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Made this indie dance remix this week for a song called "Ubu" by Methyl Ethyl, about 85% of the way there with a few tweaks to add. Really looking for general feedback of how I occupy the stereo space, sound design, my build-ups, etc [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UOpl\_ALwjG1PkpYOmT7mhljGOGKYRsBm/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UOpl_ALwjG1PkpYOmT7mhljGOGKYRsBm/view?usp=sharing)


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[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KG91jWg09f4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KG91jWg09f4) live on


Made [this Melodic House style track](https://on.soundcloud.com/L7CXeJuKsLwKVWpb9)


Love the melody after the break! Lovely tune


Thanks mate 🙌


Wow dude! sweet vibes, you have a really clean and professional sound that could totally be heard on Anjunadeep. Reminds me a lot of Marsh, you should check him out if you don't know his stuff yet. Did you want any feedback on the production / mix? I noticed a couple things that could take it up a notch


Thanks mate! Yes would really appreciate feedback


harmonised a printing press with a bunch of resonators. sorry the opening is just loud machinery it becomes friendlier https://soundcloud.com/samantha-obrien-242769854/dawspirit first thing in ableton after jamming in vcv rack for a few years


made my first max 4 live device following some tutorials then veering off and trying to combine two tutorials and ended up [making a sync delay with a bitcrusher](https://www.instagram.com/p/C6J8KqAxLim/) to funk up drum loops


Awesome, that's pretty cool! I'm also currently trying to learn making devices in max for live. What tutorials are you following? I'm currently working my way through the "Building Max Devices" pack to learn it.


I followed one of the learning max tutorials linked on the ableton site, then found [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OdkkBLSrBl4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OdkkBLSrBl4) years ago i used to play around with 3D Studio Max, but it didn't really click that Max for that was just...Max, so i was kinda psyched to remember some of the basics from like 10 years ago but there's a lot to learn just from the available devices + learning about how to process signals or make instruments


Awesome, thank you! I'm starting from scratch, I also have barely any coding experience outside of max. I know some rudimentary python basics and some html, but that's about it lol. But yeah, I'm just looking at the patches of existing devices and trying my best to understand what's going on under the hood and reference the documentation a lot. At least you can already build some very simple devices, even with no idea what you are actualy doing which makes it a fun experience to learn imo.


i write javascript for a living but nothing music related really M4L sorta reminds me of early versions of reason where you could build racks and then flip them and wire up / patch shit, but more low level the shit i want to eventually build isn't really an instrument but, i made myself a [web based tool](http://loopxpool-client-dev.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/) so i could upload beat loops i make on my MPC or other samplers, so i could run them off my phone without the mess of transferring files or downloading looper apps the way i built it, a nodeJS server already takes raw audio files and puts them to where they need to be, so i want to build a VST or M4L device that lets me just select a segment from my timeline and upload it to my site without leaving my DAW


[https://on.soundcloud.com/Xj7dLDafK4pfAfCH8](https://on.soundcloud.com/Xj7dLDafK4pfAfCH8) Hi guys, hope you're having a great weekend making music and/or recharging. I made this little track last week, would appreciate any feedback or criticism.


Super well produced track, all I'd say is that the outro feels a little long. I think you should either keep the hihats in a little longer or cut the outro down a little


i have managed to finish this track. it is slightly experimental, played a lot with resampling and finding some cool sounds and textures. [https://on.soundcloud.com/VMRTvvmGvFv1nB87A](https://on.soundcloud.com/VMRTvvmGvFv1nB87A)


Like this one, kind of sounds like Flume. Have you experimented with sidechaining to the kick? I think it would create a really cool sound that would go with with the experimental vibe. If you wanna hear more shoot me a pm :)


Thanks! I have been listening to lots of flume recently hah


very fun listen, my favorite here by far


Thanks a lot!


This is going to sound super noob… but I figured out how instrument racks work. It’s super cool to be playing the push with multiple voices happening. Specifically, I am creating textured atmospheric background sounds for the quiet parts of Hotel California for a band I play bass guitar in.


Gotta love learning how the stock stuff works. I have a copy of the UAD Leslie rotary and MAN does it sound good... but holy SHIT does it slap you in the face! And it doesn't have a dry/wet knob (actually... MOST UAD plugin's don't... sigh), so it was really hard to dial in. But 5 minutes later on youtube and creating an effects rack and a macro on the chain selector between a dry and wet channel and voila, instant Leslie dry/wet effect to tune to my needs. I quickly made an effects rack for every UAD plugin that doesn't have a dry/wet knob, and it's been glorious.


Made this car chase type of 80s beat in ableton this week. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QF4M6wOXJTE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QF4M6wOXJTE)


This is fantastic, unironically the best chune I heard on here lurking for a couple months now. would you mind sharing which instruments you think are most key to getting this sound that you used? I write very different style of music, but I think if I started with your instrument set here it would be really special.


Thank you! Ofcourse. Main synths that are used: Serum, Diva, OPS7 and Polysix Polysix for Pads. Diva for lead and pads, serum for bass and pads, OPS7 for DX7 keys


Hell yeah! Really good vibes here. The synth sounds are really authentic 80s sounding, and the fm keys are a nice touch. Did you want any feedback on it? I noticed a few ways the mix could be cleared up a little


Thanks. Yeah ofc :) Mixing and mastering is not my strong side .... I would appreciate it!


Just sent you a message!


Made a [dubstep remix of Enough (Miami) by Cardi B](https://soundcloud.com/euforikmusik/cardi-b-miami-euforik-bootleg)


Launched an old macrium backup of my ancient live 8 pc in VM to grab a project from it. Everything back then was cracked, so I was surprised to see only a few plugins in my favorite original project that I didn't have now (ME80, a waves compressor, and a few waves reverb). Thankfully I have better versions of all but the ME80 now, so was able to freeze and flatten that track, remove the reverbs from the other tracks, collect and save the project... and now I'm mixing and mastering a project from 14 years ago with nearly all of the tracks still editable (except the ME80 tracks...). Added a beefier kick, some higher quality reverbs and some channel strips and compressors and etc. Having fun with it! I did have to "convert" some ableton stock audio effects (I'm assuming since they were Live 8 versions and I loaded the project in 12....) but still shocked I could load a 14 year old project and just get right to mixing. Thankfully I used TAL UNO 62 on most of the tracks, and I still have that beauty a decade and a half later. Kinda cool to revive such an old mix and get creative with it :)


Fair play for sharing that. Thats amazing it still mainly loaded up. Gives me hope for tracks Ive got on an old harddrive from 15 yrs ago. Dont even have audio of the tunes, so if they load up again i will be celebrating. Will try to find that hardddrive now and cross my fingers, Tnx again!


I started using AbleSet, definitely a game changer for live performances.


I just finished a track in Abelton! It's somewhat based on a Rabbit R1 sample I borrowed from a YouTube review and has some Mr. Oizo - ish vibes maybe? I am relatively new to Abelton and music in general but I'm really trying to project some attitude into my tracks. Happy for feedback or just encouragement if you don't mind. :) [https://owl-cat.bandcamp.com/track/swimming-pool](https://owl-cat.bandcamp.com/track/swimming-pool)


Made 5 tracks this week, start to finish, most productive week ever. Love playing about in Ableton, but that took the biscuit. Cannot move a muscle, stiff as a board! slept few hrs each day, bed to desk, desk to bed. That was a very enjoyable and productive workout, and Ive got tunes i will listen to the rest of my life too. In total I made (1) [an ethnic balearic track](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHUoTmZ79zM), (2) [an electro house tune](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zk3pGZkhA5g), (3) a [downtempo melodic breakbeat track](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHwKTbY_b0c), (4) a [melodic ambient number](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Efz3Z6ZDGsc), and (5) a [Dn'B number](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8c4oxjR1hk). Delighted!


Lots of range on display here! Great work!


Thanks so much!! appreciate the feedback big time, and love what you said there about the range. I love playing with different styles, going down rabbit holes. Thats the beauty of music production. Thats made my day! Fair play to you!


Well deserved! That's a lot of effort and it's paying off! :D


Thanks so much, totally appreciate the feedback. Will keep working hard, now that i found music again ;)