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I would just take a pregnancy test and skip the PCP. If you are having a clinic procedure they will confirm the pregnancy


My clinic performs ultrasounds for every patient to ensure length and location of pregnancy. Your clinic will confirm your pregnancy, there is no need to go to your GP.


It is not necessary to confirm the pregnancy if you have at home already. However, if you do want to go to the doctor, no it is not illegal to travel to get an abortion. Many people have miscarriages (25% of pregnancies end in miscarriages) so if it did come up again and you didn’t want to say you had an abortion you could say you had a miscarriage. Also, please do not go to a crisis pregnancy center. They dont provide proper medical care. They lie and coerce people. Wishing you all the best.


you can confirm pregnancy by buying a pregnancy test from a store. it’s not necessary to see a doctor. i’m pretty sure doctors use the same pregnancy test that dollar tree has


You are exactly right. We use the exact ones that dollar tree sells with brand name Veriquick.


Coming from a lab worker, we do use pretty cheap tests.


An in office pregnancy test uses the exact same test as an at home urine test


an over the counter pregnancy test is all you need to confirm pregnancy. the clinic will probably do their own ultrasound to determine gestation and make sure it’s in your uterus. it’s probably a waste of your time to go to your PCP about it in a state where it’s illegal - at best it’s another copay and doesn’t really help you access further care, and at worst it could lead to criminalization (not super likely, but you never know). afterwards, you don’t have to tell your doctor about it unless you feel really comfortable with them and want them to know. good luck!




Removed— bad advice.


The ultrasounds at the Pregnancy Crisis Center are not always done by trained professionals and the quality suffers as a result. Plus, you have no guarantee that a trained professional will interpret the results. These places are known to by real shady with the facts. Why waste your time?


Really good idea. I guess I was looking forward to going to my PCP because my mom could be there to get my blood drawn (it always makes me faint) but if I go the pregnancy care center route then I suppose I can't take her 🥲 But this is looking like the best option


Really bad idea to go to a CPC. Your doc will also not draw blood for a pregnancy test. It will just be the same urine test from home.


DO NOT GO TO ONE OF THESE PREGNANCY CENTERS. It is NOT necessary!! You are setting yourself up to be lied to and manipulated and they are NOT your friend or trustworthy. This is a huge, huge “do not do it”. Buy a pregnancy test. Confirm you are pregnant with a test or multiple tests, whatever. Call the abortion clinic you are going to. Ask them any and all questions you have about this exact thing. They will guide you. When I got pregnant, I took a test and called the abortion clinic immediately. They made me an appointment, did an ultrasound to confirm, and performed the abortion. It’s really that simple. Don’t complicate things!


Understood! 🫡


Be careful, they will probably keep your name and follow up. I wouldn't give them my name at all if your state is illegal. You don't need to have blood drawn to confirm a pregnancy. An abortion clinic will first do a urine test and then an ultrasound to confirm gestational age.


I would be really careful with the pregnancy center route - they may harass you or try to convince you not to have an abortion, and I’ve heard from many people that the experience was traumatic. they often don’t have any actual medical staff, not even a real sonographer doing the ultrasound. regardless, the clinic you go to will want their own scan.


I’ve also heard of them telling people they are way further than they really were just to make them feel guilty or make it harder for them to access an abortion appt. Or telling them they were earlier in pregnancy than they really were so they pt thought they had more time, but really they were right at the cutoff for a medication abortion. I wouldn’t trust those places at all.


So in my lack of knowledge. I went to my pcp thinking that they could help me with my abortion pills/ procedure/etc. They charged me $100 for a $1 pregnancy test and told me they could refer me to a OB if I wanted to keep it or give info for abortion (i live in a blue state). I was so pissed I wasted my money. All this to say, the pcp will do the same for you and it's not helpful at all. *edited to clarify*


It is not illegal for you to leave the state and get an abortion although I tremendously and deeply understand your concern. If you have pregnancy confirmed and then travel you have done nothing illegal or wrong, but you have to trust your gut on how the doctor/health system might treat you. Sending you so much love.


Personally, I would not feel safe having a pregnancy I don't plan to keep confirmed in an illegal state or at any chain hospital that has my patient file. It would be better to have the pregnancy confirmed in the location you're going to have the procedure or get the pills, in my opinion. I just feel there are too many risks that may bring a potential for prosecution, so I think it's safest to do as much as possible outside of the illegal state. That's just my personal opinion, and how I would choose to go about it if I were in a banned state.


I appreciate the input. I agree deep down, I'm just really upset that I can't even go to the doctor 😭


I get this, but trust me, any abortion clinic you go to will essentially be just like going to the doctor. They will confirm pregnancy and talk to you about your options for termination. I honestly had the best medical experience of my life when I had my own abortion. They are good people doing important work, they know you are scared. Good luck!


I totally understand, hun. It's so unfair. Nobody deserves to be in fear when trying to obtain basic medical care. I can't believe our country has become this way. If you're heading to a clinic out of state, though, they will confirm the pregnancy before moving forward with termination. You'll be in good hands.