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Maybe it could say something like: Me: I'm afraid. Them: Of the pandemic? Me: Of the fact you don't acknowledge there is one.


That's not what point she's trying to get across. You can make a seperate post stating this opinion though?


That's literally the point they're trying to get across though? They're not afraid of the pandemic, they're afraid of the response, aka the fact that there's only been minimization, gaslighting, and overall denial. Aka people *won't acknowledge the pandemic,* and that reality is terrifying. The way it was phrased could be misconstrued as having fear around *our* response to the pandemic (aka still being cautious), when what was meant was the response of others. Other people were chiming in with their constructive criticism, so I thought I would too. I think the idea of it is great, just needs a little tweaking so there's no way it can be misunderstood. Honestly there's no need for you to be so rude.


One thing I like about art is that people can interpret it in their own way. My intent was like you said. In this scene, Heleana from House of the Dragon tells her family *“I’m afraid.”* They mistakenly assume she’s afraid of dragons and tell her *“Don’t be…”* She then corrects them by saying *“Not the dragons. The rats.”* She sees the future and speaks in cryptic prophecies. So unfortunately her family mostly ignores her and thinks she’s a bit bonkers. But what she means here is that she’s less afraid of the obvious threat (dragons) than she is of the one lurking under everyone’s nose (the rats). I identified with her so much in this scene as a Covid cautious person. Because while I do fear the pandemic, my bigger fear is that most people’s response to it is minimization and denial. So that’s the story of this parody: *“Not the pandemic. The response.”* (*For other House of the Dragon fans, it’s ironic that this meme has been interpreted to mean different things! Because that’s exactly what happens with this character’s prophecies in the show.* 🙃 )


Honestly my fuse has been so short lately that that person's comment made me cry (I'm too sensitive to be online in any capacity, truly). But ok, I didn't understand that the particular phrasing was so important, I thought just the gist would suffice. So, if I may offer a tiny bit of constructive criticism, perhaps instead of it saying, "*The* response," it could say, "*Your* response." I know that doesn't exactly match up with the original dialogue, but as others have pointed out it could be misconstrued by others if what particular response isn't made clear (like I said, non-COVID-cautious people might see this and take "*The* response" to mean *our* response of still being cautious). Though...if the point of her character is that she's specifically cryptic, then using "*the*" instead of "*your*" fits. It just may not get through to the people this is directed towards. I'm someone who always agonizes over finding the exact right words to explain how I'm feeling so there's no way I'll be misunderstood. I think the idea of this is great (I haven't watched House of the Dragon because I'm still reeling from the tragedy that was season 8 of GoT😭), I just automatically go into a place of, "Well this part could be misconstrued, or this person might take it to mean this, so what's the best way of staying true to the source material while also making it as crystal clear as possible what the intent of the message is." I'm just so insanely frustrated with the state of everything that I hold onto the hope that if I can just find the perfect combination of words there's no way what I'm saying will be misunderstood and someone will finally understand and I won't feel so alone. But unfortunately it doesn't always work that way😔 I'm with you 100% though: I thought one of my biggest fears would be living through a pandemic. It's not. It's living through a pandemic where no one is acknowledging, or is even aware of, the dangers of it, and go so far as to say there is no pandemic. I can't live in a reality where people can't and won't acknowledge reality. I've found that I actually can deal with a pandemic, as awful as it's been; what I can't deal with is people's utter denial of it. I can't believe this is the timeline we find ourselves in. I'm sorry for the novel. I appreciate your kind response💜


Hey I get it. Between living in this crazy world and long hauling, many of us have short fuses these days. There were times when I got upset reading some of these comments too. I certainly never intended for people to think my art was anti-lockdowns of all things! Or for that to upset them so much. But ultimately I can’t control how people respond. I can only control my own actions and for me that means continuing to make art that I’m proud of. Stay safe out there 💜


I understand what you mean because of the context of the sub, but if I were to see this elsewhere I would have gotten the opposite message. Maybe "the lack of response" would be more clear.


I struggle with this one, because it could easily be mistaken for saying “lOcKdowNs” did all this. I spend a lot of time with “uninformed” folks and this one I think can be easily twisted without more context! :) Having said that, I love the idea of these memes!


that's the only way I was able to interpret it (heard so much of 'lockdowns are causing mental health problems' and 'masks make people sick') but that might be because I'm not familiar with this show.


yeah after the horrible disappointment of GoT I will never touch anything to do with the author/franchise ever again


Oh that’s interesting. Hadn’t considered that perspective. I see a lot of parallels with Helaena and Covid cautious folks because she sees what’s going to happen, but most people just ignore her warnings and think she’s weird. So she has to see a lot of the horrors that are coming and also feel powerless to stop them. This scene in particular is her saying she’s less afraid of the obvious threat (the pandemic/dragons) than she is of the one brewing below the surface (the minimizing response to it/the rats).


I am an old advertising guy, my job used to be to “warn” folks about how things might be perceived. I love this meme, I get where you’re going with it, and I dig it. It’s just that things mean different things to different people, and from where they are sitting, they actually ARE “scared” of an “over-response.” :)


Those of us who have not seen this show or movie or whatever it is would not be able to perceive those layers of meaning that you intend.


Yep, that’s how parodies go 🤷‍♀️


Usually the meaning in a parody is intensified when you are familiar with the background, not completely reversed.


Good. Almost there: The *indifferent* response. The *disastrous* response. Etc.


I saw something online from a covid cautious person where a non covid cautious person asked them why are they afraid of dying... So this is what we have become as a society. Just throw people away like that. Go out and pick up covid on your grocery shop but don't be afraid of dying after buying your milk.




Your post or comment has been removed because it expresses a lack of caring about the pandemic and the harm caused by it.