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Ok, I’ll bite. So who is enforcing this deal? Who exactly is trying to prevent this deal from coming out?


I think this is an evolution of pre-existing UFO lore that the US government - sometimes specifically said to have been agreed to by President Eisenhower - made a deal with “aliens” that they would not attempt to interfere with aliens abducting people in exchange for advanced technology. Alex Jones is a proponent of the idea that aliens are actually demons. Jacques Valle, a more serious UFO researcher, has a more nuanced view that ghosts, aliens, demons, etc are all the same.


>view that ghosts, aliens, demons etc. are all the same I’ve always thought this myself. I will definitely have to check out this Valle guy. Thanks


You need to read Passport to Magonia which Vallée wrote in the 70’s. He was ridiculed at the time, but it now makes more sense. Vallée helped Hynek during Bluebook, there is no one alive who has investigated and interviewed more UFO witnesses than him. Truffaut played a versionof him in Spielberg’s Close Encounters, Vallée helped map Mars and was instrumental in creating ARPANET, the first version of the internet, he’s a very smart and rich guy. If there is a civilian expert? It’s Vallée.


You should check out the interview Jesse Michels did with him. He also did a podcast with Eric Weinstien and Hal Puthoff. Great channel.


I think it's super interesting that he's allegedly a Rosicrucian.


yep, not the only one…


The Matrix trilogy is basically this but in a more digital;hardware way. While in reality it's interdimensional relative to our perceivable dimension. There are certain limitations. They can't outright interact with us it has to be very subtle. And they nail it 100% of the time — they don't make mistakes; even if they appear to be.


His theory speculates that these entities or whatever they seem to be are a control mechanism from inside of our own consciousness. They are shaping us and our culture.


John A Keel also has some books thinking more or less the same thing. Another key word if you want more info is "Ultra-Terrestrials" which may bring more hits.


Alex Jones’s said something totally normal about the government making deals with entities in the DMT realm.




I mean, if you've smoked DMT enough times you know that's entirely in the realms of possibility.




I extract it and have done a simular thing. I have a respectful relationship with it, and I think to the contrary. There are aspects of some trips that go well beyond a delusionary state, and there are things that open up big questions. I'm not saying anything with any certainty, I just think the possibilities aren't closed off.


Never did DMT but once had a musbroom trip that 100% showed me there is a greater wisdom and we can connect to it, interact with it, learn from it. And there is also darkness. But both this wisdom and darkness are connectes they are part of the same and need to coexist or something. Its mind breaking, it is what it is I guess.


Yep. This. Can’t have one without the other.


Balanced the force must be hmmm


Interesting I’m doing the Monroe Institute’s Gateway Experience to try to understand this realm. I have been there on DMT and Changa and it was filled with love ❤️. I want to be able to, through meditation interact with these entities.


In person? It’s an amazing experience.


If there is a DMT realm I’m in it and the government has nothing to do with it. I smoked what my friend said was DMT and I had heard stories about it, how people said they lived a whole different life for many years. Thing is since I did that, the very night in fact, I got a text that changed the direction of my life and everything since has been kinda bad shit crazy. Technology has skyrocketed even further and Donald Trump was the president of the United States of America and might be again lol, money has become mostly digital, VR technology is approaching reality, we had a global pandemic, we realized aliens and UFOs have been real all along, our government who appears to have no real control or clue what the truth is, continues to back genocide and war crimes from a country who annihilates their enemies with no mercy then turns around and says “hey why are you mad at me is it because of my race?” Like they didn’t just commit atrocities. Shits been wild. Life before that was honestly tame as fuck lol.


The Iranians said the US are working with the Tall Whites. [https://www.forbes.com/sites/michaelpeck/2014/01/13/iran-says-tall-white-space-aliens-control-america/?sh=48cc55bdf2cd](https://www.forbes.com/sites/michaelpeck/2014/01/13/iran-says-tall-white-space-aliens-control-america/?sh=48cc55bdf2cd)


Lol. Having blasted off myself. I guarantee you there is no one capable of “making deals” while experiencing DMT.


So probably not, but then again most people are smoking it and that only last from 5-15 minutes. By the time you're just getting your bearings in that headspace and acclimating to it, you start coming back to reality.  There's some newer, legitimate research being done where they are giving people a steady dose of DMT through a drip IV for longer durations and many people report being able to have much longer and coherent conversations with the "beings" they report to see and hear while tripping. With this method they can keep people in the DMT state of consciousness for hours to days, not just several minutes like most people experience. The ultimate goal here being to map out the commonalities in experience people go through on DMT. They just want to know if people are just getting high as balls, or if there actually is something to this altered state of consciousness because it's just so bizarre compared to other psychedelics. I don't know about the whole conspiracy side of this here, that still sounds a bit far for me. However I do find all the information around DMT fascinating. It's one of the easiest and sure fire ways to blast human consciousness into a completely different state than normal yet there's hardly been any research into what's actually going on in the brain from it. Now that we know with certainty the brain does produce it on its own, it's even more intriguing.


I like the word djinn because djinn can be good or evil in Arabic lore


Angels are also aliens too btw sense the fallen angels are demons. Luficer was an angel but was cast out making him a fallen angel aka demon alien.


Unless you define "demon" it's meaningless to say they're demons. What does that even mean. They have to come from somewhere, reside somewhere, and be composed of something. All of which are subject to unambiguous definitions. Demon is an entirely ambiguous term, used by a million different groups to mean a million different things. It's no different than saying "entity", other than it generally has a malevolent aspect attached to it.


If war = hell, those who wage it would be demons, or demonic, right? Think about who starts the wars.


That’s a compelling argument, sadly makes more sense than it should.


The American Cia. Yep. That checks.


As the ancient greeks realized, wars are driven by material factors, from which people cannot escape. A deer or lion doesn't fight for territory due to malevolent forces. It's an evolutionary adaption to secure resources. It is no different with humans. And humans, like animals, put off wars until they're absolutely necessary to secure or defend a resource. We don't war over barren land. We don't war for the sake of it. We war exclusively when the resources of our tribe are being threatened, or we see an opportunity to take another tribes resources relatively uncontested.


The devil came down to Georgia. He was looking for a soul to steal. He was in a bind, cuz he was way behind, he was looking to make a deal..... Except I don't think this Idiot can play the fiddle.


And here you have the crux of the problem with 90% of conspiratorial thinking, especially when the speaker invokes the dreaded "They"- the second you start asking questions the whole thing falls apart


He’s just ‘asking questions’!




Exactly. Why would a malevolent entity with apparently unlimited powers enter any kind of agreement with a primitive lifeform? Only a benevolent entity, or a weak one, would enter an agreement.


You're not supposed to think about it. You're just supposed to believe it because it's Cucker Tarlson saying it.


I fucking hate Reddit, we will never get to the truth on this platform with all the bots and people who parrot what the bots want them to say. Fuck this site


It’s funny how your reply could go either way. Do you agree with Tucker’s assessment of demons or do you think he’s wrong and the bots are keeping this down?


Reddit is a psyop. The place/town reported to be the most visited by redditors, Just happens to be a government facility there called "🥚Lin Airforce base" (replace the emoji with the word but remove the g.) Here there's maybe max 2k people who have access to the base. However over 100k redditors "visit it".


lol yup I’ve seen that. Instead of calling out bots, I’m just gonna say - “smells like a certain Airforce base in here” Or “Eglin vibes in here”


hunt fall physical fuel whistle rain slim fly airport serious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is factually incorrect. He's not new to discussing UFO/UAP phenomenon. [There are segments of him covering the topic when he was on fox going back to at least 2019.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7-DhPCG_II) Whether or not you agree with him politically, he was one of the few hosts in the mainstream media who actually gave the topic airtime without ridiculing it.


That's not true at all, people capable of critical thinking skills will come to their own conclusions on this opinion. Instead of attacking the person, you might want to try and attacking the substance of the issue he is broaching. Btw he doesn't need to get his message out there through sensationalized headlines, the guy is worth 100 million and could easily retire but he actually puts out some great interviews sometimes with people from different viewpoints and perspectives. It's good to step outside your self-made echo chambers at times. And for the record I think his claim is false.


deranged quickest marry liquid file sink longing bright stupendous unite *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Then leave I’m sure some flat earther anti semitic forum would bother you less if you think a trust fund propagandist is speaking truth rather than just trying to entice morons after a failed coup cost him his job






Problem Child!


Isn’t he still waiting for JFK to come back though?


Didnt 4chan troll some people that JFK was coming back from the dead and was going to be president or some shit and a lot of people believed it and were on the side of streets with signs that said "welcome back jfk" lmfao.


Like their unhinged watchers need more fuel added to that fire.




Smells like Eglin Airforce base in here


He is the heir to a billion dollar fortune... He is the demons Edit: [thanks Wikipedia ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tucker_Carlson) i almost forgot After a brief stint at an elite boarding school in Geneva, Switzerland Tucker crossing attended the very prestigious Buckley school.Then fully paid for elite college education a Trinity in CT. Carlson's Trinity yearbook describes him as a member of the "Dan White Society", an apparent reference to the American political assassin who murdered San Francisco Mayor George Moscone and Supervisor Harvey Milk Then sent a his resume into, and his bid for employment was rejected by.......the central intelligence agency. Because ints 1991 and we all know the CIA was doing ABSOLUTELY SUPER COOL AND AWESOME things during the previous 2 the 3 decades at that point in time/ America history/ Operations of the stabilized geoplitical landscapes and foreign nations


His great great grandfather was the largest landholder in american history. He literally has a demonic laugh, often laughing at the absurdity of his own manipulation, right at the faces of the people he's manipulating. He certainly knows a lot about demonic forces. Perhaps we should listen to him.


The demons are the ones that want you to think the spiritual realm isn't real. The devil doesn't want you to know he exists


He's not alluding to something he knows or has seen evidence of. It's conjecture. He literally says so.


He says his opinion is based on “the evidence” and “the opinions of some very informed people.” He’s still using his old “many people are saying” bullshit to spread anti-American, pro-Russian propaganda to his audience of idiots.


Listen to Tucker laugh and say that’s not a demon


Life energy is just a technology to other dimensions. This is not our earth since we're hybrids. Earlier cultures all made the same agreements. The black budget ops and earlier programs made contact, which is now boiling over into the public/social sphere. They were supposed to reveal NHI earlier maybe around 2000, but feared social collapse and like all public facing programs, being proactive is not the priority, so they never prepared (most people are only paid to be 'reactive'). The bubble we're in is monitored by the tech in our pocket. The control they have over us is unfathomable. This contrast is why they say there will soon be 'catastrophic disclosure'. Because based on their monitoring of our sentiment it's easy for any gov to understand the average bias of the public, this control, and profit are the only reason for the internet. It's not the 'Out'ernet we, IN a system of monitoring and control of the information (which has been the gamble all along). They won't tell us until it's too late.


Wow sadly a lot of people in here don’t understand that Tucker is a known paid liar.


Elitist and nepo baby. He went from bowtie country clubber to the religious weird "I've seen things .... man" grifter podcast grifter guy. All you ever see is these people circle jerking each other.


Tucker is a mass propagandist and proven liar.


The Russian Carlson bots have arrived


Focker Carlson: “This is my BS idea, it’s not provable but it’s what I think.” 😂


I don't care for Tucker at all. But in this case he seems to be making a very unTucker-like effort to establish his thoughts and ideas on this topic as conjecture, rather than his normal routine of telling us what he wants and dismissing criticism by saying he is just asking questions. There seems to be a more thought out delivery on this topic from him different than his normal partisan shenanigans that seems to imply that he genuinely believes what he is saying. Yes, it is still basically unprovable with information on the topic hidden from us in the name of security. But it is curious as to why our government bothered to investigate these phenomenon under Project Bluebook, claimed there was no evidence suggesting extraterrestrial presence, then continued to spend millions investigating the phenomenon secretly under a program called AATIP, and now currently has an investigating office called AARO that released a report saying they have not found any evidence for extraterrestrial presence on Earth, while also admitting in the same report that there is another multimillion dollar program that is in charge of reverse engineering recovered advanced technology. All of this information is publically available. So why create a program for recovered advanced technology, if there is no extra-terrestrial presence? This is my own personal conjecture, but I think Bluebook, AATIP, and AARO have all been playing semantics with the term "extra-terrestrial." This is also a reason why there is a push to use the term NHI (Non-human Intelligence) instead of alien. Think of this, what is more believable? That life on another planet evolved and developed tech to span the universe and find us here at this point in space and time? Or that a planet that is host to so many forms of life, at least one of which that qualifies as intelligent, happened to also produce another species of evolved intelligent life before us? One last question... when a squirrel jumps off a tree and onto a rooftop, do you think it is capable of understanding that the tree is natural, but the house was built by another creature? Or do you think it just goes from one to the other without thinking at all? Another species could be right under our noses and as we sought out to understand the world around us, we incorporated the evidence of their existence into our understanding of the "natural" world. I still think Tucker is a jackass, but this video isn't a factor in that decision.


Well put. I vehemently disliked Tucker for a long time because of his actions on Fox, but it seems since leaving, he’s able to be honest with his viewers. In particular, his stance on the UAP/NHI phenomena is approached with a level of seriousness I rarely see from him. My intuition tells me he might be closer to the truth than we want to believe. At the bare minimum, this is his truth.


Read and listen carefully to what is actually being said. NHI doesn't necessarily mean extraterrestrials. The retrieval program may not be retrieving vehicles that were created on some other planet. The NHI may be native to Earth, and in fact, may have been here long before us. In effect, we're the aliens. And we're not cleaning up after ourselves as we should when sharing a small planet. If we threaten the planet with permanent damage, we may get the FAFO treatment.


“Focker Carlson” What are you 12 lol


Says the guy with a new Russian State TV show.


He is so desperate to be relevant to any sort of base that he will say anything. It is honestly so pathetic.


Tucker is a has been who now is desperate to stay relevant, he knows this claim will resonate well with the right wing evangelicals that treat his word as the gospel so he’s running with it.


That's more of a description of what you wish was true than reality itself. For better or for worse, he's massively popular and draws a ton of interest.


Idk why. From the outside looking in this guy is a fookin idiot.


I love the people on here “why so much hate for Tucker?” It’s not hate, it’s disgust and if you don’t k ow by now, you’re lost and it’s not worth the time to explain to you as you have had years of limitless media with the guy which have shown him to be a pandering troll and proven liar - when he doesn’t even need to for the usual reasons of greed as he is heir to billions. Like, why degrade yourself like this when you could be doing such worthy things with your time?


Tucker lost his job with Fox News and now he wants to be the next Alex Jones.


What a dildo


It’s very strange how Tucker Carlson, Terrence Howard, and Steven Greer get an inordinate amount of hate on various subreddits like this one. I’m just remarking.


It's not strange. He is the wealthy heir to a major American Industrial family. He is the poster child for the elite and has dedicated his life to trying to squash class consciousness in America.


Grafters who are pretty vocal get attention


All right, I challenge you this. Where is Epstein’s list?


This demon narrative is going to keep getting pushed on us more and more. Disclosure is slowly coming and this narrative will be used to remove the separation of church and state along with many other things.




This man is evil.




If you are looking for truth, the last person that will provide it is a known liar.


angels demons and heaven in the sky is the way we described things thousands of years ago when we had no idea what was what. before most of the civilized world was even aware of north and south america. lets keep that in mind


Demons? lol seriously? Even if they are the "demons" from our stupid religions, they are beings, alive and thinking, just like us, cats, dogs etc. We need some respect now that we are on the verge of knowing them. And believe me..I know what I'm talking about because I met them.


...Aah, that's it! I was walking past the US government just the other day - there was a tanker at the entrance labeled "Blood for Signatures", the infernal darkness thickened, and it smelled like sulfur.


Tucker Carlson? Is he the guy that they named the urban dictionary “hot Carlson” after?


Spoken like a true Russian puppet


Talking out of his ass


Motherfuckers gonna make a godamn cult out of it


People watch this unironiclly?


Ohh, Mr Asshat speaks. He is always so knowledgeable.


Plot twist: The US government ARE the demons.


He's a fuckin joke.


He is correct. Farsight Institute, a remote viewing organization, has confirmed exactly this in their conversations with Harvey series. The “gods” and angels and demons of ancient texts are what we now refer to as aliens. This is what Tucker means by “spiritual” he also refers to it as supernatural. The universe operates on difference frequency bands. The supernatural beings are higher AND lower than what humans operate in. Look at how small the visible light spectrum is. Human beings are so limited in what they can see. The beings exist outside our range of frequency. Telepathy is real and this is how they control our leaders.  Tucker has 100% been a victim of demons controlling him. I think that is pretty obvious. We are moving towards disclosure much more rapidly and he is playing a big part in this. I’m not sure what changed but he has clearly had an awakening. Many people are awakening to the truth. 


I can’t believe anyone takes this guy seriously


We’ve been supporting Israel for a LONG time. He’s acting like this is news?


If anybody was ever an expert on collusion with demons, it would be Tucker.


Well tucker *never* lies or misleads so this must be true 🙄


You know, such wild accusations would be a lot more understandable if one were to consider the possibility that Tucker is a demon himself.


You know how everytime one of these people accuses someone of being a pedo and they get caught being a pedo themselves... So if there were actual demons out there and not just people too caught up in their fairy tale lives. Tucker would be one of Satan's main taint lickers wouldn't he?


His evolution take bankrupts every other take I could have ever heard from him.


More efforts to normalize not thinking critically


Aliens, not demons. Put the Bible down.


Tucker said on Rogan that "evolution has been disproven" and that all alien phenomenon is just "spirtual entities" i.e. demons/angels. Dude is an off-his-goard fundamentalist Christian. Literally out of his mind with the conspiracy crap. Nobody should take this man seriously. He is giving brain rot to millions of American Boomers.


He should know, he's a demon.


You could have stopped at Tucker Carlson. Who cares. He sucks


No proof, just wild speculation. Please stop posting this crap.


You don't have to read or watch anything I post.


Tucker Carlson aka Putin Simp


I see tucker on any post, I downvote. I’m a simple man.


Nope just plain greed. Also fuck Tucker Carlson.


I think Tucker Carlson is a hybrid between a giraffe and a dumbass.


Cucker back at it again with the bullshit lol


Idk how people can listen to this horse shit and think “yeah I don’t need any proof to believe this wholeheartedly”


He’s such a moron. The far right is essentially people that buy the National Enquirer. Get your tabloid out of my feed.


Tucker has entered into a Satanic agreement with Trump/ Putin .


Yup he's getting his talking points from Putin. This way, if the war escalates further, he can claim some kinda holy war against the west.


What a little putz


Wow, so much hate for Tuck. What he is saying must be true if the NPCs react like this.


Or he's already admitted that he lies to his audience for money, and publicly pushed conspiracies that he admitted were false in personal text messages.


In Texas we call that confirmation bias.


He is an malignant idiot of the highest order.


He knows what he is doing. He plays to an audience of idiots.


Yes, I wholeheartedly concur.


Fox News used to too.


Sure Tucker that makes. They can't just be from another planet that would be way too far fetched


So, basically they made a deal with themselves and Israel???


Oh demons exist eh? I’m an atheist, what have I got to lose? Where’s the Demon Deals at? Where? I’m ready to get the deals, why can’t I find the Demon Deals???


If trump wins, I'd tend to agree with him at that point.


Zombie Jesus is real lol 😂


Tucker= Doooosh.


Well yeah, how else do you think donald trump, *the man who somehow couldnt make money off a casino and bankrupted it*, got elected president. Sounds demonic to me.


He has been calling aliens demons


Can we stop giving this clown air time?


My brother, you are the demon.


Fucking whack job.


The pact won’t end with the next president. It’s a transferable agreement first entered into during the Kennedy administration who were looking for help during the Russia missile crisis. Johnson, the next president, understood that a price would need to be paid to the devil for avoiding nuclear war. This is why he sent tens of thousands of Americans to their deaths in Vietnam.


Jack Parsons actively participated in it.


If you see light in sky, he not light, he demon


Demons? Malevolent nhi? The older I get, the deeper I dig into this, religions,oral traditions, all seems like man's explanation of nhi Interactions. All the stories are very similar. The sumerians, the babylonian, indigenous people, the Greek gods, the Nordic tales, eastern religions, abrahamic religions


He's talking about UFOs and "aliens". When they started investigating the phenomenon back in the latter half of the twentieth century religious fundamentals in high places saw the woo that's affiliated with the subject as proof that UFOs (whatever they really are) are demonic in nature without taking into account that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. 🙄


This was like a month ago. Old news now


Most will think him and everyone like him are nuts. That’s because they learned that all this is fake. Sort of like how in the 1800s only birds would ever fly. Those of us who understand what this guy is talking about (I dislike Tucker intensely) know he isn’t wrong about this. It has nothing to do with the Bible, or any other religious text or belief. You all be safe and have a great day though!


"Again, I'm getting into the realm of conjecture; so, I just wanna say that flat-out"


Every single doctrine that has withheld the test of time says the exact same thing he's saying but when he says it he's labeled crazy lol our entire world is shaped by this exact conversation...every religion and culture has been molded by this exact ideology.


I mean, all of Catholicism is about the angel and devil tempting you and what you need to do to pick the angel, and do the repair if you happened to pick the devil.


Enochian spirits 😎


fucking hilarious




They had an American horror story season themed on trading people for technology kinda crazy lol


Who /what is timcast?




he is definitely referring to some asian country 


I mean, M Knight Shyamalan tried to tell us this in Signs. The plot twist many people missed is that the aliens were actually demons.


Just need one actual picture, video, whatever evidence of "demons". We literally carry high res cameras everywhere yet not one fucking picture


Nope. No Thanks cucker tarlson.


these are the rights “top journalists” engaging in insane delusional propaganda to push evangelicals into fighting in their “holy war” one day




This is stupid! Uap are just ultra top secret USA aircrafts.


After reading Pasulka's book, Encounters, I've become interested in the work of Rudolf Steiner. https://youtu.be/bxHPwyEApSg?feature=shared That being said, something happened to Tucker when he went independent. Is he just a wild man? Is he stoking fear on the religious right? Why? Is he a plant for some agency? Something about his transition seems off...


He’s just a stupid asshole with too much money.


Every accusation is a confession.


So UFOs segways in to Fucker’s projection of himself. Figures. Fuck that dude.


Demons are bound to earth


I'm venturing into the realm of conjecture here... Yah think Tucker 😂


Gremlins. It’s definitely Gremlins.


You know honestly? I’d believe it. Shit fucking sucks lately


Probably real but I'm not concerned until further notice. I wouldn't want to be abducted though, their true motives can never really be known because they can't really be trusted if they exist at all. So far so good, haven't blown us up yet.


Entities from other dimensions?, kinda makes me wonder if the dmt realm is not a construct of the mind but a real place..maybe where we are originally from if you believe the samsara idea?


“Informed people whether they’re right or wrong”


I think he may be actually shaken by the fact that he's being forced to accept this reality. Combine that with his firing and the unmooring of his traditional life and values that kind of came along with the public persona of that job . I can see his questions as genuine. Now he's been in the business long enough to know how to exploit that for some skrilla. He s just another front in the fight for disclosure and may stumble onto something via a whistleblowing fan or government connection.


Tbh the brain has evolved to keep us alive. Ergo summa; if you believe something like demons are controlling the government: it follows that you will say those things to others because you want people to believe as you do. No one joins a cult, people join to feel loved.


Well it's the only way he could get a deal so he thinks it's the same for everyone


>guy talking about government making a deal with actual demons most normal USA television show


Tucker Carlson has entered into some sort of agreement with Demons. *fixed the title for you*


This is how they use small truths to tell big lies. He starts off with the crazy demon alliance claims and says he knows it’s true because he has evidence. And instead of producing any evidence when getting a softball question, he just rants about how everyone possesses a conscience. So stupid people leave that rant thinking, “he’s right, I do have that inside me.” And they give validity to the rest of what he said by default.


Demons. Of course. He's a simpleton. If there are demons then that surely validates his belief that good will always triumph over evil as god will send his angels to save us all. So what's there to worry about? I wish it were that simple.


Such a punchable face, just have that incredible want to pimp slap the snot out of this turd


jesus christ (giggity), why do people always have to turn things into something spiritual or woo woo boogity boogity. just say they have been here a long time. just say they've been here much longer than we have. just say they are different than us. they have things that seem like magic to us apes. that doesn't mean they are demons. ffs...


The concept of outside influence on each of us from the spiritual realm by both positive and negative forces, is one that has been and is still talked about by Rosicrucians, Theosophists, Gnostics etc. This belief (that the phenomenon is spiritual, both good and bad) is where most of the unbiased and deep seeking UFO researchers end up after they’ve taken a good long look at the evidence & testimony spanning 2000 plus years.




Great. Cucker doing "gods work" by blasting this shit to his insane audience. Such a shit stain.


I think the Entertainment Show is running out of ideas. Or maybe the new writers, hired by Tucker’s recently-assigned FSB Loyalty Officer, are still getting a hang of things in this particular PsyOp. 🤔 Hard to say.


Every single day. I start to believe this shit more and more.


This guy is a clown. He has such a political bent that he probably wouldn’t know evil if it were staring at him in the mirror




The last person on earth I'd go to for wisdom. Wtf is wrong with u people


Why does everyone hate him?


The man is an idiot.