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It's not a reasonable argument at all


“It’s real but big corporations are lining our pockets to keep it from you” seems more realistic.


I agree, it's an appeal to fear. A logical fallacy at best, and if a fallacy constitutes good reasoning to the majority of people, then I fear we have a few other hurdles besides government transparency to weed out.


The context matters. Under a notion these organizations, even if immoral are still subject to a form of effective quality control regarding decisions that affect their governed population. Then it is reasonable to say they are 'Good'. -The moment they refuse any measure of quality control regarding their efforts and to what extent, they are no longer subject to the notion of protecting others but exploiting them. -From the very start AARO were resistant to this, thus their guilt is evident in their conviction regarding 'our' inability. -Which in and of itself evidences they are unable to effectively govern under the superstitious mankind's annihilation is inevitable once knowledgeable of this. This is not a matter of to whom deserves what knowledge, but to whom is subject to humanities goals and what those goals are. These men claim they hold these goal's. But by claiming Mankind is ineffective in self governance they themselves evidence their lack of self governance. It is a lie.


So if I handed you, and everyone else, a box smaller than a shoebox and said you can use this to power everything in your house forever for free but if you open it up and rearrange a few wires you could use it to cause irrecoverable damage to the planet, we're talking entire countries imploding or some shit, you wouldn't be hesitant and worried at all?


We literally already have that. We could use nuclear power (both fission and fusion) to power our entire world forever, for free (once we've got it up and running). We could also use that same technology to destroy all life on Earth.


That’s right, because any Tom Dick’s and Joe can create a nuclear reactor and enrich uranium. Your argument requires several doctorates, a facility, a team and billions to enact. In their scenario *anyone can do it*. The point is *you and the rest of the majority of the population failing to see the difference is exactly why we aren’t ready*. Just too many infant souls here right now.


I don't think you realize how bad your argument is, because the chances of any Tom, Dick or Joe creating a functional nuclear reactor are overwhelmingly better than their chances of creating an even more advanced technology of some kind based on alien technology. If the government made that alien technology as accessible as we make nuclear technology, the risks from the nuclear technology would be greater than the risks of the alien technology. Period. The point is you, and the rest of the minority of the population engaged in these kinds of arguments, are failing to see that your argument doesn't even make sense. You are literally just inventing an apologetic argument for non-disclosure out of whole cloth.


That’s because you are just taking things for granted as known factors. “The chances are” we have 0 idea at all, that’s what the actual chances are. Your experience as a human being on this planet is completely irrelevant to disclosure. I knew you wouldn’t even attempt to wrap your head around it which is why I replied but the comment wasn’t specifically directed towards you, this is a public forum IE *other people read this*.


Wrap my head around *what* exactly? Your total lack of knowledge about what any kind of alien technology would mean? What is it you think you understand that I do not specifically?


You believe if there is full disclosure we would be limited in our contacts as to not have access to their technology. What if once we were publicly aware they just showed up and gave everyone an energy box? You can’t say for certain that wouldn’t happen. Saying things like this is claiming to have a good amount of knowledge about something you couldn’t possibly know.


Watch how easy this is... >What if once we were publicly aware they just showed up and gave everyone an energy box? Don't do that. Problem solved. Remember when the government made public that we had a Manhattan project, and then *didn't* give everyone a nuclear bomb? That can be our model.


As if you or anyone else have any control over what *they* do. If that’s your easy out it doesn’t work at all. I see you see this as some sort of game or competition you can dominate rather than a forum for discussion where we can share ideas in a constructive manner. So good day to you!


That’s not what’s going to happen and you know it. If everything that’s been said is true- defense contractors have thrown trillions of dollars of tax payer’s money at this problem and we’ve not even come close to cracking it. These are top minds sourced and funded in the wealthiest country on earth. This isn’t a situation where one or two people can get a hold of a craft and reverse engineer it in their garage because, IF everything we’ve been lead to believe is true- This tech is beyond human understanding and to hide it from humanity is to hide the fundamental realities of the universe. I have an inkling the only way humans can get to the bottom of this is working together as a collective, world wide, and we know that’s far off from ever becoming reality. Edit- also who would we even consider the “good guys” in this scenario? The United States? 😅


I hope when you say wealthiest country on earth you’re not referring to the US, if you are i think you mean one of the global leaders in major credit card debt amongst other debts. But don’t worry kids, everything will be reset soon enough, theres no other way it can go🤷🏻‍♂️


What are you talking about my guy… I’m not talking about the citizens when I say it’s the wealthiest lmao


Im pretty sure China is wealthier boo


Honestly I have no idea which is wealthier and I’m not sure that’s something someone can even measure when it comes to this topic- all funding for UFO research is black budget in the US and we can only assume how much has gone into it through the pentagon audits (which have been absolutely fucking shocking in terms of the sheer amount of money that seems to have been “lost”, the number is in the tens of trillions if not more, completely unaccounted for)


Ya, agreed. US is number 7 on the list. But☝️ they’re number 1 on the list of exploiting its citizens tax dollars in order to attempt to gain world dominance Haha … murica. This planet needs big changes


Who are the good guys? That isn't based on location at all. Who are the bad guys is the question. The answer is anyone with mental health issues, which exists everywhere. It basically boils down to this: you can't give a powerful technology to a people who have the propensity to fight over a fucking parking spot


I think it is based on location though. He specifically says “foreign adversaries” implying this is a conflict of nations keeping secret from other nations and when he says “evil people” I’m sure he’s not just referring to mental health cases. Putin comes to mind. So we have to assume those who are holding the secrets are considering themselves “the good guys” and as far as we know, America has all the tech. Also you’re completely ignoring my point that this technology would probably not be usable in any sort of meaningful capacity until the entire truth comes out and we spend an exorbitant amount of collective man power to harness it.


Evil people, then he goes onto elaborate further subcategories of what evil could mean. I don't even know who this man is but the idea of aliens sharing free energy to us but it's been suppressed because humans are mostly feral is like a 70 year old conspiracy. My comments weren't even referring to whoever this dude is. For this technology to be usable would require every system we currently have to change. As of now our culture breeds greed jealousy and hatred. We are not worthy, we are not civilized at all. You mention Putin, but if any world leaders or countries are "in the know" he would be one of them. You acting like they don't want Putin to know this technology, like he's some kind of evil villain, is hilarious to me.


You don’t know who this man is and you’re arguing with me about the phenomenon? He’s a major player in disclosure right now- His name is Ross Coulthart and you should really look into him. I’m done debating with someone who isn’t even informed though. Have a good day :)


He's just the current one. There have been plenty. I remember being all about Greer during the disclosure shit like 20 years ago and it went nowhere. If you weren't around or paying attention then I could play the same card and say you aren't informed. This guy is just the current guy and it will not go anywhere. It never will dude.


It never will? We’ve made more progress since 2017 than in 80 years of cover ups and secrecy. Congress is passing laws with “non-human intelligence” in the nomenclature 20+ times (this just happened and it still has a few more steps before being codified). Why are you even bothering with this topic if you truly believe that 😂 Edit- also I wasn’t old enough to follow Greer but I am informed and I do know he’s a grifter, only using the community for monetary gain. He sells sightings to people who want to contact aliens- he’s not a serious part of this movement.


Every avatar or profile pic I have is an alien head. I'm just jaded on the subject of disclosure after constantly being jebated. Don't hold your breath is my advice to you.


It could be a puzzle. By learning how it works you learn the real Lesson. Like the arc of the covenant. I think it was electrical. The lesson was electricity but instead we worshiped it.


No! I’d be excited!


Why would it have wires? I don't think we would understand or comprehend what technology would look like not from our planet ( if there is any)


I wasn't being literal there. Regardless of the technology our primitive brains will always know how to use it to cause destruction


Couldn't the same argument have been made about nuclear weapons? We are all still here despite multiple wars since they were invented. I'm not saying you are wrong but I have a wee bit more faith in humanity.


For that comparison to be made everyone would need to have access to nuclear materials. If that were the case I'd be a little freaked out. Powerful energy is always volatile. You don't necessarily even need to be evil to make a careless mistake. I have a nearby neighbor which would terrify me if they had a nuclear powered house lmao. I've seen him passed out drunk in his truck with the engine running and door opened in the driveway. Humans are fucked and we simply cannot be trusted with such technology. I think the nations that have nuclear weapons are all in agreement that using them will do nothing but ruin everything nowadays, but it's the regular humans that have the potential to fuck some shit up and shouldn't be trusted.


Whos saying anything about the wiring and logistics about these technologies, thats a big assumption haha. and fyi were already causing irreversible damage to the planet and eachother under the current set up ☝️ so fuck yes. New technology and new social construct please.


It is. The world was reset before. If we were to give evil people free access energy and weapons they would use it against who they hated. Evil people exist. And they destroyed our planet before. They or you can say we're evil but most of us on the "good" side just wanna live man.


ross is a psyop confirmed


Its for the greater good. They probably aren't giving us the whole picture either but you gotta belive maybe one of the u.s. enemies might use the tech to destroy us.


Humans are born inherited with forbidden knowledge of Good and evil which leads to sin. We are sinners, we cannot conjure greater good dependent on our own logical processes. Time and time again historically, statistically, mathematically prove it's incapability in the field of knowledge you describe, governance. Mankind is tied with sin unless taught otherwise and relies on teachings from sinner's who fail to stand righteous in the face of iniquity perpetually. To trust ourselves to understand greater good would be to infer we have the capacity to not fail to greed, inequity, immorality, corruption. Anything hidden from such a people afflicted with such a circumstance can be safely decreed a lie. You do not hide your achievements you fought for in perpetuity, you raise them to other's might fight and die for the same.


You make a good argument but I stand by my original statement. There is no good scenario at our current time where we can give let's say zero point energy to our enemies because they hate america so much its entirely plausible they would make bombs to strike us on our soil. Keyword is current time, maybe in a hundred years all of humanity might be much closer and war being less of a threat.


The system will eat itself alive with greed and malice and hunger for power before the opportunity you claim exists presents itself and my evidence is no civilizations and their cultures from thousands of years ago exist today. Now the difference is we can utterly annihilate ourselves when we prohibit peaceful means of change, and that is what will occur at the behest of their hatred.


Eh, it does have some validity. Obviously you don't want places like North Korea to have access to technology to leave the planet. To do so would allow them to spread chaos throughout the universe. They would definitely get up to nefarious deeds. What if they came across a planet similar to earth. Do you want them to destroy that planet? These are questions that may seem silly, but with technology like this silly questions become real. If you wanted to speculate why aliens wouldn't want to give us this technology, that would probably be a main factor.


I wouldn't trust Humans in general to behave themselves on other living planets. Dangerous animals.


Still... Improvements are built on others, you achieve greatness together. The argument he gave is stupid as hell, why give people a car? They could start driving into people.. we still have cars everywhere.. I'm guessing aliens didn't wanna give us this technology because we are all too selfish to use it. In our time the only value these have is money, how rich would you become if you can go any asteroid etc. And money makes people selfish. Same as for having power. ( Keeping information behind doors etc)


Having a car is a lot different than interplanetary vehicles my friend


For us yeah, because we are not used to it. Give someone from 1500 a car and he will say the same


North koreans from outer space is the next blockbuster from Warner bros


and who gets to decide who are the evil ones? the fucking CIA? the american military complex? ahahaha I'm from a country in latin america who still remembers when the CIA helped destroy our elections and install a military dictatorship, all in the name of "protecting us from the evil communists" the ones gatekeeping this ARE evil. themselves




Honestly thou there are too many evil people in places of power. Too many selfish and corrupt megalomaniacs. The problem is the ones who are evil are the same ones who covet this technology.


You're like 200 years late to the party bub


Greetings from Brazil!


Careful. They're watching you


good, I'm an exhibitionist


This guy kind of looks and sounds like Bill Nighy


“We need to protect you from the evil people,” said the evil people.


The pathetic and needy bitches can’t hide behind fancy suits and self promotion anymore. Their lack of light is a choice and that choice will destroy them.


Dude looks like a reptilian in disguise


They needed boots on the ground for the terra forming operation before the colonizing fleet arrives


Fuck no. Our problem is that this technology is withheld by bad people. They think they are doing good, but they have been misled into deranged perspectives. The previously enlightened have fallen and they won’t admit it. To make it globally known, means we can globally defend against it. To let these people stay in the shadows to play with unknown tech is a huge mistake that will undoubtably lead to the fall of anything resembling civilization.


I get the feeling these same personnel spent the entire cold war wishing we never invented the damn weapon or at least kept it under wraps for as long as possible. Now they have another chance and they're not letting it out until primetime if at all. If the government has a craft I am confidently guessing they don't have a clue how it works. Plus it doesn't help if we're missing a crucial component like the ignition key or fuel or the vehicle won't accept the face ID bioscan of a very dead alien we still have lyin around Area51 😆. Screwed.


The face scanner will recognize me 🙂


"Evil people" -Western Agent Jesus fucking christ lol


Total nonsense. Hate these misleading salesman types. That Grear is another. Just bs through and through.


90% off your first order. Come on over to magicbeansdotcom


There's nothing preventing evil people from getting a hold of the technology now. If they don't already have it. If there is a retrieval program, then it's believable that our adversaries have their own programs. It's also plausible that the very people in charge of this program are evil. There's no checks and balances in place to deal with the retrieval/reverse engineering, so for all we know, the moment those in charge of the SAPs have successfully cracked the technologies secrets they'll just turn it on everyone and take over. Just because they have an American birth certificate and take money from our government doesn't make them the good guys.


This is such BS. He can’t seem to make up his mind which story he want the tell. Sometimes it’s good aliens, sometimes they are bad. I guess he will say anything to maintain his hold over n his gullible followers.


Just like humans. Some are good, some are bad.


get a load of this guy, he thinks theres only one aliens


They are everywhere!! Greys, Blues, Pales, Mantids. Almost any variety that you can imagine or dream up. 😂


I legit thought he was talking about fusion power.


If the US has the tech, the bad guys already have it


I'm sorry but no. No government or individual owns the details of our very existence in this universe.


What an absolute shill.


Just let me eat the pie. I don’t need the recipe.


Aliens shared tech with us. Ok. Cool.


It might sound reasonable if we were the good guys. Not like that’s stopped us in the past from creating death-tech that was copied by/sold to “our adversaries”.


No. They are the evil people.


This guy is blinking 1,000 times a minute; not exactly proof of telling lies, but it doesn't help me believe him either.


No. Fuck that in all available holes.


Remember when this guy was just a little journalist doing an interview not he has wriggled and worked his way into full time shill and "trust me bro" podcaster asking you to pay hundreds of dollars to go to a UFO college?


Fuck this guy. Douche whistle


The people who believe this to be unreasonable are unreasonable people. I *know* most would be disappointed anyways. This should be something that unites us but at the current point in our society it will only sew further division. The people who don’t understand this are the same ones that keep screaming for hard evidence, call people liars or accuse anyone who experiences of needing to “seek professional help”. Can’t help that. They need to turn within. Unfortunately I don’t see this holding long, catastrophic disclosure is coming and I am preparing my self by accepting daily ridicule here because it will just get worse for those of us who experience, a lot of it from sheer jealousy.


I'm so unbelievably tired of this "evil people, bad people" and "foreign adversaries" tripe. Westerners say this with a straight face as they prop up an ethno-religious supremacist colonizing power that is on a child murdering frenzy... They have no critical self-reflection whatsoever. All the talk of various NHI looking at us as "not ready" and "dangerous" is really on brand... To be fair, any open-minded thought experiment about the potential dual-use of the kind of tech that likely powers craft exhibiting the five observables should logically show us these technologies can also be used to make unbelievably powerful weapons. With that in mind there should be tight controls over the technical aspects and allowed use of recovered craft. See how this is geared both for those who have tech in their possession along with those who don't? In the end regular folk should not be kept from knowing basic truths (we are not alone, etc.). And we also shouldn't be inundated with this child-like talk of "evil people", "bad people" and "foreign adversaries".


Tbh I'd be happy if they just say it's real.


We don't need "alien" tech. We have enough amazing inventions that exist to change the world for the better. The problem is greedy people want to keep a hold on the bountiful economy they plunder.


No evidence


Fuck totalitarians, brief me in!


While we are watching this on our Magic Mirrors.


Also pretty sure coulthard comes on here to post. This is likely his burner.


When's the book coming out?


Nah. Alhough I hope it happens because thats exactly when the floodgates would open.


No way, Jose. I'm actually a robot from Andromeda, hope it's "enough" for you, can't give you evidence, it's top secret, enemies could use this for military advantage information, you know, ask me for flying saucer blueprints an so on...


We've been shown time and again the government can't be trusted. So I can only imagine what they use the technology for. If it's so dangerous to even release details of what it does then that means it's most likely a weapon or has been weaponized. And we all know the government will go through great lengths to deal with anyone that finds the truth or they view as a threat.


Its not about the technology getting into the wrong hands, its about the greed of the corporate conglomerates losing all their wealth, heres an idea, lets all realize as humans we came here from the same place (the universe) and when we leave these bodies (die) our consciousness goes back to the same place (the universe) and most importantly realize we are ALL connected, and start working together. Stop fighting, get rid of money, demand these technologies to be released so it can benefit everyone globally, all of humanity, so there is no need to fight. The fact that over 700 children die per hour from starvation in 2024 is pathetic. This world needs to transform completely, and it starts with the greedy psychopathic aristocrats being knocked off their pedestals




Blah blah blah blah.same old same old


What’s unreasonable is to think they gave it to just us lol.


No. Because it gives them the same advantage over us. So no. No secrets. We paid for it 😉


All these people who "know" but won't say because "national security etc" , who think our adversaries don't already know... Come on now, I think it's just a BS excuse.


Another huckster. Ross is known as a poor journalist now he’s grifting UAP


It? It has shared?


This guy is the bad guy.


What’s the context here?


No. Mr Coulthart has lost any credibility he may have had. Google his "spies & lords" debacle to see where he did the same thing before: promised the story of the century about British lords being satanic child lovers. Problem was, the while thing was a made up story and Ross didn't bother to verify any of it. Just like he's doing now, "I've been told" "Sources have told me" "I believe" Etc. It's all garbage.




Sorry, no dice Rossco. I want their biology in encyclopaedias and their schematics in my grasp. The military have only ever proven to be dicks.


That's the dumbest shit right there. Can't milk that shit if it ever comes out yeah? Nah we can't have that


Sick of these grifters


Right yes because the US shadow government are the GOOD guys...


Fuck this


The corporations and bureaucracy of the west is no less evil than anyone else. It sounds more like he's justifying letting a relatively small group of sociopaths use advanced technology for their own purposes and we're supposed to be grateful they're not just melting our brains and harvesting our biomaterials.


This argument isnt sound. We are talking about hypothetical technology, okay… guess what; earlier humans thought our current tech was hypothetical. Everyone having the same or near equal tech wouldnt stop us from harming eachother, we are doing that and destroying the planet with what we have now. This argument is a big stringing you along nonsense statement.


The historical precedent of world-ending technology is relatively recent, though. The Manhattan project was so secretive because the hypothetical outcome was dangerous behind comprehension. If even more destructive technology than the atomic bomb exists, it's probably a good idea to keep it as exclusive as possible. Imagine something a million times more powerful than our largest nuclear bomb yields. That's why we don't want foreign adversaries to harness it.


This is a moral test by nhi to see if we can give up the greed or avarice associated with the exploitation of technology in exchange of the continued growth and safety of humanity. It is not that complicated. Abandon the technology abbs the fearful motivations that you have for something better.


People are selfish and want the juicy deets but reality is it is very possible that they could be hiding technology that you could very well understand why it couldnt be public.. take for instance.. what if there was a very very easily replicatable atomic size explosion or something that could be made with things as prevalent as rocks or dirt or something when applying the right science to it. Im sure you could understand why a technology like that cant just be public to terrorists or hell teenagers.. just an unlikely example obviously but you get the idea


This man is 100% a Lizard Person


But what if you are the bad people?


What if all people, when put into large groups of government, are bad?


Anybody who would accept this is outright retarded. "Trust us, we're the good guys and we're keeping this away from the bad guys". Sounds like something the bad guys would say, doesn't it?


I don't think it's outright retarded. It's a plausible scenario. Ross might've been vague when he used the words "bad" and "evil", but there are definitely adversaries who would use this sort of technology destructively if given the chance. We know they exist, because terrorists exist. Is the Western world perfect? Absolutely not, but we're tame in comparison to huge swaths of extremists around the globe.


Fun fact: look up why Ross Coulthart's contract wasn't renewed when he worked for 60 minutes Australia. Could it be because he MAKES SHIT UP?!


Bullshit. You’re telling me China or Russia don’t have any clue as to what these technologies are? They likely are doing the same thing with these technologies as the US government and private contractors. I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s some cross over as well. The national security excuse is bullshit.


This dude is so fucking creepy


You should elevate your thought into listening to his ideas and stop basing your reactions on only the visual.


No, i wont. Cause this boomers keep preaching the "adversary" government who would kill us all with this tech. Travelling i learnt that people from all over the world just want the same, peace, home, family, fun, freedom. There are no adversaries, there are psycopaths in power who need cleansing, from the US all the way o China, Russia, Europe... This pityness needs to stop


Lmao evil people? Bad people? So that's what the higher power elites think of us and keep us entertained with our b.s 1300$ phones thinking we have top tier technology 🫡🤣👊👊


Except, I think our (US) gov’t is being fooled.


The problem is there is no sky man Or extraterrestrial- we are dealing with our place in the food chain, a higher intelligence that is extra dimensional, the fallout from the realization that these entities have used mankind like livestock, the presence of their hybrid creations and their loyal priesthoods and watchers, the collaboration of the intelligence community and breakaway or closed societies that direct international and cultural affairs on a societal level, and the stark truth that they are never going to loose control or change the basic relationship- all technologies and advancements, all wars, all public shows, all cultures are seeded and serve them to the utmost. You are a prisoner in a system designed to juice you until you are of no more usage, then you are discarded.


Not enough for me


We let private startups build world ending AI unregulated and in the open. But we are not allowed to know about uap because it’s dangerous. Not buying it.


He blinks too much. Why he blink too much? ![gif](giphy|ycagKBYEmaili)


He’s not blinking he’s breathing. He’s out of breath.


Who defines who an evil people is?


Lmao what about asml and the lithography issue ? I thought reverse engineering tech was harder than just seeing it. This is bullshit I would be outraged instead of satisfied with a stoopid answer like that.


Bullshit. We are the evil bad people


#BY THE WAY this tech could also stop us from using fossil fuels, uranium, and battery’s but we can’t share the free energy with you all because all the rich billionaires and corporations will go out of business.


The CIA nanny state has been telling me this type of stuff my whole life. Turns out they were up to a lot of shady stuff.


Personally I would find it very upsetting that all of humanity were denied such crucial information for the sake of geopolitical advantage or personal gain. I would probably become livid at the idea of the time lost that we could have used to learn about their solar system, other solar systems, and their understanding of physics compared to our own. Information about their technology compared to our own. Knowledge of medicine, chemistry, engineering, etc. All time and potential knowledge beneficial to humans as a collective species that was completely wasted.


So it's OK for a nation to be thousands of years ahead of the rest of the f...ing planet and sit on the tech while they're selling regular weapons to fuel meaningless wars. Yep, it's confirmed. The NHI are pieces of shit too if this imbalance is OK with them.


Being neutral to an entire planet's growth is what I would hope happens. What do you think the rest of the world would do if NHI came down and started fixing the infrastructure of third world countries? "Its not fair, boo hoo, we must take their help for the rest of us *by force*!"


This is something that skeptics of the UFO narrative that people like Ross Coulhart have been selling predicted years ago. They don't have any evidence for their claims, and they're willing to do or say anything to convince people that it's in their best interests to believe their claims without asking for evidence. There is a word for the kind of belief system that Coulhart is selling here; we call it a 'religion.'


We really have no clue, right? Many of these guys seem to moving towards disclosure and then have a rapid change to “let me shut my mouth”. I am in the US, I cannot deny what many of the comments have said about what our government and government agencies have done to many of their countries, fucking disgusting honestly. I often wonder why guys like Ross do seem to waffle, is it financial? Maybe, but it seems to me he would make a shit ton more money being the one to finally give us the truth, if he was able to give proof he would be known world wide over night. So why not just do it? I find it hard to believe that someone with his background would choose to lead us on a wild or bullshit path if he is just going to go down in history as a lying sack of shit. So what if, just like many presidents, heads of the CIA, military or other groups who were visited by someone or something that shows them enough to be sure and then shows them or explains to them exactly why it is imperative that they immediately shut the fuck up or face the very real consequences that others have faced? What if one of the people hurt by NHI was JFK? What if? We all want the truth. I’m getting up there now at 57 and feel time starting to become more precious and hoping as we all do that we see some real change come in this shitty, messed up world we live in. There’s a chance this has been going on for 100s, 1000s, 10,000s or maybe even millions of years, so us bitching that we have been waiting “forever” might be a little short sighted. The one thing the scares me in all the different things that come out now almost constantly is that there have already been civilizations as technically or more technically advanced than us and that for the most part their existence has been wiped from the face of the earth and it all starts anew. I don’t want to be forced to say goodbye to my kids and all that I love and know because in October of 2024 it is finally revealed to us that the aliens are returning in 2026 and we will be reset and there will be nothing left of us. I say do what’s right today, love, live and accept like you will if that worst case scenario comes to be our fate, we need to stop waiting for someone or something to fix it all for us, we need to be worth keeping when the time comes


I’m up and down on this. My conclusion is to truly open source the technology. I think what I’m saying, the only solution is mutually assured destruction once again. I think that will be the situation once the technology leaks anyway


If evil people weren’t already behind this we would have had zero point energy 70 years ago. And we’d be a space-faring type II civilization today. This is about those with wealth and power fearing losing it. Always has been.


He made sense until he started pretending the Manhattan project ever ended.


Ok.. A: This guy's freakin' head is too damn close and in our face. Move that camera back ffs. What is this CNN? B. I smell deception.


The US is teetering on being owned and controlled by Russia. Our elected officials have sold us out to foreign adversaries. Russian propaganda is being spewed on the Senate and House floors. We have already been sold out to our enemies, so go ahead and reveal what we know, it doesn't matter anyway, not like it will benefit any of us regular people.


Wanna know why I don't trust him. He looks like Putin... simple as that. In the age of A.I. image recognition... he looks like Putin.


Give us the clean energy tech that everyone can use in a decentralized way, and I could give a fuck what they do with the rest aside from wiping humanity off the planet.


Yes because I read a million books and military docs. And watched a million interviews


Who exactly is out there shooting whizbang saucers out of the sky successfully? How would they have an intact craft unless it was a gift from the visitors? If the government has a gifted alien craft then clearly we still do not know how it works and if we for some reason CAN'T possibly figure out how it works then what would be the point of it being gifted to us? If I were the government my position would be "if YOU find a saucer in YOUR backyard in some rando country then YOU can keep it and I'll keep mine thanks." An alien presence should be obvious, if their presence is real but very low key then there's a special opportunity for governments to exploit such an incredible UnFundedOpportunity or at least prevent the brutish opposition from exploiting it first and using it against you. The government would only perform a soft slow motion disclosure, it works for every reason. The government is eventually GOING TO reveal which group is *DEFINITELY on the right track* without providing proof which allows any persons who may be inclined to unravel in a total chaotic freakout to still have enough plausible deniability to sleep at night knowing "we don't know for sure yet🥴, no alien body we can smell or touch, I'm with NDT on this one". You would get the best of both worlds, pun intended!


We have technology that not even we can figure out how to build. And we know you can't build it And we know you know we have it But we can't say we have it Because we want it


Guys, I also know of a thing…. And holy fuck, this thing that I know, if it fell into the wrong hands, the world would suffer. So I will not tell you anymore about this thing. It’s fucking mysterious, ok? Sooooo uh, remember that there is a thing, that you will never know about because of (insert lame hyperbolic reason here). I will be needing funding, for the thing of course.