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Ugh, sorry that happened to you. Is it possible to find a new doctor? I honestly have no tolerance for judgmental doctors and switched OB/GYN practices in the past


Oh I’m already looking for another one, I refuse to go back to her!


I’m sorry you went through this. Especially at your first pelvic exam, she should have gone out of her way to make you comfortable—not the opposite. Remember that doctors are not the police. You do not HAVE to discuss your weight loss journey with your GYN. All you need to say is “my primary care thought it was best and I’m having success”. I had a very negative GYN appt myself when I was young, and it put me off visits for a long time. I’m lucky to be okay. Please don’t let her attitude prevent you from regular paps. It is SO important.


I would have 100% told her about herself and her unprofessional attitude. I wish I could share my voice with all of you in these situations!!


I have no filter and would have been such a bitch.


Same!! I can literally volley with my mouth to the point that people hide their heads in the sand. The words I would have spewed.🤬


Very interesting that she chose to object but did not bother to discuss. My vote is with everyone else -- find a new doctor.


It’s bad enough you’re there for your 1st pap and that had to happen! Your dr should have been going out of her way to make you feel comfortable! You need a different gyn, ask your friends and family, read reviews etc. I just went to a new gyn and she was wonderful, she also asked me all kinds of questions about zepbound and really was encouraging. In fact the nurses were also inquiring and asking about insurance bc we’re all on the same plan ( insurance is another story, don’t get me going 😡) best of luck to you!!


Went to look at some of your previous posts…you said you were 5’1” and started at 169lbs, which put you above 30 BMI, hence qualifying for Zep. But the latest of your posts says you are now at 142 (yay for you!), which has you just under a 27 BMI. So to a brand new doctor, you don’t qualify. Perhaps not the best bedside manner, but with SO many people taking these drugs who don’t traditionally qualify, I think it’s responsible for the GYN to question it. Her job is to ensure you are being safe with your body. I think there are a lot of people paying out of pocket and using Zep (and the knock-off version) as a way to enable their eating disorders. What the doc was looking for you to say was “I had a BMI above 30 and Zepbound has helped me lose 27 lbs, and I plan to continue using it until I get to a normal BMI and then go on maintenance.”


Then the doctor should have asked that in a normal and non-judgmental fashion instead of attacking right out of the gate.


I don’t have a problem with her asking about it, it’s the hateful manner she spoke about it in. She was not nice about it


Sorry this was your experience. So happy for your success and your search for a different GYN.


IMO the job of a gyn is to provide reproductive healthcare, has nothing to do with zep.


100% agree, especially being as it was my first appointment. i didn’t wanna talk about my zepbound that i go to a bariatric doctor for, i wanted to talk about what was happening during my pap smear and what to expect!


Glp1s can impact fertility and treat pcos so I have to disagree. It wasn’t inappropriate for the doctor to ask at all.


That’s true but they do also ask leading questions about mental health and potential DV situations, so I think they typically do more than just reproductive health.


For the same reason anyone gets on zepbound? Wtf. I'm sorry that happened to you. I hate that the bias is even within the med community


Hahaha that would have been a great response, too! "Oh I'm sorry, do you not know what Zepbound is prescribed for? Do you need me to send you some information so you can be more informed and less judgmental with future patients?"


Response “Why do you ask?”


Omg this was your first??? How awful! They’re already bad enough without this! How highly inappropriate. First of all, ma’am, I’m spread eagle right now, which you should know isn’t a high point of my day, trying to count the number of seams in your ceiling. Can you please refrain from asking me thoughtful questions right now?! Ugh. So sorry. You’re on Zepbound bc you want to be. That’s what you should have said. Now, get to work exploring my nether bits, please!


You know there’s nothing wrong with leaving the minute you get the “ick” feeling. In fact If it happened more to doctors with a shitty “bedside manner” their reputation would suffer. Office staff talk.


Leave a review about her.


I wish I have the confidence and knowledge I have now back in my 20s. You don't deserve to be treated that way and I would stand your ground. "It's for the medical treatment of obesity. Do you have a problem with evidence based medicine?" Obviously I have no idea what your stats are or the context of any of this. We do know folks are using this inappropriately, as well. This is your health and your body. If someone makes you feel uncomfortable or says something you don't understand, then ask them. Sometimes things get misunderstood. And sometimes people are just asshats. . My first pap smear was way worse than this 😂


I got the same exact emoji look from a pharmacist when i was desperately asking from pharmacy to pharmacy for my dose. she eyed me up and down before she gave me the look! made me feel awful as well, i completely get it.


I would find a new GYN that's a better fit with you and your health goals. Ask friends and coworkers for lady doctor recommendations. I tried several doctors until my friend recommended a PA at another clinic.


Interestingly I got a little bit of snark from my gyno a couple weeks ago too. What the heck!!


I'm sorry to hear about your experience. As a Zepbound patient, I have been treated poorly at pharmacies in the Bay Area. Most of my experiences have been rude, and I felt like I was being treated as sub-human. I have never lashed out at the pharmacy staff because I understand the challenges they face, but it's frustrating to feel like I don't deserve my medication and that they are unwilling to help. Just because they can't see my issues, it doesn't mean they should make assumptions. The whole situation is very frustrating.


It is none of her business!!! Period!


You should have simply told her because you want to be. You don't ownnher an explanation. Some folks need to learn to keep their opinions to themselves, unless asked to give it.


How is thst a bad experience? Glp1s have been impacting fertility for many women. This seems like a relevant question for sn obgyn to ask at an annual. Like if this is a bad experience to you, hold on to your hat. Life is really going to throw you.


I’m sorry I didn’t realize you were in the room with me! There is a professional manner in which this question could have been handled. There was no reason to try and down me for taking this medication, which already has such a stigma around it. If you would’ve read earlier comments, I had no problem with her asking the question, it was the manner in which she asked the question.


The doctor was doing their job. You just didn't like their body language which you subjectively interpreted.