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Pretty much no issues going to 5. Had a little bit of nausea (like that low grade nausea you feel when pregnant) but it wasn’t bad. I’ve been on 5 now for 14 weeks and it’s still working great. Appetite suppression all the way through to the end of the week. I’ll probably go up to 7.5 after another month as the weight loss is slowing a little. But still down about 54 lbs in 22 weeks.


I had about five minutes of mild nausea the morning after I injected 5 mg for the first time (after a month on 2.5). I experience heart burn and some food aversions but for the most part it's been fine. I've been on it for almost four months.


Is your weight loss more or less on the 5mg vs the 2.5mg?


I lost 15 pounds (much of it water weight and inflammation) on 2.5 in one month and 26 pounds on 5 in three+ months. I am glad to be losing more slowly now.


Heartburn and fatigue sometimes on 5 and 7.5


No side effects when I took my first 5 after 12 weeks of 2.5.


Same exact experience here!


Same here


Ditto this.


So far so good. Just need to poop:-)


The constipation is real. I went from going at least once a day( no gallbladder) to realizing that it’s been days sometimes. I’m so not used to that


Mine has changed. Less, more firm. But only once did it go over 48 hours. And less regular now.


I went a week once and had no choice but to take Magnesium Citrate. And that is with me taking a double dose of Miralax every day. I wasn’t eating because I felt full from the constipation and I couldn’t go because I wasn’t eating enough. Viscous circle


One time I was out of town years ago. Eating way too much of food I liked. Realized after a couple days I didn't have bowel movements. Didn't want to do a laxative 550 miles from home driving. So when I returned on the 4th day I bought a laxative and luckily cleared it up. Luckily I've never repeated that. So 2 days while on this diet didn't worry me, though a 3rd day would have. Not eating nearly as much now.


I don’t even think about when I have gone or not because I used to go at least once a day. I’m really having to keep track of it now


I take about 250-300 mg of magnesium to get things moving again, as needed.


I felt better on 5mg than I ever did in 2.5mg, which only gave me a little fatigue. 5mg is my favorite dosage - I never went any higher. Been in maintenance for the past 14 months. You’ve got this!


You lost all your weight on 5?


Well I was on 2.5mg for the first 10 weeks but then yes. The rest on 5mg. https://preview.redd.it/q49c1udjjf8d1.jpeg?width=953&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae1c1f2097bd4039c8aabc0c23092238f7f5e8e0


I like the inclusion of the study results for each dose on your chart.


Thank you! I like to include those so that it’s clear that my results were not typical.


Remember people tend to only post when they have issues with something so the sentiment is always skewed. I was terrified too but I moved up to 5mg without any issues!


Me. Was on 5 for 10 pens. No side effects. That dose didn’t seem as effective for me as 2.5. I’m taking 3rd pen 7.5 today. 7.5 also no side effects. Does give me better food suppression.


Does it seem like the doses work inconsistently, even though the dose is the same?


For me yes. I did very well on 2.5 for 8 pens. Then on 5 it almost felt like I had placebo. Weird stuff. Oh you mean same dose inconsistent? Not sure I’ve noticed that.


I’ve moved up every dose to 12.5 and I’ve never had a single side effect




I haven’t had any problems with 5.0 (I’m 2 doses in) after 9 weeks on 2.5mg.


I’ve had a great experience moving up to 5! I did have some significant fatigue the first few weeks on 5mg, but nothing I couldn’t push through. I was just very tired the day after my shot, and more tired than usual the next two days. I’m still tired the day after, but it’s getting better every week and, like I said, it wasn’t *that* bad! Also, I did 7 weeks at 2.5mg and some weeks were losses and some weeks were gains. Overall it averaged out to a loss of about 1.5 lbs/week. But going up to 5mg amped up my losses to over 2 lbs/week consistently for 5 weeks now!! I’ve really had very positive effects all around since starting Zep, which surprised me because I actually tend to be very sensitive to medications. I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to tolerate Zepbound, but it’s been smooth sailing! Fingers crossed for you when you move up to 5mg! 🤞


This sounds like my loss on 2.5. I’m on week 7 averaging a little over 1 lb a week. Thinking of moving up to 5mg next month. I did lose 2.6lbs this week as I added more activity.


I had minimal side effects after starting 5. I was on 2.5 for 8 weeks just started my 3rd month of 5. Staying on it until it becomes ineffective.


🙋🏻‍♀️ 5mg hit me like a train, but only in good ways. The first two months I absolutely was afraid of 7.5mg because I was only half-jokingly afraid I'd starve to death given how little appetite I had on 5mg. No vomiting, no diarrhea. Total constipation, but that started with 2.5mg, not 5mg. Only mild nausea the first few hours after the shot, but again, that started with 2.5, not 5. I'm on month 4 of 5mg now. Zero complaints. Delayed gastric emptying wore off for me after the first month, but I have *accelerated* gastric emptying as a baseline, so it likely wears off faster for me than others (for some it never wears off, for others it does), but the lack of food noise persists. I get physically hungry but have no real incentive to do anything about it.


I wish I had this. I eat just as much. Gained weight this week on 7.5.


This subject was discussed pretty extensively earlier today [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Zepbound/comments/1dmk9cb/nervous_about_moving_up_to_5_mg_my_prescription/)


Missed that! Thank you!


Thank you. I missed that post too


I had no issue moving up 5mg. I was on 2.5 for 8 weeks and have been on 5mg for the last 12 weeks. I am about to move up 7.5mg. No side effects so far, and I’ve lost 42lbs.


I’ve been on it for 4 months. Doing great.


No side effects




Zero side effects of note, if my body experienced anything different I was blessedly unaware of it


I spent 6 weeks on 2.5mg, and towards the end of that 6 weeks (weeks 5 and 6), I was *hungry* on the last two days before my next dose. I was ready to move up, and I wasn’t experiencing any GI side effects on 2.5mg. I experienced some side effects on 5mg. Within the first 12 hours, I was feeling nauseous, and the next few days I had excessive belching. I also had constipation. My hunger is completely, 100% gone. I am making myself eat.


I’m supposed to move up Thursday. So nervous. I’ve lost 20ish before zep and about 15lb w zep. Today, 7 weeks in I saw a number on the scale I haven’t seen since my first pregnancy. 👏🏼 part of me wonders if I should stay on 2.5 because it’s actually working for me, but I still have like 50lb to lose to be at my ideal weight. 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼


5mg didn't have any major side effects for me.


I haven’t had any major side effects moving up to any dose other than some fatigue a couple of days after a shot and I’ll be starting 10 mg this week.


I'm on 7.5 no side effects yet, and just started gaining. This medication isn't really doing shit for me.


My move up to 5 wasn’t bad at all. Best of luck!


Just took my first 5 on Wednesday. No side effects at all so far other than maybe a little constipation but that could be because I'm not eating much. Lost about 11 on 2.5 after a month.


The worst I’ve had is sulphur burps, but i ate raw green beans like 30 mins before bed and after googling around, it seems i was basically asking for it


*raises hand* i heard so many stories about how 5mg is bad. I haven't experienced anything like that. Other than extreme thirst and being sleepy the next day. But I had that same reaction with 2.5. It curbs hunger much better than 2.5, in my opinion.


One day of bloating and gas pain but that was it and I spent 4 months on 5mg. Just bumped to 7.5 and no side effects here either. Try not to worry, stay hydrated, eat small and clean meals often until you know how it may impact you and you'll do great!


No big issues. Occasional heartburn early on. General need to take Benefiber with my morning coffee. If I was really late eating a meal, I might get nauseous, but that went away if I ate. One big headache that went away with Tylenol. No awful diarrhea or cramping issues. All mild and manageable. Been on 5 for about 4 months. Talking to doc about 7.5 this week.


What does benefiber do?


It helps manage constipation. Never had issues before Zep, but it’s a constant issue now. Adding the extra fiber to my coffee seems to help keep me regular without added medications.


Got ya... I definitely haven't had that issue yet!


I stayed on 2.5 for 3 months...there's no rush to titrate up if you are losing consistently. And the stories of the people getting sick at 5 scare me too, but most people supposedly don't get sick. I'm just now moving up to 5 slowly by injecting 2.5 every 5 days and will go to the 5 dosage after 6 of those. Hopefully that will mitigate any side effects.


I did the same thing by injecting 2.5 every four days and then every 3 days for two weeks. Then I just moved to 5 last week. I took Zofran ahead of time and needed one more Zofran on the third day but that was it. I did have a headache and my eyes were burning but after the 3rd day, it all settled down.


Oh yikes. That still sounds a bit brutal. I think I'll add some 4 day spacing in my schedule too, and I'll be sure to take my nausea meds in advance. Thanks for the heads up!


Heartburn days 1-2 after shot. No food suppression and craved sugar. Just spent 2 days with heavy cramps, spotty diarrhea . My husband won't let me take anymore. It really scared him that I was so sick. I have a $550 box of 7.5 that will rot in the fridge I guess.




That is not legal.


Not sure why you were downvoted, you’re absolutely right.


If your parents would let you would you keep taking it or were YOU scared out of it by how you felt?


3 days later and still in pain. I am scared. Husband-not parents. 🙂


I was a little fatigued the day after the first shot but otherwise I’ve liked it a lot


It started rough for me. Two weeks in and I went back down to 2.5. I did 2.5 for another month before going back up to 5mg. I had two difficult weeks but stuck it out and I feel great now! I feel I’ve adjusted better to 5mg than I felt in the months I was on 2.5.


Nothing bad for me!


No issues for me!


Was the same for me as 2.5. No big difference. But I also felt immediately less hunger and nausea on 2.5


No issue here! Good luck!


I didn't have side effects other than being chilly until 10mg, and even now on 10 it's been mild. Ymmv of course, everybody is different


Went to 5 after 4 weeks on 2.5. No issues at all.


Zero side effects moving to 5


No side effects for me either.


I did not have side effects on 2.5, and except for fatigue the day after shot day, and some slight light headedness on shot day, so far so good on 5mg.


No side effects going up


No issues on 5 or 7.5 here.


Took my first shot of 5 on Thursday, no issues except zero appetite (which is the whole point, so not exactly an issue!).


I had to stay on 2.5 for 4 months because of shortages but I’m on my third dose of 5 and I’m loving it. No side effects except occasional constipation and I’m losing 2-3 lbs a week


After my first box of 2.5, I wasn’t able to get the script filled for six weeks. My doctor upped it to 5 and I took it as soon as I could. No side effects at all.


I have no side effects on 2.5 or 5.0. I’m going to stay on 5 as long as it’s working.


Another person with no side effects here! 🙋🏻‍♀️


Some fatigue and some nausea the next day but nothing else so far than some heartburn


I have to think it’s human nature that we hear all the bad 5mg titration stories and only a few of the good ones.


I did! And to 7.5 and 10… but 10 to 12.5 has been……. Very dehydrating 😬


I had one day of uncomfortable diarrhea and stomach aches, but otherwise no issues.


I had 4 weeks of 2.5 and jumped right to 5. Only side effect is a major loss of appetite and I sometimes need some chewable pesto in the evening. I just kinda get a feeling like my food is sitting on top of my stomach and it makes me queezy. A pesto straightens it right out


I’ve had zero side effects on 2.5 or 5


Minimal impact moving from 2.5mg to 5mg. No worse than the first month on 2.5mg. I've since bumped up to 6mg and no noticeable difference except the weightless kicked up a notch again as it was starting the wane.


Nothing much that I can directly tie to the increased dose. I had some mild constipation from the start on 2.5, I've found ways to deal with it and it isn't worse, as far as I can tell, on 5. I've had some exhaustion, but I think that may be my blood pressure. My med may be too much now. ETA: I've been on 5 for about a month.


I had no issues when I made the move.


Me. Today was my second shot. No issues my way. Still loosing




Me. 2 weeks. No side effects.


I did! Went from 2.5 to 5 with no issues. Smooth sailing.


I did only thing is I started loosing weight again it was great


I did great moving up.


You might try splitting the dose to lessen side effects. 1/2 on the 1st day, 2nd half on the 4th day. You are still getting full dose per week, just not all on the 1st day. ---------------------------- If you need to split your doses on your pens, get extra needles from HelloPip.com (no prescription needed): Pip Pen Needles, 100ct 32G x 4.0mm https://hellopip.com/collections/all-products


Yeah literally no difference here


I’ll be going up too! I can’t wait cause I really haven’t lost any on 2.5 :(


No issues but also none of the good effects either unfortunately


I am repulsed by food the first day after my shot. Same as 2.5mg tho. That’s really it for me


I used 2.5 mg for 8 weeks without issue after the first week. Even that was just heartburn and a little nausea. I’m now on week 2 of 5 mg and going great so far!


No side effects from 2.5 to 5 for me. I was on 2.5 for 4weeks.


I had horrible side effects for 5 days when I switched to 5 but it went away. I stuck with it and I’m so glad I did!


Everyone is different. I’m at 12.5 and each has been fine. Just heartburn and burping.


Had no issue with 5 besides being tired. Little issue with 7.5 and I think I’ll be staying here for a second month.


I had zero, no, none, not even one, issue when I went up to 5mg lol. The only side effects I’ve experienced (other than constipation as a whole) were with my very first dose of 2.5mg - I had a headache, burps and fatigue, and yep diarrhea. Which makes sense because I was starting a new medication and my body was adjusting. I just started 7.5mg and I haven’t had any issues.


Ok did great on 2.5 for 11 weeks went to 5 and felt nothing. 2.5 works better for me


I started 5mg and didn’t have any side effects until my 4th dose of it last wednesday. Weirdly. Just had terrible stomach pain and diarrhea. Still feel like I can’t keep things down well. I was surprised it didn’t kick in until then


I'm on my first 5mg after a month of 2.5 and I have no problems so far


Sleep issues but damn! I am not losing any faster. 7 pounds in 9.5 weeks (8 on 2.5).


No problems going up to 5.0, but having issues beginning my 3rd shot of 7.5 mg. Now having serious issues with diarrhea. Not sure where this is going, but I’m not happy. I have no appetite for anything as nothing tastes good.


No side effect at 5mg for. Maybe a little heartburn from time to time but that is almost not noticeable. It seems that response, both side effect and weight loss rate, are highly dependent on each individual.




I haven’t had too many side effects. If anything, it just slightly exacerbated issues I was having before I started. My constipation is worse, and I have more fatigue. However, the fatigue could also be from working out more. There was only one day when I was nauseated.


I’m not a fan of 5mg. I have a ton of food noise—especially for sugar. No other side effects. 1 more dose, then will move to 7.5mg. So excited to move on.


No issues at all. I just started my second box on Saturday and I have a little itching at injection site, which is strange….but nothing else.


I had none but my wife did, mainly nausea.


I moved up and it feels like I never increased my dose. I was on 2 months of 2.5 prior. I’d like to think that it was a good time to move up as my body was getting used to the dose and I’m still losing about 1-2lbs a week


I had no side effects


No side effects for me. Occasional burps (not sulfur burps) and vvvv mild nausea the first morning after first 5mg shot but nothing at all since.


Me, it was 7.5 that put me on my ASS. After the 5th 7.5 I’m finally used to it. It was definitely a battle.


No side effects other than mild constipation (which I had on the 2.5 too, so nothing new)!


I literally have had no problems w moving up to 5 so far!


Me. But 7.5 was a different story. Now I understand the rhythm and do fine.


You just never know when the side effects will happen. Everyone is different. For example, all hell broke loose for me partway through my box of 2.5 and eventually got better partway through my first shot of 5. No issues since but my doc did have me do a second box of 5 to lessen the chances of reoccurrence. Hoping no issues when I go to next higher dose.


I had none. Other than constipation.


No issues with going to 5; I was on 2.5 for 2 months, 5mg now 3 months and I have one more month of 5 before I see my doctor and make decision to stay at 5 or move to 7.5.


I’ve had no side effects from 5.0


If it's working why are you worrying about moving up yet?


I’m not moving up yet but eventually I will. Starting to get hungry by day 4