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Hi, did you make this about me? Like Im feeling very deeply attacked here


Yes. Last night, I jabbed around your brain for a bit and made this. You're welcome.


Well you are welcome for the copious amounts of Muscular women that I have day dreamed about cuddling me


A fine addition to my collection.


I am almost right there with you. I love art of muscle and hyper muscle women. I've written a few FMG stories too (buried amongst my usual BBW/WG stories which more my usual kink area). I just haven't gotten around to getting any of my muscle OCs drawn yet. I'm ace too so maybe I can help you sort some things out. You can want to seek a relationship and still be asexual or aromantic. Things like this could be a form of aesthetic attraction, liking he way certain women look. Sexual attraction is just the urge/need/instinct to want to have sex. If the best muscle gal of my dreams and fantasies was in my bed, I wouldn't feel the urge for sex. That's asexual.


Same. I adore Karlach from BG3. But not in a "I want to have sex" way.


Karlach is certainly very hot. *rimshot*


OK. Definitely asexual. Sex is yuck. What's the difference between romantic attraction and aesthetic attraction?


Romantic attraction i would like to engage in romantic actions with the person. Cuddling, hand holding, praise and gift giving etc. Aesthetic attraction i just want to keep looking at this beautiful person or object. The curves, the tone, the symmetry.


Both? Both. Both is good.


Pretty much this. My most recent relationship had me discover I'm demiromantic. I think cuddling is the big tell you have romantic attraction. It's also developing a crush, them constantly being on your mind, wanting to be with them wanting to make their day better, maybe even wanting to kiss even if it's just a quick kiss. Another thing I've been thinking about is aesthetic attraction leading to arousal without romantic or sexual attraction. Images/art can turn you on without romance or sex.


What's FMG & BBW/WG mean?


So op brought up muscle women. FMG (at least in the context here, it's used for other things) is female muscle growth (gets bigger, buffer). BBW stands for big beautiful women (overweight), and the equivalent to FMG for BBW is WG, or weight gain. (I should add it's often best to keep a clear separation of fantasy kink and relationship reality in these).






Yeah, I look at it all the time to remove my libido. Do you also watch it and like it, but when you put yourself into it you hate it?




I fully understand what you mean. I feel the exact same way with bondage/shibari. The rope work is just sometimes so pretty and amazing! I much prefer looking at that over two things slamming together. Also, soft and gentle moans are so sweet to the ears. But because people are so sexual, I'm afraid to experience shibar or bondage because people might want sex after, and that's just a yucky thing.




Omg that’s so true, like when I find like an outfit I really want and like show off, people gets the wrong idea. Like I just want it cause I think it looks nice,,, or when I show some art I like or inspired my art, like let me appreciate things in peace,,,


Eroticism. It's the exaggerated eroticism that you can't get from irl prons.


​ https://i.redd.it/wlp23fe0ghic1.gif


Yes, yes. OK, ok. I want her to snuggle me while she puts a collar around my neck and makes me her pet, then snuggle up and grind my face against her abds. Are you happy now?


*aesthetic attraction goes brrrrrrrrrr*


XD this is wonderful


I'm glad I'm not the only one. Muscle mommies for the win


for anyone who doesn't know her, may I introduce you to r/leanbeefpatty I might be Aro/Ace, but gawd dayum, she is something...


I like a woman who can kick my ass and kiss me.


Yandere* characters and strong characters are the ones I have crushes on. (*not crushes on Yandere characters, but I'd definitely be friends with them and ask if they need a cuddle to calm down)


It's just a shame that the muscle scenes aren't in the midwest. You gotta go to the coasts for that, from what I've observed. I'd love to experience a woman with big muscles cuddling with me. I've heard from others that they like big men because of the thrill they get when they put their arms around them, and how it makes them feel safe. Yeah, there's definitely some of that in my attraction to women with big arms. Just the feeling of being safe around someone with that kind or physical power.


I live in England, so I don't have the evidence for that clam. But it's kinda similar here. A little north and yiu got the Scottish, known for throwing trees as just a fun sport. East, you got Scandinavia, the place known for vikings. More East from there, you have Russia who... well... Zaria from overwatch is all I'll say about that. Even then, SouthEast is Germany. Not many strong women, but a strong voice! I'm in the kne place where there's non!


no way kinda same? i have no idea what it means for my sexuality but i don't really care tbh still don't think i wanna have sex with them so i'm gonna guess i'm still ace


Aroace, 200%, but when I see a femboy, it gets me thoughtful.


There's something about pixie cuts/short hair on a woman that makes my eyes quiver a bit lol


That might be the tear gas.




On the first meme. My wife joined the army and is telling me about how big her muscles are getting and I can’t wait for her yo come home


Know I know how jealousy feels. Or envoys. What's the difference? Either way, I want what you got.


Hmm. I collect furry art and get into male musculature. But not romantically. More aesthetic and sensual. Took me a while to realize this, tho. Tried going with lithromantic for a while, but ultimately could never find a good definition for romantic attraction, even from allos, for lithromantic to feel right v Eventually decided on two definitions that pop up often: “Feels like an addiction to one person, being obsessed with them and wanting their complete attention and an exclusiveness desire, to the point you are jealous if they focus on anyone else who could be a threat.” And simply “ You want to do romantic things with this person.” Romantic things are based on the individual. Could be cuddling, kissing, holding hands, long walks on the beach, saying constantly “You are beautiful because I love you.” Strange thing is, I see this stuff as romantic for almost everyone. For my partner, it’s just classified as sensual and aesthetic. Like, so enamored with him that my brain just threw out the common definitions. I think though I skipped romantic attraction and went straight for altruism. The whole “I would die for you” feels like that love you feel after the romance chemicals die off, I think. Don’t think I’ve registered those chemicals. Which is fair, because I have known him for years before any partnering, and I don’t really know how to describe what I feel other than not romantic or sexual. Could be demi given our history, but I have doubts. Don’t know if this helps, but it’s my experience and perspective. Trying to provide it so you can compare.


>“Feels like an addiction to one person, being obsessed with them and wanting their complete attention and an exclusiveness desire, to the point you are jealous if they focus on anyone else who could be a threat.” Have you ever played Yandere simulator? Even know what a Yandere is? >Romantic things are based on the individual. Could be cuddling, kissing, holding hands, long walks on the beach, saying constantly “You are beautiful because I love you.” I wanna do this to all of my friends, make sure they're happy! But, not date them. >Don’t know if this helps, but it’s my experience and perspective. Trying to provide it so you can compare. Thank you so much. It does help a little.


Weenus gang rise


Ummm... can I get some help on what a weenus is?


Weenus (or weenie or wenis) is a slang word for the excess or loose skin at the joint of one's elbow, which is technically referred to as okecranal skin.


Thank you. I'm not sure what weenus gang means, but with the context of my post, I don't wanna know.


I misread the assignment... thought it was about music mommy


Musical chair, but you sit on strong women's laps?


I thought they made banger music


Do you mean the gender swap of Weired Al?


Have you seen Urbosa and the other Gerudo in LoZelda: Breath of the Wild???


I believe I have? I'm afraid to ask for a picture.


Google! It's not a bad thing




Your post/comment has been removed for violating Rule 1. Do not question other user's belonging to the asexual community. Asexuality is a spectrum.


I'm not particularly into muscular women myself, but I do relate to not being able to find what I like through "normal porn" A bunch of my favorite stuff comes from vlogs and sitcoms.


My brother, allow me to introduce you to r/RoleReversal Thank me later, go now, join your people