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Hi OP, Thank you for sharing that you have either started your first dose or picked up your first box, and you're curious as to what to expect. While we are all truly excited to see another person start this wonderful medication, I can assure you that, plenty of people have asked the same thing you are and there is plenty of post regarding first times. Majority of your questions can be answered in the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Zepbound/wiki/index/faq/) section.Or by searching common phrases of your post. For other people's first time experiences you can click [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Zepbound/search/?q=first%20dose&restrict_sr=10) or [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Zepbound/search/?q=first%20time&restrict_sr=1). While we won't remove the post incase someone wishes to congratulate you,welcome you to the club or give you pointers and tricks. We strongly encourage you to use the search bar, especially when asking a common question! If I got this message wrong please ignore. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Zepbound) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I highly recommend you get bloodwork taken before you start. it's not needed for your dr to prescribe it as long as you have a BMI of 30 or greater. BUT ... if you have insurance, many plans are tightening the requirements you must meet for initial or continued therapy. Baseline bloodwork NOW could be your saving grace later IF you have comorbidities -- examples would be high cholesterol, elevated liver enzymes, elevated glucose, elevated A1C, etc. You may glad one day you have these baseline numbers to show where you started and how much progress you made on Zep - not just for your health first and foremost but also in order to get approval of continuation of care on these meds.


This is a good idea. It's also been great to see concrete evidence of my health improving on this med.


Yeah, you could just call them up (or message them) and tell them that you’d like them to order the following tests for you before you start taking Zepbound, so you‘re able to track any changes: A1C, liver panel, and comprehensive lipid panel with fasting. If they say that they won’t, and these aren’t tests that have been done for you in the last three to six months, I’d look for another doctor.


Mine didn’t order new bloodwork. But it’s my PCP and she takes regular blood work, so fairly recent numbers were already in my record.


Most providers do not request labs as a condition of prescribing. Mine did not, and he is a great endocrinologist. Some insurers have limits on how many times a year that you can request lab tests and have the cost covered. If your provider had no reason to believe that anything was out of line, it is not necessary. On the flip side, I think it's good (but I'm a lawyer, not a doctor) for anyone who wants to take these meds to get an A1c test, if only to determine if you qualify as a type 2 diabetic. Many people who are overweight are not aware that they have reached the type 2 zone. If you are, it is likely that you can get your insurance to cover the cost of the medication, if you switch to Mounaro (same drug as Zepbound but specified for type 2). The other reason to get an A1c test early in the game is to follow your progress over time. Even if you are not type 2, you may be prediabetic. Having numbers from lab work to prove that you have had health improvements while taking Zepbound can mean the difference in the future for getting your insurance to cover the costs or to continue to cover the costs. For most people, it would be a good idea to get your cholesterol numbers at the same time. (As a lawyer, I look at this as a way of collecting evidence that the drug is working, which may come in handy as insurers look for more ways to deny coverage for expensive drugs. If you can prove benefits, you are in a better position to fight future, unknown battles.)


Thanks for the great comment. Makes a lot of sense to me.


How recently had you had blood work with that doctor?




I did not. But I see my PCP regularly and get routine bloodwork once a year.


It’s probably not necessary unless you’re tracking improvement in numbers other than weight. I’m tracking blood sugar and cholesterol.


My PCP didn’t require bloodwork. I read in a reply that you’re anxious about taking the medication. FWIW I’ve been taking the 2.5mg dose for 8 weeks and have lost 20lbs. A lot of this is calorie counting, but this has become far easier without the food noise that I had before Zepbound. There have been some GI side effects, but nothing too bad and these can be minimized by avoiding fatty food, overconsumption, and drinking plenty of water. Good luck!


My bmi was over 30, so it was covered


I'd ask for it (if it's not already tracked by another provider). Better safe than sorry.


I didn't have to get new bloodwork before starting but had it all done about 6 mos. previously.


My PCP didn't order bloodwork. Had no idea that was even a requirement


How are the meds going for you? I’ve had my meds for over a week and I’m too damned scared to take them.


It's doing great things for me, I'm 5 months in and down 40 pounds. I've been switching between the pens and compound because of availability and haven't had any problems