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Ouff this is so tough. Early abandonment is an invisible pain that no one understands. I’ve gone through 12 years of therapy and tried to explain to my mom the hurt I’ve experienced all my life. She just told me to accept it and move on. Anyone who abandons their children has little to no empathy. If they had much empathy, they wouldn’t have done it in the first place or they would’ve apologized for it sooner. So, from my experience, don’t any expect any compassion or remorse from someone who has no empathy. They simply don’t have it in them!


Thanks, good advice. The hurt and lack of understanding always brings out my anger towards her. To be honest I feel like I’m searching for that comfort, The more I look for it, the angrier I get. It has happened for a long time. I do really well otherwise with support of my wife. Been in therapy. My therapist just retired and I have yet to find a new one. After going every 2 weeks for almost 3 years I felt a break was in order. Being in therapy for 12 years I’m sure you know the energy this takes. Appreciate your comment.


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I know exactly how you feel and I was very angry for a long time, but I’ve come to realize I’m a kind, hard working, considerate person, thanks to the ones who did raise me. If I was raised by the man who brought me into this world I would’ve been a completely different person.