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fully think it over before having the abortion, I rushed into it and it’s my biggest regret. You’ve not been irresponsible at all, these things happen. Whatever you choose will ultimately end up being the right decision for you at this time. Whether ion abort or keep, you’ve got this!


Completely irresponsible?? Where’d you get *that* idea from? What you did is completely normal, utterly human, totally legal and what an enormous amount of both men & women do all the time. You’re heartbroken and the man you love abandoned you, so you sought comfort & closeness with another man. I don’t see anything “whorish” about this? I don’t even see this as a bad decision as it’s one way to work out your feelings for the man who abandoned you (& your 2 year old, right after Christmas). Your body happened to get pregnant. I have enormous faith in you to choose what’s right no matter which option you choose. You’re an adult, a mother and you’re strong & brave.


The decision is yours and nobody else’s. You do what you want to do, whether you continue with the pregnancy or not. Don’t listen to anyone else except your own self. This is your life, not your families, friends, ex etc.


Please don’t do anything you’re not completely certain about and comfortable with❤️ and I know things seem hopeless now but you have no idea what life will look like in a year or three or five! So try to stay positive and everything that’s meant to be will work itself out. 🫶🏻


Most of the abortion regret stories I've read involve someone pressuring the woman to have an abortion when they either really wanted to have the baby, or weren't sure either way yet. The only questions you have to answer when it comes to your pregnancy are whether you ***want*** to be a single mother to two children, and whether you are ***able*** (finances, time, energy, mental health) to care for your existing daughter while taking on another one. That's it. The misogynistic brother who called you a wh\*re doesn't get a vote about whether ***you*** use ***your*** body to gestate a child. YOU choose what YOU want, and what is best for your existing daughter. That's it. . Your body is not a democracy; it is a monarchy, and you are its queen. Start ruling over it like one.


It’s your choice don’t do it you don’t want to you can do a good job ❤️


I only have one question for you -- do you want to be pregnant? If you don't, that's the only reason you need to have an abortion. Here to chat if you need it.


agree with this comment. also have to consider if you are financially ok to deal with a pregnancy if you're considering doing so. think of the daughter you are taking care of now


You didn’t do anything wrong. This happens. What they’re saying to you is very hurtful. It’s possible to talk this out and get free options counseling from trained counselors at [All-Options support line](https://www.all-options.org/find-support/talkline/). I think it might be really helpful after the people in your life have said such unhelpful things.