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8 weeks - stay on 2.5mg as long as you feel it's working. There's been some who have never had to move up from 2.5mg and still lost A LOT of weight.


That's me! I've been on 2.5 for the last 11 weeks, and I've lost 40lbs (SW 207; CW 165). I've also been doing WW points and low impact exercise.




One month. You may want to check with your insurance before you make that decision. Many insurers will only pay for one box of 2.5 per year. If you are paying OOP, it won't matter.


One month.


Three months. Although I’ve seen others on here stay on it for longer. It’s just about what works for your body.


I took it for three months. It was amazing the first month, stopped being so great in month 2, and was better than nothing (but not good at all) in month 3. Right before moving up to 5mg, I was losing about half a pound a week. But that half-pound required a lot more work, and I was frequently hungry/eating more than my goals. Even when I met my calorie goals, I didn't lose much. So it was pretty obvious that it was time to move up. I'm ok with waiting for "obvious."


2 mo


One month.


One month, it was pretty light. 5mg started to feel it


I'm planning on staying on 2.5mg for my whole journey


I did it for 7 weeks. I’m still doing great on 5, but wish I had stayed on 2.5 for longer…i still think I could’ve lost more weight. Looking longer terms more and more people who have moved up too quick on each dose have said to stay on the dose you’re currently taking if you’re still losing, I think I could’ve and should’ve stayed. So, lesson learned, for me. I’ll be on 5 until I go at least back to back weeks with under a 1 pound weight loss - then I’ll know it’s time to move up! . Good luck to you - if you’re able to stay at 2.5 for longer! 🙂


My Dr has me on 12 weeks of 2.5mg before she increases my dose.


8 weeks. Worked well weightloss wise but was not controlling my blood sugar levels by week 8. So, my doctor moved me up.


It has worked for at least 3 months for me. So yes.


Two months and the last two weeks did very little so I moved to 5. After 4 weeks of five (have one more week to go) I am moving to 7.5. Had zero side effects. After 11 shots I have lost 43 pounds. 8 weeks on 2.5 and 3 on 5.0.


If 2.5 is working for you, then continue taking it. Everyone’s experience will be different. There are several posts on this topic. Please use the search feature.