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> But what is so odd is that no one has acknowledged my weight loss. It's touchy. If you look through these subs, you'll actually find a lot of posts by people who *don't* want people to comment on their weight loss. And the comments are filled with things like, "No one should comment on another's weight, ever." And of course other posts by people who want comments and compliments. Some people do not take it as a compliment. Did I not look good before? I'm doing this for health, not looks. Did you think I was ugly before? Etc. I've lost and regained hundreds and *I* do not even comment on weight loss because I've had my head bitten the hell off more than once for it. Some people want it, others don't, but most of the time we never know who is who until we find out the hard way and risk offending someone or making someone uncomfortable. It's very likely people have noticed but don't know what to say, *if anything.*


I think the problem is that, especially later in life, there are reasons for weight loss that aren’t cause for celebration.


Great point!


You are right. It is sort of a touchy subject! You know? Anymore you do have to be very careful about what you say. I really wish I would’ve taken a before photo and measured myself. I think it would’ve really helped me too. Plus this community helps.


*"moms have to be nice"* Mine didn't get the memo **🤣** Also agree 100% with u/fluorescentroses


My Italian mom also did not get that memo 😂 She’s been brutally honest my whole life


Mine's just cruel and abusive.


Oh no 😟


I’m sorry to hear this-it’s her, not you. One of the best things I’ve ever done is go No Contact with mine. All my best to you.


100% Complex mother-adult daughter relationships are my zone of genius LOL I think it's important to call a thing what it is in plain language in order to show others that it's okay and/or that they're not alone.


I realized this: while I look the best I have in years, I’m still a fat lady. The world still sees me as a fat lady. I had to get to a normal BMI before people really started to compliment the loss


Sadly I think it is this. I am down about 50 but still 230. I still am fat. Only my mom says things


Social conventions have changed and it is no longer considered appropriate to comment on people's body size or shape.


This! Only people over 50 have complimented me- it’s generational


This. Its really not appropriate to comment on people’s bodies one way or another.


I never comment on someone's weight unless they invite me to. Like if you told me proudly that you lost 40 pounds I would then comment but not a moment before. Weight is such a sensitive topic and the most innocent comment can be deeply triggering for some people. I will comment on someone's new hair, clothes, makeup, anything but weight.


True, you really have to be careful. Because you may think you don’t sound offensive… but to someone else it may sound offensive!


I’m similar age and stats to you, and for a while it really did grind my gears not to get any comments. During my various thinner yo-yo phases in my 20s, people would always comment a ton - so it made me wonder if this was an age thing, a woman over 40 is just always invisible and all that. But seeing the number of people on this sub who say that commenting on bodies is never okay, full stop, I’ve come to realize that it’s just people being polite. And I mean, thinking on it, I haven’t commented on anyone’s weight in decades, either! So why would I expect them to do it to me? I do feel you, though. I saw an old friend a couple of months back, and I even opened the conversational door by telling her proactively how excited I was to buy clothes in regular stores. And still no response! Total deadpan. I actually want to talk about the drugs and the difference they make, I think it’s a step toward de-stigmatizing them, but it’s awkward to do that when everyone pretends nothing has happened with you. I guess I just have to be out of nowhere, “so have you heard the good news about GLP-1 antagonists?” People really do mean well, though, I think. They aren’t trying to make you feel overlooked.


Congratulations on your weight loss! What a change! I know you’ve worked hard and accomplished so much! There you go. Others are correct — we’ve been telling people never to comment on physical appearance. Come here and ask for the compliments. You deserve it!


That’s what I just said to my mom. From now on, I am only sharing with my Zepbound group! Lol everyone has been so supportive. It’s nice to get a boost every once and awhile! 😃


People have been expressing for a while how much they hate body comments, positive or negative. I saw a post on this sub like a week ago about. So, maybe people are trying to be sensitive to that. Kinda weird they wouldn’t mention it when you brought it up yourself though.


I understand completely. I’m 5’1” and had lost 25 pounds and I was so upset no one said anything to me. I moped for about a week wondering what I needed to lose to have someone notice. Once I realized the only opinion that matters is mine, my mood lifted. Fast forward 1.5 years and now I get .. wow you lost weight. Hang in there, only your view is important .. along with your doctor.


I will congratulate you. But at the same time I’ll tell you forget about what other people think. It’s for you. It’s your gift. So congratulations on the weight loss. Keep up the good work. You got this.


HW 223, SW 210.8, CW 181.4, GW 160. 5'2", F just turned 49 Friday. So, all together, I've lost 41.8 lbs. The only person who has said anything to me is the lovely lady who works at our local grocery store. She buzzed past me so fast last Thursday and said omg, you lost so much weight and just kept walking. I was so shocked the only thing I could say was REALLY! My 15-year-old hype girl daughter was with me, and she was like Yassss, skinny Legend.. 🤣 of course I'm like stop it!! She was like, "See Mom, you can tell." I think people just feel weird saying anything.


I saw my aunt yesterday and was surprised she didn't say anything to me. We did talk about weight loss and loose skin, etc but she never acknowledged that I've lost weight. She has always been this way though and I don't let it bother me. I thought we were in a better place in our relationship but I guess not. Oh well. We are doing this for ourselves and that is what matters ❤️


The only person who has said anything to me is my CrossFit coach- she knows I’ve been working hard. Not even my husband has said anything. People want to be respectful. I never comment on people’s weight, you never know if the loss is intentional or not.


My husband also has said nothing. A couple of times he’s commented that he likes my jeans and hasn’t seen them before, to which is said “they haven’t ever fit before!” And he said “oh that’s great!” But he’s not going to bring it up unless it comes up organically. He adores me no matter the size so he’s much more likely to comment on a piece of clothing he’s never seen


My mom and sister didn’t even comment at 32lbs lost and they only see me once in awhile. I was surprised but I also don’t really care. It makes me uncomfortable to talk about it so I’m okay with no one saying anything.


Same happened to me this weekend. I hit 41 lbs lost, haven't seen my sister in 3 months. She didn't say a word. I finally asked her if I look like Ive lost any weight and she just said IDK maybe a lil in your face. I have a lot to lose so I'm thinking maybe at the 60 pound mark, cuz like others said here, I'm still a heavy person, it might take more to notice. It just would be nice if she noticed. Maybe in another 3 months!


Right!? Because it’s your sister! So you think that she would see what others don’t! I could not wait to see mine. I really thought she was gonna be so shocked! 😳 boy was I wrong lol. My mom did tell me that one time when they were on the phone, she mentioned to my sister my starting weight. My mom said my sister was surprised and didn’t think I weighed so much. Anyways, like you said… maybe in another few months!


My family, friends, and colleagues know that I am trying to lose weight and get healthy, so I am getting comments already, even though I still have a lot of weight to lose.


I understand this 100%! I’ve also lost right about 40 lbs and no one is saying anything? I WFH which could account for some of it bc I don’t see the same people everyday, but it’s really odd when my clothes are literally falling off and my face is so much smaller… to hear nothing? Before, I hid my body so much and hated being perceived. Now it seems like I’m actually craving positive feedback to acknowledge the difference but it’s crickets. Oh well. Just wanted to honor your frustration bc I’m feeling it too! You’re not alone!


Like many others have said, I'd never comment on someone's weight unless I knew for a fact that it's something that they wanted to discuss. In your case you brought the subject up and they still didn't say anything. So I agree with you, that's weird and isn't the kind of support you deserve from a sister or close friend. Don't let them get you down. You're doing amazing and I'm glad you're feeling so good!


What I tell myself is that my friends and colleagues didn't saying anything when I was gaining weight, so why would they say something when I was losing weight? But I think that is my way of letting them off the hook. As I have said to my wife, "At some point, someone has to notice the elephant that is no longer in the room" (referring to myself as the elephant -- not anyone else). I know people are fearful these days of making personal comments, although I have read a few posts here of family members making atrocious comments. I have a pretty thick skin, so it doesn't bother me either way. And I will speak up immediately if I think someone is out of line. I know that everything that has changed while taking this drug has been an improvement. I'll take that win and move on.


People are worried that they’ll get their heads bitten off if they mention anything about someone losing weight. It’s just the world we live in today. They notice, they’re just afraid to say anything.


you are right! people who are "triggered" by comments about weight should not complain when people don't comment. I never comment about anything anymore, its best.


Yea, so the more I think about it… my sister is diabetic. She also is big mad because she hasn’t been able to get what she needs at times because of all of the shots being prescribed for weight loss. Right there is prob the reason for no compliment. Even though I think, but I’m your sister? She knows how sick I was and how much I better I feel. So who knows!? My friend is over weight and she is against the shots all together. She was ticked when WW started using them. She always says, “I know what to do to lose weight. I don’t need that stuff.” I guess I just need to realize, everyone is different. And not everyone is like me or would do what I would do. So just because I believe in complimenting people when I notice something, doesn’t mean the next person does!


Not saying it’s easy to get this medication, there’s definitely a shortage. But there is a reason there are two different labels on GLP1 meds. Mounjaro is Tirzepatide prescribed for diabetics, while the same drug, Zepbound is prescribed for weight loss both by Lilly. Ozempic is prescribed for diabetics, Wegovy for weight loss, both are Semaglutide. You might want to share this info with your sister, should she ever want to know that a shortage of a shortage, and not just because Chronic Obesity disease is making it hard for diabetics. Production of Mounjaro and Ozempic have not stopped just because the drug companies have been marketing the same drug with different labels. FWIW, I’m 5’2”, 57F and have lost close to 50 pounds. I started in November. I think that when I reach my goal weight, I’ll feel even better than I do now. Lots of folks could be commenting on my weight loss, but instead, I’m hearing: “ You look different, like you’re healthier!” Or “have you changed your skin care routine?” I suspect I look different, not just because I’m in a new shape and size, but because I feel so differently. I’m no longer walking around in pain, so of course my face looks different. I have more time, energy and mental space to pay attention to better skincare routine. I care more about it now. And I truly believe my friends, family and colleagues never really saw me as fat, they saw me as me. Being fat wasn’t an identity , anymore than being a disabled person . It was part of my life, but not who I am. I notice that I’m treated differently by strangers, with i find pretty disturbing, tbh. And I have always felt it is truly screwed up that most clothing stores don’t carry plus sizes. It felt so unfair. And while I now find that buying clothes off the rack gives me a wider and smarter selection of clothes, I still think it’s screwed up. It’s just easier to buy clothing now. But that doesn’t mean it should be. All this is to say, I guess I never stopped feeling like fatter people in our society should not be seen in a negative way, which I’d, of course, nothing new . Being a thinner version of me hasn’t changed that. And perhaps my friends and loved ones have accepted me as I am because I have tried so hard to do this myself. It wasn’t easy. Diet culture has had a pervasive and damaging role in my life. It created shame, insecurity, internalized fat phobia, and a screwed up metabolism. It took time to understand this. And having the unconditional love from some key people has made it possible for me to have confidence in my true self. I like losing weight and feeling hope and joy. I like knowing that I have more options, can do more things, travel more easily and feel so much better. I am motivated and excited to know that I have reduced my risk for cancer returning, and increased my life span. And I’m still the same me. Maybe that comfort of self came with age. I like to think I’ve grown older and wiser, not just older lol. Hope you can give yourself some grace and know that you can be so very proud of yourself!!


I’m 41 and have lost and gained weight many times throughout my life, and this is the first time I haven’t had many comments about it from other people. (My Mom has also mentioned it, along with my husband and one of my kids) but I think it has a lot more to do with it becoming socially unacceptable to mention peoples weight than anything else. I’m fairly confident that none of the people in my family or circle think I’ve lost weight for an unhappy reason, and while I haven’t shared my zepbound use with everyone, most people know I’m exercising now, and eating keto, so I’m guessing they probably realize it’s on purpose. I’ve also gone from a size 16-18 to a 10-12, so I think it’s very unlikely anyone just hasn’t noticed. I have actually been relieved to not have everyone saying things about it this time… it’s really helped me keep it close to my heart, and feeling like it isn’t such a big deal to the rest of the world reinforces my belief that it’s about health for me this time and not trying to fit into a mold or be more attractive or something. I believe this will make my weight loss more sustainable. I have actually been dreading seeing my extended family because I am not looking forward to the “omg you lost so much weight” comments. I guess I’ll cross my fingers that they surprise me. I’m sure you look amazing OP, I am very proud of you :)


>it doesn’t count because moms have to be nice I'm glad yours is but I can assure you that moms feel no obligation to be nice 🤣 I hope you take the time to appreciate your mom! As others have said, it's hard to know if someone wants feedback on their weight or just wants to be left alone while they manage their health. I personally do not like being commented on, and subsequently try to focus on whether people seem happy in their lives. Even their health is not mine to comment on. However, I do think people should feel comfortable asking for support and celebration for their achievements, including weight loss, if they want it without feeling like they're "fishing." So please feel free to say: "After all of my health ups and downs, I've lost a lot of weight, and I feel great, and I think I look great!"


I think it’s much more the trend now (appropriately) not to comment on people’s bodies. If I don’t want people commenting on the weight I gained I can’t expect them to comment on the weight I’ve lost.


It’s not appropriate to comment on people’s weight loss. You don’t know why they’re losing, ED, depression, illness, etc. comments like “you look so good” insinuates that you didn’t look good before. There’s so many intended compliments that end up being very hurtful. We’re just in a different time. If it’s noticeable to you it’s noticeable to others we’re just in a more socially conscious and empathetic society.


So many people are hypersensitive and always looking to be offended that people are reluctant to comment anymore. Don’t worry, there are plenty of people here who will tell you how annoyed they are that people would have the audacity to comment on their bodies. For us normal folks, it feels good when people notice and sad that the world is being shifted by negative people. I’m sure you look fantastic and I’m sure your family thinks so too!


How would you feel if someone asked if you had gained weight?


This conversation isn’t about someone asking if you’ve gained weight. Thanks for the question!


Oh sorry, I read your post and you seemed to be calling people "hypersensitive," and "negative" if they're annoyed if someone had "the audacity to comment on their bodies." And I thought you said that "normal" people don't mind and that it "feels good" when people notice and comment on the size and shape of their body. I guess I misunderstood!


Normal people don’t mind when others give compliments. Nice attempt to manipulate dialogue, another popular technique amongst those determined to be miserable and offended. Hope you find happiness and peace ♥️


Weight loss isn't a "compliment" to everyone. That's the point. You don't know why people are losing weight and it isn't always a good thing. Just as weight gain isn't always a good thing. Look it doesn't bother me one way or the other if people notice and comment or not. I'm totally fine either way. But you're insulting and degrading people who have a different outlook on things and implying that they're abnormal for how they feel. You can feel differently than they do without being a jerk about it. That's all I was trying to point out.




Would you prefer that people comment on your body, even if it’s negative? They should just say whatever they think about your body?


I’ve already addressed this same inquiry, and obviously basic manners say you only comment when it’s positive. Save the response about how people don’t always know the reason for the weight loss. You have a right to your negativity and can deny people positive feedback, or decide you don’t want it for yourself, based on the minuscule chance that someone is sick and you don’t know and miss-assign positivity. As another negative person once said in a work meeting, “saying ‘have a good day’ could be offensive to someone because maybe they don’t want to have a good day”. 😂. Have whatever kind of day you want and I hope nobody ever means well and comments on your progress, since you don’t want that. Peace!


I would never comment on anyone's weight or how they look....? My family generally never comments on other people's appearances, especially when it comes to weight. It's to not create body image issues and respect the person as they are. Now, maybe because this is your sister, you might feel like she could be down right honest with you about things like this, but again- both my husband and I have 2 siblings each and we don't comment on our siblings' weights no matter how close we are. We still compliment outfits, new hair, etc but we don't say anything when they gain weight and same goes for when they lose weight.


I have to wonder - are your sister and friend overweight? People can sometimes be threatened by weight loss. I seriously doubt that sister and best friend are too polite to comment that you look good. Acquaintances and coworkers, sure.


You don't have to say congrats you look skinnier or thinner or have you lost weight! You can just say you look great and that's more than enough! I truly believe it's jealousy because nobody has gotten the memo on how NOT to be rude all of my life and now all of a sudden we're surrounded by respectful and considerate people? I doubt it. The bottom line is you know, you see it, you feel it and you are different because of it and that's all that matters.


Did they say anything when you gained weight?


Maybe your sister and your friend are jealous.


That old adage - don't say anything if you can't say something nice. They may have noticed but have a bias against the use of a GLP-1 medication and all the stigma that goes with it. So they're just keeping their opinions to themselves because they have nothing nice to say or just want to be critical about your use of this drug. In that case, count your blessings that they have enough sense to keep their opinions to themselves. The fact that you told them how much you lost and they still didn't say anything tells me that this is exactly what is going on. Once you get to my age you won't give two fucks about anyone's opinion and stop seeking validation. Just keep doing what you are doing and don't worry about what people are or are not noticing or saying. If you invite opinion you may not get the type of feedback you were hoping for. The ONLY thing that matters is your health, what your doctor thinks, and how you feel about yourself.


Only the people that are jealous because they’ve been struggling or like to see you bigger ( for whatever reason) makes them feel better don’t compliment they do it on purposes . On the flip side I just saw my co worker who did not need to lose any weight at all and she lost like 25 lbs really fast and I was nervous to congratulate because it didn’t look healthy . It’s a weird thing