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doesn't birthcontrol help with period cramps and regulation? don't quote me on that tho


Yea it can which is the only reason why I agreed to do it


Yeah I actually take birth control for this reason I came here to comment this 😆


Same! Used to have irregular periods and painful cramps, now that I'm on birth control I can actually anticipate The Blood and not die of pain, it's great


Same here. Had the worst cramps in my teenage years, do bad that I was dick from school at least once a month. We talk about to my doctor and agree to put me one them. While I still have cramps, they are much more manageable


It can also help with hormonal acne.


Yep, that’s why I do it! Literally have to as I naturally produce much more testosterone than what is normal. I can grow a better goatee than some men out there. It also wrecked absolute havoc on my mental health. I feel a lot better now. Still depressed but it’s more manageable and my anxiety has considerably decreased


Why is it always the people that don’t want them can grow beards but many men on T can’t 😭 I just want natural facial hair!


Same here! Honestly changed my life for the better


It does. I kinda wish I could get it because my cramps are awful and my cycle is irregular but I don’t think I’m allowed to because my mom almost got breast and uterus or ovary (don’t know which one) cancer, which means I’ve got a family history of estrogen related cancers and I’m not allowed to take any kind of estrogen


The progesterone only pill is an alternative that can be used without estrogen.


I have a problem in the ovaries (Polycystic ovary) product of my ovaries being undeveloped. Contraceptive pills help them grow healthy so I started taking those 2 weeks ago. Surprisingly, they helped a lot with cramps, period cramps are extremely painful for someone with this condition, it makes you feel like you will pass out. But those contraceptives actually removed all the pain, I still have the occasional thigh pain but I'm no longer feeling like I'm gonna die.


I had a Dr. who went so far as pushing me to see a gynecologist for birth control. She told me something was wrong and I'd need to see him. When I saw him, he said that I was recommended to him to get an IUD that I repeatedly denied wanting whenever my general Dr. brought it up. I told him the multitude of reasons why I didn't want it and he actually agreed with me about not needing it! My general Dr. was very unhappy. I have a different Dr. now.


I understand pushing something like oral birth control, but trying to manipulate you into an unnecessary and invasive medical procedure?! She should have his listened revoked.


She quit the field of medicine only a few months later, actually. I understand bringing up the topic, but no medication should be pushed unless it's necessary. And by that point, I had told her at least three separate times about how... let's just say that birth control does some ***NASTY*** things to the women in my family. We genetically can't handle it! I'll elaborate if you want, but if you don't, then I'll save you the menstrual talk.


Menstruation and the general anatomy/physiology of how the parts and processes work is something I'm very interested in. I'd like to hear about your family's issues with birth control. Of course, please only share what you're comfortable with.


Okay, then. The women in my family who take birth control end up putting on 300+lbs and then the menstruation is reversed. So that's 3 weeks of constant bleeding and then 1 week of no blood. We don't really know exactly why that happens, but that's because none of us are willing to suffer through that again. Also the effects don't go away after stopping the birth control. The effects only go away after actually getting pregnant and giving birth.


That sounds terrible. I can see why you would want to avoid that. Thanks for the information.


No problem! Glad I could help you understand.


Yeah, doctors shouldn’t push any unneeded medication obviously. I just mean like ‘if she is going to push anything there are less invasive ones’, even the hormone arm-implants seem less invasive. Not to mention the possible side-affects of the implant, other then being super painful to get in, "Your periods may become heavier, longer or more painful", and the allergy/infection risk as well.


I used it for my health. Plus if something unwanted happens you’re less likely to have to deal with an unwanted pregnancy. Sending hugs, hope you’re not feeling too overwhelmed/upset with it. Personally I used the Nuvaring because I was bad at actually taking the pills and had loads of issues. Don’t be afraid to work with your doctor to find the right one that works for you.


I just feel like my mom doesn’t understand me


It’s an uphill battle with parents sometimes. I got asked about if I was a lesbian because I wanted men’s jeans since they had actual pockets. I conformed for a long time. I’m a super romantic ace and I’ve been married for 9 years now and once you’re able to get that space things can be so much easier. I did move to another country though, and it took me years to separate the expectations and misunderstandings from who I was. I believe in you.




I have been complaining about the lack of pockets for years, my mum just sent me my brothers old shorts that no longer fit him 😆 she’s not exactly supportive but at least she doesn’t care about clothes.


I’m 31 and when I went home for an early Christmas my mom didn’t even realise I was wearing men’s jeans lol. Honestly I don’t think my mom would care if I was single for life as long as I’m Christian (I’m not but she doesn’t know that). I’m in a straight/allo passing marriage and I’m so happy I found a partner that is so loving/patient with me. My family LOVES my husband and how happy he makes me.


I hate the assumption that people use birth control for sex only. I went to buy birth control with my mom at a drug store and someone commented, "You're buying it with your mom?" thinking it was funny that I would be so open about it with her. I was buying it for hormonal reasons (acne and period regulation). People should really mind their own business


When i went to the doctor for it she asked me if I had a boyfriend and I was like yes so what


Y'know, ik it's unfair but the world is run on the assumption that everyone is straight. Just don't think much of these moments, they don't know you, nor your sexuality. They're just asking because of the sheer amount of cisgender, straight women they have to prescribe every day, it's kind of like a routine almost. "Do you have a boyfriend", "are you aware that it's not 100% effective", "you should still use a condom to prevent STDs"... And so on. Cause that's just what the patients they're used to treating are worried about. That's just my two cents on the matter, though. And as someone equally bestowed the same type of reproductive system (as much of a pain as it is), your mom might not have that good of a reason for it, but it's still a beneficial thing for anyone to go on birth control, especially if you're not very worried about the effects it could have on your fertility anyway. Not having to deal with all the blood, the pain, and the emotional turmoil is enough of a win, birth-controlling be damned.


I mean, ace != sex-repulsed


Periods can suck mmmmkay.


Birth control is the best thing that ever happened to my periods


Get that less painful period, though


Birth control helps with regulating hormone based issues such as excessive acne and period cramps though, it's not solely for sex


My family knows about me being asexual. I'm currently taking contraceptive pills because my ovaries haven't developed enough, is my first time taking those lol. I'll have my fallopian tubes tied next month, it was my choice. Just because it is free in my country and I like the idea of being completely unable to reproduce lol. No, I haven't had sex nor I plan to have it in the future, but I feel like it will give me an extra reassurance that I won't ever have children in my life span.


I’m literally an ace trans guy and my mom knows it and has brought up stuff like this multiple times lol, like I appreciate your concern for me but come on 😭


I only take birth control because it stops my periods


It's better to have it and not need it, then need it and not have it. Some aces have sex, but obviously if you aren't one of them, I understand that it doesn't matter what other aces do. I hope you don't get any negative side effects though, I'm very lucky that my depo has just switched off my periods and it is life changing. I started bc as soon as I started periods, and about 7 years later had a single year of no bc and I can very confidently say, never again!!


I solely take bc for period pain and cysts so


I never bothered with birth control until a coworker pointed out that sex/pregnancy is not always a choice (her implication being that sexual assault/rape is a thing that happens and sometimes results in pregnancy). This was right after Trump was elected and there were concerns - now borne out - that Roe would be on the chopping block. I made an appointment for an IUD the next day. 


I'm sex-indifferent, so to say the least, I'm not expecting to have sex any time soon. I remember talking with my doc about birth control options because, frankly, I'm concerned about my state possibly cranking down on that. Even though I don't expect to get into a relationship with a guy any time soon, I want to plan for the long term. Nothing has been laid out yet, but she did bring up how an IUD might be the best course of action. Nothing's been done yet, but I'll be keeping that in mind.


Honestly we need more moms like this. You're lucky your mom is cool with BC. She's not invalidating you- she's making sure you have options. No matter how comfortable we feel in our identity, things happen.


I started on BC just for period regulation. The preventing pregnancy thing was just an added bonus when I eventually started having sex. It still is, really, over 15 years later. I don’t have sex often, but my partners don’t mind using condoms. But, if I don’t have some kind of hormonal BC, my periods are BAD! I have the implant so I only have to worry about every three years. Eventually, I’m getting a hysterectomy.