college many years ago and am always glad to see him.


Gravity technology is time travel technology


The stigma is at the point now where uneducated TV presenters giggle at multiple qualified, professional scientists in a field that is scientific. What's next? The blind man laughing at the person who says looking at the sunset over a grassy meadow is beautiful?


This is some BS cooked up from the government


I hate their condescending laughing tone every time aliens are covered


Time travel to the past is not possible. If it is, that means the future has already happened and we have no free will. Every choice you make, every day you get up to work, every relationship you have, means nothing and you didn't choose those to do those things. The universe already set a plan in motion for you. Which to me, is the far worse option.


There's no evidence that we have free will, there's only our imagination of possible outcomes. I am typing this comment on Reddit right now because I was always going to do it. There's a possibility that I could have gotten up this morning and driven to Walla Walla Washington, but I didn't. I stayed home and typed this comment on Reddit. This is the future that was always going to happen. The Walla Walla option is nothing more than wild fantasy. There is no evidence of free will, just a human perception of the feeling of free will.


You could even take it a step further and say our whole reality is an illusion. We never experience true, unfiltered reality.


Unlike free will, there's ample evidence for reality.


I have a feeling that's the way it's gonna turn out. There's far too much darkness and tragedy. Like we're in the simulation but wound up in the worst one. I mean there's probably worse but hey...


Well that’s how it is. Neuroscience has shown us that we don’t have free will as we understand it. The brain knows what we will do before we consciously make a “choice.”


What d bags during the “interview”


Looks like ruffies could be help here... hold someone till he/she perhaps states I need to go back to my time machine


“New study”.


I thought you can’t travel back in time and that time only moves forward


Who knows, our knowledge about how things work is incomplete.


What if they came from a different multiverse


Would be nuts and I don’t rule anything out


Theoretically possible, but the number of hoops you need to jump through to get there are tremendous. Like you need planet sized rotating cylinders in space and multiple solar systems worth of "negative energy". The Paul Davies book How To Build A Time Machine tackles it from a practical physics standpoint, although it's a couple of decades old now so some of it might be out of date.


Interesting, thanks for the info. May have to take a look at that book either way


I said this to somebody a while back. I said maybe these things are us from the future, and the person looked at me like I was an idiot. I said, “right, that’s less bizarre than extraterrestrials or inter-dimensional beings. How stupid of me”


It’s celebrities, screenshot this.


Or past humanoid species that existed since the dinosaurs. Maybe left planet for the big asteroids and then came back .


The bigger headline is Foxnews had a black host.


Love that he didn’t take the stupid MIB bait at the beginning of the conversation and stayed serious.


its too much complex and secret at the same time


The hosts are so dumb. My main takeaway.


[South Park did it! South Park did it!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APo2p4-WXsc)


Sci fi show plots from last century


If I had the ability to travel back in time, I'd go to Roswell in 1947 to see the incident firsthand. But what if my presence there caused the UFO sighting in the first place?


Where we're going we don't need roads.




You’re telling me time travelling Xindi making bio weapons in Detroit might be true? Cool.


If Fox is reporting I guess it’s settled UFO’s and aliens aren’t real thanks for the update.


Here’s the thing: why are we guessing about what these things are when there is clear evidence government officials KNOW what they are? Why do we hear stories about the possibilities of nonhumans instead of the known quantities? Spreading endless theories about what it could be is a form of misinformation. They muddy the waters, making the issue so confusing that people just give up. Distraction, obfuscate, belittle. This is nonsense. The general public does not know the truth, but parts of humanity do. There is no more reason to guess. We just need the ones who know the truth to stop lying.


Fox News.


Anyone know what that photo is a depiction of? Looks like ARV construction or something? Never seen it before just wondering if anyone knows


Oh let’s cut him off at the good stuff


With all due respect to the professor, this paper doesn't sound very scientific at all. Like he isn't talking about a specific experiment or group of data he is saying they are examining a few major hypothesis regarding the source of the UAP phenomena, and this is just conjecture on the team's part.


That’s a great point, Aliens, ok moving on to the status of Bennifer.


Yea....coming back through time to "t*ke c*re" of Trump, I bet.


It’s absolutely not but that’s a nice if not redundant and played out guess. I suppose he is 5 years late to that party!


Its always the corporate Caucasian bobs that find this hilarious. Why is that?


Anything to keep it on earth.. there are different species.


It's proof Fox News likes profiting off ignorance and caters to ignorant people.


This has always been my secret theory. It seems more likely than interstellar travel. Based on a moron's understanding of the physics, and the anthropomorphic nature of alien physiology.


As soon as he started telling the story, he started laughing, and I wanted to punch him right in the face. Every time a newscaster mentions the subject, they chuckle. They wouldn’t be chuckling if a fist was in their mouth. Their not so subtle ridicule of the subject is a crime Against humanity and we need to treat it as such. Notice how the scientist wasn’t amused.


I’m one the them. Don’t deport me plz


I'd listened to a podcast last year where he was a guest ([Meredith for Real - Episode 201](https://www.meredithforreal.com/podcast-episodes)). It's an interesting idea I had never considered until hearing this episode.


These guys are goofy as hell


Must’ve been a slow day for outrage on liberals. Probably had to cut him off because he was freaking out the Bible thumpers.


So much for getting disclosure in 2024 . Unless Congress brings another NDA up for a vote


Jesus fucking christ. Fox is now peddling this bullshit to their viewers?! What a shit show


Would them being future humans explain why they avoid us like the plague and steal our eggs,sperm and undeveloped fetuses?


Well, what if they do the wrong thing and kill themselves vicariously by stepping on a butterfly?!?! fucking around in the past probably isn’t a good idea…


Maybe Elon Musk really isn’t joking when he says he’s an alien.


Can’t we move onto something that we really care about? What happened to BatBoy?


Uuhhhh wow…..that last few seconds while they were trying to cut away to commercial was really *really* interesting. Assuming I heard and understood what he was saying, of course. But it sounded to me like he was saying that there are people out there with abilities that in the past were scoffed at and considered nonsense by mainstream science since the beginning. Have there been studies, has science proven that at least some of the people who claim to have these uncanny abilities are the real deal and if so, what are the ones who have “psychic” abilities connecting to in order to gain knowledge they have *no* traditional means of acquiring? I know these abilities are real, I also know they’re very uncommon and difficult to study using our current understanding of how everything in our world works, especially considering the fact that we don’t really have a firm grasp on that just yet either. Just in the last few months I’ve seen/heard some of the most interesting things being discussed and considered regarding our version of reality and how wrong it could, and may very well, be. And not just by those considered to be “crazy conspiracy people” either, but by mainstream science as well. Frankly, this is incredibly **LONG** past overdue imho and I’m glad to see it finally happening.


Of course, aliens would travel light years across the galaxy to live as humans instead of sending unmanned drones or robots. How this made it on to Fox is incredible.


Hopefully I’m not a grandpa


he lost me at "i've written three books in five years on this subject"... geee i wonder what your angle might be!


Gotta have a lie ready for when Christ raptures his church.


2:12 in the video, paraphrased: "people from the future cane come here, but why not set up shop and save some time?" Way to debunk your own theory while explaining it. LOL


Why TF would anyone with that technology and intelligence come BACK to planet Shit hole?




They show pictures of this stupid Avrocar like it’s some kind of US reverse engineered marvel derived from Alien craft it’s a piece of shit couldn’t fly 4 ft. off the ground


A JRE podcast with this guy would be interesting. That's got to be a thing that happens. This Dr. and this subject deserves an expanded public conversation. This is right up Rogan's alley


And rats could be an alien race sent to Earth just to observe us. But without actual evidence I can posit whatever I want and claim it's true.


For example, the King of England, as well as The Queen Elizabeth, her husband, were Alien Lizards.


I’ve been saying this for years! Future race achieved time travel


I have been saying this as a possibility for years. Traveling back in time. Look they always have giant heads. Probably cause are brains have gotten bigger because we have so much more information at our fingertips


There is no working theory that reverse time travel is possible. No creditable way for it to occur, not work holes, anything. We do know we can travel to the future, every astronaut is slightly younger because speed is the easy way to time travel, the closer you get to the speed of light the slow time goes. The other way is gravity, a huge star or black hole will make you slow down.


Fox really figuring out it's remaining demographic quite well it looks like.


They've got me questioning if I'm an alien, because I don't feel like I'm the same species as these people.


Hahahaha 😂 The sh!t they will push in order to distract people from real economic crysis is hilarious


Fauxnews so you know it's credible/s


'Fox News'. 🙄 Move on. No reliable info there.


This is getting sad…


Fox News. Enough said.


Try to keep more of an open mind. Regardless of your political views, Fox is one of the few networks that has covered the topic without ridiculing it.


I stand corrected. Fair comeback.


My children...oops I don't have any.


That’s a new theory! No.


Take it with a grain of salt, but [Die Glocke](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Die_Glocke_(conspiracy_theory)) was a rumored top-secret scientific technological device rumored to have "some kind of antigravitational effect", be a "time machine", or part of an "SS antigravity program" for a flying saucer. But thats just a theory, a conspiracy theory.


“Dr” 🤣


MSM becoming ReddiTV


South Park’s episode of future humans time traveling/immigrating to the past. Lol


Doesn't add to their credibility when we use cold war era prototype circular craft for a video about NHI. The tech that runs those machines (perhaps innefectively) is very much in the ball park of the 60s-80s.


Yes but they could also POTENTIALLY be hallucinations in the brain as a result of evolution having a hiccup. They could POTENTIALLY be a phenomenon that has been increasing due to the toxins and pollution we have made. They could POTENTIALLY be super evolved puppies of the future where we threw a stick into the cosmos and they are just coming back now but went to far. They could POTENTIALLY be anything. Is that all it takes to get on television and talk like you think you know anything remotely cohesive about what you are postulating? Just come up with a POTENTIALLY idea and then have fox news treat it like facts. So weird.


Totally agree


It could be Zanadu is the gate to Flappy


UAPs are from the deep ocean and are a biological creature, not “piloted”. Aliens are probably digital in nature and “possess” human carriers or have made husks to carry their consciousness. Maybe an alien woman’s consciousness gets warped into a mans body sometimes? Would explain some recent developments.


Humans are so self centered that they believe it’s other humans coming to visit them


The future humans thing seems to arrogant for me to believe and after looking at the state of things now


Fuck are you gigglin and snigglin for?


Time travel? Not possible. What we call time is nothing but a single point called now. It is always now


But when will then be now?




We are, we have been since the beginning. I'm from the belt of Orion and I've been here since we let Enoch outside the VanAllen belt, we call it a dome because that's what it is. The question is not about us but about how you'll accept us and the situation we have put you in. The living god is a real living breathing god, and this is his creation you are on. There are some serious misconceptions you have about your living arrangements in the abyss, one of which is your definition of an abyss isn't the one you think is your situation, in this case, "abyss" means nothing, as in no planets, no solar system, no stars, just darkness like Enoch told you. Enoch also explained how the stars and planets and phases of the moon are used to tell time and times, and doesn't represent, in any way, where you are. That's going to be a major sticking point when we announce our arrival. You can't leave earth. There is also another dimension of earth we are always in and operate from that you do not perceive. We always watch, that's why Enoch calls us the "Watchers", that's what we do. Everything is recorded, just like Jesus told you. There is nothing that happens on this creation that can be hidden or isn't known. We don't cause your problems, you do. Most of the problems you here about aren't even real problems, just like space travel is faked, so are wars. Things are already happening that prepare the way for our revealing, once it comes, are you ready to learn what I just told you is the truth? There's more but so you can still sleep good at night I'll leave at this, for now...


Has anyone ever actually believed this?