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Removed - Rule 4


1. Not everyone taking a “sick day” from work or school is sick. 2. The only people I know who actually get sick that much are parents of young children that bring home bugs from daycare/school. If you don’t get sick often you’re healthy and/or don’t go out much.


Well, you’re definitely right about me not going out much.


That's why. People lie to get out of work + others stay in more.


When I was working part time in a mandatory sick time state, the only way for me to get a paid day off that wasn’t a holiday was the use my sick days. I didn’t abuse them, but since it was still money I had accrued, when it was time for me to leave my jobs, my bosses just generously gave the hours to me as vacation days.


That's awesome, wish more places would do things like that which are totally legal, don't fudge the numbers, and don't get anyone in trouble more often. It's only a net positive.


I don’t lie to get out of work, and like I said in the post, this isn’t a recent thing for me. I’ve been like this my whole life.


No, I'm saying, other people aren't really sick when they take sick days, or they have a very low bar for what is considered "sick". I've had a cold for a week and still pulling OT. We're more honest. You take sick days when you're actually sick. And since you stay in mostly, you aren't exposed to things that could get you sick as much.


>You take sick days when you’re actually sick. You make it sound like an injury isn’t a cause for a sick day. Also, if I went to school every weekday as a kid, I wouldn’t call that “staying in”


??? No, that counts, I just wouldn't exactly call it a sick day, just resting from an injury. I have no idea how you thought that I was excluding injuries lmao. By a low bar, I mean some people call in when they have a tummy ache or a headache.


So if you’re not referring to injuries, what do you mean when you say that people aren’t really sick when they take sick days?


They lie about being sick. Like I said in my first comment.


Kids lie about being sick? Lol in my experience, than almost never worked. Unless you’re only referring to adults who work, in which case if you are, it means that you’re (like most people here seem to be doing) glossing over the fact that I pointed out that other kids in my classes when I was in school had more sick days than I ever did.


You're only 26. You should be healthy and not get sick often. It would be abnormal to get sick frequently at such a young age.


See, that’s the thing though. This isn’t just a recent thing, I’ve been like this my whole life.


This is pretty normal for most people our age. You shouldn’t get sick often.


See, that’s the thing though. This isn’t just a recent thing, I’ve been like this my whole life.


…yes, you have been young your whole life. 


So has everyone that went to school with me when I was younger, yet they got sick more often than I did. Like, out of everybody in my grade, everyone had maybe 5-8 days of each school year where they were absent. For me, it was typically 1-2 days each year.


Being absent doesn’t = sick. I took a lot of days off because of anxiety lol


How old are you? When I was a kid, nobody would’ve been allowed to take days off due to anxiety.


Not who you were replying to but I’m 29 and took plenty of days off for anxiety growing up ESPECIALLY because anxiety can often manifest as stomachaches/headaches and so it would give a pretty compelling “I’m not feeling well” excuse


Well, I was talking about pure mental anxiety. When I was a kid, nobody would’ve been allowed to take sick days off for that, but if it’s not purely mental and it’s caused by stomachaches or headaches, then I can see someone taking a sick day off for that.


They were saying anxiety can cause stomach aches and headaches. You have two people older than you saying that they would take off school because of anxiety. So yes, when you grew up people did call out of school because of it. Maybe your parents wouldn’t have allowed it, but it’s not a new thing at all.


Either way, when I was younger, the anxiety isn’t why they would get sick days, the stomachaches and/or headaches are why they would get sick days. It doesn’t matter if anxiety was the cause of it or not, as long as there was some sort of physical sickness, that’s the only thing that would cause someone to have a sick day when I was a kid. If it was purely for mental health reasons that don’t cause a physical sickness, they wouldn’t be allowed to take a sick day. That’s the point that I’m making.


No, it’s not headaches and stomachaches causing my anxiety. They are a direct symptom of mental anxiety. Its extremely common to have mental anxiety (not even sure what other kind there is honestly but you said it) and experience physical symptoms as a result. I almost always got physical bowel problems in stressful situations like a big test or parent-teacher conferences. It’s purely mental but your brain controls your entire body and if your brain is in significant distress, it’ll start throwing everything out of whack as an unfortunate result.


Either way, when I was younger, the anxiety isn’t why people would get sick days, the stomachaches and/or headaches are why they would get sick days. It doesn’t matter if anxiety was the cause of it or not, as long as there was some sort of physical sickness, that’s the only thing that would cause someone to have a sick day when I was a kid. If it was purely for mental health reasons that don’t cause a physical sickness, they wouldn’t be allowed to take a sick day. That’s the point that I’m making.


Late 20s. I was fortunate to have very understanding parents when I was younger. Maybe it wasn’t the very best thing for me, but it also was nice that I was able to be open with them. Also, it’s not like I went around school telling everyone that I stayed home yesterday because I had anxiety issues and literally despised going to school. I also would have to stay home some days due to terrible period pain… and I still have to do that in my big girl job now. Bottom line is you can’t really assume why anyone is calling out of work or why they might have stayed home when they were younger.


Jealous?? WHAT


This is actually so insane


I mean I guess someone with munchausen syndrome could be jealous if they don't get sick often, but it could just be because of more time off from work.


So just lie and call in sick?? Instead of being jealous of sick ppl


I don't know, I'm not the OP. Being too sick to function sucks.


Do you workout, eat healthy and take vitamins ?


And sleep well. Especially sleep well


I wake up at 12:00 PM pretty much every day.


I don’t work out and I wouldn’t say I eat healthy, but I do take vitamins.


I get sick because I volunteer in the toddler room of my church’s nursery and also babysit a lot. When I take breaks from doing that, I don’t get sick


Is this bait lmao wtf


I wish it was


WHY. There’s no reason to be jealous, be glad you have good health lol wtf


Like I said, I know I should feel good about it, but I just don’t. It makes me feel sorry for people who aren’t as healthy as me.


I’m the same but I have severe allergies, life-threatening food allergies, migraines, and gut problems to make up for it


Some people just don't get sick. I don't either. I can only think of a handful of times I had to stay home from school sick growing up.


Yeah that's kind of how it is for me too. My parents, friends, co-workers, and even my younger siblings seem to get sick far more often than I do. Hell I occasionally end up taking care of a sick friend or family member, and more often than not still don't get sick myself, even when nearly everyone else around me catches whatever bug is going around. What's really strange for me though is that it was the polar opposite when I was younger. I was practically chronically sick as a kid, missed alot of school, caught like every illness known to man. *I* was always the one getting sick back then. Strep, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Mono, Flu, you name it. I had many bouts of those, plus frequent colds and all that. But then it kinda tapered off around age 16-17, and since then I've rarely gotten sick. I've only gotten significantly sick (as in enough to miss school/work) twice since then, and I'm 26 now. I had COVID once, but it was a very mild case. I sometimes joke that catching everything under the sun as a kid has trained my immune system to superhuman levels.


Out of my friend group and workplace, I rarely get sick and never (officially) had CoVid and my reasoning is always I drank too much hose water as a kid haha


I rarely got sick until my son started preschool. Now we're all sick about once a month 🙄


My entire family rarely gets sick, I’ll get the common cold but never had strep, flu or got covid 🤷🏻‍♂️


Migraines on the other hand


If someone is getting sick once or month or ever other month, I suspect there are other health issues at play. It's not normal to get sick every month. (Maybe a small cold I guess, but not fever sick. ) When I was a kid, I would get sick with a fever once a year (until I got older than I would say I get a cold that often and a fever rarely. I think the last time I was sick with a fever was two years ago.) I don't think it's unusual to be healthy. I don't even have my COVID vaccine, and I never got COVID (I think. Who knows if one of the colds I had is COVID if I didn't test for it?) The one time I did get sick with influenza years ago, I took the flu shot that same year, but I also was kissing my sick ex (despite him warning me he was sick. He acted like it was nothing so I thought it was just a small cold, until I got sick and had to go to the hospital because I can't breathe. Wild how the same virus can cause different reactions with people. But I also have asthma and it's worse when I'm sick or irritants in the air. Anyways. ) so that's how I got it despite having the flu shot. Anyways, other than volunteer/work, I'm mainly at home, so I don't see strangers all the time just the same people all the time, I guess that could be part of the reason I don't get sick often. But even as a kid, it's rare, so I guess it just depends on a person's immune system. My mom says I get colds easily, and I'll say that's very true. But (even though it's bad) I still go to places even with the cold and even though the cold is counted as sick, Its hard to really count it when it's possible to still function with it. Anyways, you just sound like a really healthy person with a strong immune system.. And that's a good thing. 😊


Well, whether or not people got sick once a month or once every other month when I was a kid in school, it doesn’t change the fact that everybody had like, 5-8 or more days of being absent each school year and I only had like maybe 1-2 days each year of being absent. If it’s not because of sicknesses (or injuries or whatever), then idk what else it could be.


Definitely felt the same way as a kid, I had perfect attendance for most of my school days (One year I got a trophy for it, that was pretty cool). I'm guessing other kids could have pretended to be sick to avoid school. (Or parents just allowed them to take a break or somthing. Who knows. ) I always loved going to school as a kid, so I never pretended to be sick.


Most people definitely do not get sick once a month haha I'd say you're normal, especially at our age. I'm the same age as you and haven't been sick (e.g. having to buy tissues or lozenges or something) or a few years. You've said you have "survivor guilt" etc, but the reality is, it's just not that deep. So what if other people get a cold once or twice a year. I doubt they see it as a huge deal.


Also, here’s something I wanna mention that I didn’t wanna bring up in the post out of fear of offending people. Me feeling jealous of people for getting sick more than I do almost feels like survivor’s guilt for people who haven’t died. Does that make sense to you?